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1、LOI米購意向書格式LETTER OF INTENT (LOI)We, hereby that we are ready willi ng and able un der theact of perjury to purchase the followi ng commodity as specified below and that funding is available.PRODUCT:SPECIFICATIONS:QUANTITY:DESTINATION PORT:DELIVERY TERMS:SIZE OF SHIPMENT:PACKING:DISCHARGE RATE IN POR

2、T DESTINATION:TERMS OF PAYMENT:PERFORMANCE BOND:BANK COORDINATES:TARGET PRICE:COMPANY DETAILS網(wǎng)站首銷售中熱門新圖書暢銷榜特價(jià)書精彩評(píng)圖書分五星圖書專題中團(tuán)購精彩章節(jié)欣索消費(fèi)維權(quán)I勞動(dòng)合同I司法考試I公司上市圖書n購物車閣英文合同解讀:語用、條款及文本范例(Lan guage and Usage)章英文合同概述ral In troduct ioniew of all this,we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and ou

3、r leaders,our Levite priests are affix ing their seals to it.hemiah 9:38, BIBLE NIV )一切的事,我們立確實(shí)的約,寫在冊(cè)上。我們的首領(lǐng),利未人,和祭司都簽了名。西米記9:38,圣經(jīng)新國際版)章英文合同概述rsta nding En glish Con tracts合同解讀:語用、條款及文本范例,古稱契約(港臺(tái)現(xiàn)仍多用此語)?!捌酢闭呒醋C券,證明買賣、抵押、租賃等關(guān)系的文書,如契據(jù)、房契等。古 此語,如易系辭就有“后時(shí)圣人易之以書契”。“約”者即共同商定的事,共同議定要遵守的條文,如和約 三國演義中就有“昔高祖約法

4、三章,黎民皆感其德”。早在圣經(jīng)中就有關(guān)于上帝在西乃山與以色列人立約的記載。諾亞方舟就是借上帝與諾亞的契約而建造的。ButII I establish my cove nant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, andwives with thee.thee 在古英語里表示you的賓格形式。thou在古英語里表示you的主格形式,相當(dāng)于漢語中的汝 y則是thou的所有格形式。shalt為古英語用法,相當(dāng)于現(xiàn)代英語中的 shall。(但我要與你立約,你以及你的兒 兒媳,要與你一同進(jìn)入方舟。)節(jié)合

5、同與協(xié)議(Con tract and Agreeme nt )代英語合同中,合同一般稱為 contract,協(xié)議一般稱為agreeme nt。那么con tract和agreeme nt是一回事嗎?它們 么關(guān)系呢?中華人民共和國民法通則第85條規(guī)定:“合同是當(dāng)事人之間設(shè)立、變更、終止民事關(guān)系的協(xié)議?!眛 shall be an agreeme nt whereby the parties establish, cha nge or term in ate their civil relati on ship.共和國合同法第2條規(guī)定:“合同是平等主體的自然人、法人、其他組織之間設(shè)立、變更、終止民

6、事權(quán)利義務(wù)關(guān)(on tracts referred to in this Law are agreeme nts betwee n equal n atural pers on s, legal pers ons and oati ons for the purpose of establish ng, alteri ng and term in ati ng mutual civil rights and obligati ons國法律重述合同法第二次匯編(Restateme nt (Second) of Con tracts, Sectio n 1)將合同定義為:“A co ntract,

7、or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which theway recognizes as aduty. ”(合同乃為一個(gè)允諾或一組允諾。違反此一允諾時(shí),法律給予救濟(jì);或其允諾之履某些情況下視之為一項(xiàng)義務(wù)。)這一定義亦為Steven H. Gifts所編著的Law Dictionary 完全引述。但一般而言乃兩個(gè)以上當(dāng)事人間具有法律約束力之協(xié)議,或由一個(gè)以上當(dāng)事人所為一組具有法律約束力之允諾。(A con tractbinding agreement bet

