



1、英語試卷(時間: 40 分鐘 滿分: 60 分)得分評卷人一選擇題:(15 分)() (1). I get up _ about seven fifty -five.A. inB. onC. atD. for() (2). They often help _.A. IB.mineC. myD. me() (3). I want to buy _.A. a China of map B. a map China C. a map of China D. a Chinamap() (4). I wanted to play _ piano and my best friend wanted top

2、lay the violin yesterday.A. theB. aC. /;D. an() (5). Do you like _?A. swimB. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too() (6). Lets _something for our parents.A.doingB. doC.does D. todo()(7).-_ Linda have a littlesister?-Yes,she does.A. IsB. DoesC. DoD. Are() (8). There is something wrongwithmy toycar. C

3、ould you_ memend it?A. helpB. helpingC. helpsD. helped() (9). -Whats the matter with Mary, Tony?- _ .A. He is angry. B. She has a fever. C. He is ten. D. She has two books.()(10).Lee is 18 years old.Lilyis 4years younger s than Lee. Howold is Lily?A.18B.22C.14D.4() (11). Look, The twins _ basketball

4、.A. playsB. playC. are playing D. is playing() (12). Tom and Xiao Ming are both twelve years old. _ are goodfriends.A. TheyB. WeC. YouD. Their座號()(13). _ some water in the fridge?(A. Are thereB. Is thereC. HaveD. Has)(14).Pleaselookafter your mother at home.(選出劃線詞語的正確釋義)A.看見B.照看C.向后看 D.后面看()(15). Ca

5、n you spell your name?(選出劃線詞語的正確釋義)得分評卷人A.抄寫B(tài)讀出C拼寫D告訴二、按要求改寫單詞:(10 分)1. she_( 賓格 )2. knife_(復數)3. make_( 過去式 )4. three_(序數詞 )5. China_ (形容詞)6.he _(形容詞性物主代詞)7. this _(反義詞 )8. play _(-ing 形式)9.photo_ (復數)10.sheep_(復數 )得分評卷人三、按要求改寫句子,每空只填一個單詞:(10 分)1. The children like apples.(改為一般疑問句)_ the children _

6、apples ?2. Are these your books? (不改變原句意思,改寫句子) Are these _ _?3.Please put your socks here. (改為否定句 )_ put your socks here, _.4.They have breakfast at seven oclock. ( 就劃線部分提問 )What _ _ they have breakfast?5.Is this your handbag?(作否定回答)_, _ isn t.得分評卷人四、用所給的動詞的適當形式填空:(5 分)1. Look ! My sister _ ( play

7、) with the toy cars .2. Linda _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .3. Do they like _ (shop) ?4.Toms mother _ (have) a nice jacket .5. Can you _ (make ) a paper plane for me ?得分評卷人五。補全對話。( 5 分)Wang Ping: _1_ Mary.Mary: Good afternoon, Wang Ping. _2_?Wang Ping: She s my sister, Ling Ling. Ling Ling, th

8、is is Mary.Ling Ling: Hello, Mary. Nice to meet you.Mary: Hello, Ling Ling! Nice to meet you ,too._3_Ling Ling: Im eleven.Mary:Are you a student?Ling Ling: _4_I m in Class 2, Grade 1.Mary: Oh, good, were in the same(同樣的 )_5_.從對話后邊所給的選項中,選出正確的答案完成對話。()1. A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon. C. How are

9、you?()2.A. Whos that boy? B.Whos that girl? C.Whats that girl?()3. A. How old are you? B. Are you eleven?C. How are you?()4. A. Yes,I m.B. No,I m not.C. Yes, I am.()5. A. roomB. gradeC. row(排)得分評卷人六閱讀理解( 15 分)A閱讀短文,選擇正確答案It is Tuesday morning. Toms mother is making cakes.It is time forTom to have br

10、eakfast. But Tom cant find his football shoes.Tom: Mum, where are my football shoes?Mum: Are they at the door?Tom: no, theyre not there.Mum: Look! Aren t they under the bed?Tom: Oh, yes, thank you.Mum: You must look after your things. Youre thirteen years old.Tom: OK, Mum. Now I want to have my brea

11、kfast.Mum: Come here. Look, these cakes are very nice.Tom: Let me ha ve two of them.Oh, Mum, its ten past seven. I mustgo to school. byeMum: Goodbye.() 1. Toms shoes are _.A. at the doorB. under the bedC. on the tableD. under the table() 2. Toms mother_.A. is mendingToms shoesB. is making some cakes

12、C. is making shoesD. is carrying some cakes() 3. Tom wants to _ after he finds his football shoes.A. look after MumB. make shoesC. have breakfastD. give Mum a cake() 4. Tom goes to school at_.A. 6:50B. 7:00C. 10:07D. 7:10() 5. Tom is _ now.A. 13B. 12C. 14D. 11BThis is my friend, Kate. She is an Engl

13、ish girl. She is twelve. She inClass Three, Grade Six.She is Number Five in Row(排) Four. I am Han Ming.I am a Chinese boy. Kate and I are in the same(同樣的) school. ItNumber 9 Primary School(第 9 小學) . But we are not in the same class.I m in Class Two, Grade Six. I am Number Three in Row Three. Kate andI are good friends. And we have the same age(年齡) .s根據短文內容,每空一詞完成句子。1. Kate is an _ girl. She


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