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1、9. arguments for or against the view that the global economy is harming our national culturea:in my opinion,the global economy is doing us more harm than good.a sad fact is that many people ,especially the young,have come to worship(崇拜) everything foreign.they drink coca-cola,eat italian pizzas,wear

2、 nike sneakers(運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋),watch hollywood movies.b:i'd go along with you there.but consumption of imported goods and adoption of some foreign practices does not mean we are losing our national identity.culture is not a static(靜態(tài)的),closed system and we don't preserve our culture by closing the door

3、 to the outside world.a:do you think so?the danger is they'll gradually adopt western values and western ways of life and forget their own culture.b:you're really stretching the truth.it's a good thing that globalization makes it possible for us to be exposed to different cultures in our

4、 home country.a:but to some extent,this has already become a reality.things like dating at an early age,going to all-night parties and marrying in white are not uncommon among the young,but they are not part of our national traditions.b:well,i'm afraid i have a different opinion.we do not passiv

5、ely accept everything and discard(丟棄) our own traditions.instead we incorporate(合并) something from other cultures into our own traditions so that we become more than we are.for example,many young people choose to marry both in white and red.a bride wears a western-style wedding gown(袍) first and cha

6、nges into a traditional chinese gown later.a:right.but this is just one aspect of it.i'm afraid that the developed capitalist countries will use the opportunity of economic globalization by means of its powerful political and economic power to developing countries for cultural aggression.b:but t

7、his needs us to grasp of economic development and at the same time, pay attention to the culture output, publicize and promote the traditional culture of china.and indeed,foreign culture enriches our lives and enables us to see and appreciate the beauty of culture diversity.a:ok,hope we won't lo

8、se ground due to the influence of the global economy.10. arguments for or against encouraging teachers to bring humour into classroom teaching.a:i'm for the view that we should encourage teachers to bring humour into classroom teaching.humor and laughter make us feel relaxed.if we are relaxed,we

9、 become more creative and can learn better.b: i cant possibly agree with you.learning is a serious thing.teachers are there to teacher,not to entertain.a:but teachers with a good sense of humor can keep their students interested even if the subject is difficult and dry.b:however,jokes and humorous s

10、tories distract students' attention from the subject of study and may negatively affect the learning process.a:thats not entirely true.don't you think it torture(折磨)to have to listen to a boring professor lecture on and on about a boring topic?we can hardly concentrate in such a case.b:thats

11、 true.but the fact is that when a teacher introduces a humorous stories to illustrate a point,what often happens is that the students only recall the joke but forget all about what the joke was meant to illustrate.humor may give the students a lot of fun but it may not help them learn. a:i'm afr

12、aid you are wrong there.as far as im concerned,if a teacher explains a point in a humorous way,it not only helps us understand the point but also helps us remember it.b:but another disadvantage of encouraging the incorporation of humor in teaching is that it might affect our evaluation of a teacher&

13、#39;s performance.students may think that a good teacher is one who make them laugh.this is not fair to those who do not,but who are nevertheless well-qualified for the subjects they teach.11. arguments for or against the view that watching a film at home is better than watching it at a cinema.a:i w

14、ould rather watch a film at home than at a cinema.it is more relaxing and comfortable.you can move about whenever you want and you can eat or drink whatever you like while watching.even more,you can lie down in bed or sit on the floor.b:exactly.but not tv screen can compare with the big screens in c

15、inemas.a home tv set can in no way produce the same visual or audio effects.watching a film at home may be more relaxing but you will miss a lot so far as these are concerned.a:but i believe that a lot of fun of film watching comes from sharing the experience with others.watching a film at home enco

16、urages interaction among viewers,who are either your family or friends.b:but with films that excel in scenery and music,you will miss a tremendoustri'mends lot.a:yea, perhaps.however,you can discuss among yourselves the acting of the actors and actresses,or make guesses about the possible ending

17、 of the film.and that may also help improve your family relationship or friendship.b:but new films are only shown in cinemas.if you want to watch them at home,you'll have to wait several months for their video,vcd or dvd versions to be released.a:i feel the same way.but there are still thousands

18、 of classic movies to watch.b:how if all your friends talk about a new film they have seen and you don't know anything about it?a:ok.but id like to point out that watching films at home can save you money for tickets and time for travelling.b:that is true.but as for the silence and darkness in a

19、 cinema,i think they help you concentrate on what is happening on the screen.and if all you want is to eat and talk,why do you have to do them while watching a film?12. arguments for or against requiring students to wear school uniforms.a:personally i think young students should go to school with th

