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1、2001 年專四答案 【篇一: 2001 英語專四真題及答案】t四。閱讀a part reading comprehension 30 min 。? section a reading comprehension 25 min 。? in this section there are four passages followed by questionsor unfinished statements , each with four suggestedanswers marked a , b, c and d 。 choose the one that youthink is the bes

2、t answer 。 mark your answers on your answersheet 。?text athe train clattered over points and passed through astation 。?then it began suddenly to slow down , presumablyin obedience to a signal 。 for some minutes it crawled along ,then stopped; presently it began to move forward again 。another up trai

3、n passed them , though with less vehemencethan the first one 。 the train gathered speed again 。 at thatmoment another train , also on a down line , swervedinwards towards them , for a moment with almost alarmingeffect 。 for a time the two trains ran parallel , now , onegaining a little , now the oth

4、er 。 mrs 。 mcgillicuddy lookedfrom her window through the window of the parallelcarriages 。most of the blinds were down , but occasionally the occupants of the carriages were visible 。 the other train wasnot very full and there were many empty carriages 。? at the moment when the two trains gave the

5、illusion of beingstationary , ablind in one of the carriages flew up with a snap 。mrs 。 mcgillicuddy looked intothe lighted first class carriagethat was only a few feet away 。?then she drew her breath in with a gasp and half rose to herfeet 。?standing with his back to the window and to her was a man

6、 。his hands were round the throat of a woman who faced him ,and he was slowly , remorselessly , strangling her 。 her eyeswere starting from their sockets , her face was purple 。 asmrs 。 mcgillicuddy watched , fascinated , the end came; thebody went limp and crumpled in th e mans hands 。? at the same

7、 moment , mrs 。 mcgillicuddy s train sloweddown again and the otherbegan to gain speed 。 it passed forward and a moment or twolater it had vanished from sight 。? almost automatically mrs 。 mcgillicuddy s hand went up tothe communicationcord , then paused , irresolute 。 after all ,what use would it b

8、e ringing the cord of the train in which she was travelling ? the horror of what she had seen at such closequarters , and the unusual circumstances , made her feelparalysed 。 some immediate action was necessary , butwhat ??the door of her compartment was drawn back and a ticket collector said , “tic

9、ket, please 。”? 66。 when mrs 。 mcguillicuddy s train passed through astation , it_ 。? a。 gained speed suddenly b 。 kept its usual speed? c 。changed its speed d 。 stopped immediately ? 67。 mrs 。 mcguillicuddy seems to be a (an) _ person 。? a。 observant b 。 interested c 。 nosy d 。 nervous ? 68。 what s

10、he saw in the parallel train made her feel_ 。? a。 excited b 。 anxious c 。 worried d 。 horrified ? 69。 she didn t ring the communication cord immediatelybecause_ 。? a 。 she was very much afraid?b。 there was no point of doing so?c。 she was too shocked to move?d。 the ticket collector came in text b i a

11、m one of the many city people who are always saying thatgiven the choice we would prefer to live in the country awayfrom the dirt and noise of a large city 。 i have managed toconvince myself that if it weren t for my job i wouldimmediately head out for the open spaces and go back tonature in some sl

12、eepy village buried in the county 。 but howrealistic is the dream ??cities can be frightening places 。 the majority of the population live in massive tower blocks , noisy , dirty andimpersonal 。 the sense of belonging to a community tends todisappear when you live fifteen floors up 。 all you can see

13、from your window is sky , or other blocks of fiats 。 childrenbecome aggressive and nervous cooped up at home all day ,with nowhere to play; their mothers feel isolated from the restof the world 。 strangely enough , whereas in the past theinhabitants of one street all knew each other , nowadayspeople

14、 on the same floor in tower blocks don t even say helloto each other 。?country life , on the other hand , differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generallybinds the inhabitants of small villages together 。 people havethe advantage of knowing that there is always som

15、eone to turnto when they need help 。 but country life has disadvantagestoo 。 while it is true that you may be among friends in a village ,it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting andimportant events that take place in cities 。 there s littlepossibility of going to a new show or the lat

16、est movie 。shopping becomes a major problem , and for anything slightlyout of the ordinary you have to goon an expedition to thenearest large town 。 the city dweller who leaves forthecountry is often oppressed by a sense of unbearablestillness and quiet 。?what , then , is the answer ? the country ha