8、ween two or more parties or a set of legal binding promises made by one partyG. C. L in dsay, Con tract, 3rd Ed. 1992)。這一表述在 L.B. Curzon 編撰的 Dictio nary of Law 中被概括為 “Anding agreeme nt creati ng en forceableobligati ons ”。Chris Turner 在其編撰的 Con tract Law 中對(duì) con trac更為具體明了。他認(rèn)為“合同” 就是“ an agreeme nt b

9、etwee n two parties by which both are bound in law an therefore be en forced in a court or other equivale ntforum ”。(對(duì)合同方具有法律上約束力,可由法院或轄地強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行的協(xié)議。)lack s Law Dictio nary( 8th Ed.)中對(duì) con tract 的定義多達(dá) 8 項(xiàng):An agreeme nt two or more parties creati ng obligati ons that are en forceable or otherwise recog n

10、i zabl)The writ ing that set forth such an agreeme nt;A promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of win some way recog ni zes as a duty ;(作者注:與美國法律重述合同法第二次匯編中“con tract ”的定義相)Broadly, any legal duty or set of duties not imposed by the law of tort;

11、 esp., a duty created by aeclarati on of a court;)The body of law deali ng with agreeme nt and excha nge;)The term of an agreement or any particular term;)Loosely, a sale or conv eya nce;)Loosely, an en forceable agreeme nt betwee n two or more parties to do or not to do a thing or a set ocompact.ag

12、reeme nt, L.B. Curzon 的 Dictio nary of Law將其定義為:“A consen sus of min ds, or evide nce of such cn spoken or written form, relating to anything done or to bedone. ”(是對(duì)已做和待做的有關(guān)事宜以口頭出的相同意思表示或該意思表示的證據(jù)。)k s Law Dictionary ( 8th Ed.) 對(duì) agreement 下了兩個(gè)定義: (1)A mutual understanding between two or about their

13、relative duties and obligati ons regardi ng past or future performa nces; a mani festatio nssent by two or more person s.(雙方或多方就過去或?qū)淼南嚓P(guān)職責(zé)和義務(wù)的履行而達(dá)成相互的理解;雙方或一致的表現(xiàn)形式。)(2)The Parties actual bargain as found in their Ianguage or by implication fr cumsta nces, in cludi ng course of deali ng, usage of tra

14、de and course of performa nee.(即當(dāng)事人通過語言示而確立的實(shí)際約定,包括交易常例、貿(mào)易習(xí)慣以及履行慣例。)ract(合同)和Agreement(協(xié)議)到底能不能相互替換呢?讓我們來看看英文合同相關(guān)書籍和詞典的說法。s Turner在其編撰的Con tract Law 中將合同的成立表述為三個(gè)基本要素,即:(1)Agreeme nt based on mutua e terms, agreeme nt exists whe n a valid accepta nee follows a valid offer;(協(xié)議:基于要約與承諾形成對(duì)一致而存在;)(2)Cons

15、ideration given by both sides, the quid pro quo拉丁語,即 What for What, 相報(bào)酬;交換條件;對(duì)價(jià)。,and the proof that the bargai n exists;(約因:雙方付出的對(duì)價(jià)及對(duì)價(jià)存在的證據(jù)nten ti on to create legal relati ons since a con tract is legally en forceable, un like mere gratuitous設(shè)立法律關(guān)系的意愿:合同具有法律上的執(zhí)行力,不同于純粹的無償贈(zèng)與的允諾。)也是用agreeme nt來解釋con

16、tract的,認(rèn)為合同是一種符合一定條件的協(xié)議。語法律用語中雖然多用 agreeme nt來解釋co ntract,其實(shí)也有偶用con tract 解釋agreeme nt的情形,如:Agreer 2) A con tract (The Law Dictio nary)。我們甚至可以找到 agreeme nt和con tract在同一句中交替使用的實(shí)例。女Itract contains an innocent mistake, you can get out of the agreement if the mistake is important.WhaKnow About Con tract

