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1、開放英語2第一部分 交際用語1.hello, may i talk to the headmaster now?c_a. sorry, you cant b. no, you cantc. sorry, he is busy at the moment2. what kind of tv program do you like best?- aa. its hard to say, actually b. i only watch them at weekendc. im too busy to say3oh, sorry to bother you.c.a. oh, i dont knowb

2、. no, you cantc. thats okay 4can you turn down the radio, please?a.a. im sorry, i didnt realize it was that loud b. please forgive mec. ill keep it down next time5. -would you mind if i open the window for a better view? - ca. thats fine, thank you b. yes, pleasec. of course not6. hello, could i spe

3、ak to don please? -b a. who are you b. whos speaking c. areyoujane7. -may i know your address? - aa. sure. here you are b. i have no idea c. its far from here8. hows the movie? interesting?ba. i was seated far away in the cornerb. far from. i should have stayed home watching tv c. it was shown late

4、until midnight9. what if my computer doesnt work? ba. im not good at computerb. ask anne for help c. ive called the repair shop 10. -lets take a walk. - ca. yes, letsb. oh, thanksc.yes,please11. 11、 whats the problem, harry?- a.a. i cant remember where i left my glassesb. no problem at all c. thank

5、you for asking me about it12. is this the motel you mentioned?a.a. yes, its as quiet asweexpectedb. it looks comfortable c. no, the prices reasonable 13. would you like to have dinner with us this evening? b.a.i dont knowb.sorry, but this evening i have to go to the airport to meet my parents c.no,

6、i cant14.well, mary, how are you?- c.a. im goodb. im pleasedc.imfine15. would you like to see the menu?a.a. no, thanks. i already know what to order b. your menu is very clearc. i hear the food here is tasty 16. - i think the internet is very helpful.- a.a. yes, so do ib. thats a very good ideac.nei

7、therdoi17.i think the internet is very helpful.- _a_.a. yes, so do i .b. thats a very good ideac. neither do i d. id rather go surfing on it18.i have an appointment with dr. johnson.- _c_.a. the appointment is put off b. you look sick and weakc. please wait for minute. he is busy now d. tell me your

8、 id number19.afternoon, sir. where to?- _a_.a. please get me to the airportb. please pick me up next timec. ive been to the airport d. the plane will take off in an hour20. can i help you to get it down? c.a. no problem b. yes. lets get it c. thanks. its so nice of youd. its no trouble at all21. im

9、trying to call marie, but theres no answer. d.a. i didnt realize thatb. here is a message for her c. im really sorry about itd. really? maybe shes out 22. are you sure about that? d.a. you neednt worry about that b. i like the idea. c. oh, no. im afraid of thatd. oh, yes. im absolutely positive 23.

10、would you like to see the menu? a.a. no, thanks. i already know what to order b. your menu is very clearc. i hear the food here is tastyd. the setting is very comfortable24. what if my computer doesnt work? b.a. im not good at computerb. ask anne for helpc. ive called the repair shop d. there must b

11、e something wrong25. hows the movie? interesting? c.a. it was shown late until midnight b.it was starred by a few famous people c. far from. i should have stayed home watching tv d.i was seated far away in the corner26. is this the motel you mentioned? b.a.itlookscomfortableb. yes, its as quiet as w

12、e expected c. youre soconsiderate d. no, the prices reasonable第二部分 詞匯與結構1. the difinition leaves _ b for disagreement.a. a small roomb. much room c. great deal room 2. i prefer classic music b pop music.a.than b. to c. with3. ancient greece is the c of western civilization.a.sorces b. sourcec. origi

13、n 4. it is very convenient a here.a. living b. to livec. live5. all the team members tried their best. we lost the game, c .a.asb. thereforec. however6. the sun heats the earth, c is very important to living things.a.thatb. whatc. which 7. when we were having a meeting, the director the bad news by

14、telephone.a. was tellingb. was toldc.couldtell8. more and more people in china now _a_ to work regularly.a.driveb. drivesc. have driven9. let me _b_ the case carefully before i draw a conclusion.a. look outb. look into c. look after10. the patient acted on the doctors _c_ and finallyrecovered.a.advi

15、cesb.advisec.advice.11. silk _a by chinese for thousands of years now.a. has been used b.was usedc. is used12. you _b to lock the door at night.a. shall b. oughtc. must13. you must explain _c_ how they succeeded _ the experiment.a. of us, forb. at us, atc. to us, in14. before i got to the cinema, th

16、e film_a a. had begunb. has begun c. is begun 15. i have lived here _b_ 1997.a. forb. sincec. from16. a lecture hall is _b_ where students attend lectures.a. that b. onec. which 17. im tired. i _ b_ working very hard.a. haveb. have beenc. had18. he keeps _b_ at himself in the mirror.a. to lookb. loo

