空運 貨代英文常用句----中文句型-雙語_第1頁
空運 貨代英文常用句----中文句型-雙語_第2頁
空運 貨代英文常用句----中文句型-雙語_第3頁
空運 貨代英文常用句----中文句型-雙語_第4頁
空運 貨代英文常用句----中文句型-雙語_第5頁
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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx空運 貨代英文常用句-中文句型-雙語【精品文檔】空運 貨代英文溝通常用句式中文一、 詢價,議價1、由于航司有毛重最低限制,最低毛重要達到45公斤才能使用45級別價格。The carrier has minimum gross volume requirements, only shipments with gross weight of 45kg or more can receive 45kg-level prices. 2、如果此票貨物有時效要求,建議走KA(港龍)有較快的服務。If this shipment is time limited, we recom

2、mend using KA express service. 3、目前,CV有提供促銷價格,且價格便宜,請考慮是否改安排CV。 CV has released promotional pricing, with cheap prices, so please consider whether you want to change to CV. 4、本報價僅基于此貨型,如果貨型有變動請重新確認價格,謝謝!This quote is based on these types of goods. If there are any changes in the types of goods being

3、 shipped, please re-confirm price before shipping. 5、由于市場空運價格都是經(jīng)常變動的,請出貨前再重新確認價格/航司無法提供有效期這么久的特價,請知悉,謝謝!5Since air freight pricing changes regularly, please double check the price before shipping. The carrier cannot provide extended special prices for so long. Thank you. 6、由于最近市場比較旺,艙位比較緊張,請盡快確認并授權(quán)以

4、便我司訂艙。As this is an air shipping peak season, space is relatively limited, so please confirm and authorize the shipment as early as possible so that we can better ensure your booking. 7、請幫忙確認并提供最優(yōu)惠的目的港費用,包括清關(guān)費和遞送費等其他費用。Please help me by confirming the best available pricing at the destination port,

5、including customs clearance fees, courier fees, and others. 8、客人并沒有提供具體的提貨地址,請幫忙提供該城市各個地區(qū)的提貨價格,謝謝。The client didn't provide a detailed pick up address, please provide me with prices for pick up in each district in the city. 9、客戶沒有提供具體的貨物重量,請幫忙按公斤級別報價,謝謝。The client didn't provide a specific w

6、eight of the goods, please provide a pricing scheme listed by weight breaks in kg. 10、客戶告知提貨地址有變動,如下所示,請幫忙確認提貨費是否有變,謝謝。The client has informed us that the intended destination has changed. Based on the new destination, please confirm whether there will be any consequent change in price. 11、請告知您的目標價格

7、,我們會重新再和航司申請看看是否還能降低價格。Please tell us your target price, and we will get in touch with the carrier again to see if any further adjustment in price is possible. 12、請和收貨人確認我們是否有機會報價和合作。Please confirm with the consignee whether we can give them a quote and have a chance to cooperate. 二、 貨物操作起運港:1. 發(fā)貨人反

8、饋由于貨款收貨人還沒付所以還不能發(fā)貨給我們。a) The shipper reports that the consignee has not yet paid for the goods, and as such, the goods cannot yet be sent. 2. 發(fā)貨人不愿意提供清單和發(fā)票,請找收貨人要此單據(jù)。a) The shipper is not willing to provide us with an packing list and invoice, please contact the consignee for this information.3. 貨物進

9、倉后,前5天是免倉儲,第6天開始產(chǎn)生倉儲費。a) After goods enter the warehouse, the first 5 days are free of charge. Storage fees are counted starting from the sixth (6th) day. 4. 發(fā)貨人告知此票貨會先出一部分,短裝那部分下次出運。a) The shipper has stated that they will first send only part of the shipment, and send the rest the next time there

10、is spare space. 5. 由于此票貨物托盤高度超過160CM,航司接不了。a) Since pallets on this shipment exceed 160cm in height, the carrier can't accept it. 6. 由于此貨毛重不足45公斤,需要加墊板,墊板費USD50/shpt。a) Since the gross weight of this shipment is less than 45kg, it requires a pallet, which costs USD50. 7. 航司網(wǎng)站沒有顯示數(shù)據(jù)是因為我們還沒有把貨交給貨棧

11、,目前貨物還在我們倉庫,等我們操作團隊把貨物交給貨棧后,網(wǎng)站才會有具體的信息。a) The reason that your shipments information isn't displaying on the carrier's web page is because we have not yet transferred them from our warehouse to their terminal. Please wait for our operations team to transfer the shipment for the information t

12、o update. 8. 由于此票貨比較大,會被分批出運。a) Because this is a relatively large shipment, it will be divided into smaller shipments. 9. 由于貨物已經(jīng)進倉,無法改訂其他航司,如要改訂航司還需申請退倉,會產(chǎn)生退倉費等額外費用。a) The goods have already entered the export supervised warehouse. If you would still like to change carriers, you must first apply fo

13、r withdrawal of goods, which will result in an extra withdrawal fee. 10. 很抱歉通知您,此票貨被海關(guān)查驗趕不上預計的航班。a) We're sorry to inform you, this shipment is being inspected by customs, and will not make the scheduled flight. 11. 貨物放行后,會第一時間通知您。a) We will notify you as soon as the goods are released. 12. 很抱歉告

14、知您,由于最近艙位緊張,航司承載量限制,此票貨物被拉貨,二程延誤到4月25日的航班。請查收附件航司解釋函。We're sorry to inform you that due to limited air freight space, the carrier has postponed your shipment to the second leg on April 25. Please find attached an explanatory note from the carrier. 13. 我們會盡我們一切所能盯緊航司盡量不分批到目的港。a) We will watch thi

