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1、l. A Young Officer and an Old Soldier (1)A very new, young officer was at a railway station He was going to visit his mother, and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the coins for the telephone, so he went outside

2、 and looked around for someone to help him.1年輕軍官與老兵(1)一位新上任的(new)年輕軍官(young officer)在火車站(railway station)候車。他要去看望(visit)他的母親(mother)。他想打電話(want to telephone sb.)告訴(tell)母親他的列車(train)到站的時間。但尋遍了所有的口袋(pocket),卻發(fā)現(xiàn)(find)他沒有打電話用的硬幣(coin),于是他走到車站外面(outside),環(huán)顧四周(look around)想找人幫忙(help)。 1. A Young Officer

3、and an Old Soldier (2) At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said,“Have you got change for ten pence?”“Wait a moment,”the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket.“I'll see whether I can help you.”“Don't you know how to speak to an officer

4、?”the young man said angrily.“Now let's start again Have you got change for ten pence?”“No, sir,”the old soldier answered quickly.1年輕軍官與老兵(2)最后(at last)有名老兵(old soldier)路過,年輕的軍官攔住他道:“你有十便士(pence)的零錢(change)嗎?”“等會兒(wait a moment)?!崩媳卮?answer),開始(begin)把手放(put)進口袋,“讓我看看是否(whether)能幫助你。難道你不知道(know

5、)該怎樣跟一位長官說話(speak)嗎?”年輕人生氣地(angrily)說,“現(xiàn)在我們重新開始(start again),你有十美分的硬幣嗎?”“沒有,長官(sir)?!崩媳杆?quickly)答道。 2. Are You Going to Thank Her? (1) Mrs. Green has lived near the park of the city for forty years. She's very rich and has got a lot of money. Bur she never buys something expensive for her fami

6、ly and always does all the housework herself. She sweeps all the rooms every day.Last morning, when she got up, she felt terrible After breakfast she felt even worse She found some medicine and took it. But it was useless to her and she had to go to a hospital.2您是要感謝她嗎?(1)格林夫人(Mrs.)在這座城市(city)的公園(pa

7、rk)附近住(live)了四十(forty)年了。她特別富裕(rich),相當有錢(money)。但她從不(never)給自己的家人(family)買昂貴的(expensive)物品,而且總是(always)自己做所有的家務(housework),她每天打掃(sweep)所有的房間。昨天早上(Last morning)。她起床(get up)時感覺(feel)很糟糕(terrible)。早餐(breakfast)后她覺得更嚴重(even worse),就找了一些藥(medicine)吃了。但還是沒用(useless)。她不得不去了醫(yī)院(hospital)。 2.Are You Going to

8、 Thank Her? (2)The doctor looked her over and asked her to be in hospital, but she refused and went home on foot. As soon as she got home, the telephone rang. She hurried to answer it. It was the doctor. He told her she had left her purse in the hospital and a nurse had found it.“Could you tell me h

9、er name, please?”asked Mrs. Green.“Of course, Mrs. Green. Are you going to thank her? ”asked the doctor.“No, no.”She said,“My handbag was lost three years ago. I want to know if she found it. ” 2您是要感謝她嗎?(2)醫(yī)生(doctor)給她作了檢查并要求(ask)她住院,但她拒絕(refuse)了,然后步行(on foot)回家。她一(as soon as)到家,電話就響(ring)了,她趕緊(hur

10、ry)去接聽電話,是醫(yī)生打來的,他告訴這位女士她的錢包(purse)丟在了醫(yī)院,一位護士(nurse)撿到了。“您能告訴我這位護士的名字(name)嗎?”格林夫人問道?!爱斎豢梢?of course),格林夫人,您是要感謝(thank)她嗎?”醫(yī)生問道?!安?,不是,”她說:“我的手提包(handbag)三年前(three years ago)丟了,我想問問是不是她檢到了?!?3. Sam and Tod (1)Sam had a dog. Its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So Sam didn't