17、king c. look19. the bedroom needs _c_.a.decorateb.to decoratec. decorating 20. before she left on the trip, she _ a _ hard.a.had trainedb. has trained c. would trained21. he is the man _c_ dog bit me.a.thatb.whichc. whose22. mary forgot _b_ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.a. wri

18、ting b. to write c. to have written23. whats happened to tom?- _a_ to hospital.a. hes been taken b. hell be taken c. hes taken 24. he was _ c _ about his new job.a. above the moon b. on the moon c. over the moon 25. everything _b_ if albert hadnt called the fire brigade.a. will be destroyedb. would

19、have been destroyedc. would be destroyed 26. on his first sea _b_, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.a.trip b.voyage c.tour 27. i broke my leg when i _a_skiing in america.a.was b.is c.would be28. she was convicted _c_ murder.a.tob.in c.of29. he, as well as i, _ a _

20、a student.a.is b.am c.are30mother was busy. although she was not watching the basketball on tv, she _a _ it on the radio.a. was listening tob. was hearingc. was listening 31. hardly _a_ home when it began to rain.a.had i gotb.i had gotc.had iarrived in 32. it happen _c_ a winter night.a. at b. in c.

21、 on33.after _c_ the shopping list, i found that i forgot to buy salt. a.examiningb.testingc. checkingd. seeing34.ann is studying _ b _ at university. apoliticb.politics c. politiciand. political 35.after_ c _the bid, major construction began in beijing.a. win b. winingc. winningd. won 36.a lecture h

22、all is _ c _ where students attend lectures.a. thereb. whichc. oned. that37.be sure to _ a _ your wife when you come here this evening. a.bringb.takec. getd. carry38.before she left on the trip, she _ d _ hard. a.trainedb. has trainedc. would trained d. had trained39.-can i get you a couple of tea?-

23、_a_a. thats very nice of you b. with pleasure c. you can, please d. thank you for the tea40.dont worry. there is _ c _ room for all your books here. a. more b. much c. enough d. some 41._ a _fine weather it is! a. what b. what a c. howd. how a 42._ c _for the olympic games begin about ten years in a

24、dvance. a. bidb. to bidc. bidding d. to be bidden 43.everything _ d _ if albert hadnt called the fire brigade. a. will be destroyedb. will have been destroyedc.would bedestroyedd.would have been destroyed44.her parents died when she was very young, so she was _ a _by her aunt. a. brought upb. brough

25、t out c. grown upd. grown 45._ b _ he said is quite right.a.thatb. what c. howd. why46.he kept the light in his room _ b _ the whole night.a. burntb. burningc. burnd. to burn47.he keeps _ b _ at himself in the mirror.a.to look b. lookingc. lookd. looked 48.he was _ a _ about his new job. a.over the

26、moonb. on the moonc. off the moond. above the moon49.he has been _b_ in hospital for a month. a.dangerb.in dangerc.dangerousd. a danger50.he spends a quarter of the day _ b_. a.tosleepb. sleepingc. sleeps d. to sleeping51.he is the man _d_ dog bit me.a. that b. which c. whos d. whose52.it happened _

27、d_ a winter night. a. at b. in c. byd. on 53.if you _ a_ stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough. a. wont b. wouldntc. dontd. cant54.its not safe _c_ in the street.a. to playb. playc, playingd. plays55._d_ it with me and ill see what i can do. a. when leftb. leavingc. if you leaved. le

28、ave56.i dont suppose he will attend the meeting, _ b _? a.wont heb. will hec.do id.dont i57.i think all these are main points _b_ much attention. a.being worthy of b. worthy ofc.which worthd.which worthy of58.i have given _c_ eating meat. a.overb.downc. upd.down59.i know it isnt important but i cant

29、 help _ b _ about it.a. but to thinkb. thinkingc. tod. think 60.im tired. i _ b_ working very hard. a.haveb.have beenc. hadd. has 61.linda offered him her congratulations _d_ his passing the college entrance exams. a.at b.for c. ofd. on62.mr. white has a wife and three children to _ a _. a. raiseb.

