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1、1初中語法之名詞掌握要點:名詞的分類(專有名詞和普通名詞) 名詞的數(shù) 1)區(qū)分可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞,區(qū)分方法2)可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)變化,分為規(guī)則變化及不規(guī)則變化 名詞所有格 含義、構(gòu)成 兩種形式:S有格及 of 所有格 知識點:一、名詞的分類1專有名詞:名字(人名、地名、書名、機(jī)構(gòu)名)、與國家有關(guān)的(國家、國民、語言)、日期(節(jié)日、星期、月份)例句: My n ame is Lucy . I am a Chin ese . I will go to the Great Wall on Mon day .2普通名詞:包括可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞.-個體名詞 表示個體的人或事物例:sister、table

2、、bike、window可數(shù)名詞-集體名詞表示一群人或一些事物例:family、police、class、group表示構(gòu)成物體的物質(zhì)或材料例:water、air、wood表示狀態(tài)、品質(zhì)、行為、感情等例:dan ger、in terest區(qū)分方法:將物體分成兩半,如果每半不能叫原名,則為可數(shù)名詞,如果還可叫原名,則為不可數(shù)名詞。注:有些單詞意義發(fā)生變化,單復(fù)數(shù)也發(fā)生變化,例:glass 作玻璃杯時可數(shù),作玻璃時不可數(shù)。身兼二職的名詞對照表glassfishchicke ntime可數(shù)玻璃杯魚類小雞次、倍不可數(shù)玻璃魚肉雞肉時間orangelightpaperhair可數(shù)橘子電燈報紙/試卷(幾根)

3、頭發(fā)不可數(shù)橘汁光紙頭發(fā)exerciseidealifework可數(shù)練習(xí)題主意/意見生命著作不可數(shù)鍛煉了解生活工作turkeyradioyouthexperie nee可數(shù)火雞收音機(jī)青年人經(jīng)歷不可數(shù)火雞肉無線電: 年輕、青春經(jīng)驗in terestroom可數(shù)愛好房間不可數(shù)興趣空間、名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)形式(1)規(guī)則變化:名詞的復(fù)數(shù)構(gòu)成,通常是在單數(shù)形式后面加-s 或-es不可數(shù)名詞-物質(zhì)名詞抽象名詞21、 一般情況在詞尾直接加s ,例 bags。2、 以 s、x、sh、ch 結(jié)尾的詞力口 -es,例 bus-buses box-boxes。3、 以 輔音字母+y”結(jié)尾的詞,y 變成 i 加-es 例 c

4、ity-cities ;以 元音字母+y結(jié)尾的詞,直接加 s。4、 以 o 結(jié)尾的除 potato(馬鈴薯)、tomato(西紅柿)、hero(英雄)加 es,其余直接加 s。5、 以 f 或 fe 結(jié)尾的詞,多數(shù)變 f 或 fe 為 v 加 es, roof、proof 直接加-s,例 life-lives wife-wives roof-roofs。(2)不規(guī)則變化1、 單詞拼寫發(fā)生變化 man-men woman-women policeman-policemen foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice child-childre n2、 某國人變復(fù)數(shù),口訣:中

5、日不變英法變,其余s 加后面例:an En glishma n-En glishme nan America n-America ns3、單復(fù)數(shù)形式相同常用分以下幾類:表示動物的名詞deer 鹿,fish 魚,sheep 綿羊,bison 野牛,crab 螃蟹表示人的名詞Chinese 中國人,Japanese 日本人,Swiss 瑞士人,kin 親 屬craft 及由-craft 構(gòu)成的名詞craft 飛機(jī), aircraft 飛機(jī), spacecraft 太空船表示數(shù)量的名詞Hundred 百,thousand 千,million 百萬,dozen 打, score 二十其他series

6、系歹 U; species 種類; means 方法a/an 及數(shù)次搭配使用。表示數(shù)量時用量詞搭配。two glasses of milk(兩杯牛奶)four bottles of water(四杯水)三、名詞所有格含義:名詞所有格表示名詞之間的所有關(guān)系。表示形式:一種是所有格,一種是 of 所有格Beijing is China s capeaing is the captital of China.This is Tom s biThis is the bike of Tom.Lily is the key s owner.= Lily is the ofthr key.1、 所有格構(gòu)成單