11、like it, and he wanted to kill Tod, He tied Tod in a bag and put it in a small boat. He rowed the boat to the middle of a big river. Just as he threw the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down. Both Sam and Tod fell into the river.3薩姆與托德(1)薩姆有一只狗(dog)。他的名字叫托德。它很有用(helpful),但它吃的太多(eat

12、too much)。所以薩姆不喜歡他。薩姆想殺死(kill)托德。薩姆把托德綁(tie)在一個袋子里,把它放進一只小船(small boat)。他把船劃(row)到一條大河(river)的中央(middle)。他正要(just)把這只可憐的動物(poor animal)扔(throw)下河的時候,船開始下沉,薩姆和托德兩個都(both)跌入(fall into)河里。3. Sam and Tod (2)Tod was able to swim, but Sam couldn't .The dog bit (咬) the rope and got out of the bag. It t

13、ried its best to swim to save Sam. The man was saved, so he was very thankful to the dog. He did not want to kill the dog any more. From then on, he gave the dog as much food as it wanted.3薩姆與托德(2)托德能(be able to)游泳(swim),但薩姆不會。狗把繩子(rope)咬斷,從袋子里出來(get out of the bag)。它竭盡全力(try one's best)游過去救(sav

14、e)薩姆。薩姆獲救了,所以他對托德是非常感激的(thankful)他不再(not any more)打算殺它了。從那以后(from then on),小狗想要吃多少食物(food)薩姆就給多。 4.In the Bar (1)In England, if you are under the age of eighteen, you're not allowed to drink in a public bar.Mr. Thompson used to go to a bar near his house, but he never took his son, Tom, because

15、he was too young. Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time.4在酒吧(1)在英格蘭(England),年齡在18歲以下(under the age of eighteen)的人不允許(be not allowed to do)到公眾(public)酒吧里喝酒(drink)。湯普森先生過去經常(used to)到他家附近(near)的一個酒吧喝酒,但他從不帶(take)他的兒子(son)湯姆,因為(because)他還太

16、小(too young)。當湯姆過18歲生日(birthday)時,他第一次(for the first time)帶兒子去了他經常去的酒吧(his usual bar)。 4.In the Bar (2)They drank for half an hour, and then Mr. Thompson said to his son,“Now, Tom, I want to teach you a lesson, You must always be careful not to drink too much. And how do you know when you've had

17、 enough? Well, I'll tell you. Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to have become four, you've had enough and should go home.”“But, Dad,”said Tom,“I can only see one light at the end of the bar.”4在酒吧(2)喝了半個小時(half an hour)后,湯普森對兒子說道,“湯姆,現(xiàn)在我給你上一課(teach you a lesso

18、n)。你必須(must)要小心(be careful)決不要喝太多。那怎樣才能知道你是否已經喝夠了(enough)呢?聽著,我告訴你。你看見(see)酒吧盡頭的(at the end of)那兩盞燈(light)了嗎?當它們看起來(seem)已經變成(become)四盞的時候,你就喝足了,應該(should)回家(go home)了?!薄翱墒?,爸爸,”湯姆說,“我只(only)看見那兒有一盞燈呀!” 5.Three Black Umbrellas (1)Sally was a student. It was going to be her mother's birthday. She

19、wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive.A week before her mother's birthday, she went shopping after a quick and simple lunch. When she had been looking for half an hour, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and decided to take a black one. Her m

20、other had lost hers the month before.5三把黑傘(1)薩莉是個學生(student),再過幾天就是她母親的生日了,她想給母親買(buy) 一個價格不高,但漂亮、實用的(nice and useful)禮物(present)。在她母親生日之前(before)的一個星期(week),薩莉匆忙地吃了頓簡單的(simple)午餐(lunch)后就出去購物(go shopping)了???look)了半個小時后,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個賣(sell)便宜(cheap)雨傘(umbrella)的商店,她決定(decide)買把黑色的(black)傘。一個月(month)之前她母親把她

