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1、 本科畢業(yè)論文(設計) 外文翻譯題 目淺析國內(nèi)企業(yè)危機公關中的輿論引導策略專 業(yè) 市場營銷指導教師 職 稱講師/碩士中國·武漢二零一二 年 四 月公關的威力新傳媒時代高回報率營銷傳播指南原文來源:the power of public relations - the high rate of return of the new media age marketing communications guide, of: (u.s.) weiner publisher: enterprise management publishing house 2008(01) 1、 營銷和公共關系的

2、新機遇 近年來,無論是從汽車制造到金融服務,還是從包裝消費品到娛樂業(yè),許多公司都得出了一個結(jié)論:公共關系的確有效,而且,公共關系通常比其他營銷方式更有效,花費成本更少。 職業(yè)傳媒人員在過去幾十年里一直利用公共關系進行價值傳遞。最新的消息是,許多處于先驅(qū)地位的專業(yè)人士正在通過科學的方式證明:公關活動是怎樣積累可以度量的價值的。這種變化代表的過程意義深遠:他們不再依靠價值觀念上的認識,而是采納了“投資回報”這一概念(roi長久以來為金融界所使用的專業(yè)術語),對公關活動帶來的經(jīng)濟利益和它的相關成本做出客觀的度量。當人們詢問一項投資的roi時,他們其實是在問:“我花的那筆錢究竟是賺了還是賠了?”這個問

3、題的答案是通過商業(yè)語言而不是日常語言傳遞的。 “公共關系投資回報”(pr-roi)的要素之一是以科學的方式證明公共關系對銷售的貢獻。有記載的最早以這個形式分析pr-roi的案例是1999年對市場營銷行為的一次深入而復雜的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)分析。在這個案例中,電子通訊巨擎at&t驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn):盡管公司在廣告上所投入的資源遠遠超過公共關系,但以媒體關系形式存在的公共關系在吸引遠距離消費者方面,卻與廣告不相伯仲。更重要的是,分析表明公關常常成為其他形式的營銷活動的助推器:當at&t公司擁有正面、積極,并且有較高可見度的新聞時,它的廣告活動就更加成功,其呼出型電話營銷就更有成果,呼入型電話營銷更加

4、有效。這項發(fā)現(xiàn)改變了at&t公司的營銷人員與公關人員的工作方式,使他們一起策劃并衡量整個營銷活動的有效性。 近幾年(在公司被sbc并購形成“新at&t”公司以前),at&t作為世界頂級公司之一的領袖地位有所下降。它的例子為我們提供了兩條重要的經(jīng)驗:首先,公共關系是一個被極度低估的資源,不僅沒有名副其實地發(fā)揮好自己的作用,而且也沒有為其他形式的營銷傳媒增加價值;其次,當公共關系面臨各種類型的機遇時,積極的公關人才并沒能克服他們所面臨的困難,例如缺乏規(guī)制所帶來的有害影響,有瑕疵的商業(yè)策略,以及激烈的甚至可說是慘烈的競爭。當然,正像眾多“開拓者”從自己的歷史中學習總結(jié)一樣,a

5、t&t準確地衡量了營銷組合中公共關系與其他因素的互動及其影響,在這方面,它是第一人。at&t工作的結(jié)果就是,如果一個公司獲得了有意義的商業(yè)結(jié)果,人們在衡量這種成就時,就不會再說公關的貢獻過于彈性,可有可無了。 公共關系在營銷和傳媒組合中是獨一無二的。而我的目標就是告訴大家,在公司和品牌通過營銷和傳媒創(chuàng)造有意義的商業(yè)結(jié)果的過程中,公關如何扮演一個中心角色。在這一章中,我提出了變化中的7個因素,它們改變了公司和營銷傳媒中的整體格局。這些因素為公關特殊的首席地位奠定了基礎: 媒體商業(yè)中的轉(zhuǎn)變 傳統(tǒng)大規(guī)模營銷的衰落 變化的媒體消費習慣 信息的渠道、豐富程度和速度 下降的品牌忠誠度 對大