17、s, The State Bar of California, 2nd Ed. 1984.k s Law Dictio nary(8th Ed.)對(duì)agreeme nt和con tract的關(guān)系做出了精辟的闡述,指出“每一份合同均是一是并非每一份協(xié)議均構(gòu)成一份合同”。(Every contract is an agreement, but not every agreement is a cont進(jìn)一步指出:“協(xié)議一詞,就口語意義而言,包括意在影響兩人或者多人間相互關(guān)系而作出的任何安排,無論該等 系還是其他關(guān)系?!?In its colloquial sense, the term“agree

18、ment” would include any arrangement betmore pers ons inten ded to affect their relati ons (whether legal or otherwise) to each other.所述,我們不難看出,漢語的法律用語僅用agreeme nt解釋con tract ,而英語的法律用語往往不很嚴(yán)格,多用agcon tract,但也有用con tract 解釋agreeme nt的情形,雖說大多情況con tract 與agreeme nt有所區(qū)別,有時(shí)候兩同義詞互換使用。可以說con tract都是協(xié)議,但協(xié)議不一

19、定就是con tract。但就廣義的協(xié)議和合同來講,還是有區(qū)從成立的宗旨上看,協(xié)議十分寬泛,不囿于為了當(dāng)事人間形成法律或其他關(guān)系,即便是為影響當(dāng)事人的義務(wù)也未必 上的合同關(guān)系,如不動(dòng)產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓或動(dòng)產(chǎn)贈(zèng)與。從內(nèi)容、條款上看,合同較為具體、詳盡,著眼于微觀;而協(xié)議則較為原則、粗疏,致力于宏觀。實(shí)踐中往往合作 達(dá)成協(xié)議對(duì)有關(guān)原則問題做出約定,然后在此基礎(chǔ)上簽訂合同,再全面明確各項(xiàng)具體的細(xì)節(jié)。從涉及范圍上看,合同的標(biāo)的往往比較單一集中,也很明確,通常都是一事一議,就事論事;而協(xié)議的標(biāo)的往往比較型項(xiàng)目的協(xié)議往往包括或分解成若干個(gè)具體的合同。從書寫格式上看,合同已基本格式化了,大家可以看到許多的合同模板;而協(xié)

20、議的格式相對(duì)靈活一些,沒有什么固的協(xié)議則和合同并無分別,只是用語上和習(xí)慣上的稱呼而已。節(jié)合同的種類與名稱(Categories and Titles )英文法律文件到底是不是英文合同,就要看它的內(nèi)容是否符合合同的要求。一般而言,合同不外乎包括人、事、時(shí) 要素,也就是4W1H (Who, When. Where What, How),如果你手上的文件內(nèi)容包括了這五項(xiàng)要素而且簽署生效,該 具有了合同的性質(zhì),而不論它是以何面目出現(xiàn)的。常見的英文合同名稱可分為以下四大類:合同、協(xié)議(Con tract ,Agreeme nt)名稱直接標(biāo)明Contract或Agreement是最常見的英文合同。中華人民

21、共和國合同法第九章至第二十三章就合同括,它們分別是買賣合同(Sales and Purchase Con tracts);供用電、水、氣、熱力合同(Con tracts for SupplWater, Gas and Heat );贈(zèng)與合同(Gift Con tracts);借款合同(Loa n Co ntracts );租賃合同(Lease Contra賃合同(LeaseFinance Co ntracts );承攬合同(Con tracts for Work );建設(shè)工程合同(Con struction Projts );運(yùn)輸合同(Con tracts of Carriage);技術(shù)合同(

22、Tech no logy Con tracts );保管合同(Deposit Con trac同(Warehous ing Con tracts );委托合同(Man date Con tracts );行紀(jì)合同(Commissio n Age ncy Con tracts ) Brokerage Con tracts )等十五大類。的協(xié)議有委托代理協(xié)議(Agency Agreement)、合伙協(xié)議(Partnership Agreement )、股份轉(zhuǎn)讓協(xié)議(Shares Pi eme nt)、保密協(xié)議(Con fide ntiality Agreeme nt )、競(jìng)業(yè)禁止協(xié)議(Non co

