已閱讀5頁,還剩17頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、聽力常見語句背誦表Day 11. People are applauding the players. 人們正在為演奏者鼓掌。2. The lawns are being watered. 草地正在被澆水。3. The man is putting on his glasses. 這個男人正在戴眼鏡。4. She is carrying two buckets. 她提著兩個桶。5. She is digging in the ground. 她正在挖地。6. They are moving in opposite directions. 他們正在向相反的方向走。7. The men are m

2、owing lawns. 男人們正在割草。8. He is playing a musical instrument on stage. 他正在臺上演奏樂器。9. The road is being paved. 道路正在被鋪。10. The woman is paying for an item. 這個女人正在給商品付款。11. The pharmacist is handing some medicine to the patient. 藥劑師正在給患者藥。12. Trees are being planted. 樹木正在被栽種。13. Theyre playing on a swing

3、in the playground. 他們正在操場上蕩秋千。14. A woman is pointing at something on a drawing. 一個女人正在指著畫上的什么東西。15. A man is taking a picture. 一個男人正在照相。16. A waiter is pouring water into cups. 一個服務(wù)生正在往杯子里倒水。17. He is putting on a laboratory coat. 他正在穿實驗室服。18. They are taking off their uniforms. 他們正在脫他們的制服。19. The

4、man is reaching for his wallet. 這個男人正在掏錢包。20. The ladder is being repaired. 梯子正在被修理。21. He is working on the roof. 他正在屋頂上干活。22. She is handing the scheduler to her friend. 她正在把日程安排給她的朋友。23. A woman is shopping around in the supermarket. 一個女人正在超市買東西。24. They are strolling arm in arm. 他們正在挽著臂散步。25. A

5、microscope has been placed symmetrically. 一個顯微鏡被整齊地放置著。26. The horse is walking along the edge of the water. 這匹馬正在沿著水邊走。Day 21. They are seated across from each other. 他們面對面地坐著。2. The man is standing next to the arm chair. 這個男人正站在扶手椅邊上。3. The place is crowded with spectators. 這個地方擠滿了觀眾。4. The papers

6、 have been stacked up next to the copier. 紙已經(jīng)被堆在復(fù)印機邊上。5. The bed needs to be made. 床需要鋪一下。6. The table is placed between the sofa and the lamp. 桌子被放在沙發(fā)和臺燈中間。7. There is a flower vase next to the stairway. 樓梯的旁邊有一個花瓶。8. The women have their legs crossed. 這些女人交叉著雙腿。9. They are seated in a circle. 他們圍坐

7、成一圈。10. The cars are all parked in a line. 汽車停成一排。11. The boxes are lined up in a row. 箱子排成一排。12. The road splits in two directions. 這條路分叉成兩個方向。13. The man is leaning against the fence. 這個男人靠著柵欄/籬笆。14. The lawn has been neatly mowed. 草地被修剪的很平整。15. He is standing at the newsstand. 他站在報刊亭。16. The vehi

8、cles are parked next to each other. 車一輛挨著一輛地停放著。17. Garden furniture is set up outdoors. 花園家具被放在外面。18. The shelves are packed with packages. 架子被包裝盒包著。19. Two men are watching at the parade. 兩個男人正在看閱兵游行。20. Labels have been attached to some of the parts. 標(biāo)簽已經(jīng)被貼在一些部件上。21. The tables are partially shad

9、ed. 桌子被遮住了一部分。22. There are no pedestrians on the side walk. 人行道上沒有行人。23. Fallen leaves have been piled up near the trees. 落葉堆在樹邊。24. One of the doors has been left open. 其中一個門開著。25. The floor has been polished to a shine. 地板被擦得發(fā)亮。26. She is looking at her face reflected in the mirror. 她看著鏡子中反射出的自己的

