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1、實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文檔單元仿真檢測 四Un it 4Earthquakes滿分:120分限時:100分鐘答題欄1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950I .多項(xiàng)選擇1.A.This umbrella is reliabletheres a big hole in it.B.straightC.uselessD. extreme2.Whenhe lear nedthat his father was seriously ill, he setoff for home

2、A.sooner or laterB.right awayC. at the same timeD. more or less3.I forgot my purse but Anna came to theand lent me some mon ey.A.in sura neeB. shelterC.rescueD. track4.It was Paulslow test scores thathischa ncesof gettingintoa goodschool.A.recoveredB. protectedC.expressedD. ruined5.Marythe shoes she

3、 had bought 20 years before whe n she was clea ningthe room.A. came outB. put outC. gave outD. dug out6. Marys alwaysin readi ng and study ing.No won der she always got the first place in any exam in ati on.A. buriedB. scheduledC. burstD. shocked7. The car was not seriouslyin the accident and it won

4、t cost muchto get it repaired.文案大全A. destroyedB. ruinedC. damagedD. sufferedD. injuredlaughter at the8. Why did nt An gus come to school today?Hehis leg while playi ng football yesterday.A. beatB. kickedC. knocked9. The audienee waited untilthe curtain rose and then sight of the funny actor.A. burst

5、 outB. burst intoC. broke intoD. began with10. When the robber saw himself surrounded by policemen, he realized that hishope was.A. at an endB. in the endC. by the endD. on endn .完形填空In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattenedAmerica, killing over 30,000 peoplein less tha n four minu tes. In the midd

6、le of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to_1丄 that the building was_12_.After the un forgettable shock, he_13_the promise he had made to his son,“ No matter_1 _ ,II always be there for you !” And tears began to_15_ his eyes.As he looke

7、d at the pile of ruin s, it looked hopeless, but he kept rememberi nghis_16_ to his son. He rushed there and started_17_the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, _18_ , Its too late!Theyre all dead! _19, face reality, theres nothing you can do!” To each pare nthe responded with on

8、e_20 , “Are you going to help me now ?” No one helped. Andthen he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know_21_himself, Is myboy_22_or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours .12 hours .24 hours .36 hours .then, in _23_our, he pulled back a large st

9、o ne and heard his sons_24_. He_screamed his sons name , “ARMAND” He heard back , “Dad, its me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you_25_me and _26_you saved me, theyd be saved. You promised , No matter what happens,門I always be there for you ! You did it,

10、Dad ! ”“Whats going on in there ?” the father asked.“ There are 14 of us left_27_33, Dad. Were scared,28, thirsty andthankful youre here. When the build ing collapsed, it made _29_, and it saved us. ”“ Come out, boy ! ”“No, Dad! Let the other kids out first,30 I know youll get me! No matterwhat happ

11、ens, I know youll always be there for me! ”11. A.knowB. discoverC. thinkD. realize12. A.as flat as a pan cakeB. as high as a mountainC. as strong as an oxD. as weak as a kitten13. A.memorizedB. forgotC.keptD. remembered14. A.whatB. howC.whichD. who15. A.fillB. flowC.comeD. burst16. A.pictureB. promi

12、seC.prese ntD. encourage17. A.diggingB. digging throughC . diggingoutD. digging into18. A.to sayB. saidC.and say ingD. saying19. A.Come outB. Come againC.Come onD. Come off20. A.wordB. soundC.rowD. line21. A.forB. ofC.byD. to22. A.liveB. livingC.aliveD. lively23. A.38B. the 38C.38thD. the 38th24. A.

13、breathB. voiceC.no iseD. tone25. A.will saveB. would saveC.saveD. would have saved26. A.whenB. becauseC.even ifD. though27. A.forB. behindC.out ofD. over28. A.excitedB. happyC.hun gryD. sad29. A.a promiseB. spaceC.roomD. a triangle30. A.becauseB. thoughC.whe nD. even though川閱讀理解AHave you ever ridden

14、 over huge rocks or through grass as tall as a third - grader?The moun ta in bikers from an intern ati onal biki ng group sure have! Reporter Rickycaught up with three of them 18- year- old Michael Castellanos, 13- year- oldGerardo Mendez, and 16 - year - old Jackie Luevano to learn about their expe

