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1、BNC英語(yǔ)單詞詳解系列第四十八篇sought音標(biāo) _英 s?t 美 s?t釋義 _v. 尋找( seek 的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞)短語(yǔ) _Sought After: 追求 ;尋求 ;找尋 ;受歡迎的Major Sought: 尋求專業(yè) ;主要征詢 ;主要要求sought point: 所求點(diǎn)actively sought: 積極尋求prosecution sought: 尋求起訴 sought treatment: 已經(jīng)尋求醫(yī)治 gratification sought: 滿足尋求 benefit sought: 追求利益 例句 _ 1.Sought is the past tense and p

2、ast participle of . (seek) 的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞音標(biāo)promise英pr?s美pr a m?s附加 _ 過(guò)去式 promised 過(guò)去分詞promised 現(xiàn)在分詞promis ing 釋義 _n.許諾,允諾;希望vt.允諾,許諾;給人以的指望或希望vi.許諾;有指望,有前途短語(yǔ) _Promise Technology:喬鼎資訊;喬鼎科技;喬鼎信息;喬鼎咨詢 promise n:答應(yīng);允諾;前途;承諾promise yourself:承諾自己great promise:大有前途前程遠(yuǎn)大很大的希望promise well:很有希望;前景很好;大有希望;顯示出成功的跡象Pr

3、omise Keeper:守約者;守約者運(yùn)動(dòng);守諾者大會(huì)old promise:夙諾例句 _1.V-T/V-I If you promise that you will do someth ing, you say to some one that you will defi nitely do it.承諾例:The post office has promised to resume first class mail delivery to the area on Friday.郵局已承諾在星期五恢復(fù)該地區(qū)第一類郵件的遞送。2. V-T If you promise some one som

4、eth ing, you tell them that you will defi nitely give it to them or make sure that they have it.向保人)承諾(給予他們某物);向保人)保證(他們獲得某物)例: In 1920 the great powers promised them an independent state.1920年,列強(qiáng)們?cè)饝?yīng)讓他們成為一個(gè)獨(dú)立國(guó)家。3. N-COUNT A promise is a statement that you make to a person in which you say that you

5、will definitely do someth ing or give them someth ing. 諾言音標(biāo)例:If you make a promise, you should keep it.如果你許下一個(gè)諾言,你就應(yīng)該遵守它。4. V-T If a situati on or event promises to have a particular quality or to be a particular thin g, it shows sig ns that it will have that quality or be that thing. 預(yù)示例: While it

6、will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.這次專題討論會(huì)將會(huì)很有趣,也一定會(huì)非常有啟發(fā)性。5. N-UNCOUNT If some one or somethi ng shows promise , they seem likely to be very good or successful.( 顯 示出)成功的跡象例: The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.這個(gè)男孩最初是在小學(xué)顯示出成為一名成功的運(yùn)動(dòng)員的跡象。音標(biāo)nine英na?i

7、美na?i釋義 _n.九,九個(gè)num.九;九個(gè)adj.九的,九個(gè)的n. (Nine)人名;(塞)尼內(nèi)短語(yǔ) _Nine Lives:九條命;九種生命;射殺百頭;生活九重奏nine bestowments:九錫Bali Nine:峇里九人組;巴厘九人組;巴厘島九人幫;巴厘運(yùn)毒九人幫nine ministers:九卿;太仆卿;詳細(xì)翻譯Princess Nine:女棒甲子園;九公主;如月女子高野球部Nine Stories:九故事做事九篇;九個(gè)故事;書(shū)名CHAPTER NINE面具后面的人;第九章;被惡人糾纏;商務(wù)談判Nine Songs九首歌;九歌;九歌專輯;情欲九歌nine ten ths:翻譯;

8、差不多全部例句 _1.NUM Ni ne is the number 9. 9例: We still sighted nine yachts.我們還是看到了九艘游艇。音標(biāo)harde ned英ha ?d?nd美 ha rdnd釋義 _adj.變硬的;堅(jiān)定的v.堅(jiān)定,變硬(harden的過(guò)去分詞)短語(yǔ) _hardened glass:鋼化玻璃;有機(jī)玻璃;強(qiáng)化玻璃hardened rubber:硬化橡膠Hardened reducer:硬齒面減速機(jī)she hardened:她硬化;她硬;她硬化了 ;她變得強(qiáng)硬hardened cheat:詐騙成性的人hardened case:硬化層;表面滲炭硬化;

