too much too many和much too 的用法PPT學(xué)習(xí)教案_第1頁
too much too many和much too 的用法PPT學(xué)習(xí)教案_第2頁
too much too many和much too 的用法PPT學(xué)習(xí)教案_第3頁
too much too many和much too 的用法PPT學(xué)習(xí)教案_第4頁
too much too many和much too 的用法PPT學(xué)習(xí)教案_第5頁
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1、會計學(xué)1 too much too many和和much too 的用的用 法法 一、一、too many +cn(too many +cn(可數(shù)名詞可數(shù)名詞) ) too manytoo many的中心詞是的中心詞是many, many, 用法與用法與manymany相同,相同, 用來修飾復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞。用來修飾復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞。 例如例如: : Hes got too many questions to ask you.Hes got too many questions to ask you. 他有很多問題要問你。他有很多問題要問你。 They bought too many eggs yes

2、terday. They bought too many eggs yesterday. 昨天他們買了太多的雞蛋。昨天他們買了太多的雞蛋。 第1頁/共13頁 二、二、too much +un(不可數(shù)名詞不可數(shù)名詞) too much的中心詞是的中心詞是much, 用法與用法與much相同,用來相同,用來 修飾不可數(shù)名詞。修飾不可數(shù)名詞。 例如例如: We both have too much work to do. 我們倆都有很多工作要做。我們倆都有很多工作要做。 She spent too much money on clothes. 她花太多錢買衣服。她花太多錢買衣服。 The teach

3、er told him not to spend too much time playing games. 老師叫他不要花太多時間玩游戲。老師叫他不要花太多時間玩游戲。 第2頁/共13頁 三、三、much too +adj/adv much too的中心詞是的中心詞是too, 用法與用法與too相同,用來修飾相同,用來修飾 原級形容詞或副詞。原級形容詞或副詞。 例如例如: Youre walking much too fast. Slow down. 你走得太快了你走得太快了, 慢點(diǎn)。慢點(diǎn)。 Im afraid that this cap is much too big for me. 這這

4、頂帽子我戴恐怕太大了。頂帽子我戴恐怕太大了。 Its much too cold outside. Youd better put on your overcoat. 外面太冷了外面太冷了, 你最好把大衣穿上。你最好把大衣穿上。 第3頁/共13頁 另外,另外, too much還可作還可作名詞性短語名詞性短語,用作,用作賓語賓語; 也可作也可作 副詞性短語副詞性短語,在句中用,在句中用作狀語作狀語,修飾動詞。例如,修飾動詞。例如: Youve given me too much. 你給我的太多了。你給我的太多了。 I have too much to do every day, so I am

5、 very busy. 我每天都有很多事情要做,所以我很忙。我每天都有很多事情要做,所以我很忙。 Dont eat too much. 不要吃得太多。不要吃得太多。 第4頁/共13頁 第5頁/共13頁 用用too many too many 和和too much,much tootoo much,much too填空填空 1._trouble 1._trouble 2._problems 2._problems 3._time3._time 4._hours4._hours 5._homework5._homework 6._big6._big 7._classes 7._classes 8.

6、_expensive 8._expensive 9._jobs 9._jobs 10_food 10_food 11._cakes 11._cakes 12._work12._work too much too many too much too many too much much too too many much too too many too much too many too much 第6頁/共13頁 譯一譯: a. You gave me too many cards. _. b.I have too much work to do. _ c.He works much too

7、 hard. _ 我有太多的工作要做。我有太多的工作要做。 你給了我太多的卡片。你給了我太多的卡片。 他工作的太努力了。他工作的太努力了。 第7頁/共13頁 【活學(xué)活用】選擇填空【活學(xué)活用】選擇填空 1. 有太多的貧民生活在十分貧窮的條件下。有太多的貧民生活在十分貧窮的條件下。 _ poor people are living in poor conditions. 2.There are _ rules at home. 有過多的家規(guī)有過多的家規(guī) 3.The street was closed off for _cars 道路由于車輛過多而受阻道路由于車輛過多而受阻. 4.We dont w

8、ant to spend _ money.我們不想花太多的錢。我們不想花太多的錢。 5.Dont give those plants _ water; they will die. 別給這些植物澆太多的水別給這些植物澆太多的水, 它們會死的它們會死的. Too many too many too many too much too much 第8頁/共13頁 6.Im afraid hes _ busy to see visitors. 恐怕他太忙恐怕他太忙,不能會客不能會客. 7.就咱倆之間說說就咱倆之間說說, 那小伙子的頭發(fā)實(shí)在是太長了那小伙子的頭發(fā)實(shí)在是太長了. Between ours

9、elves, that young mans hair is _ long. 8.Fathers objection was that the trip was _ expensive. 父親反對的是這趟旅行太費(fèi)錢了。父親反對的是這趟旅行太費(fèi)錢了。 9.She laughs _.她笑得太多了。她笑得太多了。 10.Eat _and drink _. 大吃大喝。大吃大喝。 much too much too much too too much too much too much 第9頁/共13頁 第10頁/共13頁 1.He eats _food ,so he is _fat. A too ma

10、ny;too much B too many;much too C too much;too much D too much; much too 2 . - You shouldnt eat _ meat because its bad for your health. - Thanks. And eating a lot will make me look _ fat. Amuch too B.too much C.many too Dtoo many 3.- Mum, the soup is _salty. - Sorry, dear. Ive put _salt in it, Atoo much;a lot Bmuch too;a lot Cmany too;a lot of D. much too;too much D B A D 第11頁/共13頁 5. Today,_trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world Amuch too Btoo much Cmany too Dtoo many 6. Look!Theres _ice on the lake Atoo much Bmuch too Ca lot D. too ma


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