30、keep c. grow d. take63.mary forgot _ _b_ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. a. writing b. to write c. having wrote d. to have written64.not only i but also jane and mary _b_ tired of having one examination after another. a. isb. are c. am d. be65.our plane _a_ from london at 7:00

31、yesterday evening. a. took off b. put off c. flew off d. left off66.on his first sea _d_, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. a. trip b. travelc. tourd. voyage 67.shes unlucky, and shes always suffering _d _ luck one after another. a. a sick b. an ill c. sick d. ill6

32、8.she has lived here _b_ three years. a. since b. for c. during d. in 69.time is money! we should _ _b_ our time. a. be fit forb. make good use of c. play a part ofd. take the place of70.they _ _b_ the train until it disappeared in the distance. a. saw b. watched c. noticed d. observed71.thats all s

33、ettled. it _d_ talked about. a. shouldnt b. mustnt be c. cant d. neednt be 72.the bedroom needs _a_. a. decoratingb. to decoratec. decorate d. decorated 73.- whats happened to tom? -_d_to hospital.a.hes taken b. hell be taken c. hell take d. hes been taken74.-which do you like better, real movies _

34、d _ cartoons?- i prefer cartoons _ real movies.a. and , than b. or, than c. and, and d. or, to75.what a fool i have been! why _ b_ i think of that before? a. dontb. didnt c. notd. do76.we must make a difference between _a_ language and _language. a. spoken, writtenb. speaking, writtenc. speaking, wr

35、iting d. speak, write77.we _a_ every day when we were children. a. used to swim b. used to swimming c. use to swim d. use to swimming78.you must explain _ _c_ _ how they succeeded _ the experiment. a. of us, forb. at us, at c. to us, in d. for us, to 79.you look _d_. what _ you _? a. tire, diddob. t

36、iring, havedone c. tired, dodo d. tired, havebeen doing第三部分 閱讀理解短文理解1 caabbthere have been changes in all sorts of different areas of british society. in recent years in the uk we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced. after 1969 and the divorce law reform act we h

37、ad a very rapid increase in the number of divorces. the rate increased steadily and in recent years has increased much more rapidly. but there are also quite a lot of people who do actually get married. at present the marriage rate in the uk is about 70 per cent, which has gone down since the number

38、 of people who marry has gone down quite a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantly in the last 10 years. quite high proportions of people now live together without marrying, and, for example, 40 per cent of children born in the uk are born to couples who arent married or are born to lone pa

39、rents. there are quite a large number of lone parent families, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woman rather than a man. the average family size now in the uk is 1.8 children per couple, which means that theres been quite a decline in the birth rate in the uk along with other european countries.

40、1. what does the passage mainly discuss? _c_a. the declining divorce rate in the uk.b. trends in marriage and divorce in the uk. c. the increasing divorce rate in the uk.2. during the last ten years, _ a_.a. the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the uk b. the marriage rate has gone up a lo

41、t in the uk c. 40% of children were born to unwed couples in the uk 3. according to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the uk tends to _a_.a. soar (急劇上升) b. not mentioned in the passagec. stay stable 4. according to the passage, which of the following statements is not true? _ b_a. the marriage r

42、ate has gone down in recent years.b. the highest divorce rate was around 1969. c. the marriage rate is currently 70 percent. 5. the last paragraph tells us _b_.a. the birth rate in the uk is increasing at the moment b. the birth rate in the uk is decreasing rapidly nowc. the birth rate in other euro

43、pean countries keeps increasing 短文理解2 acbccpeople all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. pollution is caused either by mans release of completely new and often artificial (人造的) substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly in

44、creased amounts of a natural substance (物質(zhì)),such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. in the home there is an obvious need

45、to control litter and waste. food comes wrapped up three of four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cant be reused. this not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metal and paper.

46、 advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying, excess use and careless disposal (處理

47、) of the products we use in our daily lives.1. the main cause of pollution is _a_.a. the release of artificial or natural substances into the environmentb. the production of new industrial goodsc. increased amounts of a natural substance2. much of the pollution could be controlled if only _c_.a. far

48、mers would use less artificial fertilizersb. governments would take effective measuresc. all sides concerned would make more efforts3. food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause _b_.a. air and water pollutionb. both a litter problem and a waster of resourcesc. to pay for the service4. whic

49、h of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution? _ _c_ _a. cutting out unnecessary buying.b. reduce excess usec. eating.5. what does the underlined word “l(fā)itter” mean in paragraph 2? _ _c_ _a. bits of wast things b. serious problemc. industrial pollution短文理解3 acbcba funny thing happ

50、ened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other. i was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our conversation. there we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and poof! i was cut off as if i had become absent

51、 from the conversation. the park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. they were passing people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs. it seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact. the telephone used to

52、 connect you to the absent. now it makes people feel absent. recently i was in a car with three friends. the driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. there we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other becaus

53、e of the small thing designed to make communication easier. why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected i feel? every advance in communications technology is a setback (退步) to the closeness of human interaction. with e-mail and instant message over the internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. with voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. if my mom has a question, i just leave the answer on her machine.


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