15、s shipment as closely as possible to make sure the carrier doesn't divide it into batches. 14. 我們會盯緊此票貨物,更新狀態(tài)給您。a) We will watch this shipment closely and keep you updated. 15. 我們已經(jīng)對航司投訴,要求索賠,有消息,會通知您。a) We have already complained to the carrier requesting compensation. We will update you as inf

16、ormation becomes available. 中轉(zhuǎn)港:1. 在迪拜中轉(zhuǎn)港,如果遇到查驗,會產(chǎn)生額外的USD50費用。a) For transfers in Dubai, if goods are inspected, there is an additional USD 50 fee. 2. 十分抱歉給您帶來麻煩,若造成不便,還請見諒!a) We're very sorry for any potential inconvenience caused.目的港(主要針對空運進口業(yè)務):1. 此票提貨地址如下,貨物已經(jīng)備好,請幫忙選擇就近的機場安排航班,并盡快反饋航班信息,謝謝。

17、a) The goods are ready to be picked up at the address below. Please select a nearby airport and arrange a flight, and inform us as soon as possible, thanks. 2. 此票是CIF條款,到貨后我司把隨機資料換單給收貨人指定的報關(guān)行,后續(xù)清關(guān)和提貨并不是我司的責任范疇,因此無法反饋提貨時間和派送時間。a) This terms of this shipment is CIF. Once it has arrived, our company gi

18、ves the airway bill and all other documents to the customs broker designated by the consignee, after which the process is out of our hands. As such, we have no way to give you feedback on the pick up time or delivery schedule. 3. 此票我們正在進行清關(guān)的動作,但是收貨人提供的資料不齊全,我們還在溝通當中,請知悉。a) We are currently processin

19、g the customs for this shipment, however the consignee has not provided all the required information. Please be informed that we are in the process of negotiating with them.4. 貨物到港后我們沒有權(quán)限去航司貨棧拍照,只有遇到海關(guān)查驗時,我們可以接觸到貨物并拍照,否則只能等到放行后我們到貨棧提貨時,才能拍照。a) We are not authorized to take photos of goods in the bon

20、ded warehouse. We will only have access to the goods if they undergo customs inspection. Otherwise we can only take photos once the goods are released. 5. 此票海關(guān)查驗有問題,正在聯(lián)系收貨人重新提供資料,后續(xù)若有新的情況我會及時通知您。a) Customs have found a problem with this shipment, and are contacting the consignee to send all the info

21、rmation again. I will update you as the situation progresses. 6. 由于收貨人到機場的路程太遠,收貨人不愿意到場一起進行海關(guān)查驗,我們在查驗過程中會對貨物進行拍照,屆時可提供照片作為參考。a) Since the airport is far from the consignee, they prefer to have us perform the customs inspection separately and photograph the goods, then allow them to make further deci

22、sions based on the photos. 7. 我們已經(jīng)收到收貨人提供的清關(guān)資料了,但是資料上的公章印跡不清晰,貨棧不準許我們代為提貨,需要收貨人重新提供,因此這票貨物目前還在航司貨棧,請知悉。a) We have already received customs documents from the consignee, however since the chop/seal is unclear, the warehouse doesn't recognize our authority. We need the consignee to provide us with

23、 the customs documents again, and please be informed that the goods will remain in the carrier warehouse until we receive them. 8. 貨物已經(jīng)到港3天了,但我們還是不能聯(lián)系到收貨人,3天后將有倉儲費產(chǎn)生,請幫忙提供準確的收貨人聯(lián)系方式,謝謝!a) The goods have been in port for 3 days already, however we are still unable to contact the consignee. A further

24、3 days will result in warehouse storage fees. Please give us the consignees correct contact information, thank you. 9. 此票提單收貨人和清單收貨人并不是同一家企業(yè),請幫忙確認究竟貨主是哪一家,謝謝。a) The names of the consignees on the airway bill and on the packing list are not the same, please confirm the proper consignee, thanks. 10. 此

25、票是精密儀器,派送時是否需要氣墊車運輸?a) This shipment contains precision instrument(s), would you like to use an air cushion transport for delivery?11. 由于此票派送地點較遠,因此需要轉(zhuǎn)車派送,費用是RMB500/車,請知悉。a) Please be aware that since the delivery destination is relatively far, we need to use a dedicated vehicle for delivery which c

26、osts an additional RMB 500 per vehicle.12. 此票我們已經(jīng)向工廠申請入倉編號,等工廠反饋入倉編號之后我們會立即安排貨物的派送,請知悉,謝謝。a) We have already applied for an entry number into the factory for this delivery. Please know that once we have received the entry number we will arrange for delivery. 13. 這票貨的目的港是上海,而我是廈門的進口客服,請聯(lián)系以下我們上海的同事進行后

27、續(xù)安排,謝謝。a) This destination of this shipment is Shanghai, however Im based in Xiamen. Please get in touch with my colleague in Shanghai, whose contact information is as follows: _contact info_. Thank you. 14. 請盡快提供運費發(fā)票,否則海關(guān)將會使用主單上的運費進行稅額計算,這將會增加稅款的金額,請知悉。a) Please provide the invoice as soon as possi

28、ble, otherwise customs will use the value as listed on the airway bill to calculate the taxes, which will increase the overall cost of the shipment. Thank you. 三、 費用、賬單等1. 此票雜費請幫忙代墊。a) Please pay in advance for any local extraneous fees for this shipment. 2. 請告知此票空運貨的運費誰承擔并提供發(fā)貨人的聯(lián)系方式。a) Please inform me who is responsible for payment of this shipment and the shippers contact information. 3. 附件賬單草稿請核對,請確認公司名稱和金額


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