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1、 初2015級1314學(xué)年度上期半期考試英語試卷(全卷共八個大題 滿分:150分 考試時間: 120 分鐘) 第 I 卷 (共90分)聽力測試。(共30分)第一節(jié):情景反應(yīng)。(每小題1.5分,共9分) 1. A. No, I dont.B. Yes, I bought something for myself.C. Yes, I was.2. A. I think so.B. I love watching them.C. It is important. 3. A. No problem.B. Of course. C. Yes, please.4. A. Twice a week.B. F

2、or three days.C. Only ten minutes on foot.5. A. Dream Clothes. B. Sun Cinema.C. 107.9 FM.6. A. Nice to meet you.B. Thanks a lot. C. Its very kind of you.第二節(jié):對話理解。(每小題15分, 共9分) 聽一遍。根據(jù)你所聽到的對話和問題,從A、B、C三個選項中選出正確答案并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。7. A. Played soccer.B. Went to the beach.C. Went to the mountains.8. A.

3、Yes, he does.B. No ,he doesnt.C. Yes, he did.9. A. Once a month.B. Twice a month.C. Once a week.10. A. Because its good for the health. B. Because its raining outside. C. Because she has too much homework to do.11. A. In a movie theater.B. In a clothes store.C. In a supermarket.12. A. Jerry. B. Jack

4、. C. Lucy.第三節(jié):短文理解。(每小題15分, 共12分)聽兩遍。根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,從A、B、C三個選項中選出正確答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。A13. Larry is as _as me. A. tallB. heavyC. old14. We often go to UME together, because_. A. we both like watching TVB. we are both outgoingC. we both like watching movies15. About sports, we have _ likes. A. differe

5、ntB. the sameC. similar16. I am quieter than Larry, so I _. A. have fewer friendsB. get better gradesC. like playing sportsB17. Walt Disney was born on _. A. November 5thB. December 5thC. December 15th18. He saw a mouse named Mickey when he _. A. went home by trainB. went to HollywoodC. made cartoon

6、s19. The last Mickey cartoon was successful because _. A. it was much cuterB. Walt made many friends for itC. Walt put sound into it20. The Disneyland in California was a place where_. A. only kids could play B. kids and parents could draw cartoons C. both kids and parents could meet famous cartoons

7、 and have fun.單項選擇。 (每小題1分,共20分) 從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。21. Of the two movies, Tiny Times by Guo Jingming is _ more popular one this year. A. aB. / C. theD. an22. Eating too much before going to bed is bad _ our health. A. toB atC. forD. with23. Is there _ in todays newspaper?

8、Yes. Li Na won the second place in WTA.A. new anything B. anything newC. new something D. something new24. There are many _ in our school. Most of the students can learn and relax after class. A. activitiesB. mealsC. seatsD. news25. _ the work is difficult, we still finish it on time. A. BecauseB. A

9、lthoughC. IfD. So26. I know she likes dancing, because I often watch her _in that room after school. A. to danceB. dancingC. danceD. dances27. _ do you drink milk a day?Twice. A. How long B. How many timesC. How far D. How often28. Mother _ me to be an outgoing and creative man. A. hopes B. thinks C

10、. makes D. wishes29. He never kept a diary in his free time, _? A. didnt he B. did he C. doesnt he D. does he30. I think Mr. Greens class is more interesting than _. A. Mr. Whites B. Mr. White C. Mr. Whites D. Mr. Whites31. Both my brother and I _ in the singing club. A. amB. are C. isD. be32. Which

11、 of the five girls jumps _? Its hard to say. Now their scores(分?jǐn)?shù))are the same. A. fartherB. further C. the furthestD. the farthest33. Kate isnt careful at all and she _makes mistakes in her homework. A. neverB. hardlyC. alwaysD. sometimes34. The world is becoming smaller and smaller, because the Int

12、ernet brings us _. A. the close B. the closest C. close D. closer35. Sally cant join in the singing competition _ her young age. A. because of B. because C. asD. so36. Please dont _the bus in the cold. Let me drive you home. Thats very kind of you. A. care about B. find out C. bring out D. wait for3

13、7. The sitcom was _funny _ my parents and I couldnt stop laughing. A. very; that B. so; thatC. very; toD. so; to38. What a nice girl your daughter is!_ A. Thanks. B. No, she isnt. C. Not at all. D. Youre welcome.39. I think WECHAT(微信) is a good way for us to share interesting things with friends._.

