1、chinese journal of mechanical engineeringvol.20, no. 5, 2007 101 liang junjiang zuhuazhen lusuhaischool of mechanical engineering,shanghai jiaotong university,shanghai 200240, chinawang kuominginstitute of technology management,tsing hua university,hsinchu 30013, taiwan, chinacreative design based o
2、n knowledge management in engineering design*abstract: to support and serve engineering design, creative design based on knowledge management is proposed. the key knowledge factors of creative design are analyzed and discussed, and knowledge extraction tools are utilized to distill the important kno
3、wledge to serve for knowledge resource of creative design. the implementation of creative design mode is described and executed, which can promote the intelligent asset of the enterprise and shorten the period of creative design. with this study, design afflatus and conceptual design can be achieved
4、 expediently and effectively. key words: creative design engineering design knowledge management knowledge sharing0 introductioncreative design that will significantly impact on the future of engineering design, can enhance the core competition of the enterprise, enlarge the reputation of the brand
5、and expand the market share. but knowledge resource has not been employed availably by creative design, and creative methods ,mcl creative afflatus has not been shared, exchanged and reamrcd in the appropriate way. for example, jam., et a! , doubted that do these methods for idea generation really a
6、id ideation in engineering design? another piobicm is that the enterprise owns abundant knowledge, but it is devoid of the creative knowledge for creative design. especially, how many disciplines and what breadth and depth of experience21 are needed in creative design? how do the experts transfer th
7、eir problem solvers in both their breadth and organization of knowledge as the enterprise creative knowledge? so its necessary to make use of the right way to deploy the creative method and knowledge resource to support creative design in engineering design. knowledge management is competent for thi
8、s role and provides the abundant related knowledge needed in creative design process and the suitable management and utilization of knowledge asset.jami, et al11, indicated that engineering design must not only be novel (unusual, unexpected) but it must also satisfy some intended function(s) to desi
9、red specifications (have desired utility). herein, creativity might be viewed as any process which results in a novel and useful product31, but much creativity consists of a new combination of existing ideas. where the existing ideas are present in different people, it requires some kind of interact
10、ion to produce the combination41. so innovation tends to emerge at the edges, at the boundaries between domains21.nowadays, engineering design is mostly aided by computer, like cad, pro/engineering, etc. it is very important to make the creative design with computer platform. amabile51 provided the
11、computerizing creativity was based on four main components: domain relevant knowledge, creative skill, motivation, and the external work or social environment to contribute to creativity. how to validate and integrate into software workflow products had been studied by ted131 and heleven61 discussed
12、 that dozens of stand-alone software products promoted theories of how to create ideas or improve inventions.basden, et al71, discussed the construction of knowledge base-assembly and creative design. according to the main-task reactor selection decomposing into sub-tasks structure, a creative task
13、of chemical process based on knowledge-based system is* this project is supported by national basic research program of china (973 program, no. 2003cb317005) and shuguang program of shanghai city educational committee, china(no. 05sg15). received march 7, 2006; received in revised form october 30, 2
14、006; accepted december 22,2006explored by ralph, et al81. ahmad, et al91, described an original concept for the design arc development of a universal information/knowledge visual iraiioi. tool.iow to provide the appropriate knowledge to support the creativity or innovation in tagineering design? how
15、 to organize tie creative individual to design new product in effective manner? based en these confused question and the pioneer researches p.bout creativity in engineering design and knowledge management, the creative design model based on knowledge management in engineering design is proposed in t
16、he paper.the main goal of this work is to adopt the right ways and techniques of knowledge management to serve and aid the creative design in engineering design domain. section 1 presents the field of research. section 2 defines the framework of creative design based on knowledge management. section
17、 3 explores creative design core based on knowledge management and introduces the creative item generation and integration process. section 4 describes the implementation process of the creative design based on knowledge management, and case study is presented in section 5. section 6 summaries the c
18、onclusion drawn.1engineering design and knowledgeengineeringengineering designs must satisfy a set of pre-defined set of specifications, even if these specs sometimes get modified as the designer and client both get a better understanding of the design problem and design space11. from the point of v
19、iew of knowledge management, all intelligent activity of engineering design can operate, manage, use and deploy the knowledge bases through knowledge management system (fig. 1). with knowledge sharing and using interface, engineering designs, likes, creative design, collaborative design, etc, can re
20、alize the application and disposal of knowledge in automatic mode, and embody the intelligent characteristics of product design. in the distributed knowledge resource, more than one design activity can be done in the same time with the concurrent thought. knowledge visualization and interaction inte