7、數(shù)名詞及不以 s 結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)名詞,只需在詞尾加如 Lucy pen 路西的鋼筆 Children sDay (兒童節(jié));以 s 結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)名詞,只加,如 the students b 學(xué)生們的書。2、 幾個人共有的東西,只需在最后一個人的名詞后加,s 如 Lucy and Lily s bedr 露西和莉莉的臥室)。表示各自所有,則每個名詞都加,s 如 Lucy s and Lily s d 露西的桌子和莉莉的桌子)。典型例題講解1. They got much_ from those new books.A. ideas B. photos C. n ewsD. stories解析:much

8、 是用來修飾不可數(shù)名詞的,A B D 三個選項均是可是名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,C 項為不可數(shù)名詞,因此選 C.(3)不可數(shù)名詞一般只用單數(shù),它不能與例:a cup of coffee( 一杯咖啡)three pieces of paper(三張紙)32. I have two_ and three bottles of_ here.4A. orange, orangeB. oranges, orangesC. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges解析 : orange 有兩種含義 , 一種可數(shù)名詞橘子 , 另一種是不可數(shù)名詞橘汁 , 此題第一空應(yīng)填可數(shù)名詞 , 第二 空

9、填不可數(shù)名詞 , 因此選 C。3. Every evening M r. King takes a _ to his home .A. 25 minutes walk B. 25 minute s walkC. 25 minute walk D. 25 minutes walk解析:句中的 minute 應(yīng)該用其復(fù)數(shù)的所有格形式,只+,而不能+s,因此選 A。4. An old _wants to see you.A. peopleB. person C. the people D. the person解析:person 與 people 都有”人” 的意思 , 但用法不同 . “一個人”用

10、“a person” ,“兩個人” 用 “two persons”; people 泛指 “人們”是集合名詞 ,表示復(fù)數(shù) , the people 指“人民” , a people 指 “一個民族” . 應(yīng)選 B。5. Help yourself to _故應(yīng) +s, 因此選 D。6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _.A. room s number B. rooms number C. room numbersD. rooms numbers解析:room number 房間號碼 . room 可直接用作定語修飾后面的名詞 . 類似的還有 my phsics tea

11、cher, two bus drivers 等 .應(yīng)選 C。7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _.A. familyB. house C. homeD. room解析:family 指的是家庭或是家庭成員;house 指的是房子(住所);room 指的是房間;而 home 指的是家,因 此選 C.8. _mothers couldnA. Mary and PetersC. Marys and Petert go to the mbeeectainugs,e they have gone

12、 toShanghai . B. Mary and PeterD. Marys and Peters解析:此句中 “mothers”是復(fù)數(shù),表示兩個人各自的母親,因此應(yīng)選 D。9. Li Lei has been to _ m a n y times this month.A. her uncl e B. her uncle sC. her unclesD. aunt s解析:此句意為 “李雷這個去她舅舅家多次” . 表示具體場所時 , 可省去所有格后面的名詞 . 因此選 B。10. He is a success as a leader but he hasn t _ in teaching

13、.A. many experiencesB. much experienceC. an experienceD. a lot experience解析:experience 作 “經(jīng)驗” 講時是不可數(shù)名詞 , 作 “經(jīng)歷” 講時是可數(shù)名詞 . 本句中應(yīng)理解為 “經(jīng)驗” 因此是不可數(shù)名詞 ,排除 A C. 又因 a lot of , lots of, plenty of 只用于肯定句 , 不用于否定句 , 因此選 B。11. A classmate of _ was here ten minutes ago.A. youB. yourC. your sisterD. your sisters解析

14、:此題考查名詞的雙重所有格 .應(yīng)選 D。A. chickens and applesB. chickens and appleC. chicken and apple 解析:chicken 可用作可數(shù)名詞指小雞D. chicken and apples,用作不可數(shù)名詞指雞肉 ,根據(jù)詞題意應(yīng)理解為雞肉;apple 為可數(shù)名詞512. A group of _ are talking with two _.A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Germans ,FrenchmansC. Frenchmans , GermenD. Germen , Frenchmen解析 : Frenc

