



1、Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.CMatters that need attentionI. Household Register has the legal force to prove the citizenship status and the relationship between family members and it is the main basis for the household registration institution to inves

2、tigate and check the household registration. The head of household or the member of the household shall initiatively submit the household register for checking at the time that the staff in the household registration authority conducts investigation and check of the Household Register.II. The head o

3、f the household shall keep the Household Register properly and is prohibited to alter, assign and lend the Household Register privately. If the Household Register is lost, the head of the household shall immediately report to the household registration authority.III. The registration rights of the H

4、ousehold Register shall belong to the registration authority. Any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the Household Register.IV. If the household has personnel increase or decrease or change of registered items, they shall apply to the registration authority for declaration with

5、the Household Register.V. Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the household registration authority for revocation.Type ofNon-agricultural familyHead of Household:Household: 戶別非農家庭戶口戶主姓名HouseholdCurrent residentialNumber: 戶號add

6、ress: 住址AuthorizingPublic Security Bureau ofRecording Office:Institution:Shanghai (seal)戶口登記機關省級公安機關上海市公安局No. 00xxxxxxxShanghai, Xuhui, xxx Road xxxx上海市 xx 區(qū) xxx 路 xxxx 弄 xxxx 室xx Street Police Station (seal)xx 街道派出所Issuing Date: xx/xx/20xxPage 1Register of Residence Change 住址變動登記Address after moveD

7、ate of moveRegister personnel變動后的住址變動日期承辦人簽章Page 2Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登記卡1)Non-agricultural family 非農家庭戶口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxName 姓名Relationship with Householder:Head of Household戶主或與戶主關系戶主Other NamesSexM曾用名性別男Place of BirthEthnicityHan出生地民族漢族Ancestral native plac

8、eDate of Birth籍貫出生日期Other Local AddressesReligionNone本市其他住址宗教信仰無Residence ID NumberHeightBlood typeN/A身份證號身高血型不明EducationMarriageMilitary service status文化程度婚姻狀況服兵役狀況EmployerOccupation服務處所職業(yè)When andfromwheremoved to this city 何時由何地遷來本市When andfromwheremoved to current address 何時由何地遷來本址Page 3Registrat

9、ion Change and Records登記事項變更和更正記載ItemChange/ post changeDate of changeRegister personnel項目變更變更后變更日期承辦人簽章Page 4Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登記卡2)Non-agricultural family 非農家庭戶口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxName 姓名Relationship with Householder:Son戶主或與戶主關系子Other NamesSexM曾用名性別男Place of

10、BirthEthnicityHan出生地民族漢Ancestral native placeDate of Birth籍貫出生日期Other Local AddressesReligionNone本市其他住址宗教信仰無Residence ID NumberHeightBlood type身份證號身高血型EducationMarriageSingleMilitary service status文化程度婚姻狀況未婚服兵役狀況EmployerOccupation服務處所職業(yè)When andfromwheremoved to this city 何時由何地遷來本市When andfromwheremo

11、ved to current address 何時由何地遷來本址Page 5Registration Change and Records登記事項變更和更正記載ItemChange/ post changeDate of changeRegister personnel項目變更變更后變更日期承辦人簽章Page 6Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登記卡3)Non-agricultural family 非農家庭戶口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxName 姓名Relationship with Householder:Wife戶主或與戶主關系妻Other NamesSexF曾用名性別女Place of BirthEthnicityHan出生地民族漢Ancestral native placeDate of Birth籍貫出生日期Other Local AddressesReligionNone本市其他住址宗教信仰無Residence ID NumberHeightBlood type身份證號身高血型EducationMarr


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