21、的傘(hers)丟(lose)了。 5.Three Black Umbrellas (2)She thought,“You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of any color.”So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the school with her until her classes had finished. On her way home in the train that evening she felt hungry be

22、cause she had such a small lunch that she went along to the buffet car(餐車) for a sandwich and a cup of coffee.5三把黑傘(2)她想,“穿(wear)任何顏色(color)的衣服(clothes),都可以攜帶(carry)黑傘。”于是她決定買把可愛的(lovely)黑傘帶回學校(school),直到(until)課(class)結束(finish)時才帶回家。那天晚上(evening)在她乘火車回家的路上(on her way home),因為午餐吃的很少(have such a sma

23、ll lunch)她覺得餓(hungry)于是走進餐車,要了一份三明治(sandwich)和一杯咖啡(a cup of coffee)。告訴他們自己為媽媽買的傘不見了,而且下一站(next station)她就得下車了。其他的(other)三位乘客聽到(hear)后,都詢問她母親的地址(address),以便(so that)有人知道拿錯了(take it by mistake)傘再拿回來(bring back)時,他們可以把傘寄(send)給她母親。在接下來的一周,薩莉收到她母親的來信(hear from her mother),上面寫道,“非常感謝你送我的漂亮禮物,但你為什么寄給我三把相似

24、的(similar)黑傘呢?” 6. Friends (1) Friends are different things to different people. To my little sister, a friend is someone who likes to swim and ride bikes. My mom's idea of a friend is someone like Mrs. Smith who walks and talks with her every morning. My dad's friends are neighbors who help

25、 him with the work like building shelves and planting trees.6朋友(1)對于不同的人(people),朋友(friend)意味著不同的(different)內容。對于我的小妹妹(little sister)來說,朋友是喜歡(like)游泳和騎自行車(ride bikes)的某個人(someone)。我媽媽的想法(idea)是朋友像(like)史密斯夫人一樣可以每天早上陪她散步(walk)并交談(talk)。我爸爸的朋友是幫他搭建架子(build shelves)、種樹(plant trees)或做其他活的鄰居們(neighbors)。

26、 6. Friends (2)Steve, our monitor, is my best friend We go skating, play football, talk about sports, and go to a concert. When I broke my leg, he always came over to play games; in school, he carried my schoolbag for me and got my lunch for me. I know I can always count on him, and he also knows th

27、at he can count on me. Some friends may be in your life for a while. Others will be there for a long time, maybe even forever(永遠). I would hate to move, unless I could take my friends with me .They are too important to leave behind.6朋友(2)我們的班長(monitor)史蒂夫是我最好的(best)朋友。我們去滑冰(go skating)、踢足球(play foot

28、ball)、談論體育(talk about sports)、去聽音樂會(go to a concert)。我摔斷腿(leg)時,他就來我家玩游戲(game);在學校,他替我拿書包(schoolbag),并幫我打午飯。我知道我總能依靠(count on)他,他也知道他能依靠我。有些(some)朋友可能(may)只在你的一生中停留一會兒(for a while)。另一些(others)則很長一段時間(for a long time)和你做朋友,甚至有可能(maybe)是終生的朋友。我憎恨(hate)搬家(move),除非(unless)我可以把朋友也帶走。他們對我來說太重要了(too import

29、ant),我無法把他們留下(leave behind)。 7. The“Deaf”WifeA man is talking to the family doctor.“Doctor, I doubt whether my wife's going deaf.”The doctor answers,“Heres something you can try on her to test her hearing. Stand some meters away from her and ask her a question. If she doesn't answer, move a

30、little closer and ask again Keep repeating this until she answers. Then you'll be able to tell if she is deaf or not.”The man goes home and begins to test his wife's hearing. He stands by the wall and says,“My dear, what's for dinner?”He doesn't hear an answer, so he moves closer to

