通用設(shè)計榮譽獎Perez Art Museum Miami Resiliency by Design by ArquitectonicaGEO_第1頁
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1、2015 ASLA 通用設(shè)計榮譽獎 : Perez Art Museum Miami: Resiliency by Design by ArquitectonicaGEO邁阿密佩雷斯藝術(shù)博物館景觀:設(shè)計塑造彈性“景觀將覆蓋相當面積的表面,在熱帶環(huán)境中提供人與自然有趣的互動。未來10年,它將是一件非常獨特的作品?!?015年評審委員會 ”The landscape will cover a lot of the surface, with an interesting interplay between man and nature in a tropical environment. It w

2、ill be a very different project in 10 years.” 2015 Awards Jury 項目陳述 PROJECT STATEMENT邁阿密佩雷斯藝術(shù)博物館、雕塑公園和重新恢復的植被群落共同打造了一個解決海平面上升威脅、具有應變能力和彈性的尖端案例。博物館位于大西洋沿岸,模糊了建筑與景觀的界限,重新定義了公園和博物館的“職能”。景觀設(shè)計師通過燈光、陰影、空氣、水、植被和建筑結(jié)構(gòu)塑造了非凡的協(xié)同效果,推動了面對充滿不確定性的未來而進行的設(shè)計實踐。將博物館的體量在風暴異常水位最低要求之上提升10英尺,以一種前所未見的設(shè)計方式將停車、植被層和灌溉儲水系統(tǒng)

3、整合在博物館的下方。車庫、道路和雨水花園使用創(chuàng)新型透水地面,收集雨水,并將其分散至地下,減少局部的洪水,使其流瀉到比斯坎灣,大大降低了基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的支出。景觀設(shè)計師設(shè)計的廣泛的、以本土亞熱帶植物為主的植被適應于非常惡劣的自然條件,沿著海灣形成延展的本土化的棲息地。The Perez Art Museum Miami, Sculpture Park and restored plant communities, establish a cutting-edge example of adaptive and resilient design that addresses the global thr

4、eat of sea level rise. Located at the edge of the Atlantic, the Museum blurs the line between architecture and landscape, redefining the “mission” of parks and museums. Extraordinary synergy is achieved between light, shade, air, water, vegetation and structure, advancing the practice of designing f

5、or an uncertain future.Elevating the Museum 10 feet above storm surge requirements allowed parking below the Museum in an unprecedented design that integrates parking, planting beds, irrigation and storm surge storage. The innovative porous-floored garage, paths and rain gardens capture water, funne

6、ling it into the ground, reducing local flooding and runoff into Biscayne Bay, significantly reducing infrastructure expenditures.An extensive, primarily-native subtropical plant palette is designed to adjust to exceptionally harsh conditions and extend the native habitat along the Bay. PAMM位于比斯坎灣附近

7、的博物館公園內(nèi)。與西側(cè)的科學博物館共用雨水管理設(shè)施和交通設(shè)施,包括迂回植被覆蓋的滲水盆地和透水性良好的混凝土廣場及公共汽車站點。The PAMM sits closest to Biscayne Bay, within Museum Park. The Science Museum to the west shares storm water management and circulation facilities, including the planted infiltration basin in the round-a-bout, and the pervious concrete

8、plaza and bus drop-off. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©項目說明 PROJECT NARRATIVE基地描述邁阿密佩雷斯藝術(shù)博物館(PAMM)位于大西洋和大沼澤地荒野之間的脆弱地帶,佛羅里達州的邁阿密是國際化高密度的大城市,經(jīng)常作為海平面上升導致的“零地帶”而被提及。開放于2013年面積達200,000平米英尺的博物館距離比斯坎海灣只有75英尺,館內(nèi)收藏著著名的美洲藝術(shù)作品。寬闊的平臺和高高的遮陽格柵向建筑物的外緣延展出去,增加了博物館室外展覽和集會的空間。這一地點從19世紀末期一片水汪汪的長滿紅樹林和泰來藻的荒地,