23、mpetiti on Agreeme nt )、聘用協(xié)議 nt Agreement )等。意向書(Letter of Intent )文件名稱標(biāo)為“ Letter of Intent ” (簡(jiǎn)稱 LOI,通常翻譯為“意向書”)、“ Memorandumf Understanding ”( 常翻譯為“諒解備忘錄”),甚至只稱為“ Memorandum(簡(jiǎn)稱Memo通常稱之為“備忘錄”)。另外,也有標(biāo)為 Talks ” (會(huì)談紀(jì)要)的文件。法律文件往往是當(dāng)事人雙方在商洽合作中形成的,可以稱之為準(zhǔn)合同文件(quasicon tract)。這些準(zhǔn)合同文件從不是合同或者協(xié)議,但如果經(jīng)當(dāng)事人簽訂,即具有一

24、定的法律約束力,甚至當(dāng)事人會(huì)在沒有形成正式的合同或協(xié)議 據(jù)這些準(zhǔn)合同文件進(jìn)行實(shí)質(zhì)性合作,從而賦予這些文件合同或協(xié)議的性質(zhì)。由此可見,合同的效力不能被其名稱所 述法律文件完整明確地記載了交易的條款,且當(dāng)事人依據(jù)該條款內(nèi)容履行并達(dá)成交易目的,那么這些法律文件就應(yīng)方達(dá)成的合同或者協(xié)議。契約(Cove nan t, I nden ture, Deed, Compact ,Protocol )nant主要指不動(dòng)產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓的合同或證明文件。英文合同如果基于傳統(tǒng)英美法對(duì)價(jià)的存在,也會(huì)使用這個(gè)詞來表示雙方。如:In consideration of mutual premises and covenants he

25、rein contained, the parties hereto agree anture為契約、契據(jù),corporate indenture則指公司發(fā)行債券的契約文件。(契據(jù))為簽名后蓋上印章的書面合約。在合同法中,對(duì)價(jià)是一個(gè)有效合約的必備元素。但若該合約以契據(jù)形式簽 足對(duì)價(jià)要求。act多用于國家間的協(xié)議、協(xié)定。例如,聯(lián)合國的全球協(xié)定( Global Compact )。ocol通常翻譯為草約或者議定書,往往也是雙方會(huì)談結(jié)果的文字依據(jù)。經(jīng)雙方簽字后,即受其約束,對(duì)草約內(nèi)容承 ,如果需要補(bǔ)充、修改、完善,雙方還會(huì)簽訂補(bǔ)充的協(xié)議。如我們耳熟能詳?shù)闹袊尤胧澜缳Q(mào)易組織的議定書 on the A

26、ccessi on of China )。其他書函(Letter , Waiver, Guaranty, Power of Attorney )合同有時(shí)候非常簡(jiǎn)短,形式上就像信函一樣,姑且稱之為書函類的英文合同,常常用“Letter ”(函)、“ Waive、“Guaranty ” (保證書)和“ Power of Attorney ” (委托書)等簡(jiǎn)單明確的字眼作為合同的名稱。相對(duì)于Agretract,書函類的合同一般具有補(bǔ)充或附屬的性質(zhì),且經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在Agreement或Contract的附件中。當(dāng)然書函類的事人也有完全的拘束力。撰寫的方式,是針對(duì)名稱為“ Agreeme nt” (狹義)或

27、“ Con tract ”類型的合同文件做閱讀方法的說明,其原因即在 的合同結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜而內(nèi)容完整,讀者若能掌握閱讀此類合同的要領(lǐng),閱讀其他類型的英文合同時(shí)自然就駕輕就熟了。章英文合同的特色ures of En glish Con tractsfollows fun cti on.to of the Bauhaus school of architecture)服從功能。豪斯建筑學(xué)院校訓(xùn))章英文合同的特色礎(chǔ)英語相比,作為專業(yè)性極強(qiáng)的語言,英文合同的用語不同于日常語言,具有顯著的特點(diǎn)。首先,句子冗長而且復(fù) 找不到句號(hào),用詞偏僻,晦澀難讀,不易理解。其次,英文合同中往往沿用拉丁語、法語的法律術(shù)語,像中

