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1、Step1:Warming up 相信自己: 我能行 ! 我最棒 ! 我能行 ! 我最棒 !第1頁/共32頁1.熟練掌握以下重點(diǎn)短語及用法:need to keep fit, have milk and bread for breakfast, feel hungry between meals, have too much sugar, be bad for my teeth , plan to eat more fruit and vegetables, a swimming pool2.學(xué)會(huì)靈活運(yùn)用本課所出現(xiàn)的重要語言點(diǎn):have sth. for three meals,feel, t

2、oo much, be bad for, exercise, plan to do 3.通過自學(xué)與互幫能夠提高合作能力。Learning aims 第2頁/共32頁 Step 2 :RevisionWord dictation學(xué)生活動(dòng)指導(dǎo): 1. 聽寫單詞; 2. 聽寫結(jié)束,立即交給搭檔,搭檔交換互閱; 3. 統(tǒng)計(jì)單詞批改情況,全對的每一人次加2分; Words:1. lifestyle 2. hamburger 3.carrot 4. sweet 5. snack 6. health 7. tooth 8.change 9. plan 10. pool 第3頁/共32頁Step3Step3:

3、 Check previCheck previsionsionUseful expressions:1.跳半小時(shí)的舞2.每一天3.需要保持健康4.早餐吃面包喝牛奶5.午飯和晚飯吃魚肉和蔬菜 6.感到餓7.飯頓之間8.太多的糖9.對我的牙齒有害10.計(jì)劃吃更多的水果和蔬菜第4頁/共32頁學(xué)生活動(dòng)指導(dǎo):1. 默讀課文,用心記憶所有重點(diǎn)短語(1分鐘)2. 組內(nèi)互幫,英漢互提。3. 記憶大比拼: 聽老師指令迅速作答 (組內(nèi)4、5、6號(hào)搶答,五個(gè)短語一組,答對加2分)。第5頁/共32頁1.跳半小時(shí)的舞2.每一天3.需要保持健康4.早餐吃面包喝牛奶5.午飯和晚飯吃魚肉和蔬菜 6.感到餓7.飯頓之間8.太多

4、的糖9.對我的牙齒有害10.計(jì)劃吃更多的水果和蔬菜dance for half an hourevery dayhave milk and bread for breakfasteat fish and vegetables for lunch and dinnerfeel hungrybetween mealstoo much sugar be bad for my teethplan to eat more fruit and vegetablesneed to keep fit第6頁/共32頁Step4: Self-studyFill in the blanks using correc

5、t words.DanielKittyKittyDo you remember anything about Kitty and Daniel?第7頁/共32頁學(xué)生活動(dòng)指導(dǎo):1. 1分鐘瀏覽所給任務(wù)2. 組內(nèi)1、2、3號(hào)搶答,每空答對得1分第8頁/共32頁Try to complete the passage:Try to complete the passage:第9頁/共32頁 Try to complete the passage:第10頁/共32頁Try to complete the passage:Try to complete the passage:forto keepforf

6、eelbetweentoofor第11頁/共32頁exerciseneed toplan toswimming poolgo swimmingTry to complete the passage:第12頁/共32頁.Do you have any problems in Reading?Step5:Questions and help 學(xué)生活動(dòng):學(xué)生活動(dòng): 仔細(xì)瀏覽課文,找出你認(rèn)為的重要知識(shí)點(diǎn)。仔細(xì)瀏覽課文,找出你認(rèn)為的重要知識(shí)點(diǎn)。(2分鐘)分鐘) 小組合作,討論文中出現(xiàn)的單詞及句型的小組合作,討論文中出現(xiàn)的單詞及句型的用法,提出本組未能解決的疑難問題并把它用法,提出本組未能解決的疑難問題并

7、把它們寫在白板上到前面展示。(們寫在白板上到前面展示。(2分鐘,一個(gè)分鐘,一個(gè)1分)分) 其余的組幫忙解決(其余的組幫忙解決(+2分)分) 同學(xué)不能解決的問題,老師來解答。同學(xué)不能解決的問題,老師來解答。第13頁/共32頁Step6 :Show time第14頁/共32頁1. I need to keep fit .我需要保持健康。need 實(shí)意動(dòng)詞. “需要”keep 實(shí)意動(dòng)詞 “保持”我需要你的幫助。I need your help. Tom 需要買一輛新自行車Tom needs to buy a new bike.她需要一本英語書。She _ an English book.Millie

8、 早餐需要吃 2個(gè)雞蛋。Millie _two eggs for breakfast.needs needs to eat第15頁/共32頁need1. need sth. 需要什么東西2. need to do sth.需要干某事3. need sb. to do sth.需要某人干某事I need you to help me.Tom needs Millie to wait for him.第16頁/共32頁keep: 跑步能夠讓我們保持健康。Running can keep us healthy. . 跳舞能保持苗條 Dancing can keep slim.keep sb. + 形

9、容詞;keep+ 形容詞使讓 某人怎么樣 使讓怎么樣 第17頁/共32頁2. Sometimes I feel hungry between meals. 有時(shí)候飯頓之間我感覺到餓feel +形容詞 between 在 之間 感覺 between and 在兩者之間 第18頁/共32頁3. I seldom exercise. 我很少鍛煉。exercise: (1) 動(dòng)詞 ,鍛煉 (2)名詞,鍛煉(不可數(shù)) ,操(可數(shù))Eg. do morning exercises 做早操 第19頁/共32頁4.They have too much sugar and are bad for my teet

10、h. 他們含有太多的糖并且對我的牙齒有害。too much+ 不可數(shù)名詞 太多的too many + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 太多的 be bad for 對什么有害be good for 對什么有好處 tooth (單數(shù)) teeth (復(fù)數(shù))牙齒 第20頁/共32頁5. I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. 我計(jì)劃每天吃更多的水果和蔬菜。plan 計(jì)劃 可作名詞和動(dòng)詞(1).名詞: make a plan 制定一個(gè)計(jì)劃(2).動(dòng)詞:plan to do sth. 計(jì)劃干某事 He plans_ (write) a letter to T

11、om.他計(jì)劃給Tom 寫一封信。 to write第21頁/共32頁6. I plan to go swimming every week.go doing sth.=go to do sth.去干某事 第22頁/共32頁1. Finish Part 1 in 2 minutes by yourselves.2. Check answers in groups.3. Ask for help and correct answers.4. Finish Part 2 in 3 minutes by yourselves 第一環(huán)節(jié)采用以下步驟完成: 第二環(huán)節(jié):2分鐘完成 1.獨(dú)立完成(2分鐘)。

12、2.根據(jù)答案,組內(nèi)互批.3.互講訂正(2分鐘)。第23頁/共32頁Come on!Come on!Come on!第24頁/共32頁用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1.She _(change) her diet because she wants to be slim.2.Ann plans to go swimming _(two) a week.3.My favourite fruit is _(pear). They are sweet.4.Daniel usually _(have) meat and vegetables for dinner.5.How many _(meal) do y

13、ou have a day? -Three. Theyre breakfast, lunch and supper.6.Everyone needs _(exercise) every day.第25頁/共32頁Check the answers1.changes 2.twice3.pears 4.has5. meals 6.exercise第26頁/共32頁 Report (匯報(bào))How to talk about our lifestyle第27頁/共32頁How to write a passage about our own lifestyle1.In the first paragraph we mainly talk about our own information including our names and some other things.2. In the second paragraph we mainly talk about what we eat for three meals第28頁/共32頁一般情況下: 第一段:介紹自己的自然信息:包括姓名以及愛好等


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