16、的屏障。沼澤低處的Fakahatchee草和落羽杉構(gòu)成了耐澇的雨水花園。沙丘上的海灘牽牛逐漸過渡為離海岸較遠的高地上的熱帶硬木。架空的城市輕軌從基地的邊緣穿過,提供了一個鳥瞰棲息地的視角。景觀和建筑設(shè)計基于透氣、透光、透水和生態(tài)功能等概念,非常具有靈活性。這種靈活性為水、植物、路徑和動物的遷移提供了條件。該項目展示出即便是在城市環(huán)境下,棲息地的再生和荒野的開墾仍然是可能的。事實上,在未來的幾十年,開墾荒野將成為景觀設(shè)計師重要的工具,面對瞬息萬變的自然,我們要做有彈性的設(shè)計。 高密度的邁阿密市區(qū)橫跨大西洋和大沼澤地荒野之間的脆弱地帶。面對海平面上升帶來的不確定的因素,PAMM提供了一個重要的具有

17、彈性的設(shè)計模型。Densely urban Miami straddles a fragile line between the harsh wilderness of the Atlantic Ocean and the Everglades. PAMM provides a critical model for designing for resiliency in the face of an uncertain future, where sea level rise looms large. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©

18、60;     (左)沿著海灣,耐風、耐鹽的椰子樹構(gòu)成了第一道植被防線。重新得到恢復的沼澤形成蔓延海岸的棲息地,從低處耐澇的雨水花園植物到高處離岸較遠的熱帶硬木,棲息地內(nèi)聚集了多個物種。(右)鐵路藤是典型的生長于南佛羅里達州沙丘上的物種,它與建筑硬朗的邊緣形成鮮明的對比,同時為當?shù)氐囊吧鷦游锾峁┝艘粔K原生的棲息地,向公眾展示著寶貴的原生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。(left)Wind and salt-resistant coconut palms form the first line of vegetation along the Bay. The recreated nativ

19、e hammock expands habitat and includes lowland rain garden plants tolerant of saltwater inundation, ranging to upland hardwood hammock plants farther from the Bay.(right)Classic South Florida dune plantings of railroad vine and grasses provide an attractive contrast to the hard edges of the building

20、, and offer yet another native habitat to support local wildlife, illustrating our valuable ecosystems to the public. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©  穿梭在原生植被間的碎石小路連接起博物館、公園和海濱長廊。伴隨著雕塑公園內(nèi)藝術(shù)作品的輪換和自然事件的發(fā)生,幾個空間的邊界將逐漸消失,為游客營造沉浸式的游覽體驗。Stabilized gravel paths throughout the native plantin

21、gs provide accessible connections between the Museums, park, and waterfront promenade. Edges are intended to blur over time in response to disturbance from sculpture rotation or natural events, allowing an immersive experience for visitors. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©   

22、60; (左)圖為博物館入口層的平臺,大面積遮陽板下種植著蔥郁的耐陰植物。花園的灌溉用水來自空調(diào)冷凝水和收集的雨水。所種植物對空氣鹽度有較高的耐受力。(右)博物館入口平臺上茂盛的植物為藝術(shù)展覽、課堂、就餐、游輪觀賞提供了獨特的背景。平臺上以及懸吊下來的植物是多種泛熱帶物種的混合,包括耐鹽性的加勒比熱帶物種和佛羅里達本地亞熱帶的物種。(left)View toward the museum at entry level deck with lush, shade tolerant material located below the generous shade slats. Gardens a

23、re watered with recycled A/C condensate and captured rainwater. Plants were chosen for their high tolerance to salt air. (right)Lush plantings on the Museum deck form a unique setting for art displays, classes, dining and cruise ship watching. Deck and hanging plants are a vast mix of pan-tropical p

24、lants that include salt-tolerant Caribbean tropical and Florida subtropical natives. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©  基于上方格柵的方向性,為了確定最佳的種植區(qū)域,設(shè)計師進行了復雜的復合型陰影研究。研究的變量包括:一天中的時間、一年中的日期、植物的類型、土壤厚度的可用性以及從通過上方畫廊窗口向下看時的視線通廊。Complex composite shadow studies were conducted to determine optimal

25、 planting zones based on orientation of the overhead trellis. Variables included: time of day, calendar date, type of plants, soil depth availability and view corridors from upper gallery windows. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©  停車層的大臺階以一種不尋常但又非常實用的、本地化的方式展示植被,在游客從停車場前往博物館入口平臺的過程中,

26、為他們提供獨特的景觀。The grand staircase from the parking level showcases plants in unusual, normally utilitarian locales, providing a glimpse of the unusual landscapes to come as visitors ascend from the parking garage to the Museum entry deck. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©    (