10、臉。Day 31. The woman is resting her chin on her hand. 這個女人用手托著下巴。2. The files are scattered around the office. 文件散落在辦公室。3. The men are all wearing short-sleeved shirts. 男人們都穿著短袖襯衫。4. The chairs are being painted. 椅子正在被涂漆。5. They are all lined up side by side. 她們并肩站成一排。6. The boxes are stacked up by t

11、he sink. 箱子堆在污水槽旁邊。7. The woman is sitting near the men. 這個女人正坐在那個男人旁邊。8. All the equipment has been removed from the site. 所以設(shè)備已經(jīng)被移出了現(xiàn)場。9. There are skyscrapers on the other side of the river. 河的另一邊有摩天大樓。10. The boxes are stacked on top of one another. 箱子被一層一層摞著。11. Potted plants have been set out

12、on the stairs. 盆栽植物被放在樓梯上。12. They are standing in line at the front desk of the hotel. 他們在酒店的總服務(wù)臺前站成一排。13. The shelves have been stocked with products. 架子上存放著物品。14. The building is only one story high. 這個建筑只有1層。15. There are buildings of various heights. 這里有各種高度的建筑。16. We hope we can accommodate yo

13、ur request. 我們希望我們可以接受你的要求。17. Please do not sit in the aisle. 請不要坐在走廊里。18. A strict dress code applies. 實施嚴(yán)格的著裝規(guī)范。19. The new rule is effected to all employees. 新的規(guī)定適用于所有員工。20. The public phones are unoccupied. 公用電話沒有被使用。21. Store all emergency items in a safe place. 把所有緊急物資儲藏在一個安全的地方。22. In the ev

14、ent of a fire please gather in the car park. 在遇到火災(zāi)的情況下,請聚集到停車場。23. Notices have been posted on the memo board. 通知被粘在了留言板上。24. Please, clean the premises after use. 使用完場地后請打掃干凈。25. The management would like to remind everyone of the companys internet policy. 管理人員將告訴所有人公司的網(wǎng)絡(luò)政策。Day 41. His greatest ach

15、ievement was completing the report. 他最大的成就是完成了這個報告。2. Please do not alter the report. 請不要改動這個報告。3. I am not done with the annual report yet. 我還沒完成年度報告。4. The budget proposal for next quarter is due on Wednesday. 下個季度預(yù)算計劃書的最后期限是星期三。 5. I have to revise my first draft today. 我今天必須要修訂我的第一個草案。6. Turn yo

16、ur expense report in before the end of the year. 年底之前上次你的花銷報告。7. An extension is needed if he wanted to meet the deadline. 如果他想趕上最后的期限的話,必須要延期。8. Put the flyer on my desk. 把傳單放在我的桌子上。9. Going over those documents will take some time. 瀏覽這些文件需要一些時間。10. Lets have a look at that report. 讓我們來看一下那份報告。11.

17、Can you look through this for me? 你能幫我瀏覽一下這個嗎?12. Can you help me with this cost proposal? 你能幫我做一下這個費用計劃書嗎?13. Where is my copy of the new annual report? 我的那份新的年報在哪里?14. Can you review this report for me please? 能請你幫我審查一下這份報告嗎?15. Could you also send the copy to the sales department? 你能再把這份復(fù)印件送去銷售部門

18、嗎?16. Which chart shows the monthly sales figures for this past fiscal year? 哪一張表是這個會計年度的月銷售數(shù)據(jù)?17. Arent you familiar with the sales forecast report? 你不熟悉這份預(yù)計銷售報告嗎?18. The schedule charts are being distributed to the employees. 日程表正在被分發(fā)給員工。19. He is sorting through some papers. 他正在給文件分類。20. Did you

19、submit the spreadsheet by the due date? 你如期提交數(shù)據(jù)報表了嗎?21. Can you proofread these briefs for me by the end of next month? 你能在下個月之前幫我校對一下這些摘要嗎?22. How did your translation work go? 你的翻譯工作怎么樣了?23. I am really sorry for making a typo. 非常抱歉出現(xiàn)了打印錯誤。Day 51. What time does the airport shuttle depart? 機場穿梭巴士幾