6、公司逐漸上升的不信任上升的可確認性這些因素為公關創(chuàng)造了新的機遇。公共關系正處在一個快速轉(zhuǎn)變的格局中,這是營銷人員和傳媒人士必須置身其中的大環(huán)境。2、媒體商業(yè)中的轉(zhuǎn)變在整個美國營銷和傳媒的歷史中,付費的也好,免費的也好,傳統(tǒng)媒體在傳遞信息方面扮演了中心角色。無論是18世紀的報紙,19世紀的雜志,還是20世紀的廣播或電視,或是21世紀的互聯(lián)網(wǎng),媒體和營銷之間唇齒相依,不可分離。但是媒體環(huán)境卻處于不斷的變化當中,正是這種變化帶來了機遇。 由于競爭日趨激烈,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和其他形式的新媒體日益興起,廣告收益不斷減少,再加上其他壓力,使許多媒體公司疲于奔命。這些公司不斷地降低廣播以及印刷媒體編輯部門和新聞辦公室


8、品如口紅的特別報道時,詢問背景信息的第一個電話通常是打給這本雜志最大的廣告商。公共關系具有講故事的能力,而廣告行業(yè)具有控制頻率和時機的能力。模糊的邊界使得營銷人員開始將二者結(jié)合起來。media link是電視新聞節(jié)目錄像制作方面的廣播公關咨詢師。敏銳的營銷人員曾和他們合作推出30秒插播廣告,面對tivo帶來的挑戰(zhàn),該插播廣告具有明顯不同的節(jié)目內(nèi)容(與新聞內(nèi)容相反)。例如,一個電影頻道播放雨人(rain man),其中湯姆?克魯斯和達斯丁?霍夫曼駕駛一款1949年別克road master敞篷車穿越美國。在大量投放傳統(tǒng)模式的(并且能被tivo數(shù)碼錄像機識別錄像)的插播廣告前,別克公司可以投放一則

9、30秒的“你知道嗎?”的電影短片,重點介紹別克車在電影中的精彩表現(xiàn),內(nèi)容可以設計得十分吸引人,囊括大量信息。電影中主角駕駛這款經(jīng)典車型穿越美國,觀眾在觀看這個短片時不會感到內(nèi)容與電影毫無關聯(lián)。同時,它又可以讓觀眾呆在電視機旁邊,而不是快進跳過廣告,或是奔向廚房。這種營銷形式同時具備令廣告人員羨慕的參與度和可信度,而公共關系通常是能夠具備這兩點的。實際上,大部分這種類型的廣告都由公關人員和廣告部門或廣告公司共同制作。3、研究如何建立公關戰(zhàn)略和戰(zhàn)術媒體定位 媒體定位需要的是認真的思考而不是一個rolodex的大檔案。“咖啡桌邏輯”所做出的十分鐘人群構(gòu)思是不切實際的,廣義的分類,如“介于14歲49歲


11、能在任何公關公司的“必須有”的媒體定位的名單上找得到。具有諷刺意義的是,擁有更大目標媒體的基礎特別是如這兩例的視線之外的媒體為公關者提供了多得多贏的機會。畢竟,還有誰在關注這些分支呢?通常,如果只是因為在那些領域里的媒體可能性往往比計算機媒體少,而且它們得到社評關注的機會也往往少得多,貿(mào)易或b2b媒體很少有什么驚人之處。然而,你可以發(fā)現(xiàn)有些重疊之處,例如,牙膏制造商看連鎖零售商店的時事通訊,而在沃爾瑪里買牙膏的人看的是牙膏行業(yè)媒體。這個信息在對消費者和客戶進行“媒體喜歡程度”調(diào)查的問題庫預編程序,以及以后的媒體定位階段的優(yōu)先排序中得到揭示。 記住,惟一重要的媒體是那些有助于你達到目標的媒體。在