21、rface can nail down the relationship of different kinds of knowledge, and interpret the intrinsic interaction and effect among them. of course, it can illuminate the design ideation of the designer to promote the knowledge updating in time and to shorten the creative design cycle of engineering desi
22、gn.2framework of creative design basedon knowledge managementfig. 2 presents the framework of creative design module based on knowledge management technologies. the related 1994-2007 china aca emic journal electronic publ shing house. all rights reser ed. http:/www en i 102 liang jim, et al: creativ
23、e design based on knowledge management in engineering designknowledge is the raw material of creative design and connects with one another by the flow of creative design and knowledge map interactive platform.knowledge engineeringfunction knowledge interpretingnu-duicengineering design typescreative
24、 designknowledge management of supporting engineering designknowledgemanagementsystemintelligent designf knowledge n *-* jupdatev modulejicollaborative designknowledge innovationmodulecireen design - j.j jj iiifig. 1 relationship of engineering design and knowledge engineeringmarket llenterprisell c
25、ustomer requirement culture satisfactionrreauve design corecreative design goalcreative design strategyproduct analysis and definitionconceptual design -creativedesign model;-:j_routine designi1 hprinciple innovationi product data and files l+-technical innovationhjlknowledge map interaction platfor
26、myj)*s a & aijjomain cxpcrt_ _ designerconsujumtadministrapr,fig. 2 framework of creative design module based on knowledge management technologies2.1creative design processcreative design of engineering design is a systemic activity which is planned in advance to realize the goal of the enterprise.
27、the whole design process keeps to the approach and principle of the general design: market investigation, product definition, conceptual design and routine design, then produces design data and files.conceptual design is the key of the creative design process, and the design embodies the new idea, a
28、dvanced technology and future trend. the product function conceptualization, conceptual visualization and conceptual commercialization are the essential and gradual approach in conceptual design phase. design concept corresponds with function analysis, market orientation, object clients and price in
29、dex, which are shown in the document and sketch form. then the sketch and the mode are discussed and affirmed by the expert and managers, and the result acts as the decision-making of the product design. industrial designer, configuration designer and market salesperson analyze and discuss the conce
30、pt product feasibility and manoeuvrability. the creative design model, principle innovation and technical innovation are related with the experience and technical knowledge which is stored in the knowledge-bases.2.2creative knowledge resourceknowledge resource includes the different knowledge bases
31、which are the material of the design and innovation in fig. 2. expertise knowledge means the domain knowledge which is background knowledge and technical knowledge of the creative design, and the knowledge base is constructed by the domain experts and technicians. herein, the domain knowledge refers
32、 the professional knowledge of the industry, for example, the related knowledge of an electric product. individual knowledge is a kind of important knowledge resource which plays the key role inintelligence asset of the enterprise, so the capability of individualknowledge base shows the enterprises
33、potential creativecompetence. and the individual knowledge is related with theexperience, understanding, cognition and background10, etc.; triz rules base stores the core knowledge of theory of inventivei problem solving, like inventive principles, functional, substance-field standard solution rules
34、 and triz standardtechniques11. the successful and efficient rules are also stored intriz rules base. physical contradictions and technical: contradiction are the main part in contradiction knowledge base,of course, which includes algorithm for inventive problem solving(ariz)2. solving principle kno
35、wledge indicates thecontradiction matrix and 40 inventive principles. separationprinciple is added in this knowledge base, which is useful toi create and solve the problem and the feasible methods, and related; knowledge is stored in it similarly. 23 knowledge managementthe role of knowledge managem
36、ent in the model is the bridge; concerned with knowledge resource and creative design process, andacts me tie of designer and knowledge resource interaction. knowledge, update provides the knowledge renewing mechanism to guarantee thenew knowledge can be added in the knowled base in time.knowledge e
37、xtraction acts as a significant role in the ; acquirement process of knowledge resources, and offering the : data, information and knowledge as the raw material for creative i design in the creative design process, the different task matches with iv. appropriate method which is required in the conce
38、ntrated, structural and opening mode possibly, likes, the interview, l protocol analysis, laddering method, conception sorting, repertory grid and rule inducing technique.knowledge sharing goes with the whole creative design, which is the headspring of the afflatus and creativity, and the domain exp
39、erts, designers, consultants and administrators can discuss, rap off and share in the successful cases, experiences and ; lessons etc through knowledge sharing platform. knowledge sharing which is the systemic process, exists in every stage of creative design, in the conceptual design, creative impe
