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1、Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the eighth largest. Mercury is slightly smaller in diameter than the moons Ganymede and Titan but more than twice as massive. orbit: 57,910,000 km (0.38 AU) from Sundiameter: 4,880 kmmass: 3.30e23 kgIn Roman mythology Mercury is the god of commerce, trave

2、l and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky. Mercury has been known since at least the time of the Sumerians (3rd millennium BC). It was sometimes given separate names for

3、its apparitions as a morning star and as an evening star. 水星是最接近地球到太陽和第八大。水星是略小,直徑比衛(wèi)星木衛(wèi)三和土衛(wèi)六,但兩倍多大規(guī)模。 軌道: 57,910,000公里( 0.38 1.00 )由Sun 直徑: 4880公里質(zhì)量: 3.30e23公斤在羅馬神話中水星是商業(yè)之神,旅行和偷竊,羅馬對(duì)應(yīng)的希臘神赫爾墨斯的信使神。該行星可能收到這個(gè)名字,因?yàn)樗鼊?dòng)作如此迅速地劃過天空。 水星已經(jīng)知道,因?yàn)橹辽僭跁r(shí)間上的蘇美爾人(公元前3000年第3次) 。這是有時(shí)單獨(dú)的名稱,其顯靈作為晨星,作為一個(gè)明星晚報(bào)。Venus is the s

4、econd planet from the Sun and the sixth largest. Venus' orbit is the most nearly circular of that of any planet, with an eccentricity of less than 1%. orbit: 108,200,000 km (0.72 AU) from Sun diameter: 12,103.6 km mass: 4.869e24 kgVenus (Greek: Aphrodite; Babylonian: Ishtar) is the goddess of lo

5、ve and beauty. The planet is so named probably because it is the brightest of the planets known to the ancients. (With a few exceptions, the surface features on Venus are named for female figures.)Venus has been known since prehistoric times. It is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun

6、and the Moon. Like Mercury, it was popularly thought to be two separate bodies: Eosphorus as the morning star and Hesperus as the evening star, but the Greek astronomers knew better. (Venus's apparition as the morning star is also sometimes called Lucifer.)Since Venus is an inferior planet, it s

7、hows phases when viewed with a telescope from the perspective of Earth. Galileo's observation of this phenomenon was important evidence in favor of 推薦精選Copernicus's heliocentric theory of the solar system. 金星是第二個(gè)地球從太陽和第六大。金星的軌道是最近圓形的任何行星,與偏心率小于1 。        &#

8、160;軌道: 108,200,000公里( 0.72 1.00 )由Sun         直徑: 12,103.6公里        質(zhì)量: 4.869e24公斤金星(希臘語:阿佛洛狄特;巴比倫:伊什塔爾)是女神的愛和美麗。這顆行星是如此命名大概是因?yàn)樗亲盥斆鞯男行且阎墓湃恕?(除了少數(shù)例外,表面特征金星被命名為女性的數(shù)字。 ) 金星一直被稱為自史前時(shí)代。這是最聰明的物體在天空中除太陽和月球。如汞,這是普遍認(rèn)為是兩個(gè)單獨(dú)的機(jī)構(gòu):

9、 Eosphorus作為晨星和金星作為明星晚報(bào),但希臘天文學(xué)家們知道更好。 (金星的幻影作為晨星的也有時(shí)被稱為路西法。 ) 由于金星是一個(gè)低劣的星球,它表明階段時(shí),認(rèn)為用望遠(yuǎn)鏡從地球角度。伽利略的觀察這種現(xiàn)象是很重要的證據(jù)支持哥白尼的日心理論,太陽系形成的奧秘。Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest: orbit: 149,600,000 km (1.00 AU) from Sun diameter: 12,756.3 km mass: 5.972e24 kg Earth is the only planet w

10、hose English name does not derive from Greek/Roman mythology. The name derives from Old English and Germanic. There are, of course, hundreds of other names for the planet in other languages. In Roman Mythology, the goddess of the Earth was Tellus - the fertile soil (Greek: Gaia, terra mater - Mother

11、 Earth地球是地球的第三次從太陽國(guó)和第五大:         軌道: 149,600,000公里( 1.00 1.00 )由Sun         直徑: 12,756.3公里        質(zhì)量: 5.972e24公斤軌道:美國(guó)航天局宇航員拍攝的地球一名美麗的咖啡桌書籍。孩子們常常問我這是我最喜歡的行星。我的回答始終是“地球” 。這本書表明這是為什么。

12、 地球是唯一的星球,其英文名稱不源于希臘/羅馬神話。名稱源于古英語和日耳曼。當(dāng)然,數(shù)以百計(jì)的其它名字的這個(gè)星球的其他語言。在羅馬神話,女神的地球是得力士-肥沃的土壤(希臘文:蓋亞,土地母校-地球母親Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh largest: 推薦精選 orbit: 227,940,000 km (1.52 AU) from Sun diameter: 6,794 km mass: 6.4219e23 kgMars (Greek: Ares) is the god of War. The planet proba

13、bly got this name due to its red color; Mars is sometimes referred to as the Red Planet. (An interesting side note: the Roman god Mars was a god of agriculture before becoming associated with the Greek Ares; those in favor of colonizing and terraforming Mars may prefer this symbolism.) The name of t