12、需要對你的媒體定位進行優(yōu)先排序,以決定如何分配自己的寶貴資源時,根據(jù)圖5-1所示創(chuàng)建一個“科學的媒體戰(zhàn)略計劃”。所示過程是“媒體統(tǒng)計審計”結(jié)果與你有競爭力的新聞內(nèi)容分析結(jié)果(見本書第三章)的結(jié)合。統(tǒng)計審計告訴你,哪些媒體重要,但它沒有告訴你哪些媒體更能接受你的新聞。單純的媒體分析能告訴你哪些媒體有多少接受程度,但它不會告訴你哪些媒體的穿透能力最強。兩者合起來就能將數(shù)據(jù)化為行動。待添加的隱藏文字內(nèi)容2the power of public relations - the high rate of return of the new media age marketing communicatio

13、ns guideof: (u.s.) weiner publisher1、new opportunities for marketing and public relations in recent years, whether it is from automobile manufacturing to financial services, or from the consumer packaged goods to entertainment, many companies have come to a conclusion: indeed effective, public relat

14、ions, public relations is usually more effective than other marketing methods, it costs less . professional communicators in the past few decades has been the public relations value delivery. the latest news is that many professionals are in the pioneer status by the scientific way to prove: public

15、relations activities are accumulated value can be measured. this change represents the process of far-reaching: they no longer rely on the awareness on the values, but adopted the concept of "return on investment" (returnoninvestment) (roi jargon - has long been used for the financial sect

16、or), the economic benefits of public relations activities and its associated costs to make an objective measure. when people asked about the roi of an investment, they actually asked: "i spent that money is what is earned or lost?" the answer to this question is passed through the language

17、 of business rather than ordinary language. "one of the elements of public relations return on investment" (pr-roi) is the scientific way to prove the contribution of public relations to sales. recorded as early as this form of analysis of the pr-roi case is the marketing behavior in 1999

18、an in-depth and complex statistical data analysis. in this case, the electronic communications giant at & t was surprised to find: despite the resources invested by the company on advertising is far more than public relations, but the existing form of media relations, public relations to attract

19、 long-distance consumers, but not with the ad comparable. more importantly, the analysis showed that public relations often become boosters of other forms of marketing activities: when the at & t, have a positive, positive, and higher visibility of news, its advertising activities are more succe

20、ssful, its outbound telemarketing more fruitful, inbound telemarketing is more effective. this discovery changed the marketing officer of at & t inc. and the public relations staff, enabling them with planning and measures the effectiveness of marketing activities. before in recent years (in com

21、pany mergers and acquisitions by sbc formation of the "new at & t"), the leadership of at & t as one of the world's top companies has declined. examples provide us with two important experience: first, public relations is an extremely underestimated resource, not only did not t

22、ruly play their own role, and it does not add value for other forms of marketing media; public relations, when faced with all types of opportunities, positive public relations personnel did not able to overcome the difficulties they face such as lack of regulation brought about by the harmful effect

23、s of a flawed business strategy, and fierce - even can be said is tragic - the competition. of course, just as many "pioneers" to learn from their own history summary, like the at & t accurately measure the interaction and its impact on the public relations in the marketing mix and oth

24、er factors, in this regard, it is the first person. the results of at & t work is that, if the a company's meaningful business results in the measure of this achievement, would not say the contribution of public relations is too flexible, dispensable. public relations is a unique combination

25、 of marketing and media. my goal is to tell you how to play a central role in the process of companies and brands to create a meaningful business results through marketing and media, public relations. in this chapter, i propose a change in the seven factors, they have changed the overall pattern of

26、media companies and marketing. these factors laid the foundation for special public relations chief position: changes in the media business the decline of the traditional mass marketing changing media consumption habits channels of information, richness and speed of decline of brand loyalty on the b