15、rie nces with the group.Ricky : How often do you ride your bikes?Michael : Every day after school. But I ride on the weekend, too.Gerardo : I use my bike to get to and from school and to get to my after - school program. I dont like to ride my bike if its snowing, though!Jackie : I only ride my bike

16、 in the summer, but when I do, I like to ride threetimes per week.Ricky : Whats the differenee between riding in the city and in the mountains?Michael : You have to follow more rules and laws when you ride your bike in the city .In the mountains there are laws but not as many.Jackie : Its harder rid

17、ingin the mountains, but its quieter. The hardest partis lear ning to use your gears (擋).I was used to ridi ng a city bike that does nthave gears and the n whe n I started to ride in the mountains I had to lear n that gears make it easier to ride.Ricky : What is the best part of the mountain rides?J

18、ackie : My favorite thing is gett ing a break from being in doors. After beingin side all day, its nice to enjoy the clea n air and feel the wind.Gerardo : Our group is usually really loud, but when we ride in the mountains, we are quieter and we can hear the birds and the water.31. Who goes to scho

19、ol by bike?A. Jackie.B. Michael.C. Ricky.D. Gerardo.32. The mountain biker Michael.A. rides in the mountains three times a weekB. often uses gears to make it easier to rideC. feels freer when riding in the mountainsD. likes to ride in the snow33. What does Jackie like most in the mountain rides?A. H

20、aving a rest.B. Drinking the water.C. Watching the birds.D. Enjoying the weather.34. The text is mainly about.A. different kinds of ridingB. an international biking groupC. the skills of riding in the mountainsD. an in terview with three mou ntai n bikersBTheres a street i n Harlem that comes alive

21、every Saturday with the sound of gospel ( 福音)music. You wont tind any church there just a simple stone housefull of teenagers and the woman who draws them in.Her nameis Vy Higginsen, a NewYork theater producer. Five years ago she created someth ing called“ Gospel for Teens”.If youre thi nking that H

22、igg insen thought up this program as a way to save theteens, youd be wrong. She did it to save the music.The faces and voices of Gospel for Teens in clude kids betwee n the ages of 13 and 19 who gather in Harlem each week from all over New York and NewJersey to study the traditi on and the art of si

23、nging gospel.Higginsen runs an advaneed ( 高級的)class, but each fall she brings in a new group, putt ing out a call for auditi ons (試音)in local papers, on radio, and inchurches. She calls them her “ beginners ”.Yolanda Howard, age 14, had arrived by subway from the Bronx very early. I was so happy bec

24、ause I was the first person, ” she said.And she brought along her friend Rhonda Rodriguez. Asked if she was n ervous, Rodriguez told Lesley Stahl, a reporter, “ I was really nervous.”“ Did they really have to be great in the auditi on?” Stahl asked Higg insen.“No,” she replied.“We_dont_expect_them_t

25、o_be_great.Theyre teenagers.”O(jiān)ne girl who auditioned only knew little about music. “ Thats why we have this school ! ” said Higginsen.So she and the teachers she calls music masters in cludi ng her own daughterKno elle want to accept as many kids as they can.And that next Saturday, there they were:

26、the 46 kids Higginsen chose as her new begi nners, in clud ing Yola nda Howard and her friend Rhonda Rodriguez, who thought she would nt get in, but Higgi nsen had decided to give her a cha nee.35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. You dont need to know everything!B. Give nerv

27、ous kids a chanee!C. Go to the audition!D. Save the music!36. Gospel for Teens was founded to.A. help kids behave themselvesB. raise money to build a churchC. teach the tradition and the art of gospel musicD. offer kids a chanee to meet some new friends37. Who was nervous during the audition?A. Lesl

28、ey Stahl.B. Yolanda Howard.C. Rhonda Rodriguez.D. Knoelle.38. By saying “ Wedont expect them to be great ”,Vy Higginsen meansA. few teenagers know how to sing gospel musicB. she helps tee nagers to develop their musical tale ntC. great teenagers can take advaneed classes without auditionsD. tee nage

29、rs are always too n ervous to show their tale nt in the auditi onsEverybody hates rats. But in the earthquake capitals of the world Japan, LosAn geles, Turkey rats will soon be mans new best frien ds.What happens after an earthquake? Wesend in rescue dogs. Why?Because they can smell people. Dogs sav

