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1、Unit 6Text AThe TelephoneAnwar F. Accawi32. Do the following exercises...9.10.2IraqiPakistani YemeniLebanese DanishHungarian Belgian Argentine Swedish SwissNorwegianPolishIV Key to ExercisesPreviewTranslate, paying attention to the use of the bold type. 這輛二手車買得很便宜。 他的講話被打斷 /縮短了。 在這里建造

2、鐵路之前,先要把這里的水抽干。 這花瓶擦干凈以后看起來就會和新的一樣。 這房子被刷成了淡綠色。 就在此時,門被突然踢開。 恐怖分子被槍殺,人質(zhì)都被釋放。 在日本,魚往往是生吃的。 這可憐的孩子生下來的時候就是聾的,不久又失明了。 據(jù)說在皇陵完工的時候,那些建造皇陵的工人都被活活埋在里面。 Give the corresponding adjectives of the following names of countries...2.Review how these words are formed.These are compound adjec

3、tives consisting of a noun plus an adjective with the noun serving as a modifier of the adjective. Jet-black for example means as black as jet (a hard black material).5 Complete the verb phrases by putting in prepositions or adverbs listed below.1. for18.up35. down/up2. up19.up36. into3. for20.in37.

4、 for4. for21.up38. into5. for22. for39. for6. for23.up40. into7. down/up24. into41. into8. up25.in42. for9. into/in/down/up26. for/up43. down/up10.up27.up44.up11.up28.up45.up12. for29.up46. down/up13.up30.in47. for14.in31. for48.in15. into32.in49.up16. into33.in50.up17.up34.up51. for4 Point out the

5、word or phrase that doesnt belong in each line. .5.crush crack crunch valueless clickenthroned breeze commitment.10. obliteratecareerVocabularyTranslate the following expressions.Into English1. to crack the walls..8.Into Chinese..9

6、.9.to save soulsto play hide-and-seek to slow to a trickle to grab sb by the hair to call sb namesto rip her shirtto reveal the secretto resist progress to come into view to gather firewood to talk sb out of doing sth to wriggle one s way out ofto run errands to deliver s

7、b from sufferingto assure a steady supplyto take the pressure off sbto keep him out of one s hair梯田 多巖石的山脈 百日咳 周圍的村莊 林中的一塊空地 細粉塵 羊糞 粘乎乎的雙手 強壯有力的的婦女 旌旗如林 第一手的資料 漆黑的頭發(fā) 一位虔誠的天主教徒 家務(wù)事 一種讓人感到在家般自在的聲音 手卷香煙 有利可圖 /十分掙錢的生意 一家肉鋪 它往日風(fēng)采的空架子 一所教會學(xué)校20.2. Rep lace the parts in bold type with approp riate words and

8、 exp ressions from the text.1.gave way: caved inburied: trapped asked for: charged p rofitable: lucrative p ersuade him not to:talk him out of it obstruct: resista quarrel: a argume ntdevel op ing:escalati ngsent to: relayed to / delivered to gather: assemble/c on gregate show their strong disagreem

9、ent withp rotest against become all skin and bonesb een reduced to mere skelet ons rescue:save/deliverstarted to: bega n to/p roceeded tovery seriously and carefullywith utmost gravitydestroyed:/ uin ed/devastated/wreckejdtore: bracked/spMp revent unwanted visitors from bothering you: kee p unwan te

10、d visitors off your hair10. heavily crowded:packed with peoplesqueeze:wriggle..3. Translate the following sentences into English.In credible as it may soun d, I hear that they charge 40 yua n for a bowl of simple no Odles.Sun Quan fin ally talked everybody into agree ing to put Lu Xun,

11、 a young scholar, i n charge of (comma nding) this decisive battle.He was arrested on the charge of (charged with) smuggli ng, but in accorda nee with the law, no citize n can be arrested without evide nee.She dropped the pl ate on the ground, but it miraculously did not break, la nding without so m