27、ig companies do not trust gradually increased rising can be recognized these factors create new opportunities for public relations. public relations is a fast-changing pattern, which is marketing and the media must be exposure to the environment.2、 shift in the media business the history of the enti

28、re marketing and media, paid or free, or traditional media in the transmission of information plays a central role. whether it is the newspaper of the 18th century, 19th century magazine, or radio or television of the 20th century or the 21st century internet media and marketing are closely related,

29、 can not be separated. but the media environment in a constantly changing, it is this change and opportunities. increasingly fierce competition in an emerging market, the internet and other forms of new media, advertising revenue is declining, together with other pressures, many media companies weig

30、hed down. these companies continue to reduce the cost of the editorial department and the information office of the broadcast and print media, and cutting staff. as with many other companies, employees, reporters and editors are forced to use the cost of continuous compression to create more value.

31、many companies also choose a national syndicated columnist and news services, and abandoned the previous cooperation writer and editor. expensive because of these common materials and news service, edit the pr departments and pr companies look to become the news and newspaper close-up of sources of

32、information, this is the increasingly close cooperation of journalists and public relations staff to create an opportunity. another related trend is the same opportunity. many media such as "new york times" (newyorktimes) and the cbs news website news as the center of gravity, in the stric

33、t distinction between advertising and editorial, there is an alternative exists, which has brought new opportunities for marketers. for example, de la herger had to investigate female beauty editor of the magazine in 11 countries in north america, south america, western europe and asia. the results

34、showed that, when writing one on some kind of cosmetics such as lipstick special report, asking background information, a phone call is usually to call this the magazine's biggest advertisers. public relations has the ability to tell stories, the advertising industry has the ability to control f

35、requency and timing. blurred the boundaries of the marketers began to combine the two. media link is a video production aspect of television news programs broadcast public relations consultant. keen marketing personnel and their co-launched the 30 seconds of commercials, the face of the challenges t

36、ivo, and the commercials has distinctly different program content (news content). for example, a movie channels to play "rain man" (rain man), tom? cruise and dustin? hoffman, driving a 1949 buick road master convertible across the united states. put in a large number of the traditional mo

37、del (and to be the tivo digital video recorders to identify video), commercials, buick put a 30-second "do you know?" short film focuses on the buick in the film wonderful performance, and can design a very attractive and include a lot of information. driving this classic model the protago

38、nist of the film across the united states, the audience will not feel content with the film has nothing to watch this video. the same time, it allows the audience to stay in the tv next to, rather than fast-forward to skip commercials, or toward the kitchen. this form of marketing with the envy of t

39、he advertising staff participation and credibility, and public relations are usually able to have these two points. in fact, most of this type of advertising by the public relations staff and the advertising department or advertising agency co-production. 3、 to examine how public relations strategy

40、and tacticsmedia positioning media positioning is needed is a serious reflection rather than a rolodex file. ten minutes the crowd the idea of "coffee table made in the logic is impractical, broad categories, such as" between the 14-year-old to 49-year-old woman, "does not work, becau

41、se this classification is too broad, and therefore did not much practical significance. in some cases, the target population centers may be misleading. if you only focus on those you have identified the target population with the highest exposure media target, then unexpected things. continue to com

42、puter chip makers, for example, the target market, the printing of the most persuasive type of media (in order) "sacramento bee", portland, oregon "," the seattle times, "indiana star", as well as the san jose mercury news - not "new york times" it did not ent

43、er the top 50, there is no "the sound of the countryside " ranking, nor is it the" los angeles times "not as good as the" orange county registration " some of the more interesting media from those circulation is relatively small but has a read rate of 100% of the target

44、 population media: salt lake city "desolate business news, boise idaho the" idaho the political arena ". these two cities rarely find in any public relations firm "must have" list of media positioning. ironically, with the basis of the larger goal of the media - especially media such as the sigh


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