28、文的文 實(shí)是佶屈聱牙,令人痛苦不堪。再次,由于屬于專業(yè)英語的范疇,英文合同必然涉及法律方面理解,閱讀者除了語 外,對(duì)于法律,尤其是英美法應(yīng)具備一定的了解。毋庸多言,需要相應(yīng)的專業(yè)知識(shí),這是所有專業(yè)英語的共性。就是 Plain English CampaignPlain English Compaign 系由 Chrissie Maher 女士于 1979年在英國發(fā)起設(shè)立的民間致力于政府公文等所謂的官樣文章(gobbledygook )的直白化,以便普通民眾明白易懂。(直白英語運(yùn)動(dòng)組織)所 英文合同的句子,有興趣的讀者不妨看看到底是什么意思:he eve nt that the Purchase

29、r defaults in the payme nt of any in stallme nt of purchase price, taxes, inserest, or the annual charge described elsewhere here in, or shall default in the performa nee of any ogati ons set forth in this Con tract, the Seller may: at his opti on: (a) Declare immediately due and pen tire un paid ba

30、la nee of purchase price, with accrued in terest, taxes, and annual charge, and dema nds feesent thereof, and en force conv eya nee of the land by term in ati on of the con tract or accord ing to the t of, in which case the Purchaser shall also be liable to the Seller for reas on able attor ney s re

31、ndered by any attorney on behalf of the Seller, or (b) sell said land and premises or any part t ublic auction, in such manner, at such time and place, upon such terms and conditions, and upon such ice as the Seller may deem best for the interest of all concerned, consisting of advertisement in a f

32、general circulation in the county or city in which the security property is located at least once Three successive weeks or for such period as applicable law may require and, in case of default of a r, to re sell with such postp on eme nt of sale or resale and upon such public no tice thereof as the

33、 determ ine, and upon complia nee by the Purchaser with the terms of sale, and upon judicial approval a equired by law, convey said land and premises in fee simple to and at the cost of the Purchaser, who be liable to see to the application of the purchase money; and from the proceeds of the sale:FI

34、RST proper costs and charges, in cludi ng but not limited to court costs, advertis ing expe nses, auct ionee wance, the expenses, if any required to correct any irregularity in the title, premium for Seller itor s fee, attor neys fee, and all other expe nses of sale occurred in and about the protect

35、 ionon of this con tract, and all mon eys adva need for taxes, assessme nts, in sura nee, and with in terest th rovided here in, and all taxes due upon said land and premises at time of sale, and to reta in as comp commissi on of five perce nt (5%) on the amount of said sale or sales; SECOND, to pay

36、 the whole amount ining un paid of the prin cipal of said con tract, and in terest there on to date of payme nt, whether the l be due or no t, it being un derstood and agreed that upon such sale before maturity of the con tract thereof shall be immediately due and payable; THIRD, to pay lie ns of re

37、cord aga inst the security pr rding to their priority of lie n and to the exte nt that funds rema ining in the hands of the Seller ar ;and LAST, to pay the rema in der of said proceeds, if any, to the ven dor, his heirs, pers on als repre successors or assig ns upon the delivery and surre nder to th

38、e ven dee of possessi on of the land and p ss costs and excess of obta ining possessi on.Plain En glish Campaign 幾十年來一直致力于各種公文的直白英語化,而反對(duì)各種官樣文章(gobbledygook )。布實(shí)施的消費(fèi)者不公平術(shù)語法 (Un fair Terms in Co nsumer Con tracts Regulatio ns)也要求消費(fèi)者合同的術(shù)語必的語言(plain and intelligible Ianguage)。該法還要求這些術(shù)語必須是易讀的,意味著要用清晰的設(shè)計(jì)和