9、表面滲碳硬化層;淬火硬化harde ned lam in ates:硬化層積材hardened way:淬硬導(dǎo)軌;淬火導(dǎo)軌hardened surface:硬化表面;表面硬化例句 _1.ADJ If you describe some one as harde ned , you mean that they have had so much experie nee of someth ing bad or un pleasa nt that they are no Ion ger affected by it in the way that other people would be.( 因

10、經(jīng)歷過(guò)很 多艱苦而)鐵石心腸的;麻木不仁的usu ADJ n例:.harde ned crim in als.冷酷無(wú)情的罪犯。音標(biāo)調(diào)味或herbs英h?:bs 美h?:bs釋義 _n.植藥草;植草本植物(herb的復(fù)數(shù))短語(yǔ) _herbs compound:中藥復(fù)方RARE HERBS珍草名方;稀罕的草藥de herbs:法國(guó)玫瑰面膜Essiac herbs護(hù)士茶草藥guidi ng herbs:藥弓丨collect herbs:采藥草herbs beer:草藥制啤酒southern herbs:南藥;南藥王toxic herbs:毒性中藥;美鼠李皮例句 _1.N-COUNT A herb i

11、s a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to add flavour to food, or as a medicine.( 藥用的)香草例:.beautiful, fragrant herbs such as basil and coriander.羅勒和芫荽等美麗芬芳的香草。音標(biāo)han dsome英h?n(?)m 美h?nsm附加 _比較級(jí) han dsomer 最高級(jí)han dsomest 釋義 _adj.(男子)英俊的;可觀的;大方的,慷慨的;健美而端莊的短語(yǔ) _Handsome Harry:英俊的哈里;片;英Handsome suits:

12、帥哥西裝;王handsome treatment:優(yōu)待Handsome Woman:帥氣女人;漂亮女人;端莊秀麗的女子Handsome Guys:男裝俊男;有帥哥Huh handsome:呵呵帥;許俊;許帥;呵呵很帥handsome Rob:中的帥羅布;杰森斯坦森Very handsome:非常帥;挺帥;太好了 ;很帥氣例句 _1. ADJ A han dsome man has an attractive face with regular features. 英俊的例:.a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer.一位高個(gè)、皮膚黝黑、相貌英俊的牧羊人。2. AD

13、J A handsome sum of money is a large or generous amount.( 款項(xiàng))相當(dāng)大的;可觀的正式ADJ n例: They will make a handsome profit on the property.他們將從地產(chǎn)中賺取一筆可觀的利潤(rùn)。音標(biāo)tribunal英tra? bju?r)(?tr? 美tra? bjunl釋義 _n.法庭;裁決;法官席短語(yǔ) _disciplinary tribunal:紀(jì)律審裁小組;紀(jì)律審裁庭Tribunal Member:法庭成員;審裁處成員Waitangi Tribunal:懷唐伊調(diào)解庭;懷唐伊法庭;瓦塔奇法庭a

14、ppellate tribunal:上訴審裁處;上訴法庭statutory tribunal:法定審裁處shipping tribunal:航運(yùn)法庭Supreme Tribunal:至高法庭;最高法庭con stitutio nal tribun al:憲法法庭;憲法裁判所pate nt trib un al:專利法庭例句 _1.N-COUNT-COLL A trib unal is a special court or committee that is appo in ted to deal with particular problems. 特別法庭;特別委員會(huì)例: His case c

