浙江省 Zhejiang Province_第1頁
浙江省 Zhejiang Province_第2頁
浙江省 Zhejiang Province_第3頁
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浙江省 Zhejiang Province_第5頁
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1、浙江省 Zhejiang Province 溫州市 The city of Wenzhou Zhejiang province is located in the southeast coast of Chinese, East China Sea on the East, Fujian to the south, West connected with the Jiangxi, Anhui, North and Shanghai, Jiangsu. Straight line distance from East and West and North and Southwas 450 kil

2、ometers, land area of 101800 square kilometers. 浙江省位于中國東南沿海,東瀕東海,南界福建,西與江西、安徽相連,北與上海,江蘇為鄰。東西與南北的直線距離均為450公里,陸域面積10.18萬平方公里。The beautiful city of Hangzhou Hangzhou is located in the southeast coast of China north, is the capital of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang provinceeconomic center city first. Hangz

3、hou has a long history, since the Qin Dynasty set up county, has 2200 years of history.Hangzhou is the five generation of Wu Yue house and the line, there is heaven,under Jervois from ancient to modern times, expressed the peoples sincerepraise of this beautiful city for. The Yuan Dynasty was Marco

4、Polo Italy waspraised as the most magnificent city in the world.杭州位于中國東南沿海北部,是浙江省省會(huì),浙江省經(jīng)濟(jì)第一中心城市。杭州歷史源遠(yuǎn)流長,自秦設(shè)縣治以來,已有2200多年歷史。杭州還是五代吳越西府和南宋行都,“上有天堂、下有蘇杭”,表達(dá)了古往今來的人們對(duì)于這座美麗城市的由衷贊美。元朝時(shí)曾被意大利旅行家馬可波羅贊為“世界上最美麗華貴之城”。My hometown Wenzhou Wenzhou, one of the peoples Republic of Chinas first 14 coastal open city,

5、center city on the west side of the Straits economic zone. Zhejiang provincial historical and cultural city, Zhejiang is one of the three major economic center, is located in the southeast of Chinese. Wenzhou is in the forward position Chineseprivate economic development in the developed area and th

6、e reform and opening up, in the reform and opening up, Wenzhou model with the same period of the Wuchuan model racing together bridle to bridle, at that time toSouth Wuchuan, North Wenzhou, national reputation. In 2013 January the Ministry of construction has been listed as the first batch of nation

7、al wisdom citypilot. Wenzhou is the cradle of China mathematician, China Nanxi hometown,Wenzhou people are knownas the Oriental Jews in china. 溫州,中華人民共和國首批14個(gè)沿海開放城市之一, 海峽西岸經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)中心城市。浙江省級(jí)歷史文化名城,浙江三大經(jīng)濟(jì)中心之一,位于中國東南部。溫州是中國民營經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的先發(fā)地區(qū)與改革開放的前沿陣地,在改革開放初期,“溫州模式”與同時(shí)期的“吳川模式”并駕齊驅(qū),在當(dāng)時(shí)以“南有吳川,北有溫州”享譽(yù)全國。2013年1月被建設(shè)部列為

8、第一批國家智慧城市試點(diǎn)。溫州是中國數(shù)學(xué)家的搖籃、中國南戲的故鄉(xiāng),溫州人被國人稱之為東方猶太人。Wenzhou dialect Wenzhou dialect is a dialect of Wu, for coastal city in Southeast Wenzhou Chinalived a Southern Wu Min said, in pronunciation, words and grammar, and a greater difference in mandarin. But there are many changes in Wenzhou dialect,even be

9、tween each county, city pronunciation also has bigger difference. 溫州話是吳語的一種方言,為中國東南沿海城市溫州市一帶住民所講的一種南部吳語,在發(fā)音、用詞和語法等方面都與漢語普通話有較大差別。但溫州話的變化也很多,甚至各個(gè)縣、市之間的發(fā)音也有較大差異。 Fearless, afraid of Wenzhou, Wenzhou dialect, if the complexity of Wenzhou,has been considered to be one of the most difficult to learn the

10、China dialect.Have Ou dialect, Zhenan min, so pretty, she said, Hakka, Jinxiang dialect,Wenzhou dialect words seven main door. Usually referred to the Wenzhou dialect, refers to the Wenzhou City, Ruian, Yueqing, Yongjia, Pingyang, and other places of Ou dialect wencheng. “天不怕,地不怕,就怕溫州人說溫州話”,溫州話的復(fù)雜性,

11、一直被認(rèn)為是全中國最難學(xué)習(xí)的方言之一。溫州方言主要有甌語、浙南閩語、蠻話、蠻講、畬客話、金鄉(xiāng)話和蒲門話七種。通常所指的溫州話,指的就是溫州市區(qū)、瑞安、樂清、永嘉、平陽、文成等地的甌語。Wenzhou specialty Three cups of incense, famous for brewing three times still lingering fragrance.Orange, orange is a traditional specialty Ouhai, Song Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties were the court as a tribute.Ding Ao bayberry, Yang Meichang glycol delicious.Wencheng fan, formed by the traditional craft of local sweet potato vermicelli,cook resistance, resistance is fried, do not paste special quality constantly.Yueqing also Tegillarca granosa, Cangnan Siji, P


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