27、左)在博物館上方的格柵之下,蔥郁的植被占據(jù)了三個層次:地面停車層,博物館入口平臺和自上懸掛下來的空中花園。跟周邊的棲息地和雕塑花園加在一起,總的景觀面積接近4.5英畝。( 右)該圖展示出博物館下方獨特的停車設(shè)計。架空的博物館體量保護藝術(shù)品不受風暴潮的影響,并將停車和儲排水設(shè)施安置在體量的下方。護坡將灌溉系統(tǒng)的水箱隱藏起來。(left)Within the Museums overhead trellis, lush plantings occupy three levels: ground/parking level, Museum entrance deck, and the hanging

28、 gardens. With the surrounding habitat and sculpture gardens, the total landscaped area is approximately 4.5 acres. (right)This view shows the unique arrangement of parking below the museum. Elevating the museum protects art from storm surge, and allows for the combined services of parking and deten

29、tion/infiltration facilities. The berms conceal cisterns for the irrigation system. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©  植被的灌溉使用儲存的雨水和空調(diào)冷凝水。晨光透過臺階間的高差和平臺上的縫隙流瀉下來。The parking garage drive aisle utilizes plants that thrive in low light conditions to provide ambiance in surprising location

30、s. Supplemental irrigation is provided from stored storm water and A/C condensate. Morning light streams through stair risers and gaps in decking. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©  碎石停車場的表面用于減緩和過濾上方平臺的雨水,或暫時性地儲存風暴時涌上來的潮水,促進滲透和補給,確保風暴過后能快速地恢復如初。The gravel parking garage surface is des

31、igned to slow and filter stormwater running through the deck above, or temporarily hold storm surge water, encouraging infiltration and recharge, and maintaining the ability to quickly recover after storm events. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©     (左)多層次的景觀是一個動態(tài)的、五彩繽紛的、藝術(shù)

32、性的綠色基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施。水平和垂直方向上的景觀元素讓建筑,乃至碎石和混凝土停車場更加具有吸引力。( 右)從博物館入口平臺看向比斯坎灣和Bicentennial公園。懸掛下來的花園和平臺植被由更加多彩且具有異地風情的植物構(gòu)成,向外慢慢過渡至排布更加自然的原生植被。(left)The multi-level landscape is a dynamic, profusion of color, art and green infrastructure. The horizontal and vertical landscape elements complement the architecture,

33、even to the gravel and concrete parking surface. Diagonal connections between the planted columns add hurricane stability.(right)View from the Museum level deck and plantings, towards Biscayne Bay and Bicentennial Park. The hanging gardens and deck level plantings are composed of more colorful and e

34、xotic plants, while plantings trend toward natural arrangements of native plants extending outward. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO ©  花園是一個展示雕塑的場所,燈光將建筑、植被和藝術(shù)作品照亮。博物館同相鄰的公園和海濱走廊無縫融合在一起,為未來海濱的開發(fā)提供模型。The garden serves as a sculpture setting, with lighting designed to highlight the buil

35、ding, vegetation and art pieces. The Museum grounds blend seamlessly with the adjacent park and waterfront promenade to serve as a model for future coastal development. Photo Credit: ArquitectonicaGEO © Site DescriptionThe Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) rests on a fragile line between

36、the Atlantic Ocean and the densely urban Global City of Miami, Florida, frequently referred to as “ground zero” for sea level rise. Open since 2013, the 200,000-square-foot museum sits only 75 feet from Biscayne Bay, housing an acclaimed collection of art of the Americas. Wide decks and tall trellis

37、ed shade structures extend far past the edges of the building, increasing the Museums exterior display and gathering areas.The site has transitioned from a watery mangrove and turtle grass wilderness in the late 1800s, to a dredged deep water port, to a succession of failed waterfront parks over lan

38、dfill. PAMM lies closest to the water in an 8.5 acre two-museum complex within the newly re-imagined Museum Park. PAMMs landscape is approximately 4.5 acres, including garage, deck and surrounding plantings.Across the Bay to the East, within distant view of the Museum, lies a unique community of ren

39、egade houses on stilts over submerged sandbars.To the West, the Everglades wilderness offers remarkable insights into the various microcosms that thrive or decline based on shifts in water elevation measured in mere inches. This rich, wild and unpredictable setting provides inspiration for both arch