40、tus and idea interaction between designer and originators who maybe not in the enterprise.knowledge map is a navigation map or index catalog of expertise knowledge113, and the guidance of the knowledge distributing, knowledge relevance, and the relationship between knowledge and creative designer, w
41、hich is the main tool to represent the connection of the tacit knowledge and the experts. designers can learn, communicate, discuss and cooperate with each other, which can guarantee the concentration of creative design idea, method and technique in time. consequently, creative design process is dir
42、ect, pellucid and visual to all kinds of designer with knowledge map.2.4 creative design corecreative design is focused on the conceptual design in engineering design. in fact, creative design includes many aspects, the goal ascertaining, the strategy programming, the model choice, principles and te
43、chnical innovation. creative idea and afflatus expresses new value trend and product functions which need different knowledge to support, and knowledge management tools will afford the expedient, direct and effective technical service. the relevant research will be described in section 4 at length.3
44、 creative design core based on knowledge management and creative item generation and integration process3.1 creative design goalcreative design goal solves what the design is for, which accords with the goal of enterprise development. in view of the 19 4-2 7 chin ca e i jo r a lect ni pg sgetp/wenin
45、tchinese journal of mechanical engineering 103 different target in different developing phase of the enterprise, the creative design goal is divided into long-term, medium-term and short-term creative targets. the long-term creative design goal serves the long-range plans of the enterprise based on
46、the detailed market investigation and decision-making knowledge-base, which aims to the future of the enterprise and the status in the industry. the designer goal need acquire the enterprise goal with knowledge extraction tools, like, laddering method, and distil the core thoughts or afflatus of the
47、 individual designer with the interview. this is ascertained by the session layer meeting which the leadership, the domain experts and senior consultants will attend to. the long-term creative design needs the devotion of abundant capital and human resource, and the goal leads the developmental dire
48、ction and new fashion. on the contrary, the medium-term and short-term creative goals match the near future strategy of the enterprise, and which mainly consider the substitute of the products in the market at present and the new products of the adversary.3.2creative design strategycreative design s
49、trategy corresponds with creative design goal, and the long-term, medium-term and short-term creative design strategy nail down the creative orientation, methods and executing approaches according with different creative design goal. with the existing knowledge bases, the designers use the knowledge
50、 operation tools, like quire and browse, to get the similar successful creative design products and schemes for forecasting the feasibility of the project, the design periods of the creative design product, ths cost budget and the value evaluation of the creative product. of course, the forecast is
51、impossibly precise, but knowledge sharing and knowledge map provide the coiiinmn .cation, discussion, comparison and feedback platform to save; amative design for the designers. at the same time, knowledge interpreting mechanism will push the relative knowledge items for the designer understanding t
52、he cultural connotation of the enterprise to aid establishment of creative design strategy. otherwise, the creative product will not meet the unavoidable matters in future.3.3creative design modelcreative design model is the sub-part of the conceptual design, which covers the function creative model
53、, technical creative model and bran-new creative design model here. knowledge interpreting mechanism and knowledge sharing will sort out, match and recommend the related scheme or inspiring creative methods according to the different design model from creative case base, etc. different creative desi
54、gn model matches the different creative mechanism in knowledge base system. the creative model and the prototype design serve the goal of product planning of the enterprise, and the inspiring creation methods are employed to speedup the establishment of the creative model, such as, the brainstorming
55、141, characteristic and disadvantage list, 5w2h (why, what, where, who, when, how, how much), and the combination (like the compounding of the material and component, the technology and operational method, and the appearance and function, etc).3.4principle innovationprinciple innovation improves the
56、 design rule and principle after the creative design model set up, and the triz rules base and solving principle knowledge base can afford the abundant knowledge and rule for the designer. creative principle roots in the cognition and thought, logical-thought way, alogical-thought way and image-thou
57、ght way, etc. analysis, integration, induction and deductive method are often used in the principle innovation, and the designer can gain them with knowledge extraction and share the experience through knowledge map. principle innovation solves the problem of the design theory, and the new principle
58、 is the favored path to shorten the product design period and to be the core technology of the enterprise.3.5technical innovationtechnical innovation is the last stage of the creative design core, which depends on the domain technology development, thenew invention of the school and academe, and the research investment of the enterprise. with knowledge map interaction platform, designers can do it be
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