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1、readingcomprehension 閱讀理解閱讀理解(15+25 =40 minutes)cet 4 reading comprehension四級閱讀理解 答題時間:15分鐘(快速閱讀理解ss) 25分鐘(仔細(xì)閱讀理解id) 測試內(nèi)容:快速閱讀理解(ss) 詞匯閱讀理解(vocabulary) 篇章閱讀理解(passages)快速閱讀reading (in skimming and scanning)失分原因/why解題技巧/the skills失分原因/why 1 精讀的負(fù)面影響。精讀的負(fù)面影響。 reading word by word. 2.把閱讀理解等同于翻譯理解。把閱讀理解等

2、同于翻譯理解。 reading by translating. 3.不良的閱讀習(xí)慣。不良的閱讀習(xí)慣。 the bad ways of readingthe skills/解題技巧 (1)略讀( skimming) (2)利用“信號詞”(signal words) (3)尋讀( scanning) to find the answer with the question帶著問題去尋找答案 to get the general idea and the main idea了解文章大意和中心內(nèi)容 to find some points important 判斷重要和非重要信息 part iv sec

3、tion a詞匯閱讀理解1 2501015section a 一篇閱讀文章about 250 words 250詞左右questions 4756: 10道選詞填空題10 out of 15:提供15個詞一一 測試目的測試目的二二 測試形式測試形式to understand in the context and how to use the words/考查對上下文的理解和詞匯的應(yīng)用能力一般特點 15個單詞中大體上: (1)3個名詞正確答案+1個名詞干擾答案 (2)3個動詞正確答案+1個動詞干擾答案 (3)3個形容詞正確答案+2個形容詞干擾答案 (4)1個副詞正確答案+1個副詞干擾答案。 可見

4、,(1) 和(2)差錯率少, (3) 和(4)差錯率多。要求與步驟 1.熟知單詞的詞類和不同意思。 2.要理解上下文,尤其是上文的理解,要求比較高。 3.必須熟知一些基本的語法知識。三三 測試要求測試要求四四 閱讀步驟閱讀步驟第一步:略讀全文,定中心 第二步:詳讀選項,詞分類 第三步:瞻前顧后,靈活選 第四步:復(fù)核檢查,定結(jié)果 五五 解題技巧解題技巧答題技巧一:詞性分類 scale retailed generate extreme technically affordable situation really potential gap voluntary excessive insulte

5、d purchase primarily(2007年1月)retailedgenerateinsultedpurchaseextremeaffordablepotentialexcessivevoluntaryscalesituationgap副詞technicallyprimarilyreally名詞形容詞動詞答題技巧二:利用略讀法略讀全文 答題技巧三:瞻前顧后 理解文章的中心思想和邏輯關(guān)系1. 確定空格為名詞或動名詞 空格處前面為冠詞、形容詞或者及物動詞的 空格處后面是動詞的 空格處前面是介詞的 舉例:.these jobs, a _ that has changed the target

6、 market for many products.(2007年1月) 及物和不及物及物和不及物2. 確定空格為動詞空格處前面已經(jīng)有名詞/代詞作主語,后面又有名詞/代詞作為動詞的賓語,空格處應(yīng)為及物動詞 空格處前面是名詞/代詞,后面沒有賓語,空格處應(yīng)填不及物動詞; 空格處前面是名詞/代詞,空格處后面是副詞/介詞,空格處應(yīng)填入不及物動詞,與副詞/介詞構(gòu)成固定搭配 many car dealers _ women shoppers by ignoring them or (2007年1月)for example, women now _ about half of all cars. 篇章閱讀理解

7、 subject /主旨題 details/細(xì)節(jié)題 inference/推理題 vocabulary/詞匯題 1、subject /主旨題 whats the best title/標(biāo)題標(biāo)題 for this passage? what is the main idea主要意思主要意思 of the passage? the authors purpose/目的目的 of writing this passage is to _” whats the authors attitude/態(tài)度態(tài)度 toward.? (1)、主旨題表現(xiàn)形式(2)、主旨題解題方法 找到文章主題句,或者是可以體現(xiàn)文章主