31、her.“My dear, what's for dinner?”Still no answer. He repeats this several times, until he's standing just a few feet away from her. Finally, she answers,“For the eleventh time, I said we're having meat and rice!”7“耳聾的”妻子某人對他的家庭醫(yī)生說,“醫(yī)生,我懷疑(doubt)我妻子(wife)要聾(deaf)了。”醫(yī)生回答說,“有個辦法可以測試(test)她的

32、聽力。你站(stand)在離她幾米遠(some meters away)的地方,然后問她一個問題(question)。如果她不回答,你再走近點(a little closer),然后再問。如此重復(repeat)直到她聽到為止。那時你就可以判斷她是否聾了。”這人回家后便開始測試他妻子的聽力。他站在墻的旁邊(by the wall)說,“親愛的(dear),晚飯(dinner)吃什么?”他沒聽到回答,于是又朝妻子走近了些?!坝H愛的,晚飯吃什么?”仍然(still)沒有回答。他如此反復了幾次(several times)直到他離妻子只有幾英尺(a few feet)的地方。最后(finally),

33、她回答道,“我都說了十一次了,我說咱們要吃肉(meat)和米飯(rice)?!?8. We Really Don't Know (1)Jack had gone to the university to study his history, but at the end of his second term, he failed his history exam, and he was told that he would be dismissed from university. However, his father decided that he would go to see

34、the history professor(教授)to ask him to let Jack continue his studies the next year.“He's a good boy,”said Jack's father,“Please pardon him. If you let him pass this time, I'm sure he'll improve a lot next year and pass the examinations at the end of it really well.”8我們真的不知道(1)杰克去大學(u

35、niversity)里學習(study)歷史(history),但在第二學期(term)末,他的歷史考試不及格(he failed his history exam)同時他還被告知將被開除(dismiss)。然而(however)杰克的父親(father)決定去拜訪那位歷史學教授,請求教授讓(let)杰克繼續(xù)(continue)下一年的學業(yè)?!八莻€不錯的男孩(boy)?!苯芸说母赣H(father)說,“請原諒(pardon)他吧!如果這次您能讓他通過(pass),我確信(I'm sure)他明年一定會大有長進(improve a lot);而且會在年終時真正地(really)很出色地

36、通過考試。” 8. We Really Don't Know (2)“No, no, that's quite impossible!”replied the professor immediately.“Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon died, and he didn't know!”“Please, sir, give him another chance”said Jack's father.“You see, I'm afraid we don't take any n

37、ewspapers in our house so we even don't know that Napoleon was ill recently.”8我們真的不知道(2)“不,不行,那是完全不可能的(quite impossible)?!苯淌诹⒓?immediately)回答(reply),“您知道嗎,上個月我問他拿破侖是什么時候去世(die)的,可他居然不知道!”“先生,請再給他一次機會(give him another chance)吧。”杰克的父親說道,“您要知道,恐怕(I'm afraid)是因為我們家里沒有報紙(newspaper)。因此我們甚至連拿破侖近來(r

38、ecently)病了(ill)都不知道?!?9. Raymond (1) Everybody dreams of doing something important. As a boy Raymond dreamed of being a scientist, in fact, he is a postman now.Raymond is an active young man. He lives by the saying(格言)“If you can't live the life you love, Love the life you live”He greets everyon

39、e with a big smile and a friendly“Hi, how are you?”And he really wants to know! It's hard to fee! unhappy when we hear him whistling(吹口哨)happily up and down the street. 9雷蒙德(1)每個人(everybody)都夢想(dream of)做些重要的事。雷蒙德小時候夢想成為一名科學家(scientist),實際上(in fact)他現(xiàn)在是一名郵遞員(postman)。雷蒙德是個積極主動的(active)年輕人。他信奉的格言

