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1、Weakness of Human Nature人性的弱點人性的弱點主講人:夏秋秋成 員:趙青青 李青云 陳璐Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering 環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院 In Chinese characters, we can see there is a “口” under the character of “善” and a “心” under “惡”. This represents the kind is caused by humans acquired activities with the mouth to say,

2、 however, evil is the existence of human congenital(天生的)heart. In English, “l(fā)ive” means dynamic and vigorous but it also hides another word “evil” which is deeply rooted in human nature. God created Adam, and let him live carefree in the garden of Eden.To made him not alone, god had created eve to A

3、dam as partner, and told them: dont steal to eat the fruit of good and evil in the garden of Eden (that is the forbidden fruit), otherwise theyll be punished. But one day, they ate the forbidden fruit under a snakes temptation. 原罪說原罪說: 上帝上帝創(chuàng)造了亞當(dāng),并讓他在創(chuàng)造了亞當(dāng),并讓他在 伊甸園伊甸園里無憂無慮的生活。但是里無憂無慮的生活。但是上帝上帝看到看到亞當(dāng)一

4、個在亞當(dāng)一個在 伊甸園伊甸園里挺孤單的,于是他有創(chuàng)造了里挺孤單的,于是他有創(chuàng)造了夏娃夏娃給亞當(dāng)當(dāng)伴,并告給亞當(dāng)當(dāng)伴,并告戒他們:別偷吃戒他們:別偷吃伊甸園伊甸園里的善惡之果(也就是里的善惡之果(也就是禁果禁果),否則就懲罰他們),否則就懲罰他們.但是一天,他們被一條蛇引誘而偷吃了但是一天,他們被一條蛇引誘而偷吃了禁果禁果。 After, they suddenly found they didnt wear clothes, both of them naked showing in front of each other, so they began to feel shy and cove

5、r up the organ with leaves , so the concept of men and women began.Then, God kept them out of the garden of Eden and said:“you commit the crime, you need to suffer in the world.” Therefore, the person birth with sin. This is the original sin! 吃了禁果后,他們突然發(fā)現(xiàn)自己沒穿衣服,雙方都赤裸裸的把身體展吃了禁果后,他們突然發(fā)現(xiàn)自己沒穿衣服,雙方都赤裸裸的把

6、身體展露在對方面前,因此他們開始感到害羞就用樹葉子把露在對方面前,因此他們開始感到害羞就用樹葉子把性器官性器官遮掩起來,于遮掩起來,于是男女的概念就開始了。是男女的概念就開始了。上帝上帝知道后就把他們趕出了知道后就把他們趕出了伊甸園伊甸園,說:你們犯,說:你們犯下了罪惡,要你們在世上受苦,贖罪!于是人的出生就成了一種罪惡,這下了罪惡,要你們在世上受苦,贖罪!于是人的出生就成了一種罪惡,這就是所謂的就是所謂的原罪原罪! As most Chinese people do, I have no doubt that people are basically good. When we look a

7、t the infants innocent smile and face, wed like to believe that they are angels. But with the wealth of life experience and indepth thought, I have found that people are basically good can not explain the problems in real life. On the contrary, human nature is evil is able to reveal the rule of the

8、development of human society. This forces me to change my previous idea and accept the fact, human nature is evil.People at the beginning of People at the beginning of goodnessgoodness? ?(人之初性本善?)(人之初性本善?) The seven deadly sinsgluttony ,greed, sloth, envy, pride, lust and anger , this is what the Ca

9、tholic Church refers to the human nature of the seven deadly sins. A man is neither an angel nor a beast. Unfortunately, he wants to act like an angel, but he is inherently a beast. Pascal 人,既不是天使也不是野獸。不幸的是,人希望表現(xiàn)得像人,既不是天使也不是野獸。不幸的是,人希望表現(xiàn)得像天使,而實際卻像野獸。天使,而實際卻像野獸。 巴斯卡巴斯卡 Xunzi said: hunger and to food,

10、 cold and to warm, fatigue and to rest,interest to good and sick of harm, is that people have had with born 荀子明確把人性限定為人的自然屬性:荀子明確把人性限定為人的自然屬性:“饑而欲食,寒而欲暖,饑而欲食,寒而欲暖,勞而欲息,好利而惡害,是人之所生而有也勞而欲息,好利而惡害,是人之所生而有也” For example,two babies are hungry, but there is only a bottle of milk. What will happen next? The

11、 two babies will certainly be eager to snatch the bottle of milk to fill the stomach, instead of thinking about sharing with the other. When natural conditions can not meet the survival and development of all individuals, the human instinct would be inspired. Everyone fight for th e i r o w n s u r

12、v i v a l a n d development, which will produce a series of evil things and phenomena. A n o t h e r e x a m p l e , Singapores legal system has always been known for its strictness and efficiency, the most famous one is probably the whipping (鞭刑). Since this punishment is so cruel, why we do not ab

13、olish it? Singapores former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew has given the answer in his book My View of The World, “I think human nature is evil and must be limited to stop evil side. From the history of Singapores economic growth, we can see the importance of understanding “human nature is evil”. In ad

14、dition to Singapore, western society also regards Judaism(猶太教) and Christianism(天主教) evil as the ideological foundation. This argument represents in Hobbs. In addition, Machiavelli, Schopenhauer, Hegel are also considered to be evil commentators (評論者). In fact, China has discussed on the “human natu

15、re is evil” in the early time. Warring States Period famous philosopher Xunzi is advocated on behalf of “human nature is evil”. He wrote in the opening of “evil chapter”: human evil, the good is pseudo(假的). Education, morality and legislationwhich indirectly reflect the “human nature is evil”. 人之性惡,

16、其善偽也。荀子 Acquired education may make these children learn how to restrain and share, but that is not the result of human nature. Education and morality make people restrain their animals instincts in certain subjective aspects, the law objectively sets obstacles and costs on the road leading to desire, so people dare not to exceed th


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