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1、慰問信要寫得真誠并注意措辭要圍繞一個中心宣講人:XXX 時間:20XX.XXCONSOLATION LETTER FOR COMPOSITION作文專題復習慰問信安慰鼓舞早日復原注意措辭表示同情慰問信是指在同學、親友考試失利、生病、 受傷或遇到火災、水災、地震等不幸事件時, 對對方表示慰問的信件慰問信要寫得真誠 并注意措辭,要圍繞一個中心,鼓勵對方并令 其得到安慰和鼓舞。內容常包括:對不幸事件表示同情一進 行安慰和幫助和鼓勵一再次表示同情并希望 其早日復原。作文專題復習慰問信確定時態(tài):現(xiàn)在時,過去時,將來時確定人稱:第一,第二人稱確定寫作的信件類型確定時態(tài)確定時態(tài)確定人稱確定人稱信件類型信件類

2、型作文專題復習慰問信用自己的話將題目要求的要點陳述出來。結尾:表達對收信人的美好祝愿和祝福話將話將詢問傷情,打算去看望,告訴他不要擔心你們的學習看望看望作文專題復習慰問信主題慰問信主題慰問信It was such a shock to hear that you were badly injured whileplaying football last weekend. Are you feeling any better now?作文專題復習慰問信What a pity that you cant teach us for a few days! Nevertheless, there is

3、 no need to worry about ourpity that pity that lost lessons. Last but not least, if there is anything offer to help, please don5 t hesitate to contact us.lost lessonslost lessonscan offer to help, please ,esitate to contact us. I do expect your quick recoverycan offer can offer 作文專題復習慰問信recovery rec

4、overy 恢負康負恢負康負sorrow sorrow 悲傷(名詞)sadness ,flood_UMB常見自然災害的詞?)recovery 恢負康負deeply deeply 深深地深深地 conveyconvey 傳達,sympathy關心,同情,慰問,deeply 深深地 ,shocked 震驚作文專題復習慰問信提升企業(yè)形象提升企業(yè)形象I am deeply sorry to hear that 聽到我深感難過 _I was so sorry to hear of the news that.提升員工歸屬感提升員工歸屬感請接受我最深切的慰問 _ Please accept my deep

5、est sympathy.減少浪費減少浪費我無法相信 _ ,I couldnt believe that. 請辭我對的同情Please convey my sympathy to.最妊的祝愿 Best wishes for.作文專題復習慰問信02010304完全康復 make a full recovery我祝你快速康復 I wish you quick recovery渡過難關 go through the difHculty我們都希望 We are all hoping我相信你會成功作文專題復習慰問信聽說水災毀了你的家,我難過極了。I was so sorry to hear that t

6、he flood _ dpqfrQypd ycnir hfmg.聽聽說說我們感到很悲痛。We are filled感感到到請轉達我向你家人的慰問。Please convey慰慰問問作文專題復習慰問信大家都希望你早日歸來。We are all hoping you will be back soon.如果需要我的幫助,請告知。If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.我們真心希望你能很快完全康復。We all really hope that you will make真心希望你能很快完全真心希望你能很快完全康復康

7、復希望你早日歸來作文專題復習慰問信第一段:引出事實(寫作背景),表達惋惜和同情;第二段: 予幫助安慰對方或鼓勵對方或者提出給第三段:表達愿望和祝福。自我介紹 .得知的Amy的情況打算為她做什么 .祝她早日康復考慮解決方案的部分影響 沒有問題的舉一反三第一第一第二第二第三第三第四第四作文專題復習慰問信據(jù)報道,7歲的美國女孩Amy Bruce得知自己身患 肺癌(lung cancer)后處于極度的痛苦之中美國 抗癌協(xié)會(ACS)決定,每當Amy收到一封慰問信, 就給她增加3美分的治療款。假如你是新華中學的 學生李華,請你用英文給Amy寫一封慰問信自我介紹表示鼓勵打算為她做什么得知的Amy的情況祝她

8、早日康復作文專題復習慰問信But But you you should should realizerealizePm Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School of China. What shocking news to me when i was told that you got the lung cancer which brought you great pain. I quite understand how you feel now.that you are that you are young and young and havehaveSo stan

9、d up and fight against the disease! Im sure you will win. It is reported that the America anti-cancer association will donate three cents upon every comfort letter you receive.作文專題復習慰問信willfriendthem make So I will inform all my friends of your situation and ask them to write to you. In that way, yo

10、u will gain enough money for you to be you can go through the difficulty and make full recoverySo I will inform your situation and ask them作文專題復習慰問信住院兩個星期了,同學們都很 難過。今天班主任要去醫(yī)院看他,并請你代表全班 同學些一封慰問信你班同學Tom生重病表示同情和關心.送他一個包裹(幸運星和千紙鶴;現(xiàn)金一萬元)表示同情祝他早日康復,返校上課參考詞匯: 幸運星:lucky stars千紙鶴:paper cranes祝他早日康復作文專題復習慰問信I

11、am very saddened to hear that you are seriously ill and that you have been in hospital for about two weeks. We are very concerned about you and your studies.Our head teacher will come and pay you a visit today so we ask him to bring you a package with some lucky stars and colorful paper cranes in it. I hope you will like it and it willbring good fortune to you. Also youll receive 10,000 yuan, which will help you pay the medical fees.which which will help will help you pay you pay 作文專題復習慰問信Everyone in ourclass misses you veryhoping youll be wellDont worry about your studies. Well try to hel


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