20、eir uniforms on.wearing uniforms can build a sense of the collective in children from early on.by wearing uniforms children will by very much aware that they belong to a group and their behavior should be in the interest of their group.b:to be frank,i hate wearing school uniforms because i don't

21、 want to feel dull and ordinary.school uniforms are just so unimaginative and boring.a:well,yes.but wearing uniforms can also effecitvely prevent students from going after brand names to satisfy their vanity.some teenagers seem to be interested in outward appearance only,which is very harmful to the

22、ir character building.b:but school uniforms can't reflect a person's individual personality.and all i want is to create my own image with the clothes i choose for myself.a:if you have the freedom to choose what to wear,that may cause a competition.the practice of keeping up with the jonese s

23、houldn't have any chance to harm the innocent minds of the young.and they shoule have more time to devote to their studies.b:you can't study well if you feel gloomy'glu:mi,can you?wearing clothes i like make me feel good and competent'kmpitnt.so it is also good for my studying.a:but

24、many youths want to follow fashions,which is expensive and unnecessary.and also they cannot afford it.b:i just wanna say that all we want is to add color,variety and beauty to life by wearing clothes that are suitable for us.not wasting money to follow fashions.a:well,maybe we just need to let the s

25、tudents to design their school uniforms.13. arguments for or against space exploration.a:i don't think it is necessary to spend so much time and money on space exploration.right now,there are much more pressing problems on earth to be solved.b:i'm afraid i have to disagree with your view.spa

26、ce exploration is related to life on earth.for example,how activities on the sun may far-reaching infuences on earth's weather patterns.and one important task of space exploration is to study how this happens.a:in my opinion,it is better to focus on some realistic problems.such as the oceans,cov

27、ering more than 70% of earth's surface,are still a mystery to us.an exploration of the oceans would not only enables us to know more about our immediate environment but also open up more sources for food,energy and what not.b:but do you know how we are able to get accurate weather report,especia

28、lly forecasts of disastrous weather conditions?that's because of the help of artificial satellites developed in space programs!a:that's worth thinking about.but you know what?many diseases such as cancers and aids have claimed an alarming numbers of lives,yet no sure cures have been found fo

29、r them.b:yea,but do you have any idea how much technologies developed by nasa have improved the quality of our daily life?a:but i think we should leave the universe alone for a while and turn our eyes to problems facing human beings on a daily basis.if so,we will be doing a great service to mankind.

30、b:as what you said,when should we focus on our space exploration?a:personally i think space exploration can wait until advances in astronomy make it possible to find more definite'definit answers.b:i dont think so. space exploration is also closely related to the development of many other scient

31、ific subjects such as mathematics,physics,chemistry,and the origin of species.breakthroughs in space exploration have opened up new areas of research for these subjects.14. arguments for or against a ban on genetic engineering.a: as far as im concerned,i am for the view to ban genetic engineering.th

32、e insertion of new genes into a living organism can be a risky business.to combination of the original genes and the introduced genes may produce unpredictable effects.b:im afraid i disagree.since genetic engineering is probably the most important science of the 21st century.it's too late to say

33、 that its disadvantage outweigh its advantage.a:however,it is well known that it may be harmful to humans and to the environment.b:as we know,genetic engineering can help plants to grow bigger and faster.why not?a:but many people are therefore concerned about the safety of such foods as there seems

34、to be no sure way at present of knowing their overall,long-term effects on the health of those who eat them.b:i just know that the world population keeps increasing while farmland becomes less and less.and lack of water resources is now a pressing issue.to these problems,genetic engineering offers p

35、ossible answers.with it,some plants could be made to grow in salty water or very little water.a:god,but more research needs to be done about these plants.we mustn't wait until someone gets sick or even die to put a ban on it.b:it's true that we don't have ample statistics to prove that g

36、enetically engineered foods are safe enough to eat.but this does not mean that they must be dangerous.a:i still keep my hold that we should try to protect ourselves and press strongly for an immediate ban on it,especially on the sale of genetically engineered foods.b:genetic engineering is a new sci

37、ence,and as a developing science,there are bound to be twists and turns ahead of it,but i believe that its prospects'prspekt are bright.15. arguments for or against the view that women face unequal treatment in getting promoted.a:as far as im concerned,i think that the chances are equal for both

38、 men and women.and i believe the answer to why there are not as many female top executives as male ones can be found in women themselves.b:but if we stop to consider what has caused women to give up themselves,we'll know how unfair it is.a:i just think that many women seem to have little confide

39、nce in their own abilities.they seem to be persuaded that they are inferior to their male colleagues and have no ambitions to become executive tops.b:it's true that some women have an inferiorityin,firi'riti complex and have no ambition to get promoted to top positions.but the reason is that

