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1、讓學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)句型:Where are you from?Children. I want to know where are you from? A:Where are you from?B: Im from.A:Do you like your city?B:.A:Why?B:Because For example:Dalian, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangzhounoisy,comfortable,heavy,slow,quiet第1頁/共57頁回顧何芷晴、李盛權(quán)、謝耀帥三位同學(xué)的城市生活,并且與他們交流。Li ShengquanXie YaoshuaiHe ZhiqingW

2、e are all live in the city!Whats our city life like?SichuanGuangzhouJieyangGuangzhou is a big and modern city. But its noisy.Jieyang is a small city. Its quiet and clean.Sichuan is a good city. The people are nice.第2頁/共57頁Do you like city life?Why?Xie YaoshuaiLi ShengquanDo you like city life?Yes,I

3、do.Why?Because the people are nice, and Guangzhou is a big and modern city.第3頁/共57頁A:Do you like city life?B:Yes,I do.(必須是喜歡)A:Why? B:Because.Xie Yaoshuai1.介紹,My 拍檔 is .2.開始提問。 第4頁/共57頁city kidcountry kidLets go, visit the city.OK.Do you like this building?Wow! I like it! Its tall and new!第5頁/共57頁ci

4、ty kidcountry kidI dont like the traffic. Its heavy.But I think it is OK.I like the city.Its big and modern. There are many supermarkets and parks. I can play all day.第6頁/共57頁city kidGoodbye! Next timemeet in Guangzhou.country kidOK! Next time meet!第7頁/共57頁What can you see in the city?modern theatre

5、s意思:劇院 注意:cinema是電影院只能播放電影,劇院還可以演出話?。rowded streetsheavy and slow trafficquiet parklarge supermaket第8頁/共57頁What can you see in the countryside?fieldanimalsfruitsvegetables第9頁/共57頁What can you do in the city?What can you do in the countryside?幾個人討論,討論能做什么。并記錄在書本第21頁空白處。第10頁/共57頁 in the city in the c

6、ountrysidego shoppinggo to the KTVsplay in the parkvisit the museumgo to the KFCsvisit the flower show.grow vegetablesfeed the animalsplant trees.There is much more to do in the city than in the countryside.第11頁/共57頁These people are enjoy city life.第12頁/共57頁Ms WhiteI like the city life.There are man

7、y supermarkets here.I can go shopping day and night.all day第13頁/共57頁sellMs WhitebuyThe supermarkets sell lots of different things.I can buy many different things.sell 新單詞,意思是出售。 反義詞是buy。第14頁/共57頁JanetI like the city life.There are many restaurants here.I can eat many delicious food.第15頁/共57頁PeterI l

8、ike the city life.There are many museums here.I can visit the museum.Guangzhou museum廣東省博物館第16頁/共57頁We like the city life.There are many places here.We can play all day.many places here in the city第17頁/共57頁But sometimes第18頁/共57頁These people dont like the city life.第19頁/共57頁AnnI dont like the city li

9、fe.There are too many cars.I am _ to go outside.afraidafraid害怕be afraid to 害怕第20頁/共57頁I dont like the city life.The streets are very _.Its not _ for me.dirtyhealthdirty臟的 形近單詞:thirtynot health for me對我不健康Tom第21頁/共57頁I dont like the city life.There are too many cars.Its too_.I _.noisycant go to sleep

10、 at nightcant go to sleep at night晚上不能睡覺Peter第22頁/共57頁SamI dont like the city life.The traffic is _.The streets are _.too heavycrowdedtoo heavy 太擁擠第23頁/共57頁Do you like the city life now?We all like the city life.I dont like.第24頁/共57頁postcard第25頁/共57頁Hi, Im Liwei. Im going to the city this holiday. I

11、 like the city very much! But I really miss my friends.第26頁/共57頁Task1 Listen and answer true(T) or false(F). (1)Liwei goes to the city this holiday. ( )(2)Liwei likes some things in the city.( )(3)There are many cars in the city.( )(4)Liwei doesnt miss the country life.( )(5)This postcard is for Luc

12、y.( )(6)This postcard isnt for Lily. ( )TTTFFFLily第27頁/共57頁Task2 Read and answer the questions.(1)問題意思:李偉在哪里?He is in the city. 答案意思:他在城市里。(2)問題意思:在城市里,街道是什么樣子的?The streets are crowded and dirty.答案意思:在城市里,街道都很擁擠,并且很臟。第28頁/共57頁Task2 Read and answer the questions.(3)問題意思:為什么李偉不能睡覺?Because its very noi

13、sy.答案意思:因為外面很嘈雜。Because there are too many cars.答案意思:因為外面有很多車。(4)問題意思:他認(rèn)為城市怎樣?There are many nice things in the city.答案意思:城市里有很多好的東西。第29頁/共57頁Task2 Read and answer the questions.(5)問題意思:當(dāng)李偉回家的時候?qū)鍪裁矗縃e will see all his friends when he goes back home.答案意思:當(dāng)他回家的時候他會去看望他所有的朋友。第30頁/共57頁Task3 Lets read.