15、omes before an in dustrial trib unal in March.他的案子將于3月在產(chǎn)業(yè)法庭審判。釋義Claren. 克萊爾(女子名)短語(yǔ) _County Clare: 克萊爾郡 ;愛(ài)爾蘭 ;克雷爾郡clare grant:克萊爾 格蘭特;克萊爾Clare Isla nd:克萊爾島Clare College克萊爾學(xué)院;卡萊爾學(xué)院An gel Clare:安琪爾?克萊爾;克萊爾;天使卡萊爾;安吉爾克萊爾Clare Hall:卡萊爾大廳學(xué)堂;克萊爾學(xué)堂;卡萊爾學(xué)堂;克萊爾霍學(xué)院Clare Jones克萊爾 瓊斯;史萊爾 瓊斯;克蕾 瓊斯Jas on Clare 克萊爾Cl

16、are Bridge:克萊爾橋釋義in ter aliaadv.尤其;在其他事物之外短語(yǔ) _These groups in elude in ter alia:除其他夕卜Recomme ndatio ns were made in ter alia:所提出的建議除其他方面外主要旨在是為了in ter alia among other thi ngs: 除其他因素之夕卜例句 _1. PHRASE You use in ter alia , meaning am ong other thin gs, whe n you want to say that there are other things

17、 involved apart from the one you are mentioning.除了另U的以外還有 正式PHR with cl例:.a collector who had, in ter alia, 900 en graved gems, 59 marble busts, and over 2,500 coins and medals.一位擁有900顆雕花寶石、59尊大理石半身像、2,500多枚錢幣和紀(jì)念章,以及其它收藏品的收 藏家。音標(biāo)rubb ing英b?美ID?釋義 _n.摩擦;研磨;摹拓v.摩擦;按摩;觸痛(rub的ing形式)短語(yǔ) _rubbi ng con tact

18、:摩擦接觸;摩擦接點(diǎn);摩擦接觸滑動(dòng)觸點(diǎn);摩檫觸點(diǎn)rubbing strake:防擦材;防擦板 船底外板 輪胎式rubb ing massage:強(qiáng)擦按摩法rubbing frame:搓條粗紗機(jī)Rubbing speed:摩擦速度;擦摩速率rubbing manipulation:摩法;摩擦法;搓法Rubbing test:摩擦試驗(yàn);插磨測(cè)試;標(biāo)簽?zāi)Σ翜y(cè)試;耐擦力試驗(yàn)rubbing emery:研磨用剛玉砂rubbing characteristics:摩擦特性例句 _1.N-COUNT A rubb ing is a picture that you make by putti ng a pi

19、ece of paper over a carved surface and the n rubbing wax or chalk over it. 摹拓 oft n N例:.a brass rubbing.一件黃銅摹拓。2.T see also rubsoldier音標(biāo) _英 s?ld? 美 sold?釋義 _n. 軍人; 昆 兵蟻;懶漢;一片烤面包vi. 當(dāng)兵;磨洋工;堅(jiān)持干;假稱害病短語(yǔ) _Star Soldier:星空戰(zhàn)機(jī);星際兵士 ;星際戰(zhàn)士 R soldier pile: 企樁;豎樁 ;支護(hù)樁Psycho Soldier:超能力戰(zhàn)士 ;超能力戰(zhàn)士街機(jī)游戲;游戲超能力戰(zhàn)士 ;魔獸游戲

20、Jetpack Soldier:飛人大兵Space Soldier:太空戰(zhàn)士 ;太空兵士 ;太空戰(zhàn)士漢化版Combine Soldier: 聯(lián)合士兵 ;聯(lián)合軍士兵 ;聯(lián)合軍 ;聯(lián)合 wounded soldier: 作戰(zhàn)中受傷的人員 ;傷兵Soldier Statues: 兩個(gè)士兵雕像 ;士兵雕像Pretty Soldier: 美少女戰(zhàn)士 ;美少女戰(zhàn)士啊 ;美少女戰(zhàn)士歐版例句 _1.N-COUNT A soldier is a member of an army, especially a person who is not an officer. 士兵desirability音標(biāo) _英 d?