40、itecture and landscape at PAMM, offering exceptional examples of adaptive and resilient design to address the global threat of sea level rise.The project scope involved designing the horizontal landscape, and assisting on the design of 80 planted, hanging columns. The goal was to provide a beautiful

41、 and serene location along the waterfront to explore art, both natural and manmade. PAMM treads lightly on the environment by providing myriad environmental services, and limiting overuse of precious resources.Sustainability Elements This project takes a complex approach to water, vehicular and

42、 ecosystem management, and is a true example of multidisciplinary team-driven sustainable design, in both vision and implementation.Water management became the key feature that informed almost every other decision, whether from rain, sea or condensate. Air conditioning and irrigation is provided by

43、the building itself through high trellised structures that shade the decks, and funnel sea breezes and water to make the subtropical exterior setting comfortable for people and plants.Because of its direct proximity to Biscayne Bay, the Art Museum was built on stilts 10 feet above minimum flood and

44、hurricane storm surge requirements, allowing the parking garage to be placed below the museum. This arrangement facilitated an unprecedented design that integrates parking and planting beds with irrigation system water and temporary storm surge storage, stormwater infiltration, and aquifer recharge.

45、 The innovative porous-floored parking garage, gravel paths and native plant rain gardens are designed to capture and funnel rain water into the ground. This reduces local flooding and storm water runoff into the Bay, and limited expenditures on stormwater infrastructure.Collaborative efforts by the

46、 design and construction teams, and careful attention to detail allow the multitude of sustainable layers to work in concert. The project recently earned LEED Gold Certification, with the landscape contributing significantly to that designation.Design Program While PAMMs building has been desig

47、ned by the client to express the raw material of concrete, native plants have been chosen to display the raw materials of our landscape as complement and contrast to the geometric architecture. South Floridas lush subtropical trees, shrubs, groundcovers and vines spring from the horizontal ground pl

48、ane in vibrant counterpoint to the more formal, artist-designed hanging planted columns. Landscape materiality is deconstructed to exhibit Earths most basic forms, including gravel in paths and parking garage.The stabilized gravel parking garage was designed with two functions in mind. From the mome

49、nt of entry, the sound and texture of gravel signifies that a rich sequence of experiences is yet to come. The surface is also functionally designed to slow and filter stormwater flow, encouraging infiltration and recharge, and maintaining the ability to quickly recover after storm events, a unique

50、approach requiring special approval from the city. Precast concrete bands define parking spaces, and accessible concrete parking pads are provided near the elevator.Stabilized gravel paths throughout the native plantings provide accessible connections between the two museums, the adjacent park, and

51、Miamis waterfront promenade. The simple palette of materials (concrete, gravel and a profusion of plants) is designed to offer seamless transitions between spaces, with messy edges that blur and meld over time. This flexible design approach is valuable to the client because it allows easy rotation o

52、f exterior displays and anticipates periodic inundation, enabling quick recovery from disturbance.The originally-limited landscape concept of formal hanging gardens was expanded to include the use of water-wise, animal-friendly native plant material, in conjunction with systems that capture rain wat

53、er and A/C condensate for irrigation. Large irrigation cisterns are concealed within the planted berms that surround the parking garage. Ten large trees were preserved, and now serve as focal points and anchors in the Sculpture Garden. New plant material has been chosen based on ability to survive f

54、ull sun or full shade, and the harsh climate of South Florida, which can alternately provide saltwater, heavy salt wind, drought and excessive rain.The Museums planted exterior deck and surrounding landscape serve as a canvas for permanent and rotating art displays. A naturalistic planting style is

55、used throughout the ground level and museum deck level planters. The plant material progresses from South Florida subtropical natives mimicking endemic habitats outside the building, to a mix of tropical plants adjacent to the building, and finally a more constructed, pan-tropical and exotic palette

56、 within the garage and museum deck planters.The choreographed landscape sequence begins on Museum Drive, which leads to the underground parking garage, and a surprising display of plants in unexpected locations. The sequence continues above ground with the spectacle of 80 hanging, planted columns, the lushly-planted deck, and the evolving discoveries within the sculpture garden.Complex composite shadow studies were conducted to determine optimal planting zones based on a North-South orientation of the overhead trellis, in contrast to an East-West orie


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