40、是“如果你不能過你熱愛的生活,那就熱愛你所過的生活。”帶著燦爛的微笑(smile),他向每一個人打招呼(greet),還來一句友好的(friendly)問候,“嗨,你好嗎?”而且他確實想知道!當我們聽到他歡快地吹著口哨在街道(street)上來來往往(up and down)時,想不高興都難(hard)。9. Raymond (2)Raymond looks good. His shirt and trousers always look very clean. After work, he likes going to the gym to take exerciseRaymond is s

41、trict in his work He cares about the people on this street everyday, he knocks on Mrs. Jordan's door to ask for a drink of cool water. He's not really thirsty. Mrs. Jordan is old, and he just wants to make sure she's okay.9雷蒙德(2)雷蒙德看起來(look)很不錯。他的襯衫(shirt)和褲子(trousers)總是非常干凈(very clean)。

42、下班后,他喜歡去體育館(gym)鍛煉(take exercise)。雷蒙德對自己的工作要求嚴格(strict)。他關心(care about)街道上的居民。每天他都會敲(knock onat)喬丹夫人的門(door)去要一杯涼(cool)水。他不是真的口渴(thirsty)。喬丹夫人年紀大了,他只是想確認(make sure)喬丹夫人一切正常。 10. That's Why!Jimmy started painting when he was three years old, and when he was five, he was already very good at it. H

43、e also got many prizes for his painting. He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people paid a lot of money for them They said,“This boy's going to be famous when he's a little older, and then were going to sell these pictures for a lot more money.”Jimmy's pictures were d

44、ifferent from other people's because he never painted it on all of the paper. He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty.“That's very clever,”everybody said.“Nobody else does that!”They all believed that the boy was a pioneer in painting.One day, somebody bought one of Jim

45、my's pictures and then said to him,“Please tell me this, Jimmy. Why do you paint on the bottom half of your pictures, but not on the top half ?”“Because I'm small,”Jimmy said,“and my brushes don't reach very high.”10.原來如此!吉米三歲開始畫畫(start painting),五歲時已經(already)畫得相當好了。他還因此獲得很多獎(many prize

46、s)。他畫了很多美麗(beautiful)有趣的(interesting)圖畫(picture)。人們付(pay)很多錢(a lot of money)買這些畫。他們說:“這個孩子大一點后肯定會出名(be famous)到時我們可以靠這些畫賺更多的錢?!奔椎漠嫴煌?be different from) 他人的畫,因為他從來不在整張紙上作畫。他只在一半紙上畫,另一半總是空的(empty)?!斑@真是個聰明的(clever)做法!”大家都說,“沒有其他人(nobody else)這么畫過。”他們都認為這男孩堪稱繪畫藝術的先鋒(pioneer)。有一天,有人買了吉米的畫,然后問:“請告訴我,吉米,

47、你為什么總是在紙的下半部分(bottom half)畫而不在上半部分(top half)畫呢?”吉米說:“因為我個頭小,我的畫筆(brush)無法夠到(reach)那么高(high)?!?11. Living like a Pig (1)One day, a guru(印度教大師)knew what he would be in his next life. So he called his favorite disciple(徒弟) and asked him what he would do to show thanks. The disciple said he would do wha

48、tever his guru asked him to do.After the guru received the promise, he said,“Then this is what I'd like you to do for me. I've just learned that when I die very soon, I'm going to be born as a pig. Do you see that pig eating rubbish over there in the yard ?I'm going to be born as one

49、 of its baby pigs. Youll recognize(認出)me by a mark on my face When the baby pigs have been born, find the baby pig with a mark on its face and kill it with your knife Then Ill not live a pig's life Will you do this for me?”11.像豬一樣生活(1)有一天,一位印度教大師知道了他的來生是個什么樣子,因此,他召來(call)自己最喜愛的(favorite)徒弟,并問他要做