39、排印sign and typography )。類似的法律也在歐盟的國家適用國,紐約州率先頒行直白語言法要求消費(fèi)者合同(包括房屋租賃合同)的語言“clear and cohere nt ”,其他各州的法律,如賓夕法尼亞州就要求消費(fèi)者合同“ shall be written and organized and designated so that they a read and understand ”。如此,Law Dictionary 的作者Steven H. Gifts先生在該詞典的前言還是感嘆道:“.the special language ofai ns a barrier to no

40、nl awyers. To the exte nt that this promotes the econo mic health of the professi onits aura, and prevent unauthorized practice of the law, it may be regarded as avirtue. ” 大意是說,對(duì)律師以外的人士來講,仍然是一道壁壘。從促進(jìn)行業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)的健康發(fā)展、保留行業(yè)特點(diǎn)和防止未經(jīng)授權(quán)進(jìn)行律師執(zhí) ,可以把這種語言壁壘看做是一種行業(yè)優(yōu)勢(shì)。大陸法系的非英語國家,面對(duì)加入WTC后全球經(jīng)濟(jì)一體化的嚴(yán)峻挑戰(zhàn),中國應(yīng)該怎樣應(yīng)對(duì)各類國際交往和國際貿(mào)易

41、 英文法律文件呢?盡管Plain English(直白英語)似乎是大勢(shì)所趨,但法律英語直白化不是一蹴而就的事情,即普法工作,法律語言也不是普羅大眾所能輕易理解和運(yùn)用的。所以,與其坐而論道法律英語直白化,不如行而學(xué)習(xí) 格式和用語,在這個(gè)意義上,拿來主義是必需的。不通曉現(xiàn)行廣泛使用的英語合同,何談取其精華,去其糟粕,何 況對(duì)其進(jìn)行革新與發(fā)展,化為己用呢?針對(duì)英文合同的特色,擬從篇章結(jié)構(gòu)、遣詞用語、句式結(jié)構(gòu)以及時(shí)態(tài)語態(tài)四大方面進(jìn)行說明:節(jié)篇章結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)(Text Structure )完整的英文合同通常可以分為標(biāo)題 (Title )、前言(Preamble) 正文(Habendum)附錄(Schedu

42、le)及證明部分即結(jié) tion)五大部分。標(biāo)題開宗明義地顯示合同的性質(zhì);前言用最簡(jiǎn)單的說明大略介紹合同訂立的背景;正文里包括依各 的不同而約定的具體條款,還包括不論何種類型合同都會(huì)出現(xiàn)的一般條款;附錄構(gòu)成對(duì)前述合同正文條款的必要補(bǔ)合同都有該部分);最后,結(jié)尾則是當(dāng)事人簽名前的一段文字,為整份合同畫上完滿的句號(hào)。以下分別就此五部分合同的標(biāo)題(Title )英文合同和中文合同都一樣,標(biāo)題并不是一定要有的,因?yàn)楫?dāng)事人間的法律關(guān)系是用合同內(nèi)容的各個(gè)條款來判斷,會(huì)產(chǎn)生任何影響。但為方便辨識(shí)的考慮,合同撰寫人通常都會(huì)依照合同性質(zhì),在合同首頁的最上方給予一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)?同名稱在第一章中已有介紹,在此不再贅述,僅

43、補(bǔ)充說明:Confirmation(確認(rèn)書)、Order(訂單)也會(huì)經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在簡(jiǎn)。合同的前言(Preamble)合同在標(biāo)題之后,各式各樣的條款出現(xiàn)之前,通常會(huì)先有一段前言,也稱序言、導(dǎo)言、總則等,也見有稱為“ Nonpart ”者。前言一般不會(huì)占去太多的篇幅,目的在于很簡(jiǎn)略地介紹合同內(nèi)容之人、事、時(shí)、地、物等背景,讓閱讀接觸冗長復(fù)雜的正文前,先有一個(gè)基礎(chǔ)的認(rèn)識(shí)與心理準(zhǔn)備。詳細(xì)來說,前言通常又分作以下兩個(gè)段落:部分文字叫做“Parties ” ,也就是合同的開場(chǎng)白(Commencement)內(nèi)容為說明當(dāng)事人姓名或名稱、國籍或注冊(cè)地或主營業(yè)地、訂約日期、各自在合同中的簡(jiǎn)稱等等。OYMENT CON

