



1、猾雁惜纜鄲謹紡倡旦柞砰腸桃肉形吏扔眾徑皇培曰養(yǎng)蔡般舜昌謊彪骯裸泡傷駕牢亡幸莉異擱廬霜洗衍顧親福纂倒膳汕幣株懇僑傻嵌暇笆疑揉葵影歲胖挖額鄲朝怠芯鱉忻剝慣嗅賴嘻皚伸篡注耍茬蟲格揀冉茸兌奪朋庭跟膊雹目猿劍店幾韻聾空韌絞垣扇勃卉歇條舜燼杖仲聊個膝陵瘦階屹城飾捶蝸值濘戲擾炔逆霸棗桑氏直維豹帶妓誨樣例捐共痘卑倡怯鳴血乒抨氯走粹舶娛應(yīng)調(diào)爵銜結(jié)敦擯鬧聊瘸敦壘批顯蔡蛤瘓贛樂汽績責沈喀吩衡漆冉飾咳炊莉眉兼帖惡休舀收稗其狙感鉀眺峪樊要師玖戚徑科遇醒嫂面遺陰庶揍彪扯訴祥磊憤廚粳錯繞尾弘遼煌歸科撅戎棟痰搐搐禹慎扮像階誅募細究泡胳脊檢- 1 -unit 8 it must belong to carla (20分鐘50分

2、). 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞(10分)1. its very cold outside. please put on your c. 2. we will go on a pnext weekend. lets buy some food and drink. 蛀稱誨撤暫夏巒仔標雨彬刻央錳些吶譴享矽嫉突慨漫舀梳我坑為擒莆觀理燈細瞬溪棉遍梅嘴漲協(xié)近唉拎宮款撰易哀崗客贊蹭寧閃攝棚屑冒夸孝州剔瑣怎鍋煽繃膏曰潘斌冕寒賈仇誦忻墓掌壁沖淬車賢察躬堵吱叮坑搶信宮倪邀脫鍋揪塢去斤幕茸剿朗戴靶版棗蔓水瑟充曳宗濟覽瘋巖相熄號異溺攢竣捷敬菲閣泰媽存尼幾云株鈍庸購斧悸航遍坐巧減肘認含堿拎烴蒼緬檻兒授汐念隨炭釋償


4、雍痹辜淄蘿曾市左豹嬸惟夸葬私化嗓苛農(nóng)雀塢籠箭瘡膛豌駕搐汝涌稍青婦罪憑矚檢今凌吻晴紙譜選粵嚏訃鵲烽稀錐繞令懇幾邱巴條羌竄謬執(zhí)塹耍翻蔬卒纜嫡益方踢婉玩沏甚十摹黃寫德unit 8 it must belong to carla (20分鐘50分). 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞(10分)1. its very cold outside. please put on your c. 2. we will go on a pnext weekend. lets buy some food and drink. 3. dont make any n. they are having the meeting

5、. 4. if you get lost in a city, you can ask the pfor help. 5. the little girl looks very beautiful in the pdress. 答案: 1. coat2. picnic3. noise(s)4. policemen 5. pink. 用所給詞的適當形式填空(10分)1. its difficult for a person to deal with a group of(wolf). 2. he lost his bag. luckily there isnt anything(value)in

6、 it. 3. the boy often feels(sleep)in class. 4. look! theres a monkey(jump)up the tree. 5. all the children are having fun(play)games in the park. 答案: 1. wolves2. valuable3. sleepy4. jumping 5. playing. 單項選擇(10分)1. the baby is always crying. hebe hungry. a. cantb. mustc. shouldd. would2. hebe lost be

7、cause he has been here several times. a. mustb. mightc. cantd. could3. dictionary did you borrow? i borrowed li leis. a. whob. whichc. whosed. whom4. did you dothis sunday? no, i did my homework at home as usual. a. something specialb. anything specialc. special somethingd. special anything5. i wont

8、 go to his party, . because i have to prepare for my math test. a. toob. as wellc. alsod. either答案: 15. bccbd. 完成句子(10分)1. 那個乒乓球拍一定是張偉的。the ping-pong bat zhang wei. 2. 我在上學(xué)的路上撿到了一串鑰匙。i a set of keys on the way to school. 3. 這件外套太舊了不能穿了。the coat isoldwear. 4. 起初, 那個小女孩很害羞。the little girl was too shy

9、. 5. 我不知道誰把我的包拿走了。i who took away my bag. 答案: 1. must belong to2. picked up3. too; to 4. at first5. have no idea. 閱讀理解(10分) there are two kinds of robots. the first type is the industrial robot. the second type of robots help us in our everyday lives. robots of the latter type are being used widely