8、題的句子或單詞。 如何找主題句或主題?1 重點關(guān)注文章的首段和首末句2 關(guān)注文章或一段中有沒有重復(fù)出現(xiàn)的詞或詞組,有沒有黑體字或斜體字3 問句一般不會是主題句,真正的主題句應(yīng)該是這個問題的答案4 關(guān)注轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系的連詞,如“but, yet, however, in fact, indeed, practically,virtually”,5 關(guān)注總結(jié)性的詞,如 in brief, above, after all, to sum up 等6 如果含有show 和和 suggest, 重點看其后的賓語從句重點看其后的賓語從句7 掌握一些詞組強調(diào)的重點, 如” not only, but also

9、, as well as, more than, less than example: ./而實際上卻恰恰相反:通往幸福的大道遍布艱辛。而實際上卻恰恰相反:通往幸福的大道遍布艱辛。 the way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness, if fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must b

10、e equal to unhappiness. but in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.example: space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors (流星)but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. the atmosphere . radiation is the greatest known

11、danger to explorers in space. the unit of radiation is called (末句)drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.example: the fridge is considered a necessity. it has been in my fridgeless fifties childhood, i was fed well and healthy t

12、he invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. a vast way . what refrigeration did promote was marketing-marketing hardware and . the fridges effect upon the environment has been evident/冰箱對環(huán)境的影響是明顯的, while its contribution to human happiness has been in

13、significant. if you .補充:在態(tài)度題中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的單詞 表示褒義的詞匯 表示貶義的詞匯positive optimistic supporting praising admiring pleasant concerned enthusiastic humorous sober positive(贊成的) optimistic(樂觀的) supporting(支持的) praising(贊揚的) admiring(羨慕的) pleasant(愉快的) concerned(關(guān)心的) enthusiastic(熱情的) humorous (幽默的) sober sb (冷靜的)di

14、sgusted critical negative suspicious tolerant worried pessimistic bitter depressed disappointed ironic sarcastic cynical sentimental angrydisgusted(厭惡的) critical(批評的) negative(否定的) suspicious(懷疑的) tolerant(容忍的) worried(擔(dān)憂的) pessimistic(悲觀的) bitter(痛苦的) depressed(沮喪的) disappointed(失望的) ironic arnk (諷

15、刺的) sarcastic(挖苦的) cynical(玩世不恭的) sentimental(感傷的)angry(氣憤的)uninterested impassive indifferent neutral subjective objective apathetic impersonal informative impartial compromising 表示中性的詞匯uninterested(不感興趣的) impassive(不動感情的) indifferent(不關(guān)心的) neutral(中立的) subjective(主觀的) objective(客觀的)apathetic petk

16、(漠不關(guān)心的) impersonal (不帶個人感情的)informative(提供信息的) impartial(不偏袒的)compromising (折衷的) ii.details/二 細(xì)節(jié)題(1 1)forms/forms/表現(xiàn)形式表現(xiàn)形式(2 2)how/how/解題方法解題方法(3 3)tips/tips/注意點注意點(1)forms/(1)forms/表現(xiàn)形式表現(xiàn)形式(2) how/解題方法 先看題干,再看原文,帶著題干個別的特有信息或者帶著題干的中心話題在原文定位handball playerwhat did the handball player do when he was n

17、ot allowed a time out to change his gloves?(3)注意點 要注意合理但不正確的選項 要注意表示程度、范圍、頻率等的副詞或形容詞 “keep in constant touch with the computer center” (2002年1月 )3、inference/推理題 (1)、表現(xiàn)形式 對暗含意思推理下結(jié)論對各部分的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系和作者寫作思路進(jìn)行推理(2)、推理題解題方法1 推斷作者的言外之意 (考試比例較大)注意文中關(guān)鍵詞,短語注意暗示推理題的答案肯定不能是照搬原文詞句,往往用同義詞進(jìn)行修改aggressively-competition 58

18、.第一段暗示 許多人以前所沒有的體力和腦力闖出了緊張期2 推斷某細(xì)節(jié)或整個段落排除與原文意思明顯矛盾的或文中找不到依據(jù)的事實細(xì)節(jié)或觀點25.按照本文飽經(jīng)滄桑的人可能變得5、詞匯題 一是常用詞語辨析,側(cè)重于考查多義常用詞在特定語境中的具體意思 二是生詞,側(cè)重于考查考生根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞意思的能力(1)、表現(xiàn)方式詞語推斷(2).vocabulary/詞匯題解題方法 can we pay too much attention to details? absolutely. perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “to keep from


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