17、s the advantageof peace and quiet , but suffers from the disadvantage ofbeing cut off : the city breeds a feeling of isolation , andconstant noise batters the senses 。 but one of its mainadvantages is that you are at the centre of things , and thatlife doesn t come to an end at half past nine at nig

18、ht 。 somepeople have found (or rather bought ) a compromisebetween the two : they have expressed their preference forthe “quiet life ” by leaving the suburbs and moving to villageswithin commuting distance of large cities 。 they generallyhave about as much sensitivity as the plastic flowers theyleav

19、e behind they are polluted with strange ideas aboutchange and improvement which they force on to the unwillingoriginal inhabitants of the villages 。what then of my dreams of leaning on a cottage gate andmurmuring “morning ” to the locals as they pass by 。 i m keenon the idea , but you see there s my

20、 ca,t toby 。 i m not at allsure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in thelong grass 。 i mean , can you see him mixing with all thosehearty malesdown the farm ? no , he would rather have theelectric imitation coal fire any evening 。? 70。 we get the impression from the first paragra

21、ph that theauthor_ 。? a。 used to live in the country ?b。 used to work in the city?c。 works in the city ?d。 lives in the country ? 71。 in the author s opinio,n the following may cause citypeople to be unhappy except_ 。? a。 a strong sense of fear b 。 lack of communication?c 。housing conditions d 。 a s

22、ense of isolation ?72。 the passage implies that it is easy to buy the following things in the country except_? a。 daily necessities b 。 fresh fruits? c 。 designer clothes d 。fresh vegetables ?73 。 according to the passage , which ofthe following adjectives best describes those people who workin larg

23、e cities and live in villages ?? a。 original 。 b。 quiet 。 c 。 arrogant 。 d。 insensitive 。 ? 74。 do you think the author will move to the country ?? a。 yes , he will do so 。 b。 no , he will not do so 。?c 。 it isdifficult to tell 。 d。 he is in two minds 。text ctraditionally , the woman has held a low

24、position in marriagepartnerships 。 while her husband went his way , she had towash , stitch and sew 。 today the move is to liberate thewoman , which may in the end strengthen the marriageunion 。? perhaps the greatest obstacle to friendship inmarriage is the amount a couple usually see of each other

25、。friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily ,year long cohabitation 。 couples need to take up separateinterests (and friendship ) as well as mutually shared ones , if they are notto get used to the more attractive elements of each other spersonalities 。? married couples are l

26、ikely to exert themselves for guests being amusing , discussing with passion and point and then to fall into dullexhausted silence when the guests have gone 。? as in all friendship , a husband and wife must try to interesteach other , and to spend sufficient time sharing absorbingactivities to give

27、them continuing common interests 。 but atthe same time they must spend enough time onseparateinterests with separate people to preserve anddevelop their separate personalities and keep their relationship fresh 。?in such an atmosphere , the partners grow further and furtherapart , both love and likin

28、g disappearing 。 for too manycouples with children , the children are allowed to commandall time and attention , allowing the couple no time to developliking and friendship , as well as love , allotting themexclusive parental roles 。?75。 according to the passage , which of the followingstatements is

29、 correct ?? a 。 friendship in marriage meansdaily , year long cohabitation 。?b。 friendship can be kept fresh by both separate and sharedinterests 。? c 。 friendship in marriage is based on developingsimilar interests 。? d 。 friendship in marriage is based ondeveloping separate interest 。 ?76。 the pas

30、sage suggests that married couples become_ 。?a。 unfriendly with guests?b。 uninterested in guests?c。 hostile when guests have left?d。 quiet when guest have left ?77。 the passage seems to indicate at the end thatchildren_ 。?a。 help couples reinforce their friendship?b。 make no impact on the quality of

31、 friendship?c。 may pose obstacles in marital friendship?d。 command less time and care than expected ? text d?sending a child to school in england is a step which manyparents do not find easy to take 。 in theory , at least , theproblem is that there are very many choices to make 。 let ustry to list s

32、ome of the alternatives between which parents areforced to decide 。 to begin with , they may ask themselveswhether they would like their child to go to a single sexschool or a co educational school 。 they may also considerwhether he should go to a school which is connected to aparticular church【篇二:

