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1、unit 1 a trip to the silk roadlesson 3 a visit to xian what do you know about the terra cotta warriors? do you want to take a trip to xian?xianthe walled citydo you know:how long is the wall in the walled city?how old is the wall?its about 12 kilometres long.its over 600 years old.the big wild goose

2、 pagodait is over 1,300 years old.you can climb up.the drum towerhit the ancient drumthe bell towerring the ancient bellthe terra cotta warriorsyou can visit.they are over 2,000 years oldwhat are they? they are the special dishes of xian.wild goose pagodahitancientdrumringbell 大雁塔大雁塔v. 擊,擊中擊,擊中adj.

3、古代的;古老的古代的;古老的n. 鼓鼓v. 敲敲(鐘鐘);打電話;打電話; 按按(鈴鈴);鳴;響;鳴;響n. 鐘;鈴鐘;鈴words and expressionsenjoydishtourguidepitmovesignv. 喜歡;享受喜歡;享受樂(lè)趣樂(lè)趣n. 菜肴;盤,碟菜肴;盤,碟n. & v. 旅游;旅行旅游;旅行n. 導(dǎo)游;向?qū)?dǎo)游;向?qū). 坑,深坑;陷阱坑,深坑;陷阱v. 移動(dòng);搬動(dòng)移動(dòng);搬動(dòng)n. 招牌;記號(hào)招牌;記號(hào)words and expressions精講點(diǎn)撥精講點(diǎn)撥 1. hit v.擊;擊中擊;擊中 (1) you can hit the ancient dru

4、m in the drum tower. 你可以在鼓樓擊打古代的鼓。你可以在鼓樓擊打古代的鼓。 (2) danny hit him on the nose. 丹尼打了他的鼻子。丹尼打了他的鼻子。 (3) she was so angry that she hit him in the face. 她很生氣,所以她打了他的臉。她很生氣,所以她打了他的臉。思考:思考: 1)由以上例句可知由以上例句可知hit的過(guò)去式同原形一的過(guò)去式同原形一樣,仍為樣,仍為_(kāi)。嘗試寫出它的過(guò)去分詞。嘗試寫出它的過(guò)去分詞_。 2)由例句(由例句(2)和例句()和例句(3)可知)可知“打某人某一部位打某人某一部位”應(yīng)用應(yīng)

5、用_ 。 3)由例句(由例句(2)()(3)可知比較硬的部位用)可知比較硬的部位用介詞介詞_,比較軟的部位用介詞比較軟的部位用介詞_。hit hit hit sb in/on the .onin 2.look at 看看 (1)look at the sign,“no photos!” 看這個(gè)牌子,看這個(gè)牌子,“禁止拍照!禁止拍照!”(2)what can you see in the tree? 你在樹(shù)上能看見(jiàn)什么?你在樹(shù)上能看見(jiàn)什么?思考:1)look是不及物動(dòng)詞,如后面接賓語(yǔ)時(shí),需用_,強(qiáng)調(diào)_。2)關(guān)于look你還知道那些短語(yǔ),請(qǐng)寫在下面的橫線上。_at 動(dòng)作動(dòng)作 look up loo

6、k down look into 1. visit 的詞性及用法的詞性及用法翻譯:那是一次去北京的參觀。翻譯:那是一次去北京的參觀。 我想要去參觀兵馬俑。我想要去參觀兵馬俑。2. over 多于;超過(guò)多于;超過(guò) = 我們班有我們班有50多個(gè)學(xué)生。多個(gè)學(xué)生。there are over 50 students in our class.thats a visit to beijing.i want to visit the terra cotta warriors.language points3. ring 的意思及用法的意思及用法你可以在鐘樓敲鐘。你可以在鐘樓敲鐘。你可以給李明打電話。你可以

7、給李明打電話。you can ring the bell in the bell tower.you can ring liming.4. enjoy 喜歡喜歡 ;享受;享受.的樂(lè)趣的樂(lè)趣 enjoy doing sth.我喜歡參觀鐘樓。我喜歡參觀鐘樓。i enjoy visiting the bell tower.他經(jīng)常欣賞音樂(lè)。他經(jīng)常欣賞音樂(lè)。he often enjoys music.5. have a lot of fun 過(guò)的非常愉快他們?cè)诶蠲鞯纳站蹠?huì)上過(guò)的非常愉快。他們?cè)诶蠲鞯纳站蹠?huì)上過(guò)的非常愉快。they have a lot of fun at li mings birth

8、day party.grammar points (1)no photos! 禁止拍照!禁止拍照!( 2)no smoking! 禁止吸煙!禁止吸煙!思考思考 1)以上例句屬于什么句式?)以上例句屬于什么句式? _ 2) 以上例句通常是用于以上例句通常是用于_場(chǎng)所場(chǎng)所的提示語(yǔ),表示的提示語(yǔ),表示_之意。之意。no + doing / noun. 公共公共 禁止禁止exercises用方框中的單詞或短語(yǔ)填空。 1.please_your desk between li leis and wang hongs. 2.ill go to xian and _ the drum in the drum

9、 tower this summer. hit, ancient, enjoy, move, climb up, no photosmove hit 3.they _reading storybooks. 4.you cant take photos here.please look at the sign,“_ !”enjoy no photos 5.xian is an _ city. 6.dont _ the tree. its dangerous.ancient climb up work in groups. share the information you found in activity 4. then do a role-play. one or two students can be the tour guide(s) and the rest of the group can


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