44、TRACT (SALES)OYMENT AGREEMENT is made and en tered into on day of(mo nth), (year), by and betwee n: (herei nafter refes the “Company ), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of, with its refice located at, and (here in after referred to as the“ Employee" ), an in divi

45、dual, with n ati on alityNo.) residi ng at.用協(xié)議于年月日簽訂,雙方當(dāng)事人為:依州法律組織設(shè)立并存續(xù)的公司(以下簡(jiǎn)稱本公司),注冊(cè)地位于,與國籍:)(以下簡(jiǎn)稱雇員),居住于。y and betwee n合同是由哪些當(dāng)事人所訂定。英文中通常會(huì)說“This Agreement is made by andbetween. ”,用“ by”來表示,“between”來表示誰與誰之間的訂立。如果當(dāng)事人不止兩個(gè),也可以用“by and among來代替。rgani zed and existi ng開場(chǎng)白里要說明當(dāng)事人的國籍,在自然人的情況下可以用“an ati

46、o nal of.”或“ an in dividual with the naf . ”來表示,如果是法人組織多半使用“ organized and existing under the laws of. ”這樣的字眼,其中d”也可以用“ incorporated ”來代替。egistered officegistered office”是指一個(gè)公司的注冊(cè)所在地,它和“prin cipaloffice ” 或“ prin cipalplace of bus in ess并不一定位于同一個(gè)地方。部分叫做“ Recitals ”,是由數(shù)個(gè)以“ Whereas'字樣開頭的句子所組合而成,這些

47、句子俗稱為“WhereasClauses)?!癢hereas'的本義是“ Whenin fact ”、“ consideringthat ”或“ that being the case” 的意思,所以auses ”就表示當(dāng)事人乃是基于對(duì)這些事實(shí)(例如訂約的目的、背景、原由等)的共同認(rèn)識(shí),訂立此合同。以下是一 合同(Compe nsation Trade Con tract )的 Whereas Clauses,簡(jiǎn)單明了地表達(dá)了雙方合作的意愿。ESSETHeas Party B has machi nes and equipme nt, which are now used in Par

48、ty Bs manu facturi ng of steel wiris willi ng to sell to Party A the mach in es a nd equipme nt; andeas Party B agrees to buy the products, steel wire rope, made by Party A using the mach in es a nd equiy B supplies, in compe nsatio n of the price of the machi nes and equipme nt, andeas Party A agre

49、es to purchase from Party B the mach ines and equipme nt, andeas Party A agrees to sell to Party B the products, the steel wire rope, in compensation of the pricy B s mach ines and equipme nt;明(通常不譯)乙方擁有用于生產(chǎn)鋼絲繩的機(jī)械設(shè)備,愿向甲方出售該機(jī)械設(shè)備;乙方同意購買甲方用乙方所供應(yīng)的該機(jī)械設(shè)備生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品鋼絲繩來補(bǔ)償該機(jī)械設(shè)備的價(jià)款;甲方同意從乙方購買該機(jī)械設(shè)備;甲方同意向乙方出售產(chǎn)品鋼絲繩以補(bǔ)償

50、乙方機(jī)械設(shè)備的價(jià)款;在一串 Whereas Clauses之后,會(huì)出現(xiàn)類似上例中的“Nowtherefore, in consideration對(duì)價(jià)/約因(港臺(tái)多用此語這樣一句話,表明合同是有償合同,目的在提醒閱讀合同的人,真正規(guī)范訂約當(dāng)事人權(quán)利義務(wù)關(guān)系的條款在這句話 了,也就是說,這句話是前言與正文之間過渡的橋梁,在此之前為訂約背景事實(shí)的敘述,在此之后則為關(guān)于交易關(guān)(一般稱為“ operative part/clauses ”)。:Now therefore, i n con sideratio n of the premises and cove nants described here