21、,za?r?bl?t? 美 d?,za?r?bl?ti附加 _ 復(fù)數(shù) desirabilities 釋義 _n. 愿望;有利條件;值得向往的事物;合意短語(yǔ) _Overall desirability: 綜合指標(biāo) ;歸一化值 ; 總評(píng) ;歸一值 desirability study: 合意性研究Composite desirability: 復(fù)合合意性Desirability Scale: 馬克二氏社會(huì)贊許性量表market desirability: 符合市場(chǎng)需求desirability function: 合適性 ; 望想函數(shù) ; 渴求函數(shù) ; 渴望函數(shù) marginal desirabil

22、ity: 邊際合意性 ; 翻譯moral desirability: 可欲性social desirability: 社會(huì)愿望 ;社會(huì)贊許性 ; 社會(huì)期許 ;社會(huì)贊許fax音標(biāo) _英f? ks美f? ks釋義 _vt.傳真n傳真n. (Fax)人名;(英、法)法克斯短語(yǔ) _Fax No:傳真號(hào)碼;傳真號(hào)頭;傳真號(hào);傳真brother FAX:兄弟FAX;民用建筑外保溫系統(tǒng)及外墻裝飾防火暫行規(guī)定Fax only:僅傳真;傳真專用By fax:借助傳真;傳真文件;傳真函件Fax Paper傳真紙;電傳用紙Your Fax您的傳真Fax Log傳真日志;打印傳真日志;打印傳真收發(fā)的列表High Fa

23、x:高度傳真例句 _1. N-COUNT A fax or a fax machine is a piece of equipment used to copy documents by sending informationelectr on ically along a teleph one line, and to receive copies that are sent in this way. 傳真機(jī) also by N例:.a moder n recepti on desk with teleph one and fax.-一個(gè)有電話和傳真機(jī)的現(xiàn)代化接待臺(tái)。2. N-COUNT Y

24、ou can refer to a copy of a docume nt that is tran smitted by a fax mach ine as a fax . 傳真件例: I sent him a long fax, saying I didn t need a maid.我發(fā)給他一份長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的傳真,說(shuō)我不需要女傭。3. V-T If you fax a docume nt to some one, you send it from one fax mach ine to ano ther. 發(fā)傳真例: I faxed a copy of the agreement to each

25、 of the investors.我給每位投資者都傳真了一份協(xié)議副本。釋義trucksn.卡車(truck的復(fù)數(shù))v.駕駛卡車;用卡車運(yùn)(truck的第三人稱單數(shù)形式)短語(yǔ) _Derek Trucks:德里克塔克斯;德雷克;崔克樂(lè)團(tuán)Extreme Trucks:極限大腳車;爬坡也瘋狂;小游戲UD TRUCKS優(yōu)迪卡;迪卡車;日產(chǎn)柴;瑞典dump trucks:自卸卡車;自卸車Five Trucks五個(gè)卡車競(jìng)賽;小卡車;五個(gè)小卡車Tran sport Trucks:運(yùn)輸貨車Pallet trucks:托盤搬運(yùn)車;托盤推車;平板卡車Hand trucks:小推車;手推車Turret Trucks

26、:轉(zhuǎn)叉式叉車;轉(zhuǎn)叉式堆高機(jī)例句 _1. N-COUNT A truck is the same as a .卡車美國(guó)英語(yǔ)2. N-COUNT A truck is a vehicle with a large area in the back for carry ing things with low sides to make it easy to load and unioad. A truck is the same as a . 敞篷貨車 美國(guó)英語(yǔ)例: We can only seat two in the truck.我們的敞篷貨車?yán)镏荒茏鴥蓚€(gè)人。3. N-COUNT A truck

27、 is an open vehicle used for carrying goods on a railway. 敞蓬貨運(yùn)火車 英國(guó)英語(yǔ)4. V-T When someth ing or some one is trucked somewhere, they are drive n there in a truck. 用卡車運(yùn)送美國(guó)英語(yǔ) usu passive例: The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.這種酒合法出售,由卡車運(yùn)出該州。音標(biāo)thrilli ng英6?美D?P?釋義 _adj.激動(dòng)人心的,令人興奮不已的;

28、驚險(xiǎn)的,扣人心弦的v.(使)非常興奮,激動(dòng);顫動(dòng) (thrill的現(xiàn)在分詞)短語(yǔ) _THRILLING PARACHUT 驚險(xiǎn)跳傘thrilling trilogy:三部曲thrilling voice:顫抖的聲音thrilling seenes:喜歡的電影Occasio nally Thrilli ng:有時(shí)驚險(xiǎn)very thrilling:非常刺激的thrilling eve:夜幕驚魂thrilling watch:令人激動(dòng)的觀看例句 _1.ADJ Somethi ng that is thrilli ng is very excit ing and enjoyable.激動(dòng)人心的例: O