14、第31頁/共57頁Task4 Lets recite.第32頁/共57頁Task5 Lets discuss.討論:城市生活是不是好過農(nóng)村生活?假如:Yes,it is.No,it isnt.你think so嗎?1.I think so. Because.(Yes,No)2.I dont think so. Because .(Yes,No)第33頁/共57頁第34頁/共57頁Do you know these place?Tips: These place are all in Beijing! Guess!第35頁/共57頁I have a friend, Lucy. Now I am

15、in Beijing. My friend wants to visit Beijing. Now Lucy has a plan. Task 1Listen and write the dates.使用提示:單擊李偉,出現(xiàn)聽力材料。退出聽力材料,請單擊李偉說話的文本框。October 1stOctober 2ndOctober 3rdOctober 4thOctober 5th第36頁/共57頁My friend Lucy comes back home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about someth

16、ing.Task 2 Look and say.使用提示:答案不在本頁,請看下一頁。第37頁/共57頁My friend Lucy comes back home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about something.Task 2 Look and say.If you are Lucy and Jane, Look and say.Do you like this place?No, I dont. The air is dirty.第38頁/共57頁My friend Lucy comes back

17、 home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about something.Task 2 Look and say.If you are Lucy and Jane, Look and say.Do you like this place?Yes,I do.Its beautiful and quiet.第39頁/共57頁My friend Lucy comes back home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about som

18、ething.Task 2 Look and say.If you are Lucy and Jane, Look and say.Do you like this place?Yes, I do.It looks busy.繁華繁華第40頁/共57頁My friend Lucy comes back home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about something.Task 2 Look and say.If you are Lucy and Jane, Look and say.Do you like

19、 this place?No, I dont. Its crowded and noisy.第41頁/共57頁My friend Lucy comes back home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about something.Task 2 Look and say.If you are Lucy and Jane, Look and say.Do you like this place?Yes,I do.Its tall,new and modern.第42頁/共57頁My friend Lucy co

20、mes back home now, she shows some photos for Jane.Now They are talking about something.Task 2 Look and say.If you are Lucy and Jane, Look and say.Do you like this place?No,I dont. The traffic is heavy and slow.第43頁/共57頁What do you think of city life? Something is good, Something is bad.And country l

21、ife?Task 3 Compare and write.delicious foodbig schoolscomfortable hotelmany theatresslow trafficdirty airdirty streetsnoisy supermarketsexpensive thingsfresh foodclean airnice peoplego fishingclimb treesnot busyold housesboringgo to bed earlysmall shopsquiet parks第44頁/共57頁I have a friend,Judy. I wan

22、t to invite her to come to my hometown. So I will write a invitation email.Please help me!Task4 Do the project.要求:你將會邀請一些同學(xué)去參觀你家鄉(xiāng)的某個地方。Step1:在小組里討論,選擇3樣?xùn)|西討論(做什么,參觀的地方,天氣)Step2:討論你怎樣去那里,可以在那里干什么。Step3:寫一封邀請電子郵件給你的同班同學(xué)。使用提示:要求請單擊李偉,例文1請單擊電子郵件邀請函。退出例文,請單擊李偉說話的文本框。第45頁/共57頁My friend Tom write a letter f

23、or me.He said”write your hometown for me”! Help me! I cant do!Homework1:Write your hometown.This is my hometown.It is in. My hometown is. and (but)I like my hometown,because Hey, my friend,do you want to come to my hometown?第46頁/共57頁第47頁/共57頁Ben and Jiamin like watch football match.But today they ca

24、nt go to the Spots Centre on time.Aki can help them.But . Lets look or listen.使用提示:有金太陽的,請打開金太陽,沒金太陽的,請聽錄音。有教學(xué)光盤的,用教學(xué)光盤。第48頁/共57頁Lets learn this story now.JiaminBenCome on,Ben.Well be late for the game.使用提示:單擊家明或者本,就會出現(xiàn)意思??禳c,Ben。我們看比賽要遲到了。注意:game在這里不是游戲的意思,而是比賽的意思。意思相近:matchI cant believe it! Manche

25、ster Unitedplaying here in our city!And we have tickets! 我簡直不敢相信!曼徹斯特聯(lián)隊在我們的城市比賽!而且我們還有票!注意:playing here in the city,在這里不是在城市里玩的意思,而是在城市里比賽的意思。第49頁/共57頁Lets learn this story now.使用提示:單擊家明或者本,就會出現(xiàn)意思。JiaminOh no The traffic was fine this afternoon,but now its so heavy.We cant get there on time.哦,不,今天下午交通還挺好的,但是現(xiàn)在好擁擠,看來我們不能準(zhǔn)時到達了。注意:今天下午交通還挺好,那是今天下午的事,已經(jīng)過去了,所以be動詞用過去式。BenWait I have an idea Hello,Aki?等一會兒,我有一個主意。喂,Aki嗎?第50頁/共57頁Lets learn this story now.AkiWhere is the stadium?Ben使用提示:單擊Aki或者本,就會出現(xiàn)意思。That way, Aki.Its nex


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