30、e lives. They help rescuersto find liv ing people. But dogs are big and they cant get intosmall spaces.So now a new research project is using a smallerani mal to save lives: the rat.How does it work? First,the rat is trained to smell people. When this happe ns,the rats brain gives a sig nal(信號).This

31、 is sent to a small radio on its back,and then the rescuers followthe radio signals.Whenthe rats brain activity jumps,the rescuers know that some one is alive. The rat has smelled that pers on.Although there are already robots which can do this job, rats are better.Christia n Lin ster at Corn ell Un

32、i versity,NewYork, says , “ Robots no ses dont workwell when there are other smells around. Rats are good at that. ” Rats can also see in the dark. They are cheaper and quicker to train tha n dogs, and un like robots, they dont n eed electricity!The “rat project ” is not finished,but Julie Ryan of I

33、nternationalRescue Corpsin Scotla nd says , It would be fan tastic. A rat could get into spaces we could nt get to, and a rat would get out if it was nt safe.” Perhaps for the first time inhistory, people will be happy to see a rat in a building(but only after an earthquake,of course.)39. From the t

34、hird paragraph we know the rescuers can judge a person is aliveby.A. the noise made by the ratB. the rats unusual behaviourC. the signal sent by the radio on the rats backD. the smell given off by the person40. In doing rescue jobs , .A. rats smell better than dogsB. dogs dont need to be trained to

35、smell peopleC. robots sense of smell can be affected by other smells aroundD. rats can see in the dark and are smaller than robots41. Rats have all the following advantages EXCEPT that.A. they are more fantastic than other animalsB. they are less expensive to train than dogsC. they dont need electri

36、cityD. they are small and can get into small places42. After reading the passage we know.A. at present rats have taken the place of dogs in searching for peopleB. the “ rat project ” has been completedC. people are now happy to see a rat in a buildingD. now people still use dogs and robots in perfor

37、ming rescuesDMost people prefer to stay in doors duri ng a sno wstorm, but Kenn eth Libbrechtis not most people. Whens now starts falli ngdow n from the win ter sky, the scie ntistswork begins. Taking a magnifying glass( 放大鏡),a paintbrush, and a camera with him, he heads out into the cold.Outside, L

38、ibbrecht waits for snowflakes(雪花)that are just right. Sometimes he waits for hours. Fin ally, he sees the sno wflakes hes bee n wait ing for. As the snowflakes fall, Libbrecht carefully catches them on his paintbrush. Then he points his camera and shoots.The scie ntists shiny pictures recen tly earn

39、ed him a prize, which is give n totop scie nee photographers around the world.Libbrecht takes pictures of sno wflakes to lear n more about their shapes. The snowflakes form when water steam(水蒸氣)in a cloud freezes. Every snowflake grows into a hexagon. That is a six - sided shape. However, no two sno

40、wflakes look the same. Experts are not sure why.To find the answer, Libbrecht has traveled to snowy places around the world.He has take n picturesof sno wflakesin Can ada, Alaska,and Vermont. The work takespatie nee,Libbrecht expla in ed.It does nt snow all the time, and whe n it does, thesno wflake

41、s arent always good, he said. Once hes collected eno ugh pictures, heretur ns to his scie nee lab in Califor nia to do research.Since develop ing his in terest in sno wflakes, Libbrecht has collected n early10,000 sno wflake pictures. He will spe nd most of this win ter study ing them. The scientist

42、s outdoor work is far from over, though. Libbrecht plans to one day goto other snowy places to take more photos.I really enjoy watching the snow fall and trying to see what I can find, ”he said.“ There is a lot of fun.”Kenneth Libbrecht also gave somegood advice to kids who want to study snowflakes.

43、“ You dont n eed a lot of thin gs. With a simple magnifying glass on a snowy day, you can really see quite a bit if you just stop and look.”43. Kenneth Libbrecht is different from most people in that.A. he likes to take picturesB. he likes to research snowC. he does nt like warm weatherD. he does nt

44、 like life in doors44. Paragraph 2 is mainly about.A. how snow formsB. what snowflakes look likeC. how Libbrecht takes pictures of snowD. what Libbrecht plans to do next45. Why does Libbrecht take pictures of snowflakes?A.To study their shapes.B.To enjoy the snow.C.To find pleasure.D.To win a prize.