20、點出發(fā)?2. Please use the alternative route. 請走另外一條路。3. I anticipate the drive will take no more than three hours 我預(yù)期車程不會超過3個小時。. 4. The subway is filled with passengers. 地鐵里擠滿了乘客。5. If you park here, your car will be towed away. 如果你在這里停車,車將會被拖走。6. How do I get to the subway station? 我怎么去地鐵站?7. I want t

21、o give Mary a ride to the library. 我想搭載瑪麗去圖書館。8. Due to heavy traffic, I will be delayed by an hour. 由于交通擁堵,我會晚到一個小時。9. The car accident was due to her negligence. 交通事故是由于她的疏忽大意。10. The passengers are being shown to their seats. 乘客們正在被帶往他們的座位。11. Is there a place to park my car near the platform? 平臺

22、附近有停車的地方嗎?12. A woman is using a public phone. 一個女人正在使用公共電話。13. The traffic is jammed due to road work. 交通出現(xiàn)擁堵是由于道路施工。14. Do you know the shortcut to the airport? 你知道去機場的近路嗎?15. There are no spaces left in the parking lot. 停車場沒有車位了。16. The speed limit on this road is 70 mph. 這條路的限速是70公里/小時。17. The b

23、us has stopped by for passengers to board. 公共汽車停下讓乘客上下車。18. Take a right on the 1st Street, and follow that all the way down to the stadium. 在第一大街右轉(zhuǎn),然后一直走到體育場。19. Do you know where the accident took place? 你知道事故是在哪里發(fā)生的嗎?20. More people should use the public transportations. 更多的人應(yīng)該使用公共交通工具。21. Therel

24、l be a lot of traffic jam in the city, wont there? 城市里會有很多交通堵塞,不是嗎?22. The traffic light is about to change. 交通信號燈要變了。23. If you have to work late, then I will stop by your office to pick you up. 如果你要工作到很晚,我會順便去你的辦公室接你。Day 61. The copy machine will be out of order until Friday. 復(fù)印機到星期五才能用。2. The dev

25、ice should be plugged into a reliable power source. 這個裝備應(yīng)該被插入可靠的電源。3. Purchasing a new machine is beyond our budget. 買一個新機器超出了我們的預(yù)算。4. The machine was missing a key component. 這個機器丟失了一個重要零件。5. The product was damaged during delivery. 產(chǎn)品在運送中被損壞了。6. The product was defective. 這個產(chǎn)品不合格。7. The old car wa

26、s no longer efficient. 這輛舊汽車不能用了。8. There is an error in this program. 這個程序中有一個錯誤。9. The new car had an obvious fault. 這輛新車有一個明顯的缺陷。10. My computer freezes so often that I cant work efficiently. 我的電腦經(jīng)常死機,所以我不能很高效地工作。11. My car is in the garage having the oil changed. 我的汽車正在修理廠里換機油。12. Dont leave the

27、 heater on when you leave the house. 不要開著暖氣離開房子。13. You need to install the right software. 你需要安裝正確的軟件。14. The machine keeps jamming papers all day long. 這個機器一整天都在不停地卡紙。15. They are using lawnmowers. 他們正在使用割草機。16. Are you still on line? 你還在線上嗎?17. The press wasnt operating. 打印機不工作了。18. The boat is o

28、ut of service and is being repaired. 船壞了,正在被修理。19. An overhead projector has been set up on the table. 桌子上安裝了一個高射投影儀。20. The workers are replacing the windows. 工人們正在更換窗戶。21. Do you know if there are some ink cartridges left in the supply cabinet? 你知道儲物柜里還有墨盒嗎?22. The copier is turned off. 復(fù)印機關(guān)了。23.