33、2001 專業(yè)四級(jí)單選及答案】rt grammar and vocabulary 15 min. there are twenty-five sentences in this section. beneath eachsentence there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d.choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. mark your answers on your answer sheet.41. i can t gofor one thing,

34、i have no money, and_i have too much work.a. what s more b. as wellc. for another d. in addition 42. even as a girl,_to be her life, and theater audiences weretobe her best teacher.a. performing by melissa were b. it was known that melissa s performances were c. knowing that melissa s performances w

35、ered. melissa knew that performing was43. _ him tomorrow? a. why not to call onb. why don t call onc. why not calling on d. why not call on 44. there is no doubt _the company has made the rightdecision on the sales project.a. why b. that c. whether d. when45. intellect is to the mind _sight is to th

36、e body.a. what b. as c. that d.like46. _i sympathize, i can t really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.a. as long as b. as c. while d. even47. the patient s progress was very encouraging as he could _ get out of bed without help.a. nearly b. hardly c. merely d. barely48. he was_to te

37、ll the truth even to his closest friend.a. too much of a coward b. too much the cowardc. a coward enoughd. enough of a coward 49. barry had an advantage over his mother _he couldspeak french.a. since that b. in that c. at that d. so that 50. you needn t worry _ regards the cost of the operation.a. w

38、ith b. which c. as d. about51. _ is not a serious disadvantage in life.a. to be not tall b. not to be tallc. being not tall d. not being tall52. during the famine, many people were _ to going withoutfood for days. a. sunk b. reduced c. forced d. declined 53. the computer canbe programmed to _a whole

39、 variety of tasks. a. assign b.tackle c. realize d. solve54. the team s efforts to score were _by the opposing goalkeeper. a. frustrated b. prevented c. discouraged d. accomplished 55. i only know the man by_ but i have never spoken to him.a. chance b. heart c. sight d. experience 56. being colour-b

40、lind,sally can t make a _between red and green. a. difference b. distinction c. comparison d. division 57. you must insist that students give a truthful answer _with the reality of their world. a. relevant b. simultaneous c. consistent d. practical 58. in order to raise money, aunt nicola had to _wi

41、th someof her most treasuredpossessions. a. divide b. separatec. partd. abandon. 59. the car was in good working _when i bought it a fewmonths ago a. order b. form c. stated. circumstance 60. the customer expressed her _for that broad hat. a. disapprovalb. distastec. dissatisfactiond. dismay61.in or

42、der to repair barns, build fence, grow crops, and care foranimals a farmer must indeed be_.a. restless b. skilledc. strong d. versatile 62. his expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather highin_to his income. a. comparisonb. proportionc. associationd. calculation 63. although he has become rich,

43、 he is still very _ of hismoney. a. economic b. thrifty c. frugald. careful 64. as the manager was away on a business trip, i was askedto _the weekly staff meeting. a. preside b. introducec. chair d. dominate 65. the _ of the word is unknown, but it is certainly notfrom greek.a. origin b. generation

44、c. descentd. causepart v grammar and vocabulary41答案: c【參考譯文】我不能去,一則我沒錢,再則我手頭上的事情太多。【試題分析】本題考查對(duì)固定搭配的掌握。【詳細(xì)解答】 whats more 意為 “更甚的是 ”;as well 意為 “也”; for one thing?for another? 意為“一則? 再則?”;in addition 此“外”。根據(jù)句意,選項(xiàng) c 為正確答案。42答案: d【參考譯文】即使在她還是一個(gè)小姑娘的時(shí)候,梅麗莎就知道表演將成為她的生活,戲劇觀眾將成為她最好的老師。【試題分析】本題為語法題,考查對(duì)句式結(jié)構(gòu)的理解