50、什么來表示感謝。徒弟說無論什么(whatever),只要大師要求,他都會去做。收到(receive)這項承諾(promise)之后,大師說:“我現(xiàn)在就告訴你我希望你為我做的。我剛剛得知(learn)我就要死了,我會出生(be born)成為一只豬(pig)。你看到正在院子(yard)里吃垃圾(rubbish)的那頭豬了吧?我將會是它下一窩豬仔中的一只小豬(baby pig)。你會從我臉(face)上的記號(mark)認出我來當那些小豬出生以后,你去找臉上有記號的小豬,用你的刀(knife)把它殺死,這樣我就不會過豬的生活(live a pigs life)。你會為我做嗎?” 11. Livin

51、g like a Pig (2)The disciple was sad to hear all this, but he agreed to do as he had promised.Soon after this conversation, things happened just as the guru had mentioned. The guru died. Four baby pigs were born. One day, the disciple held his knife with him and picked out the baby pig with a mark o

52、n its face. Just as he was about to kill it, the little pig suddenly spoke,“Stop! Don't kill me!”it cried.The disciple was very surprised, and he heard the little pig speak in a human voice, it said,“Don't kill me I want to live on as a pig. When I asked you to kill me, I didn't know wha

53、t a pig's life would be like. It's great! Just let me go.”11.像豬一樣生活(2)聽到這些徒弟很傷心(sad),但他同意(agree)照大師所說的去做。事情正和大師提到(mention)的一樣。在他們的對話(conversation)之后不久,大師死了,四只豬仔出生了。有一天,徒弟握著(hold)他的刀,挑選(pick out)出臉上有記號的那只小豬。當他正要(be about to)殺掉它時,小豬突然(suddenly)開口說話:“住手!不要殺我!”小豬大喊道。徒弟非常吃驚(surprised),他聽到小豬用人的聲音(

54、in a human voice)說:“別殺我!我想要當豬繼續(xù)活下去。當我要求你殺我時,我并不知道豬的生活將是什么樣。豬的生活很棒(great)!就讓我活下去吧?!?2. Greenland and IcelandGreenland is the largest island on earth. It is in the north of Europe. Near Greenland is another island. It is small. Its name is Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is green and warm? Do you

55、 think that Iceland is white with ice? If you do, you are wrong. Not many people live on the big island of Greenland. There are more people in your hornet own than in all of Greenland That is because Greenland is not green Greenland is white. Most of Greenland is covered with lots of ice. The ice co

56、vering Greenland is higher than some of the world's buildings. What about Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it is not. Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland. Iceland has a Lot of hot springs(溫泉). They give out hot water and steam (蒸汽). So it is not as cold as Greenland. And t

57、here are a lot more people who live in Iceland.12.格林蘭島與冰島格林蘭島是世界上(on earth)最大的島嶼(largest island)。它位于歐洲(Europe)的北部(north)。在格林蘭島的附近有另外一個島。這個島很小。它的名字叫冰島。你認為格林蘭島是綠色(green)、溫暖的(warm)嗎?你認為冰島是冰(ice)覆蓋的白色(white)島嶼嗎?如果你這樣想,你就錯了。格林蘭島上沒有很多人居住。你家鄉(xiāng)(hometown)的人會比(than)整個格林蘭島的居民都多。那是因為格林蘭島不是綠色的,它是白色的。格林蘭島的大部分(most

58、)覆蓋著(be covered with)很多冰。覆蓋格林蘭島的冰比這個世界上的一些建筑物(building)還要高。冰島怎樣呢(what about Iceland)?它比格林蘭島還要冷(cold)嗎?不,不是的。冰島有冰,但不像格林蘭島那么多的冰(not so much ice as Greenland)。冰島有很多溫泉。這些溫泉放出(give out)熱水和蒸汽,因此冰島不像格林蘭島那樣冷(not as cold as Greenland)。而且冰島的居民遠遠多于格林蘭島。 13. A Competition of LyingA certain old gentleman was very unhappy about modern education, and thought that young people didnt know the difference between right and wrong.One day he was taking


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