29、The computer files need to be updated. 電腦數(shù)據(jù)需要更新。Day 71. Customers have the right to ask for ones money back. 顧客有權(quán)要求退款。2. The computer was only available in white. 這款電腦只有白色的有貨。3. He could not find a bargain. 他沒能找到便宜的商品。4. He is not satisfied with their service. 他對他們的服務(wù)不滿意。5. If we dont hurry the tick

30、ets will be sold out. 如果我們不快一點,票就賣完了。6. Do you think we need a shopping cart? 你認為我們一輛購物車嗎?7. Can we send you a catalogue? 我們可以給您寄一份產(chǎn)品目錄嗎?8. They just opened a new chain store downtown. 他們剛剛在市區(qū)開了一家新的連鎖店。9. Heres your change, sir. 先生,這是找您的錢。10. They might charge you some for being late. 他們也許會因為你的遲到索賠。

31、11. All proceeds from todays event will to to a charity. 今天活動的全部收益將會捐獻給慈善機構(gòu)。12. There are many styles to choose from. 這里可選的樣式有很多。13. The consumer is always right. 消費者永遠是對的。14. The shirt was a good fit. 這件襯衫很合適。15. If you purchase our product during this week, we will offer free delivery. 如果你在這個星期購買我

32、們的產(chǎn)品,我們將提供免費送貨。16. Go to the grocery store and buy some milk. 去食品店買一些牛奶。17. This product comes with a full five-year guarantee. 這個產(chǎn)品有5年的保修期。18. Check out our list of new products. 確認一下我們新產(chǎn)品的清單。19. Log on to our website when you feel the time is right. 方便時請登錄我們的網(wǎng)站。20. It is good to like around before

33、 you buy. 你買之前最好先逛逛。21. Do you know what to look for? 你知道買什么嗎?22. Those shoes are already marked down. 那些鞋已經(jīng)降價了。23. When is it going to be on sale? 什么時候打折?24. You can buy this item only at BBC outlet in California. 這件商品只能在加利福尼亞的BBC商店買到。Day 81. Youve got to pay me more because these books are overdue

34、. 因為這些書過期了,你要多支付一些錢。2. Can I pay by credit card or do I have to pay in cash? 我可以用信用卡支付嗎?還是必須支付現(xiàn)金?3. He quoted you a price of $500 without tax. 他不含稅報價500美元。4. You can pick one of the cards in the rack. 你可以在架子上的卡中任選一張。5. Where can I pick up an iPod3 player for a reasonable price? 我在哪里可以買到合理價格的ipod3音樂播

35、放器?6. Can I have a 20% reduction? 我可以享受20%的優(yōu)惠嗎?7. The customers need their receipts to refund their items. 顧客要退貨需要收據(jù)。8. Have you heard about the refund guarantee? 你聽說退貨擔(dān)保了嗎?9. I need to reissue the bill. 我需要重新開清單。10. Who do I speak to about the return policy? 我對誰說有關(guān)退貨規(guī)定的事情?11. He is reaching for som

36、e items on the top of the shelf. 他正在夠架子頂端的一些商品。12. We went to the shopping mall not far from here to shop for groceries. 我們支了不遠的超市買食品。13. Here are some striped ones. 這里有一些有條紋的。14. Would you please hold my stuff? 可以幫我看管一下我的東西嗎?15. How long did you subscribe to the newspaper? 你訂閱這份報紙多久了?16. This tie d

37、oes not go with my suit. 這條領(lǐng)帶和我的西裝不搭。17. Does the price include tax? 這個價格含稅嗎?18. Please read this ticketing policy carefully before you buy the tickets on the internet. 在你從網(wǎng)上買票之前衣仔細閱讀這個購票規(guī)定。19. What is the trend these days? 最近流行什么?20. They said they were going to try this on. 他們說要試試這個。21. Some fruit

38、 is being weighed on a scale. 一些水果正在被稱重量。22. How much is a yearly subscription? 訂閱一年要多少錢?Day 91. They added more help to the sales department. 他們給予了銷售部門更多的幫助。2. She was the first female applicant. 她是第一位女性申請者。3. Please return a completed application form if you are interested in the job. 如果你對這份工作感興趣,