45、46. Libbrecht advised kids who want to study snowflakes to.A.watch carefullyB.buy a good cameraC.be patientD.spend much timeEA littlekno wledge about earthquakes can in crease your cha nee of surviv ing.Thekeys are education and preparing in advance(提前).The earthquake safety tips below will not make

46、 you an expert. However, they could make a life- saving differeneeif you find yourself in an earthquake situation.What to do whe n the shak ing beg ins DROP,COVER,ANDHOLDON! DROFto the floor and get under something for COVER and HOLD ON un til the shak ing stops. Move only a few steps to a n earby s

47、afe place.Stay in doors un til the shak ing stops and youre sure its safe to exit. Stay away from win dows. If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. If you are outdoors, find a clear spot away from build in gs, trees, and power lin es. Drop to the ground. If you

48、 are in a car, slow down and drive to a place with few big things. Stayin the car un til the shak ing stops.What to do after the shak ing stops: Check yourself for injuries. Protect yourself from further dan ger by putt ing on long trousers, a long - sleeved shirt, strong shoes, and work gloves. Che

49、ck others for injuries. Give first aid for serious injuries. Look for and put out small fires. Get rid of the dan gers. Turn off the gasif you smell gas or think its leaking(漏氣). Liste n to the radio for in struct ions. Expect aftershocks. Each time you feel one, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON! In spect (

50、 仔纟田檢查 )your home for damage. Get every one out if your home is un safe.-threatening emergencies.-Use the teleph one only to report life47. What would be the best title for the passage?B. What is an earthquake?D. What to do during an earthquakeB. By giving examples.D. By following the time order.A.

51、Earthquake safety tipsC. What to do after an earthquake48. How is the passage mainly developed?A. By comparing facts.C. By giving explanations.49. When the shaking begins, you shouldA. stand under the treeB. stand beside the windowC. sit down as quickly as possibleD. cover your head with a pillow50.

52、 After the shaking stops, you should do the following EXCEPT.A. offering help to those injuredB. liste ning to the radio for in struct ionsC. staying where you are and not movingD. wearing long trousers and strong shoesIV .完成句子51. The little boyhis friends as soon as he himselfwas out of dan ger.(re

53、scue)小男孩一脫離危險(xiǎn)就盡他的一切努力救助他的朋友。52. what the headmaster said.Some of them are againsthim.(agree)并不是所有的老師都同意校長的話。他們有些人反對他。53. The childre n wan ted to have a fancy dress party so wefor them.(dig)孩子們想有一個奇特的化裝舞會,所以我們找出我們所有的奇特的服裝給他們。54. When the drunk driver saw the police coming, he got into his car.(as)當(dāng)醉

54、酒的司機(jī)看見警察走來時,他鉆進(jìn)車?yán)锼坪跻?qū)車離開。55. The firefighters have sent those people to the safeplace.(trap)消防隊(duì)員已將被困在燃燒的樓里的那些人送到了安全的地方。56. A number of teachers are present today,.(whom)許多教師今天都出席了,數(shù)量有 300人。57. , he was admitted into the big localcompa ny.(expect)正如他父母所期望的,他被當(dāng)?shù)氐拇蠊句浫 ?8. In a civilized world, always

55、is the best and mostperfect wisdom.(thi nk)在一個文明的社會里,看重別人永遠(yuǎn)是最好也是最明智的。59. were some of the tools he used when he was alive.(bury)和他一起埋葬的是他活著的時候用過的一些工具。60 . I would like to those who have helped metoday.(express)我今天想對那些幫助過我的人表達(dá)我的謝意。V .短文寫作假設(shè)你是校英語報(bào)的小記者李華,請根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容寫一篇題為“ A big earthquake ”的新聞報(bào)道。時間2013年4月20日上午8: 02。地點(diǎn)四川省雅安市蘆山縣。損失情況傷亡人數(shù)眾多,房屋倒塌,大量的民眾無家可歸。救援情況當(dāng)?shù)鼐用褡跃?,解放軍?zhàn)士和醫(yī)療工作者前往救援,全國人民積極捐助。注意:1.詞數(shù)不少于120; 2.可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。參考詞匯:縣 coun


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