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1、高一英語閱讀訓練(1)AI have been in England three months now I hope you don “ t think I “ ve forgotten you Therehave been so many places to see and so many things to do thatI “ ve not had much timfeor writingletters I shall soon be starting my studies at King So fa“ r Is Co“l(fā)levgeebeen learning about England

2、and British ways of living I won “ t tell you about LondonThere are lots of books you can readand lots of pictures you can look at about this famous city I “ m sure you “ ll be more interested toknow what I think about life hereI find some of the customs (風俗)interesting . People here do not shake ha

3、nds as much as wedo in the mainland(大陸)of Europe. During the first few weeks I was often surprised becausepeople did not put out their hands when I met them Men raise their hats to women but not toeach other 1. The writer came to London from.A AsiaB the mainland of EuropeC AmericaD Africa2. The writ

4、er did not write the letter earlier because.A she had forgotten her friendB she was lonely and sad in this strange landC she was too busy to writeD. she was too busy with her courses (課程)at King “ s College3. How does the writer feel about British ways of living?A Happy B Angry C Sad D Interesting4.

5、 The writer came to London.A to make a livingB to studyC to learn British ways of livingD for sightseeing only5. Englishmen.A do not often shake hands with friends when they meetB often shake hands when they meet with friendsC raise their hats to all friends when they meetD do not raise their hats t

6、o any of their friends when they meetBA young father was visiting an old neighbor They were standing in the old man“ s garde,n andtalkingaboutchildren Theyoungmansaid,“ Howstrictshouldparetnsbewiththeirchildren ? ”The old man pointed to a string (繩子) between a big strong tree and a thin young one. &

7、quot; Pleaseuntie解開)that string , “ he said The young man untied it, and the young tree bent (彎)over to one side. "Now tie it again please, ” said the old ma,n “ btufirst pull the string tightso that the young tree is straight again ”The young man did so Then the old man said, “ Ther,e it is th

8、e same with children Youmust be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to know how they are gettingon If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again But when youfind that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away ”6. The story is abo

9、ut.A how to take care of young treesB how strict parents should be with their childrenC how the young father should get on with his old neighborD how to tie and untie the string7. The young man untied the string.A in order to throw it awayB so that both of the trees would grow straightC only to find

10、 that the thinner one bent over to one sideD in order to let the old man teach him8. When can the string be taken away?.A When the old man has leftB After you have untied itC When the young man has untied it next timeD When the young tree grows strong enough9. At last the old man told the young man.

11、A that he should be strict with his children if they could not yet stand aloneB that he should always be strict with his childrenC that he should be hard on themD that he should tie his children until they are ready to stand alone10. In the story the relation (關系) of the big strong tree to the thin

12、one is like that of.A. the young father to the old neighborB. parents to their childrenC the old neighbor to the children of the young fatherD grown ups to their parentsCIn1950anordinarybutimaginative (富于想象力) electricalengineernamedChristopherCockerell began an experiment that was soon to change the

13、 world He came up with an idea tomake boats go faste,r by using a vacuum cleaner (真空吸塵器).Using his wife “ s vacuum cleaner he was ablerse (使倒轉)the motor so that it blewinsteadofsucking Theairthatblewoutbeneath (下面) actedasacushionagainstsurfaces Years later, his principle of cushioned air made it po

14、ssible for the first hovercraft (氣墊船)to be successfully built and tried out. A journey along the Amazon River proved to theworld that the hovercraft was both wonderful and usefulThe invention that began in the kitchen and the boatyard of an ordinary home led to a thousandother inventions Today hover

15、crafts carry passengers in comfort over rough channels and seas 11. The passage is mainly about.A Christopher, an ordinary but imaginative engineerB Christopher and his wife “ s vacuum cleanerC Christopher and his inventionD Christopher and his discovery12 The aim of the experiment in 1950 was.A to

16、speed up the boatsB to change the worldC to make the boats more comfortableD to improve vacuum cleaner13. The underlined word “ sucking ” in the second paragraph probably means . ” A taking with great forceB. drawing with great forceC pushing with great forceD pulling with great force14. Which of th

17、e following can push the hovercraft forward rapidly?A Cushioned air B The air that sucked inC The air that blew out D The air on the surface15. According to the passage many other inventions were.A the dreams of ChristopherB the results of Christopher “ s experimentC the cause of Christopher “ sthie

18、dewaiDshes of ChristopherDCharliestudiedinafamouscollegeforfouryears Hestudiedhard anddidwellinallhissubjects He hoped to become a good teacher This year he left the college and began to work ina middle school He likes his students and is strict (嚴格的)with them He does his best tomake his classes liv

19、ely and interestin gOne day he carefully explained a chemical reaction (反應)to the students of Grade 2 in thechemistry lab“ Be caref,ul everyone, ” he said loudly “ Before I make the experimen, t there “ re twentyfive atoms of carbo僦原子), but after I finish it, there " re twenty four atoms of car

20、bon left ! ” He stopped to watch the classroom and hoped his students would go on explaining it But theyoung men looked at each other and nobody answered him He had to ask, “ What happen? s What makes the atom lost? ”The classroom was very quiet and none of the students looked at their teacher“ Who

21、can tell us where it has gon? e”Suddenly a soft voice came from the back row, “ We did not see anybody leave the lab! ” 16 Charlie began to work in the middle school becauseA he had been in the school for four yearsB he couldn “ t do anything except teachingC he hoped to become a good teacherD he di

22、d well in all his subjects17. Charlie hopes, so he does his best to make his classes lively and interesting A all his students could understand himB his students wouldn “ t be afraid of himC his students carefully watched him making the experimentD his students could do well in chemistry18. That day

23、 Charlie wished.A his students could learn the chemical reactio8 his students could find the atom of carbonC. his students could couni:(數)the atoms of carbonD his students could make the experiment19 The students couldnt answer Charlies ques tions becauseA none of them had seen the atomsB they didn

24、“ t understand their teacherC the chemical reaction was too complicatedD they all wanted to drop the subject20. In fact,.A Charlie failed that dayB the student in the back row didn“ t watch herteacher carefullyC the student in the back row hadn“ t learned chemistry beforeD Charlie failed in making t

25、he experimentEIn order to know a foreign language thoroughly (完全地),four things are necessary First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speakit ourselves, with confidence (自 信) and without hesitation (夷猶)Thirdly, we must domuchreading Finally, we must

26、 be able to write it We must be able to make sentences that arecorrect in grammarThere are no shortcuts to success in language learnin g A good memory is a great help, but itis not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book It is not much learning by heartlong lists (一覽表) of words and the

27、irmeanings, studying the dictionary and so on We mustlearn by using the languageIfwearepleasedwithafewruleswehavememorized, wearenotreallylearningthelanguage We must “ learn through us e” Practice is important We must practise speaking andwriting the language whenever we can21 The most important things to learn a foreign language are.A under


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