12、uch as a crack. OR not break.It didn t have so much as a crack.5.6.7.I can assure you that if we dig a well dee p eno ugh here, we will strike water. So if you guys have no objection, let s get started/proceed.She takes delight in shifti ng the tables and chairs in this room so as to give the

13、 room a new look.The focus of our econo mic deve lopment has shifted from the coastal areas in the east to the cen tral and wester n areas.8.He shifted/cha nged to the highest gear, thus leav ing all the other cars far beh ind.I maintained that smok ing should be forbidde n, but he disagreed because

14、 he said that the tobacco in dustry was an important source of gover nment revenue.9.10. The local people raised a strong objection to installing the cable car over that beautiful mountain.4.Choose the right words in their proper forms.1.2.3.assure4.5.6.assured reassuring insured; ensured ensure; re

15、assured reassuringly1.twisted/turned..4.5.6.twistedwringdistorted/twistedtwistedtwisted. wringing gathered/assembled assembling gather; gathered OR collect; collected gathering; assembled/gathered; collectors collect/gather collect; collecting; collection7.12.3.tore.split; broke

16、 break; Split tore/ripped torn1.abandoned1.crack; break cracked; tear2.abandoned/deserted/forsaken; abandonedabandon/desert/forsake4.desertforsaken; deserted abandoned ignore neglect.overlook neglected ignore neglecting5. Point out which of the following sentences contain paradox and whichoxy

17、moron.1.paradox9. oxymoron2.paradox10. paradox3.oxymoron11. paradox4.oxymoron12. paradox5.oxymorons13. paradox6.paradox14. paradox7.paradox15. oxymoron8.paradox16. paradoxGrammar1.Learn to use as and though as concessive conjunction.1 Group the patterns of concessive clauses in the following sentenc

18、es into the categories listed below.1, 2, 3, 6;4, 9;5, 8;7, 101.2.2 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets using the patterns of concessive clauses listed in the previous exercise.Simple as it isMuch as he loves his children.0.Try as he mightTrash as it really is

19、Happy and contented as they are in retirementHard taskmaster though he appeared to be in the labTempting though it wasPerfect talk show host though he isMuch as I respect himProud as they are of their father2.Learn to use“It is/was (high) time that sb did sthDecide on the precise meaning of the stru

20、cture. Note:The structure “itis/was (high) time (that)-is used to“approximately the right time”, the other beingtime you went to bed can mean either thatconvey two meanings. One is “past the appropriate tIitme s You should have gone to bed much earlier” For exam ” (oftenstated with emphasis on the w

21、ord time), or that now is the appropriate time for you to go to bed. The precise meaning of this term depends on the tone of voice and/or the context.1, 3, 6, 7,2, 4, 5, 8。.5.6.Translate the sentences into Chinese using theWe ve been training for the whole morning. ItThe Johnsons decided that

22、 it was high time their 40-year-old son moved out of their house.20 years have passed, and it s time we buried the past misunderstandings of our two families.It s time we protested publicly and said no to such gender discrimination in this department.It s time unions and management sat dowand worked

23、 out a real solution to the problem.It is time national leaders took stock of their nation resources and worked out realistic plans.“ it is/was time ” pattern. s time we took a break and had lunch.1 Study the grammatical structure of these involved sentences.1.This is a complex sentence.Main clause:

24、 story of the fish and oranges was trueSubordinating clauses:Adverbial clauses:1. of concession:Incredible as it may sound2. of reason: because men who would not lie even to save their own souls told and retold that story until it was incorporated into Magdalene s calendar. Both adverbial clauses mo

25、dify the predicate verb of the main clause Embedded in the second are two subordinating clauses.at”was true ”The first is a relative clause“ who would not lie even to save their own soulsthe subject of the reason clause “ men”th; e second, “ until it was incorporated into Magdalene s calendar ” is a time clause modifying its main verbtold and retoldmo2.It is also a complex sentence.Main clause: I watchedSubordinating clauses:Time clause: the rest of the sent


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