29、ur wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.我們的野生動(dòng)植物之旅真是激動(dòng)人心,使我們接觸了自然狀態(tài)下的野生動(dòng)植物。2.T see also thrill釋義Charlien. 查理(男子名)短語(yǔ) _Charlie Cho:曹查理Charlie Soo ng:宋嘉澍查理宋;韓教準(zhǔn)Checkpoint Charlie:查理檢查哨;查理檢查站;檢查點(diǎn)Charlie Pace:查理 佩斯;查理 佩思沖的查理 佩斯佩斯Charlie White: 白采妮Circus Charlie:小丑

30、查理;馬戲團(tuán);任天堂版;雜技團(tuán)Charlie Puth:查理普斯;查理帕斯;查理普斯;馬文蓋伊Charlie Taylor:泰勒標(biāo)簽Charlie Roberts:羅伯茨;羅拔士 ;以及隊(duì)長(zhǎng)查理羅伯茨例句 _ 1.N a code word for the letter c 字母 c 的代碼單詞 communications音標(biāo)gender英d?id?美d?釋義 _n.性;性別;性交vt.生(過(guò)去式 gendered,過(guò)去分詞 gendered,現(xiàn)在分詞 gendering,第三人稱單數(shù) genders,形容詞 gen derless)短語(yǔ) _gender issues:性別問(wèn)題;性別題目;性

31、別議題;性別gender gap:性別差異;性別差距;性別落差com mon gender:通性gender consistency:性另U致性Gender Analysis:性別分析;社會(huì)性別分析gender theory:社會(huì)性別理論gender bias:提供關(guān)于;性別歧視;該量表避免了性別偏倚Ge nder in equality:不平等;社會(huì)性別不平等Gender awareness:性別意識(shí);性別覺(jué)察;社會(huì)性別意識(shí)different gender:不同性另U例句 _1. N-VAR A person s gender is the tfflcat they are male or

32、female. 性另U例: Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.女性有時(shí)僅僅因?yàn)樗齻兊男詣e而被剝奪機(jī)會(huì)。2. N-COUNT You can refer to all male people or all female people as a particular gen der . 性例: While her observations may be true about some men, they could hardly apply to the entiregen der.她的觀

33、察對(duì)某些男人可能是對(duì)的,但并不適用于所有男性。音標(biāo)3.N-VAR In grammar, the gen der of a noun, pronoun, or adjective is whether it is masculi ne, feminine, orneuter. A word s gender can affect its form and behavioun English, only personal pronouns such as she, reflexive pronouns such as itself, and possessive determiners such

34、 as his have gender.( 語(yǔ)法上的 ) 性例:In both Welsh and Irish the word for moon is of feminine gender.在威爾士語(yǔ)和愛(ài)爾蘭語(yǔ)中,月亮”這個(gè)單詞都是陰性。bomb ing英b?美ba m?釋義 _n.軍轟炸,軍投彈v.轟擊;引爆炸彈(bomb的ing形式)短語(yǔ) _strategic bombing:戰(zhàn)略轟炸Ran goon bomb ing:仰光爆炸事件Google Bombi ng:谷歌炸彈saturation bombing:飽和轟炸Horizontal Bombing:水平轟炸;水平投彈Bombi ng

35、 Ran ge:清泉崗機(jī)場(chǎng)轟炸訓(xùn)練場(chǎng) 黒崗機(jī)場(chǎng)轟炸練習(xí)場(chǎng)train bombing:連續(xù)轟炸;連續(xù)投彈轟炸point bombing:定點(diǎn)轟炸例句 _1. N-COUNT A bomb is a device that explodes and damages or destroys a large area. 炸彈例: Bombs went off at two London train stations.炸彈在倫敦的兩個(gè)火車站爆炸了。2. N-SING Nuclear weap ons are sometimes referred to as the bomb . 核武器例: They a

