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1、會話含義1principles of conversation:the co-operative principle會話含義2 in making conversation, grice holds that there is a general principle - cooperative principle which all participants are expected to observe. make your conversational contribution such as required at the stage at which it occurs by the

2、accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.會話含義3the maxim of quality1. do not say what you believe to be false.2. do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.會話含義4a. 質(zhì)量準(zhǔn)則:n盡量使你的話真實,特別是: a) 不要說你認為是假的話 b) 不要說你缺乏足夠證據(jù)的話;會話含義5the maxim of quantity1. make your con

3、tribution as informative as required (for the current purpose of the exchange).2. do not make your contribution more informative than is required.會話含義6b. 數(shù)量準(zhǔn)則n你說的話應(yīng)包含(當(dāng)前交談目的)所需要的信息內(nèi)容;n不要使你的話語的信息內(nèi)容超過要求會話含義7the maxim of relationbe relevant.會話含義8c. 相關(guān)準(zhǔn)則使你的話語(語話題)相關(guān);會話含義9the maxim of manner1. avoid obsc

4、urity of expression.2. avoid ambiguity.3. be brief.4. be orderly.會話含義10d. 方式準(zhǔn)則n表達要清晰,特別要:n避免模糊;n避免歧義n簡明a)有序會話含義11 when we violate these maxims, in some situations, conversational implicature will arise.會話含義12queen victoria was made of iron.a: teheran is in turkey isnt it, teacher?b: and london is in

5、 armenia i suppose.會話含義13a: do you know where mr. x lives?b: somewhere in the southern suburbs of the city.(said when it is known to both a and b that b has mr. xs address.)會話含義14a: the hostess is an awful bore. dont you think?b: the roses in the garden are beautiful, arent they?(said when it is kno

6、wn to both a and b that it is entirely possible for b to make a comment on the hostess)會話含義15a: shall we get something for the kids?b: yes. but i veto i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m.(said when it is known to both a and b that b has no difficulty in pronouncing the word “ice-cream”).會話含義16m: i bought a few books at

7、 the new bookstore. would you like to have a look at them?w: a few? it looks like you bought out the bookstore.q: what does the woman mean? (四級真題)a. she didnt like the books the man bought.b. there wasnt a large selection at the bookstore.c. the man bought a lot of books.d. she wanted to see what the man bought.會話含義17w: did you find the book for your reading assignment in the library?m: it is closed before i got there. i had no idea it closes so early on weekends.q: what does the man mean? (四級真題)a. he didnt get the look he nee


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