15、hman 是復(fù)合詞 ,其復(fù)數(shù)形式為 Frenchmen; German 的復(fù)數(shù)為直接在單詞末尾 +S, 應(yīng)選 A., please. ”B. a cup of drink, CoffeesC. a drink, A coffee D. a drink, Three cups of coffees解析:drink 和 coffee 是不可數(shù)名詞,可以用of 來表示數(shù)量,eg, three cups of coffee, 當(dāng)前面加 a 時,則表示 “一杯”因此選 C。15. The Great Wall was made not only by _ , but also the flesh and

16、 blood of _ men.名詞練習(xí)題1.This is _ reading-room.A. the teacherBs. teacherCs. teacherDs. the teachers 2.Nothing was found but _ broken.A. the room window B. the room s window C. the room of the windowD. the window of room3.How many_ would you like?A. paper B. bread C. pieces of papers D. pieces of brea

17、d4.He was praised for his _.A. brave B. bravery C. bravely D. great brave5.Please get me a new _ when you go to town.A. clothes B. dress C. clothing D. trousers6.There are 34_ doctors in the hospital.A. woman B. women C. womans D. womens7.Some_ are even thinner than your little finger.A. bamboo B. b

18、amboos C. kinds of bamboo D. kinds of bamboos8.He was born in this town and now he lives in _.A. Building second B. Building Two C. the Building Two D. Building the Second9.Old as he is, he has _to do every day.A. a lot of workB. much worksC.lots of homeworksD. quite a lot of homeworks10.Jacks room

19、is furnished with _.A. new furnituresB. many new furnituresC. many new pieces of furnitures D. many new pieces of furniture11.Have you read _newspaper yet?A. todaysB. Todays13.The teamA. is B. are 解析 : team 是一個集合名詞 后者 , 因此選B。having a meeting .C. am,即可表示復(fù)數(shù)意義D. be(指整個小組 ) , 也可指小組中的成員 (表示復(fù)數(shù) ), 此題意為14.

20、“ Would you like _A. drink, Three coffeesA.earth and stone, millions ofC. the earth and stone, million of 解析: earth 是不可數(shù)名詞,因此刪除 因此選 A。B. earths and stones, millionsD. the earths and stones, millionsB D,數(shù)以百萬的應(yīng)為millio ns of . ?6C. the todaysD. your todays12.Its noatr,f only _walk from here to our scho

21、ol. A. a ten minutesB. ten minutesC. a ten minutesD. ten minutes13.Last month, he wrote me _letter.A. a 1000-wordB. 1000 wordsC. a 1000-words D. 1000 words14.He had a _sleep yesterday.A. a good nightB. a good-nightC. a good nightsD. good -nights15._is not a long way to drive.A. Three miles distanceB

22、. Three-mile distanceC. Three milesdistanceD. A three-mile-distance16.His isnt fit for the work. Please get me _. A. something else B. somebody elseC. someone elses D. somebodys else17.Do you know how large _ is?A. population of ChinaB. Chinese populationC. China populationD. Chinas population18._ i

23、s too much for the boy to carry.A. The box weightB. The boxs weightC. The weight of the boxD. The box of the weight19.Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest _ shop? A. shoes B. shoe21.They say that the meeting will be _.A. of very importantB. great importanceC. of great importance D. great importan

24、t22.Im going to call at _ this evening.A. Mr BlackB. the BlacksC. Mr BlacksD. Blacks23.What Darwin said was an attack on peopleA. beliefB. beliefsC. beliefsD. believs24.There are some _waiting for you outside.A. German B. AmericanC. grown-up D. Japanese25.Their factory has developed a kind of _ to h

25、elp people walk.B. machinesC. shoesD. shoes20. What _weather were having these days!A. niceB. a niceC. a badD. worses religious _A. machine7C. a machineD. the machine26.There re many _ in my brother s album.A. leafsB. toysC. booksD. stamps27.Yesterday I went to the super market and bought a lot of _

26、.A. tomatoesB. potatosC. vegetableD. meats28.Upon hearing what I said, his _ rose.A. angerB. angryC. angrilyD. angriness29.Excuse me, can you change this _ for me?A. five-pound noteB. five pounds noteC. five-pound notesD. five pounds notes30.You have to make _ for your journeyA. preparingB. preparationC. a preparationD. preparations31.While washing up, she broke a _.A. glass wineB. wine glassC. glass of wineD. wine of glass32.You have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _.A. fallB. reality C. practice D. dee


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