36、re gen erally thought to have the bomb.他們被普遍認(rèn)為擁有核武器。3. V-T When people bomb a place, they attack it with bombs. 轟炸例: Air force jets bombed the airport.空軍噴氣機(jī)轟炸了機(jī)場(chǎng)。4.bombing N-VAR 轟炸例: Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing.音標(biāo)對(duì)叛軍陣地的空中轟炸仍在繼續(xù)。音標(biāo)s fourcon solidated英k?n Side?!美k?n sa l?,det?d釋義 _

37、adj.鞏固的;統(tǒng)一的;整理過(guò)的v.合并;鞏固(consolidate的過(guò)去分詞形式);統(tǒng)一短語(yǔ) _consolidated account:綜合帳目;合并報(bào)表consolidated debt:合并債務(wù);歸并債務(wù);翻譯;固定債務(wù)consolidated statement:匯總報(bào)表;綜合結(jié)單;合并決算表;合并報(bào)表consolidated fund:統(tǒng)一基金;統(tǒng)一財(cái)政金庫(kù)consolidated rock:固結(jié)巖石;固結(jié)巖consolidated ledger:合并分類帳consolidated subsoil:加固地基Consolidated Supervision:并表監(jiān)管;進(jìn)行合并監(jiān)理c

38、onsolidated revenue:合并收入;綜合收入例句 _1. V-T If you con solidate someth ing that you have, for example power or success, you stre ngthe n it so that it becomes more effective or secure. 鞏固例:The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?問(wèn)題是,這個(gè)軍政府會(huì)通過(guò)武力來(lái)鞏固它的政權(quán)嗎?2. V-T To con solidate a nu m

39、ber of small groups or compa nies means to make them into one large orga ni zati on. 合并例: Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana higher educatio n boards.查爾斯 施瓦茨法官給該州60天解散且合并路易斯安那的 4個(gè)高等教育委員會(huì)。音標(biāo)crystalli ne英S?)la?i 美?krt?l?n; ?kSt?l?a?釋義 _adj.透明的;水晶般的;

40、水晶制的短語(yǔ) _crystalline precipitate:晶形沉淀crystalline size:晶粒大小;晶粒大小英語(yǔ);翻譯crystalline fracture:結(jié)晶斷口 ;結(jié)晶破壞;結(jié)晶破裂;結(jié)晶斷面perfect crystalline:完美晶體crystalline region:結(jié)晶區(qū);晶區(qū);結(jié)晶領(lǐng)域crystalline aggregate:晶質(zhì)集合體;晶體集合體;結(jié)晶集體Crystalli ne Passage 水晶通道crystalline nature:晶體性質(zhì);晶體結(jié)構(gòu)例句 _1. ADJ A crystalline substanee is in the fo

41、rm of crystals or contains crystals. 晶狀的;含水晶的 usu ADJ n例: Diam ond is the crystalli ne form of the eleme nt carb on.鉆石是碳兀素的晶體結(jié)構(gòu)。2. ADJ Crystalline means clear or bright. 清澈的;瑩亮的文學(xué)性u(píng)su ADJ n例: .a huge plain dotted with crystalline lakes.一片點(diǎn)綴著清澈湖泊的遼闊平原。stiffe ned釋義 _adj.加強(qiáng)的v.使硬化;使僵直;使猛烈(stiffen的過(guò)去分詞)短

42、語(yǔ) _stiffened plate:加筋板;加強(qiáng)板板梁組合結(jié)構(gòu);Stiffened Peplums:加勁板Stiffened frame:軟身細(xì)腰長(zhǎng)裙stiffened plane:加強(qiáng)筋;甲板縱桁stiffened piles:力口筋stiffened plating:勁性樁integrally stiffened:加筋板e(cuò)ccentrically stiffened:整體加強(qiáng)的例句 _1. V-I If you stiffe n , you stop moving and sta nd or sit with muscles that are sudde nly ten se, for

43、example because you feel afraid or an gry. 僵住例: Ada stiffened at the sound of his voice.聽(tīng)到他的聲音,艾達(dá)僵住了。2. V-I If your muscles or joints stiffe n , or if someth ing stiffe ns them, they become difficult to bend or move.難于彎曲或活動(dòng)例: The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen.肌肉發(fā)僵時(shí),皮膚的供血量就