14、It spends us too much time on phones.A. I hope soB. I think so C. I dont think so D. I like it very much40. I wonder _. A. what is he like B. who do you go fishing with C. which city she likes best D. how was the weather yesterday.完型填空。(每小題1分,共10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出一個能填入相應(yīng)空格內(nèi)的最佳答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)

15、號涂黑。 Many people like taking a trip with no plans. They think it is very exciting and has more fun. But in fact, it is not that good. Making vacation plans is very 41 . First, a vacation plan can make sure that everything goes well. 42 you visit a place but you dont book(預(yù)訂)a 43 , you may have no pl

16、ace to stay at night. Second, you have many things to take 44 you for a vacation. You need to plan what things you have to buy and what things are necessary to put in bags. 45 , you want to visit one place, but when you 46 the airport, you forget 47 your plane ticket! You may be late for the plane.

17、Third, making a vacation plan can help you save a lot of money. 48 wants to spend more money than they want to. If you 49 , you may find some cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms.Next time when you go on a vacation, why not make plans? They can help you make 50 mistakes during the trip and have more

18、fun in your vacation.41. A. boring B. important C. uncomfortable D. wonderful42. A. ThoughB. SoC. IfD. But43. A. hotelB. ticketC. dinnerD. trip44. A. onB. inC. toD. with45. A. Such asB. In factC. HoweverD. For example46. A. getB. reach toC. arrive atD. leave47. A. bringingB. to bring C. bringsD. bri

19、ng48. A. Anybody B. Someone C. NobodyD. Everybody49. A. go to the supermarket B. surf the Internet C. go to the restaurant D. ask your parents50. A. fewerB. the fewestC. lessD. the least.閱讀理解。(每小題2分,共30分)閱讀下列材料,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳的答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。APlaces to Have Fun in Shapingba DistrictName: Mai

20、xiangyuan HotpotAddress: No. 62, Shanan StreetOpening Hours: 11:00 am-10:30 pmPhone: 023- 65429932Special Dishes: duck intestine, spicy beef, meatballs served with cilantro, snacksPrice: About 60 yuan each personName: UME CinemaAddress: On 6th floor in Xuandi Shopping Center, Three Gorges Square Ope

21、ning Hours: Monday to Friday:10:00 am-12:00 pm; Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am-12:00 pmPhone:he Latest Movies: The Wolverine, Fly Me to the Moon, Special IDPrice: About 50 yuan each person Name: Kaide Shopping Mall Address: No. 29, Xiaoxin StreetOpening Hours: 10:00 am-10:00 pmPhone: 0

22、23- 65406816Goods(商品): Clothes, glasses, cosmetics, food, toysSpecial Store: UNIQLO 51. UME Cinema is in _. A. Shanan StreetB. Xiaoxin Street C. Kaide Shopping MallD. Xuandi Shopping Center52. You cant buy _in Kaide Shopping Mall. A. glassesB. clothes C.cellphones D. food53. If Jessica wants to watc

23、h a movie in UME Cinema and eat hotpot in Maixiangyuan, she should take about _. A. 50 yuan B. 110 yuan C. 60 yuan D. 150 yuan BStar Smith is a fruitarian. That means she only eats fruit and a few vegetables. Star eats about 70 oranges, 60 bananas and 70 pears a week. Although Star only eats some fr

24、uit, she feels better than before. In the morning, she starts the day with a glass of fruit juice. It is made from ten oranges and two mangoes. Her favorite breakfast is a kind of juice called “bubblegum”. It is made from six bananas, strawberries, mangoes and water. For lunch, she usually eats ten