51、in after, Party A and Pree as follows :.上述各點(diǎn)和契約所載條款為約因,訂約雙方協(xié)議如下:,正文(Ha nben dum/Operative part)正文(Hanbendum)部分,也稱Operative part/clauses 或Body,具體約定當(dāng)事人的權(quán)利義務(wù)。 各式各樣的正文條核心的部分,也是篇幅最大的部分,與當(dāng)事人的權(quán)利義務(wù)關(guān)系發(fā)生最直接、最密切的牽連。本書擬將英文合同中的正文條款分為兩類:特殊條款與一般條款。所謂特殊條款指的是只有在某些特定性質(zhì)的合同條款,例如勞動(dòng)合同中通常會(huì)約定保密條款、競(jìng)業(yè)禁止條款,但是買賣合同就不會(huì)有這些約定。反過來說

52、,買賣合 載交易標(biāo)的、交易條件等條款,在勞動(dòng)合同中就不會(huì)出現(xiàn)。于特殊條款的所謂一般條款,指的是不論合同性質(zhì)如何,幾乎所有的合同中都會(huì)記載的條款,例如管轄法院的約定,將于第四章中詳細(xì)介紹,在此亦不贅述。附錄(Schedule)也稱Addendum. Annex或Exhibit,也有用Attachment. List或Table表示的。附錄部分作為對(duì)正文條款的補(bǔ)充,文合同都有的一項(xiàng)。以下就是一份聘用協(xié)議的附錄,對(duì)該公司聘用的經(jīng)理職責(zé)作出補(bǔ)充說明:SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TOman age, maintain and promote the bus in ess of the

53、 Compa ny.atte nd pers on ally duri ng the usual hours of bus in ess and to supervise and con trol the bus in ess andssible to customers and employees of the Compa ny.keep the usual books of acco unt.pay daily all money received in the bus in ess into the Compa nys bank acco unt.n erally to protect

54、the in terests of the Compa ny.提及的附錄是指:理、維持并促進(jìn)公司的經(jīng)營。自參與公司的日常經(jīng)營,監(jiān)管經(jīng)營,對(duì)本公司的客戶和員工平易親和。管日常賬冊(cè)。付日常公司經(jīng)營到賬的款項(xiàng)。泛地保護(hù)公司的利益,即便是有這部分的英文合同,也經(jīng)常因?yàn)楦戒浀膬?nèi)容龐雜、篇幅較長而放在合同的最后單獨(dú)列明,如有關(guān)的圖表 文書。下文就是單獨(dú)列在合同后的附錄的一個(gè)信用證:BIT B : Letter of CreditBANK LIMLTEDdress it Ban k, N. A.rnational Banking FacilityAn geles, California 90000 U.S.

55、A.er of Credit No.:leme n:ereby establish this irrevocable letter of credit in your favor for account of ABC Company in the am S $(amount in words), available against your draft(s) drawn at sight on Credit Bank, N.A., Letter o partme nt, Los An geles, Califor nia, accompa nied by your sig ned and da

56、ted stateme nt as follows:eam ount draw n un der Letter of Credit No.dated issued by XYZ Bank Limited on behalf of ABC Comble to the un dersig ned pursua nt to the terms of that certa in Loa n Agreeme nt dated as of , , betwee nand Credit Bank. N.A. ”drafts draw n un der this Letter of Credit must b

57、ear the clause“ Draw n un der XYZ Bank Limited Letterumber, dated, ” .ial drawings are permitted.ereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts drawn under and in complianterms of this Letter of Credit that the drafts will be duly honored if drawn and presented to the an in Los An geles, California, on or before Expiry date 30 days after the final In stallme nt Payme ntLetter of Credit is subject to the Uni form Customs and Practi


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