45、。 【詳細(xì)解答】從句子結(jié)構(gòu)看,本句缺少表示某個(gè)人的主語。在這四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,只有 as 可充 當(dāng)表示某個(gè)人的主語,故為正確答案。43答案: d【參考譯文】何不明天再去看他呢 ?【試題分析】本題考查對(duì)習(xí)慣用法的掌握。 【詳細(xì)解答】 why not 是習(xí)慣用法,其后直接跟動(dòng)詞原形,常用作建議,意思是 “為什么不 ?”。44答案: b【參考譯文】毫無疑問,該公司的銷售計(jì)劃是正確的。【試題分析】本題考查對(duì)習(xí)慣用法的掌握。 【詳細(xì)解答】 there is no doubt? 后面應(yīng)接由 that 引導(dǎo)的主語從句,故只能選 b。45答案: a 【參考譯文】智力對(duì)于大腦,就像視力對(duì)于軀體一樣?!驹囶}分析】本題為

46、語法題,考查對(duì)句子結(jié)構(gòu)的理解?!驹敿?xì)解答】 what 引導(dǎo)的是一個(gè)類比性狀語從句,說明主句行為的方式、方法,其結(jié)構(gòu)為 “a is to b what c is to d ,意”思是 “a對(duì)于b 來說,就像 c 對(duì)于 d 一樣 ”。根據(jù)句意,選項(xiàng) a 為正確答案。46答案:c 【參考譯文】盡管我對(duì)此很同情,但我的確不能做太多的事情來幫他們擺脫困境?!驹囶}分析】本題為語法題,考查對(duì)讓步狀語從句的理解。【詳細(xì)解答】 while 意為“雖然”;as 常引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句; aslong as 意為 “只要”;even【篇三: 20012013 年英語專業(yè)四級(jí)考試口試真題】后舉行。根據(jù)大綱要求,口試內(nèi)容將

47、分解為三項(xiàng):(1) 復(fù)述故事(聽兩遍故事后復(fù)述 3 分種);(2) 即席講話(根據(jù)所給的題目準(zhǔn)備 3 分鐘后,作即席講話 3 分鐘);(3) 對(duì)話(根據(jù)規(guī)定的角色各自準(zhǔn)備 3 分鐘后,對(duì)話 4 分鐘)。2001 年task1: retelling a story i once knew an old man whose bad memory made himfamous. john smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forgetwhat he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. his w

48、ifehad to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes even his meals! once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice,at home and at school. his wife liked to remind her neighbors,“if john didn t have his head tied on. he would forget that too!since smith was a professor at a well-known univer

49、sity, hisforgetfulness was oft en an embarrassment. it wasn t that hewas not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but justvery, very absent-minded. one hot summer day, professor smith decided to take hischildren to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away.to make the trip more int

50、eresting for his young children, hekept the name of the town a secret. however, by the timethey arrived at the station, smith forgot the name of the townhe was planning to visit. luckily, a friend of his happened to bein the station. he offered to take care of the children whilesmith hurried back ho

51、me to find out where he was going. the professor s wife was surprised to see him again so soon. “oh, my dear, i forgot the name the town. ” “what? you forgot the name? maybe one day yo u will forgetmy name! now i ll write the name of that town on a piece ofpaper, and you put it in your pocket and pl

52、ease, please don tforget where you put it. ” satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent herhusband off again. ten minutes later she was astonished to seehim outside the house for the third time.“what is the matter now? ” “as you told me, i didn t forget where i put the name of thattown, but

53、 i forgot where i left our children! ” task2: talking on a given topic directions: describe a teacher of yours whom you findunusual.task3: role-playing directions: many high school graduates in china are goingoverseas for their college education. a friend of yours isgraduating this year and would li

54、ke to ask for your advice onwhether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to goabroad to study. student a: you think this friend should go by all means, andyou should try to convince your partner. remember you shouldstart the conversation. student b: you think this friend should finish colleg

55、e in chinabefore thinking about going abroad, and you should try toconvince your partner. remember your partner will start theconversation. whenever mr. smith goes to westgate, he stays at the grandh otel. in spite of its name, it is really not very “grand, ” but it ischeap, clean, and comfortable.

56、since he knows the mangerwell, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room. thefact is that he always gets the same room. it is situated at thefar end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay. on his last visit, mr. smith was told that he could have hisusual room, but the manager adde

57、d apologetically that it mightbe a little noisy. so great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing.mr. smith said he did not mind. it amused him to think that thedear old grand hotel was making an effort to live up to its name. during the first day mr. smith hardly noticed the noise at all.the room was a little dusty, but that was natural. thefo


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