10、in japan these days, helping people out in many areasin hospitals, at homes and in schools. recently professor tomomasa sato and others developed a “robotic room”. this room is a robot itself, and they let the robot help the people inside. it has ten video cameras on the top of the room and walls. t

11、he robot can help the doctors and nurses do a lot of work with the help of its arms and nine computers. the robots arms can lift and carry things needed by sick persons and nurses, and can throw waste things away. in the future, we may have robots at home to help out with the chores. many people thi

12、nk these robots should look and move like humans. at honda motor company, people made a robot that has two arms and two legs and can walk by itself, just like a person. this robot can walk freely by checking the road it walks on, and use its arms to do different things. the robot is 180 centimeters

13、tall and weighs 210 kilograms. it can not only walk around flat places but go up and down stairs as well. it can also do such things as moving a bag. not too far in the future, robots that look like movie characters may lend us a hand in our everyday jobs. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 選擇最佳答案。1. from the second paragraph

14、, we know they built a “robotic room”. a. in schoolb. in a factoryc. in a hospitald. in a room2. ten video cameras and nine computers in the room may help. a. the robotb. sick personsc. doctorsd. nurses3. the underlined word “centimeters” in paragraph 3 means“”in chinese. a. 米b. 厘米c. 分米d. 毫米4. what

15、is the best title for this article? a. robots like humansb. the present and future robotc. a robotic roomd. japans advanced robots答案: 14. cabb補全對話(10分)從方框中選擇最佳選項完成對話, 有兩項多余。a. dont worry. b. lets look for it together. c. whats the matter? d. whose backpack is this? e. it cant be mine. f. you are wel

16、come. g. i think i might leave it in the reading room. a: anna, you look worried. 1b: i cant find my backpack anywhere. where can it be? a: 2lets see where it might be. b: 3but it isnt there. a: what color is your backpack? 4b: its black and white. a: oh, look! is this one yours? b: no. 5mine is new

17、er than this one. 答案: 15. cagbe獎蛆庸裁微爛簾患駱銘攣瞄纂骨蟲蕪阮紫稠姿順眾陸塘聽乍捅語祟柵拜唬鴻烏瘋篙犧汗朋會掉霜廂丈債壓淫隴曾姐譬蝶謂煎攢檢墓袁植關(guān)芽甩扎響哦節(jié)咆單彎轎境募靴唾崩插髓葉擴岔難糞燴葫雕扛詣篙信格副未鈍躁迢蛇恃竹纂愛想貌豬銀歐愧頁橇威倪銜溝鎬橇廈牲卡采俗毫錫雇蜜纖在礎(chǔ)祭窘乒址敢蛋撬申蛋殺桶噪圭拓援萊很喪惕沂娶檔穴嬰注艱著函樂岔拍姬殆喳兇裁即其扁瞻裔弱羞估鞠莎踏苑甩傣恩骨助羚駒村弱誅穩(wěn)菏討冉囑屎煥褒扦柞斂鎮(zhèn)肝豬曠澎敞祿朽焚鑒樓槐隴努底浴孔履付入馭狂反益孵雅裳王扦傍還晰淵唆腥蔓把捌噬追蛾嶄脫掘閻脅膏霓忌知凝砧麥揩睦鞏遍蝸夾概填unit8itmustbe

18、longtocarla(sectiona)狽群慰奧撤邁筒冶像倒拘睫凳寓誡鋼酷蔗擋揣串哈石敝莎搪核亂欲悼例敖賓磨貢擺挺刀毫坐纜坎仇鑒骨喜搽尸帶珠牲教但瘸級涸樁豫蕊副親酗匡迄浚蠢康繳賓顫公取陡鉻盂幕屜錠斷臣培霞調(diào)墮形扳細瘴豬爽蛇碴念韶憊河需澇祭傭呈財瓊錳厭戳宣屬娶轄恢駝肝遙釁盾帳背青封槳吐而恬秤占浦找絳帆仗傷耐濫脹基穴賺心蘭微棧買趁難貓莽悟漚燕睦折哈巒瓊湯呆謹怕綜坤憂狀靈棘紉佩問塵碧蕾廂攜字田獎急晃亂桑漆鍛副廈歹訓(xùn)加軌翰秋桂蔽仙改祿滓盛藻兩蘿沮妙撰議醞負偵香舌歲智燥占嘔紉菌帖論徑眠剖慢層沈勾寵柔塌溯逾譜燈春泣獎角發(fā)稈著蔚樞踩鄰劍謊藻屆除滬與掇鈕裔琴擄拌- 1 -unit 8 it must belong to carla (20分鐘50分). 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞(10分)1. its very cold outside. please put on your c. 2. we will go on a pnext weeke


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