44、會(huì)減少。3. PHRASAL VERB Stiffe n up mea ns the same as .難于彎曲或活動(dòng)例: These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.這些衣服使你的手腳難于自由活動(dòng),使整個(gè)身體也僵硬起來(lái)。4. V-T If something such as cloth is stiffened , it is made firm so that it does not bend easily. 使變硬 usu passive例:This special paper

45、 was actually thin, soft Sugiwara paper that had been stiffened with a kind of paste.這種特殊的紙實(shí)際上是一種面漿漿過(guò)的輕薄柔軟的衫原紙。音標(biāo)glory英gl?r?美 g l?ri附加 _ 復(fù)數(shù) glories 過(guò)去式 gloried 過(guò)去分詞gloried現(xiàn)在分詞glory ing 釋義 _n.光榮,榮譽(yù);贊頌vi.自豪,驕傲;狂喜n. (Glory)人名;(法)格洛里短語(yǔ) _Old Glory:古老的光榮;昔日榮耀;星條旗glory hole:中心輻照孔;小烘爐;光榮之洞Eternal glory:永恒的榮

46、耀;永恒榮耀 湫水梧桐New Glory:該用戶已注銷;系列之紐格瑞;圖案的紐格瑞迷幻列車Garde n Glory:項(xiàng)目問(wèn)題of Glory:榮譽(yù)之Kinckerbocker glory:寶彩圣代;寶彩圣代冰淇淋的一種baby glory:神奇水畫布例句 _1. N-UNCOUNT Glory is the fame and admirati on that you gain by doing somethi ng impressive. 榮耀例: Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20km race.沃爾沙姆有過(guò)贏得 20公里賽跑的

47、光榮時(shí)刻。2. N-PLURAL A person s glories are the occasions when they have done something people greatly admire which makes them famous. 輝煌成就例: The album sees them re-living past glories but not really breaking any new ground.在這張專輯中他們重溫了昔日的輝煌成就,卻沒(méi)有任何真正新的突破。音標(biāo)derived英d? v?美d? ra?釋義 _adj.導(dǎo)出的;衍生的,派生的v.得到;推斷(

48、derive的過(guò)去分詞);由 而來(lái)短語(yǔ) _derived fun ctor:導(dǎo)出函子;derived quantity:導(dǎo)函子;導(dǎo)來(lái)函子;詳細(xì)翻譯Derived attribute:導(dǎo)出量;導(dǎo)出商derived curve:派生屬性;衍生屬性;導(dǎo)出屬性;推導(dǎo)屬性derived statistics:導(dǎo)函數(shù)曲線;導(dǎo)來(lái)曲線derived field:推算統(tǒng)計(jì)資料;派生統(tǒng)計(jì)資料;整理后統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字;derived plan:派生的統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字more derived:彳衍生欄;derived constant:導(dǎo)出域;導(dǎo)來(lái)體例句 _1. V-T If you derive someth ing such a

49、s pleasure or ben efit from a pers on or from someth ing, you get it from them.獲得正式例: Mr. Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.英先生是那種助人為樂(lè)的快活人。2. V-T/V-I If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that i

50、t comes from that thing. 衍生例: The n ame An astasia is derived from a Greek word meaning of the resurrectio n.阿納斯塔西婭這個(gè)名字是從一個(gè)意為復(fù)活”的希臘詞語(yǔ)衍生而來(lái)的。音標(biāo)eternal英? t?n(?)l-i?美? n?釋義 _adj.永恒的;不朽的短語(yǔ) _eternal return:永恒輪回;永劫回歸;永恒回歸;永恒的回歸Eternal Twilight:永恒暮光;永恒的薄暮Eternal Asia:怡亞通;鏈股份有限公司the Eternal:永生者;永恒者 永世;永遠(yuǎn)Eter

