



1、學(xué)習(xí)資料人教版高中英語(yǔ)教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)人教版高中英語(yǔ)必修 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom一.教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析:人教版新課標(biāo)高中英語(yǔ)必修 5第二單元(The United Kingdom ) Using languageSightseeing in London讓學(xué)生了解英國(guó)首都倫敦的名勝古跡 (BigBen;StPaul ' sCathedral ;WestminsterAbbey;Greenwich;Highgate Cemetery)二、教學(xué)目標(biāo)(Teaching goals)1 .目標(biāo)語(yǔ)言 (Target Languagea.重點(diǎn)詞匯和短語(yǔ)sightseeing, a

2、vailable, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrillb.重點(diǎn)句式Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had . P14What interested her most was the longitude line.P14It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. P14But she wa

3、s thrilled by . P142 .能力目標(biāo)(Ability goals )Improve the reading ability of the students and enable the students to plan a tour around certain places.3 .學(xué)能目標(biāo) Learning ability goalsHelp the students know more about the historical sites in London.三、教學(xué)重難點(diǎn) (Teaching important & difficult points )Help t

4、he students identify different kinds of tour and talk about the most interestingplace for the tour and master the key words and expressions in the passage.四、教學(xué)方法(Teaching methods )1、任務(wù)型教學(xué)法(Task-based teaching method。讀之前,教師設(shè)定閱讀任務(wù),學(xué)生在閱讀過(guò)程中思考,分析,討論,最終解決問(wèn)題。最后通過(guò)任務(wù)的完成而實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)所學(xué)知識(shí)的意義建構(gòu)。2、交際法教學(xué):讓學(xué)生在完成任務(wù)的活動(dòng)中提高聽(tīng)說(shuō)

5、能力3、多媒體輔助教學(xué)法。把有關(guān)英國(guó)的文本,圖片等信息融合在課件中,發(fā)揮學(xué)生的多種感官作用,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣,提高學(xué)習(xí)效率。在 Reading部分對(duì)TheUK有了一定的了解,在此基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)關(guān)于英國(guó)的一些名勝古跡。五、教具準(zhǔn)備(Teaching aids)A computer and a projector.六、教學(xué)過(guò)程與方式(Teaching procedures & ways )Step I Revision and Lead-inTalk about London with the students.T: London has been a capital city for

6、nearly 1,000 years, and many of its ancient buildings still stand. Have you found any information about London?51: The most famous sites in London are the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul ' s Cathedral. But most visitors also want to see the House of Parliame Buckingham Palace, wh

7、ich is the Queen ' s London home.52: Once, London was a small Roman town on the north bank of the Thames, but slowly it grew into one of the world' s major cities with more than 7 million people.Different areas of London seem to be like different cities. And it also has many big parks, full

8、of trees, flowers and grass. Sitting on the grass in the middle of Hyde Park or Kensington Gardens, you are in the country, miles away.53: Many people think that London is all gray, but in fact red is London ' s favorite color. London is at its best when people are celebrating. Then the flags, t

9、he cheering crowds and the carriages and horses all sparkle in the sunshine if it ' s not raining, of course! However, it is often foggy. That' s why it ' s called “fog city ” .Ask the students to read the passage and do the exercises after the passage.T: “Sightseeing in London“ is about

10、 a Chinese girl ' s first visit to London. It tells ushow it would feel to visit London for the first time. Now read and find the answers to the questions after the text.Step n ReadingTask 1: Ask the students to read the text to get the main idea.T: Now please read the text and find the answers

11、to the following questions.Show the questions on the screen.1. How did Zhang Pingyu plan her tour?2. What were the buildings mentioned in the text? What were they famous for? Who built them? What happened to them?Sample answers:1. First, she made a list of the sites she wanted to see. Then she plane

12、d her four-day trip.2. The buildings mentioned in the text were:Tower, built by Norman invaders of AD 1066, it is a solid, stone, square tower which remained standing for one thousand years; St Paul' s Cathedral, built after the terriblefire of London in 1666, looked splendid; Westminster Abbey,

13、 contains statues in memory of dead poets and writers; Greenwich, the longitude line; Big Ben; Highgate Cemetery; Windsor Castle.Task 2: Ask the students to study the structure of the text“Sightseeing in London1. The Tower of London2. St Pau ' s Cathedral3. Westminster Abbey4. Big Ben5. Buckingh

14、am PalaceShow the following.(說(shuō)明:教師可以借助圖片評(píng)說(shuō)、文化背景介紹和生活體驗(yàn) 等方法導(dǎo)入,激活學(xué)生相關(guān)的知識(shí)網(wǎng)絡(luò),使學(xué)生產(chǎn)生閱讀欲望。)GreenwichThe second day The third day The first day1. High gate Cemetery2. The Library of the British Museum3. Windsor CastleTask 3 .Ask the students find out the key words and expressions. (1)delight n.& vt.to o

15、ne ' s delight = to the delight of sb.take delight inwith /in delightbe delighted at /by /withbe delighted to do sth .delightful adj.(2) remain vi & linking vremain - remaining (adj ) - remains (n )After the fire ,very little remained of my house .乘U 下Much work remained to be done 有待以后再做I &#

16、39; ll remained to see the end of the garmeTIn fact ,the work remained unfinished 仍然是The children remained listening .The Indian people remain in deep poverty .The remains of the ancient temple are worth seeing 磁余物(3) thrill vt. &n.be thrilled at /with sththrilling adj.(4) Worried about the time

17、 available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.過(guò)去分詞做原因狀語(yǔ) =Because she was worriedabout (5)It looked splendid when first built .時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句的省略=(when it was first built)(6)It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. It作

18、形式主語(yǔ),that引導(dǎo)主語(yǔ)從句。七、Homework:Ask the students to review the words learnt in this unit.八、板書(shū)設(shè)計(jì):黑板的左邊簡(jiǎn)要寫出教學(xué)過(guò)程,右邊寫出在處理文章過(guò)程中出現(xiàn)的重點(diǎn)詞匯,短O左邊:1. How did Zhang Pingyu plan her tour?2. What were the buildings mentioned in the text? What were they famous for? Who built them? What happened to them?右邊:(1)delight n.& vt.to one ' s delight = to the delight of sb.take delight inwith /in delightbe delighted at /by /withbe delighted to do sth .delightful adj.(2) remain vi & linking vremain - remaining (adj ) - remains (n )After


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