14、he month March derives from Mars. Early in its history, Mars was much more like Earth. As with Earth almost all of its carbon dioxide was used up to form carbonate rocks. But lacking the Earth's plate tectonics, Mars is unable to recycle any of this carbon dioxide back into its atmosphere and so

15、 cannot sustain a significant火星是地球的第四次從太陽和第七大:       軌道: 227,940,000公里( 1.52 1.00 )由Sun       直徑: 6794公里      質(zhì)量: 6.4219e23公斤火星(希臘語:戰(zhàn)神)是戰(zhàn)神。這個(gè)星球也許這個(gè)名稱由于其紅色;火星有時(shí)被稱為紅色星球。 (一個(gè)有趣的方面注意:羅馬神火星是一個(gè)神的農(nóng)業(yè)才能成為與希臘戰(zhàn)神;這些主張和terr

16、aforming殖民火星可能希望的象征意義。 )的名稱本月3月來自火星。早在其歷史上,火星更是像地球一樣。正如地球幾乎所有的二氧化碳被用來形成了碳酸鹽巖。但是,缺乏地球的板塊構(gòu)造,火星是無法回收利用這一點(diǎn)二氧化碳到大氣,因此不能維持一個(gè)重大的溫室效應(yīng)。火星表面的大部分,因此寒冷的地球?qū)⒃诰嚯x太陽。Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest. Jupiter is more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined (the mass of J

17、upiter is 318 times that of Earth). orbit: 778,330,000 km (5.20 AU) from Sun diameter: 142,984 km (equatorial) mass: 1.900e27 kgJupiter (a.k.a. Jove; Greek Zeus) was the King of the Gods, the ruler of Olympus and the patron of the Roman state.木星是地球的五分之一來自太陽和迄今最大的。木星的兩倍以上大規(guī)模的所有其他行星的總和(質(zhì)量為木星的3.18倍,地球)

18、 。         軌道: 778,330,000公里( 5.20 1.00 )由Sun         直徑:一四二九八四公里(赤道)         質(zhì)量: 1.900e27公斤木星(又名Jove ;希臘宙斯)是國(guó)王眾神的統(tǒng)治者,奧林巴斯和贊助的羅馬狀態(tài)。推薦精選Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and t

19、he second largest: orbit: 1,429,400,000 km (9.54 AU) from Sun diameter: 120,536 km (equatorial) mass: 5.68e26 kgIn Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture. The associated Greek god, Cronus, was the son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Zeus (Jupiter). 土星是地球的第六屆來自太陽和第二大:   

20、0;     軌道: 1,429,400,000公里( 9.54 1.00 )由Sun         直徑:十二萬五百三十六公里(赤道)         質(zhì)量: 5.68e26公斤在羅馬神話,土星是農(nóng)業(yè)之神。相關(guān)的希臘神, Cronus ,是兒子,天王星和蓋亞的父親宙斯(木星) 。Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the thi

21、rd largest (by diameter). Uranus is larger in diameter but smaller in mass than Neptune. orbit: 2,870,990,000 km (19.218 AU) from Sun diameter: 51,118 km (equatorial) mass: 8.683e25 kgUranus is the ancient Greek deity of the Heavens, the earliest supreme god. Uranus was the son and mate of Gaia the

22、father of Cronus (Saturn) and of the Cyclopes and Titans (predecessors of the Olympian gods).天王星是美國(guó)的第七行星從太陽和第三大(按直徑) 。天王星是直徑較大的規(guī)模較小,但在大規(guī)模比海王星。         軌道: 2,870,990,000公里( 19.218非盟)從Sun         直徑: 51118公里(赤道)  

23、0;      質(zhì)量: 8.683e25公斤天王星是古希臘神的老天爺,最早的最高神。天王星是兒子和隊(duì)友的蓋亞的父親Cronus (土星)和Cyclopes和泰坦(前任的奧林匹亞眾神) 。Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and the fourth largest (by diameter). Neptune is smaller in diameter but larger in mass than Uranus. orbit: 4,504,000,000 km (30.06 AU)

24、 from Sun diameter: 49,532 km (equatorial) mass: 1.0247e26 kgIn Roman mythology Neptune (Greek: Poseidon) was the god of the Sea.海王星是第八地球從太陽和第四大(按直徑) 。海王星是直徑較小,但在大規(guī)模大比天王星。         軌道: 4,504,000,000公里(三十點(diǎn)零六非盟)從Sun         

25、;直徑:四九五三二公里(赤道)         質(zhì)量: 1.0247e推薦精選26公斤在羅馬神話海王星(希臘文:海神)是神海。Pluto orbits beyond the orbit of Neptune (usually). It is much smaller than any of the official planets and now classified as a "dwarf planet". Pluto is smaller than seven of the solar sy

26、stem's moons (the Moon, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan and Triton). orbit: 5,913,520,000 km (39.5 AU) from the Sun (average) diameter: 2274 km mass: 1.2In Roman mythology, Pluto (Greek: Hades) is the god of the underworld. The planet received this name (after many other suggestions) perhaps because it's so far from the Sun that it is in perpetual darkness and perhaps because "PL" are the initials of


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