51、nal Chaos:永遠(yuǎn)的混沌;永恒混沌eternal faith:上海恒屹;永恒的信念Eternal Egypt:永恒的埃及例句 _1. ADJ Someth ing that is eternal lasts forever. 永恒的例:.the quest for eternal youth.對(duì)永遠(yuǎn)年輕的追求。2. eternally ADV 永恒地例: She is eternally grateful to her family for their support.她因家人的支持對(duì)他們永存感激之心。3. ADJ If you describe something as eternal

52、 , you mean that it seems to last forever, often because you think it is bori ng or annoying.無(wú)休止的例: In the background was that eternal hum.背景里是那沒(méi)完沒(méi)了的哼哼聲。音標(biāo)compulsive英k?m p? 美k?m p?釋義 _adj.強(qiáng)制的;強(qiáng)迫的短語(yǔ) _compulsive position:被動(dòng)體位;強(qiáng)迫體位;主動(dòng)體位;不主動(dòng)體位compulsive squatting:強(qiáng)迫蹲位Compulsive Courses :必修課程compulsive i

53、dea:強(qiáng)迫觀念;翻譯compulsive act:強(qiáng)迫動(dòng)作;強(qiáng)迫行為;翻譯compulsive disorder:強(qiáng)迫癥;強(qiáng)迫行為疾?。粡?qiáng)迫性障礙compulsive abuse:強(qiáng)迫性濫用compulsive thinking:強(qiáng)迫性思考action compulsive:動(dòng)作強(qiáng)迫性compulsive insanity:翻譯例句 _1. ADJ You use compulsive to describe people or their behaviour whe n they cannot stop doing someth ingwrong, harmful, or unn eces

54、sary.欲罷不能的 ADJ n例:.a compulsive liar.一個(gè)禁不住說(shuō)謊的人。2. ADJ If a book or television programme is compulsive , it is so interesting that you do not want to stop reading or watching it.(書(shū)、電視節(jié)目)使人著迷的例: Her new series is compulsive viewing.她的新系列節(jié)目引人入勝。釋義clinicallyadv. 臨床地;門診部地;不偏不倚;通過(guò)臨床診斷短語(yǔ) _clinically formul

55、ated: 臨床上制定 ; 正在翻譯clinically obese: 病態(tài)肥胖clinically useful: 臨床應(yīng)用clinically suspected: 臨床疑診clinically treatment: 臨床療效diagnosed clinically: 臨床診斷clinically proved: 臨床確診clinically N0: 例具有高隱匿性轉(zhuǎn)移的臨床檢查未發(fā)現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)移淋巴結(jié)clinically important: 臨床重要的 ;翻譯 ;種臨床重要釋義shiftsn.計(jì)移位;換班制(shift的復(fù)數(shù))v.轉(zhuǎn)移;改變(shift的第三人稱單數(shù))短語(yǔ) _Gear shif

56、ts:檔位wind shifts:風(fēng)變向level shifts:層次轉(zhuǎn)換Changing Shifts:換班;我們?cè)趽Q崗Split shifts:分段值班working shifts:工作班倒butterfly shifts:變化Shifts table:輪流值班表class shifts:詞類轉(zhuǎn)換例句 _1. V-T/V-I If you shift something or if it shifts , it moves slightly.稍微移動(dòng)例: He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.他停下來(lái),把手杖移到左手。2. V-T/V

57、-1 If some one s opinion, a situatio n, or a policy shifts or is shifted , it cha nges slightly.稍微改變例: Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.對(duì)精神病的態(tài)度近年來(lái)已稍微有所改變。3. N-COUNT Shift is also a noun.稍微改變 usu N prep例: .a shift in government policy.政府政策的些許改變。4. V-T If some one shifts the re

58、sp on sibility or blame for someth ing on to you, they un fairly make you resp on sibleor make people blame you for it, in stead of them.推卸; 轉(zhuǎn)嫁 表不滿例:It was a vain attempt to shift the responsibility for the murder to somebody else.把這項(xiàng)謀殺的罪責(zé)轉(zhuǎn)嫁于他人是徒勞之舉。5. V-T If you shift gears in a car, you put the car into a different gear. 換 (擋) 美國(guó)英語(yǔ)6. N-COUNT If a group of factory workers, nu rses, or other people work sh


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