25、pears or eight bananas. For supper, Star would like to eat vegetable salad. Star says, “ I never feel hungry on my diet.” But this kind of eating habit is not good for everyone. Doctor Amanda Ursell says, “It is not a healthy way to only eat fruit for a long time.” However, Star thinks eating fruit

26、is good for health. And she also eats vegetables sometimes, so she can get what she needs every day. “I dont need to cook when I eat fruit. All I should do is to buy the fruit and eat it.” Star says.54. Star Smith _ for lunch. A. eats fruit and vegetables B. drinks fruit juice C. eats pears or banan

27、as D. eats vegetable salad55. The word “fruitarian” in the first paragraph means _. A. 水果 B. 素食主義者 C. 果農(nóng) D. 食果者56. Stars favorite breakfast “bubblegum” doesnt have_. A. oranges B. bananas C. water D. strawberries57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Because Star eats fruit,

28、 she feels worse than before. B. Star only eats fruit for supper. C. Star needs to cook every day. D. Doctor Amanda Ursell doesnt think it is a healthy way to only eat fruit for a long time.CYang Yue, 14: I think a good friend will give you a helping hand whenever you need one. One day, I was sad be

29、cause some classmates said something bad behind me. My friend Lily came to me and told me, “You should never waste time on the person who doesnt care for you.” After talking to her, I felt much better. I think a good friend should be like her.Cao Meng, 13: In my opinion, a good friend should have th

30、e same hobbies as you. I like singing. My friend Min likes singing too. In the past few years, we always got together to sing in KTV on weekends. This was the happiest time for us. Even now, after he moved to another city, he still sends e-mails to me. I think we will be good friends forever.Zheng G

31、uobin, 14: I believe a good friend is not a person who always talks sweet. A good friend can also point out your mistakes. I was shy to talk to others. My friend Xiaoxue told me this was my weakness (缺點(diǎn)) that I should overcome (克服) it. He told me to never wait for others to talk to me and I should b

32、e active. I have made many friends since then.Zhao Liang, 14: A good friend may not talk to you, share happiness and sadness with you. More important to me, he or she can always be there with you. My best friend is Candy. She is a goldfish. She lives in a big crystal bowl (水晶碗). After school, I cant

33、 wait to run back home to see her. Whenever I see her swimming in the water, I will feel happy. 58. The four students talk about their ideas about _. A. family B. study C. hobbies D. friends59. _ and his friend like singing. A. Yang Yue B. Zheng Guobin C. Cao Meng D. Zhao Liang60. In Zheng Guobins o

34、pinion, a good friend should _. A. always talk sweet B. point out his mistakes C. have the same hobby D. share happiness with him 61. From the passage, we can know that _. A. Yang Yue didnt feel better after Lily talked to her B. Zhao Liangs best friend is a goldfish C. Cao Meng and his friend are i

35、n the same city now D. Zheng Guobin still have few friends after Xiaoxue talked to himDLI Qi, the winner of the second season of Voice of China, doesnt look very handsome, to be honest. The 23-year-old wears a mushroom(蘑菇) haircut. Off the stage (舞臺), he smiles with a silly (傻的) look. But at the fin

36、al competition on Oct 7, Li performed so well on the stage. Once again, he touched people with beautiful love songs. In the first round(輪次), with As Early As Possible (趁早) , he showed his talent in singing love songs with an R&B feel. “His singing is even better than before,” said many people on

37、line. But that is not good enough to be the new voice of China, and Li knew it. In the following rounds, he tried to break his limits (局限). He showed his lively side by singing songs like Im Yours. Its his all-round talent that won him the final prize. But the young man was not that confident(自信的)be

38、fore. He felt bad for his big mouth and thick lips (厚嘴唇) for a long time. “I know Im not handsome at all,” Li told Nanfang Daily. “I tried to make my teeth nice. I tried different colors in my hair.” But it was singing that gave him the real confidence. In the university, he won the singing competit

39、ion. Students were crazy about him. “They told me that I looked different when I hold the microphone,” said Li. His charm (魅力) carried Li all the way to the Voice of China title. Now we all know the mushroom-haired singer. He is not that handsome, but it doesnt matter.62. Li Qi sang As Early As Poss

40、ible to show _. A. his mushroom haircut B. lively side C. his confidence D. his talent in singing love songs with R&B63. He wasnt confident before because _. A. he is not handsome at all B. he has a big mouth C. he has thick lips D. he cant sing so well64. From the passage, we cant know that _.