39、請?zhí)峤灰环萏詈玫谋砀瘛?. You should apply for the job at that consulting firm Jenny was talking about. 你應(yīng)該申請珍妮說的那家咨詢公司的工作。5. Were planning to appoint David to the position of vice president. 我們計劃任命大衛(wèi)做副總裁。6. My boss is fluent in both Vietnamese and French. 我的老板的越南語和法語都很流利。7. She is well qualified for the govern

40、ment service. 她非常適合公務(wù)員工作。8. Their hope was to be transferred overseas. 他們那時希望移民海外。9. He did not want to work in a branch office. 他以前不想在分公司工作。10. Sarah deserves a promotion. 薩拉應(yīng)該被升職。11. Tom will be designated to head the project. 湯姆將被任命為這個項目的主管。12. Jack was unhappy with his poor evaluation. 杰克對于他得到的很

41、差的評估很不高興。13. This job requires at least 2 years of working experience. 這個工作要求至少2年的工作經(jīng)驗。14. Stress was a big factor in her resignation. 壓力是她辭職的一個很大的因素。15. We need to get approval before we proceed. 我們開始之前需要得到批準(zhǔn)。16. If you do not hand the assignment in on time you will receive a lower grade. 如果你不按時交作業(yè)

42、就會得低分。17. Do you want to have an interview with our director? 你想和我們的主管進行面試嗎?18. Jane will be the new head of the marketing department. 簡是市場部門的新主管。19. They need to hire more temporary staff. 他們需要雇傭更多的臨時員工。20. They say he will be the human resources manager. 他們說他將成為人力資源部經(jīng)理。21. Ms. Smith hoped to imple

43、ment a new hiring policy. 史密斯小姐想執(zhí)行一個新的招聘政策。Day 101. You need to improve your work efficiency if you want a promotion. 如果你想得到晉升的話,需要提高工作效率。2. Im sorry, but we are going to have to let you go. 對不起,恐怕我們要讓你離開。3. Are you going to hire temporary workers to help manufacture by the deadline? 為了產(chǎn)品我還記得的最后期限,你

44、打算雇傭臨時員工嗎?4. May I speak to someone in charge of marketing department? 我可以和市場部的負責(zé)人通話嗎?5. I heard the mayor of Seoul is retiring next month due to a health problem. 我聽說首爾市市長因為健康原因下個月要退休了。6. In spite of difficulty, we agreed on a 5%pay raise. 盡管很困難,我們還是決定漲5%的工資。7. Where should I pick up my paycheck? 我

45、從哪里得到我的工資支票?8. What time did you punch out today? 你今天幾點下班?9. Id like to recommend Eric. 我想推薦艾瑞克。10. Who is retiring early this year? 誰今年提前退休了?11. I am doing my best to socialize with the co-workers. 我盡力和我的同事搞好關(guān)系。12. Where was the supervisor when the machine broke down? 機器發(fā)生故障時管理人在哪里?13. Who has the

46、key to the supply room? 誰有物品管理室的鑰匙?14. She was born with a talent for design. 她生來就有設(shè)計的天賦。15. Im being transferred to Paris. 我被調(diào)到了巴黎。16. The company is understaffed because of low salaries. 這個公司因為工資低而人手不足。17. Has the vacant position in the accounts department been filled? 財會部門的空職位有人了嗎?18. Ashley has

47、moved up the ranks over the years to become the head of the Sales Department. 經(jīng)過幾年的工作,阿什利被提升為銷售部門的主管。 Day 111. That scarf is matched well with your skirt. 這條圍巾和你的裙子很搭配。2. I would like to catch up with you soon. 我很快會趕上你。3. The stadium is closed for today. 體育館今天關(guān)門。4. Dial the number, then press 2. 撥電話