40、 for centuries,women have been taught to be modest,passive and obedient'bi:djnt.so they lack confidence in themselves and believe they are only fit for lesser jobs.a:i disagree.maybe the responsibility of a higher position frightens them,so they simply give up.b:but some women do overcome this i

41、nferiority complex and go all out to compete with their male colleagues.the trouble with them is they have to face a mostly male selective body,and chances are they will not get promoter unless they are extremely outstanding.a:in my opinion,they would like to stay in a less demanding job,which makes

42、 it easier for them to maintain a balance between their career and their family.b:there are so many men of average capability promoted to high executive positions,for the mere fact that they are men.can we say there is equal treatment for both men and women where promotion is concerned?a:well,i stil

43、l don't think there is a glass ceiling above them as some people have imagined.16. arguments for or against divorce as the solution to a loveless marriage.a: did you hear that professor lis getting a divorce?b: what? what a shame! i thought she really love her husband? they are married for 6 yea

44、rs already.a: yep. but i heard that they quarreled quite often and they decided that love no longer exist in their marriage.b: do you think divorce is the solution to a loveless marriage?a: virtually, i agree with the perspective that divorce is esactly the solution to a loveless marriage. being in

45、a loveless marriage is a frustrating position. both of them cannot live peaceful and happily family. so why not offer them a way out? divorce is the solution way.b: i'm afraid that i cannot agree with your point. divorce may be the way for a couple to end up their marriage, but it doesnt mean th

46、at divorce is the work one for them to restart a happy life. this is always the problem of how a divorce may affect children.a: when it comes to the children, i consider that if a couple stay together in a loveless state, their act of dispute can influence children's growth and hurt their heart.

47、 when the situation is too far gone, try to face up to the children.parents love towards their would not change forever.b: but when you make the decision to divorce, it means you'll bear the stress not only comes from your children but also comes from the relatives. moreover, divorce may not be

48、the end of the marriage. why not have a talk to solve your problems than to get a divorce?a: i think it should depend on the couple. whether they're going to divorce or not, they should think twice before the next step. 1.arguments for or against going back to your hometown during the national d

49、ay holiday weekp:i think this long holiday gives us an excellent opportunity to visit our hometown and spend more time with our parents. we miss them and i'm sure they miss us even more. it'll give them so much pleasure if we can stay at home for a whole week.n: of course, it would be better

50、 to spend the holiday with our parents. but i don't think we should take a long trip to go home during the national day holiday which wastes a lot of time and money. the new semester has just started and it's unwise to break the continuity of our studying for a whole week. p: yet, i know som

51、e people might argue that it's a waste of time and money to make the trip and think we should spend most of the time learning more and wait until the long school vacation to go home. however, to my mind, going home won't interfere with our studies. we can certainly take some books with us an

52、d study in the company of our parentsn: wait, wait! you say take some books? the intent of go home is to accompany parents. if you study at home,can you have time to consort with parents? so studious you are! in this case you shouldnt go home .at college, with the easy access to the library and othe

53、r facilities, we can devote part of the holiday time to study even though there are no classes. that'll still leave us plenty of time for relaxation and fun. besides, the trip home is costly. we certainly wouldn't want to ask our parents to send us money for that. it'll be an extra burde

54、n for them. some people might argue that we can pay for the trip ourselves by taking part-time jobs. but we all know finding suitable part-time jobs is not easy. and the hard-earned money could be put to better use than the travelling expensesp: as for the money, it does seem to pose a problem if we

55、 can't afford the fare. but if we plan early, we'll be able to earn the money for the trip by taking some part-time jobs.n: do you know what students assignment is study? we can call or write to our parents to express our love for them but not only go home. if we explain the reasons why we s

56、tay at school ,to i think, they'll understand. they'll be glad to hear that we're going to take the opportunity to get plenty of rest and to make some headway in our studiesp:maybe you are wise .but remember, life is short and our parents are getting on in years. and a visit is worth a t

57、housand phone calls2. arguments for or against believing in the supernaturalp:there are a lot of strange things happen around us. and so far science hasn't been able to provide answers to them.for example, a friend of mine told me that he dreamed that his uncle had died and the death was confirm

58、ed by a phone call he received the next morning immediately after he woke up. wasn't that phone call? there seems to be some mysterious forces at work. if not, how can we explain it?n: yet, science cant explain it now but not future. i don't think there are mysterious forces at work when coi

59、ncidences occur. most coincidences are simply the result of pure chance.p: wait, come back to this example. it couldn't be just a coincidence, i think. and my friend believed that it was his uncle coming to bid him farewell before he left the world for good. there was no way he could have known ab


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