41、A. he was the winner of Voice of China B. he is 23 years old C. he can only sing love songs D. he won the singing competition in the university65. The passage is probably from _. A. a health magazine B. a newspaper C. a story book D. a science book第II卷(共60分)(請將第II卷各題的答案用鋼筆或圓珠筆書寫在答題卷上,不得在試卷上直接作答。). 任

42、務(wù)型閱讀。(每空2分,共6分) 閱讀下文并回答問題。I am twenty-nine years old. Next year, Im going to be thirty. I think I am going to be old, and the best time of my life will go. I feel a little sad and worry about it. Then I see my neighbor, Mr. Nicholas. He is seventy-nine years old now. I ask him,” Hi, Mr. Nicholas. Wh

43、at is the best time of your life?”“Well, Joe,” says Nicholas. “Let me tell you.” Then he keeps saying, “When I was a child, and my parents took good care of me, that was the best time of my life.“When I went to school and learnt the things that I use today, that was the best time of my life.”“When I

44、 got my first job and made money by myself, that was the best life of my life.”“When I met my wife, started a family and had our children, that was the best of my life.”“When the World War II came, I ran away with my family to America, and we were all safe(安全的),that was the best time of my life. “An

45、d now, Joe, Im seventy-nine years old. Im in good health. I have a happy family. This is the best time of my life.”66. Does Mr. Nicholas think he is at the best time of his life now?_67. How old is the writer?_68. What did Mr. Nicholas do when the World War II came?_. 口語應(yīng)用。(每小題1分,共5分)閱讀下面對話,從方框內(nèi)7個選項

46、中選擇5個恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥油瓿纱藢υ?。A. Whos He Jiong?B. Do you like him?C. He is a very funny man.D. Oh, I dont mind them. E. I do, too.F. May I ask you some questions?G. What kind of TV shows do you like?A: Dennis, do you know the famous hostHe Jiong?B: Yes. 69 A: What do you think of his game shows?B: I love all his

47、TV shows. What about you? 70 A: No, I dont. And I dont like game shows. But I like his Happy Camp.B: 71 A: I love sports shows. B: 72 You know, I dont like playing sports.A: What do you think of Animal World?B: I cant stand it. Its for kids. I like Culture China.A: 73 I learn a lot from it. . 用單詞的正確

48、形式填空。(每空1分,共8分)74. Vera, you are 13 years old now. You should learn to look after _(you).75. Do you mind me _ (open)the window? 76. Linda does a lot of _(exercise) in her free time.77. Last week, our class had a _ (discuss) about game shows.78. Eating too much junk food is very _(health).79. Im _(go

49、od) at math than my sister.80. She has many good habits, such as _(get) up early every day.81. In Hilton Hotel, you can rest_(comfortable) of all the hotels. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分) 根據(jù)所給提示,完成句子。每空一詞,含縮略詞。82. My brother broke the traffic rules. (改為一般疑問句) _ your brother _ the traffic rules?83. There are many

50、 differences between Jerry and Tom. (改為同義句) Jerry is quite _ _ Tom.84. Russia is the biggest country in the world. (改為同義句) Russia is bigger than _ _ country in the world.85. The TV shows last night were boring. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ the TV shows last night?86. 我想要努力實(shí)現(xiàn)夢想。(完成譯句) I want to try my best to make my dream _ _.短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)根據(jù)下面短文內(nèi)容,在短文的空格處填上一個恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~,使短文完整、通順。Do you want to live a happier , less stress


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