48、,然后按2。5. My suit is at the drycleaners. 我的套裝在干洗機里。6. The power bill is due tomorrow. 電費賬單的期限是明天。7. Check the expiration date before you eat that. 吃之前確認一下保質(zhì)期限。8. Helen hoped to be invited to the farewell party. 海倫希望被邀請去送別派對。9. Sarah had herbs planted in the flower pot. 薩拉在花盆中種了香草。10. Fuel prices look

49、 as if they will increase again. 燃料價格似乎會再上漲。11. It will take some time to get settled. 安定下來還需要一段時間。12. He is ready to go fishing. 他準(zhǔn)備去釣魚。13. Can you hang the laundry on the line? 你可以把洗好的衣服掛在繩子上嗎?14. It is an honor to meet you. 見到您非常榮幸。15. They have not seen each other in ages. 他們很多年沒有見過對方了。16. We ap

50、ologize for the inconvenience. 給您帶來不便我們深感抱歉。17. Can I see your license, please? 我可以看一下你的駕照嗎?18. Would you like me to make coffee for you? 我給你沖杯咖啡怎么樣?19. Its a good idea to make use of the weekend. 好好利用周末是一個好主意。20. Were sorry, but all our operators are busy at the moment. 對不起,我們所有的操作人員都正在忙。21. How mu

51、ch is it to make an overseas call? 打一個越洋電話多少錢?22. I always go out for a walk with my pet. 我經(jīng)常和我的寵物一起出去散步。23. I placed my books in an alphabetical order. 我按照字母順序碼放我的書。24. Our prospects for winning the game are great at the moment. 現(xiàn)在我們贏得比賽的可能性非常大。25. Give my best regards to your family. 代我向你的家里人問好。Da

52、y 121. The best seats are all reserved. 最好的座位都被預(yù)訂了。2. I have an appointment to see the doctor at 6 p. m. 我下午6和醫(yī)生有約。3. I will be late because I am stuck in traffic. 因為堵車所以我會晚點兒到。4. This site will be under construction for the next two weeks. 這個地方在接下來的兩周里將會施工。5. Confirm your reservation as soon as pos

53、sible. 請盡快確定你的預(yù)約。6. Contact me as soon as you can. 盡快聯(lián)系我。7. James looks forward to meeting you. 詹姆斯非常想見你。8. Shouldnt we make a reservation in advance? 我們不應(yīng)該提前預(yù)約嗎?9. How did your appointment with the marketing director go ? 你和市場部主管的約會怎么樣?10. Would you mind if I cancelled the appointment tomorrow? 你介意

54、我取消明天的約會嗎?11. Didnt Mrs. Yoo notify you of the cancellation? Yoo女士沒有告訴你有關(guān)取消的事情嗎?12. Lets talk about it over a cup of coffee. 我們邊喝咖啡邊交談吧。13. It was postponed due to the bad weather. 因為壞天氣延期了。14. Sorry, I already have a previous appointment. 對不起,我已經(jīng)有一個先前的約會了。15. What do you want to do with my reservat

55、ion number? 你想要我的預(yù)約號碼做什么?16. Were behind schedule. 我們比預(yù)計時間晚。17. The meeting was scheduled for Monday, but it has been put off till next week. 會議開始被定在了星期一,但是又被推遲到下個星期。18. After all, she didnt show up. 最后她沒有出現(xiàn)。19. We threw a farewell party in honor of Mr. Kim. 我們?yōu)镵im先生辦了一個送別派對。20. I really wanted to g

56、o there on time, but something urgent came up. 我真的很想按時到那里,但是突然出現(xiàn)了很緊急的事情。Day 131. How can I open an account? 我怎樣開一個賬戶?2. I have to check my balance at the bank. 我必須在銀行確認一下我的余額。3. The bank was unhappy with his credit history. 銀行不喜歡他的信用歷史。4. Could you fill out this application for the loan? 你可以填一下這個貸款申請嗎?5. Jane was hesitant to take out another loan. 珍妮猶豫要不要再申請一份貸款。6. The interest rate on his credit card was too high. 他信用卡的利率太高了。7. I will pay back wh


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