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1、精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載中學(xué)人教新目標(biāo)英語(yǔ)目錄及學(xué)問(wèn)點(diǎn)七年級(jí)上冊(cè)starterunit1good morning.【字母】aa 到 hh【句型】 問(wèn)候: good morning/ afternoon/evening/night.hi/hello.starter unit 2what s this in englis?h【字母】ii 到 rr【句型】詢問(wèn)物品: 1 what s this in english. it is 2what s that in english.it isstarter unit3what color is it.【字母】ss到 zz【句型】 詢問(wèn)顏色: 1

2、 -what colour is it.-it is2 -what colour are they.-they reunit1my name s gina.【句型】what s your name你. 叫什么名字?1. my name is gina. 我叫吉娜 /i m gina.2. nice to meet you . 見到你很興奮;3 . what s.number.號(hào)碼為多少?【口語(yǔ)】(一)常見的問(wèn)候表達(dá)方式有:1 . hello/hi2 . good morning/afternoon/evening/night3 . nice to meet you/nice to meet y

3、ou、 too4 . how are you.5 . how do you do.二常見的介紹表達(dá)方式有:精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載1. i m/my name s/this is/these areand.2. nice to meet you.3. what s your phone number. 4. it s 2842942.【語(yǔ)法】1. be 的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)形式2. what 引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句3.形容詞性物主代詞:my, your , his, herunit2this is my sister.【重難點(diǎn)】1指示代詞this、 that、 these、 those

4、用法2人稱代詞的主格和賓格3名詞變復(fù)數(shù)unit3is this your pencil.【重難點(diǎn)】 1 be 一般疑問(wèn)句2 名詞性物主代詞unit4where s my school bag.【重難點(diǎn)】 1 where 引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句:詢問(wèn)地點(diǎn)2 方位介詞on、 under 和 in的用法unit5do you have a soccer ball.【重難點(diǎn)】實(shí)意動(dòng)詞have/has 的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)unit 6do you like bananas.【重難點(diǎn)】1 實(shí)意動(dòng)詞一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的確定句.否定句.一般疑問(wèn)句2 可數(shù)名詞.不行數(shù)名詞精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載unit7how

5、 much are these socks.【重難點(diǎn)】 詢問(wèn)價(jià)格.基數(shù)詞unit8when is your birthday.【重難點(diǎn)】 1 when 引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句詢問(wèn)時(shí)間2 日期的表達(dá).序數(shù)詞.名詞全部格unit9my favorite subject is science.【重難點(diǎn)】 1 what 引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句詢問(wèn)寵愛的科目2 who 引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句詢問(wèn)人七年級(jí)下冊(cè)u(píng)nit1can you play the guitar.【重難點(diǎn)】情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 can 的用法unit2what time do you go to school.【重難點(diǎn)】時(shí)刻的表達(dá)法.時(shí)間介詞at、 in 和 onu

6、nit3how do you get to schoo?l【重難點(diǎn)】 how/how long/how far.引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句unit4don't eat in the class.精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載【重難點(diǎn)】祈使句unit5why do you like pandas ?【重難點(diǎn)】why引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句unit6i'm watching tv!【重難點(diǎn)】 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)定義.句式結(jié)構(gòu).標(biāo)志.現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)成unit7it's raining !【重難點(diǎn)】1 how 引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句詢問(wèn)天氣情形2現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)與一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的區(qū)分unit8is the

7、re a post office near here?【重難點(diǎn)】1 there be 句型2 表示方位的介詞及介詞短語(yǔ)unit9what does he look like?【重難點(diǎn)】1 詢問(wèn)及描述外貌(2) 形容詞的用法及排序3形容詞幾點(diǎn)特別用法unit10i'd like some noodles .【重難點(diǎn)】1 would like的用法精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載(2) 名詞的分類及用法(3) 可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)變化unit11how was your school trip.【重難點(diǎn)】一般過(guò)去時(shí)unit12what did you do last weekend

8、 ?【重難點(diǎn)】一般過(guò)去時(shí)八年級(jí)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 1where did you go on vacation.【重難點(diǎn)】1 復(fù)習(xí)一般過(guò)去時(shí)2 不定代詞和不定副詞的用法unit 2how often do you exercise.【重難點(diǎn)】1how often引導(dǎo)的特別疑問(wèn)句2 頻率副詞unit 3i m more outgoing than my sister.精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載【重難點(diǎn)】形容詞.副詞的比較級(jí)unit 4what s the best movie theater.【重難點(diǎn)】形容詞.副詞的最高級(jí)unit 5do you want to watch a ga

9、me show.【重難點(diǎn)】1動(dòng)詞不定式2雙賓語(yǔ)unit 6i m going to study computer science.【重難點(diǎn)】be going to 一般將來(lái)時(shí)unit 7will people have robots.【重難點(diǎn)】1 will/shall一般將來(lái)時(shí)2 there be 句型的一般將來(lái)時(shí)unit 8how do you make a banana milk shake.【重難點(diǎn)】 1可數(shù)名詞數(shù)的表達(dá)2不行數(shù)名詞數(shù)的表達(dá)unit 9can you come to my party.【重難點(diǎn)】1 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 can 的用法精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載2

10、can 與 be able to 的區(qū)分unit 10if you go to the party、 you ll have a great time.【重難點(diǎn)】1 if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語(yǔ)從句2情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 should 的用法八年級(jí)下冊(cè)u(píng)nit1what s the matter.【重難點(diǎn)】詢問(wèn)情形unit2i'll help clean up the city parks.【重難點(diǎn)】will一般將來(lái)時(shí)unit3could you please clean your room .【重難點(diǎn)】委婉表達(dá)方法精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載unit4why don't you

11、talk to your parents.【重難點(diǎn)】表達(dá)建議unit5what were you doing when the rainstorm came.【重難點(diǎn)】過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí)unit6an old man tried to move the mountains .【重難點(diǎn)】一般過(guò)去時(shí),過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí)unit7what's the highest mountain in the world.【重難點(diǎn)】adj. adv. 最高級(jí)unit8have you read treasure island yet.【重難點(diǎn)】現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)unit9have you ever been to a muse

12、um.【重難點(diǎn)】現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)unit10i've had this bike for three years.【重難點(diǎn)】現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載九年級(jí)全一冊(cè)u(píng)nit 1how can we become good learners.【重難點(diǎn)】( 1)介詞 by 的用法( 2)介詞 by、 in 和 with的區(qū)分unit 2i think that mooncakes are delicious.【重難點(diǎn)】that、 if和 whether 引導(dǎo)的賓語(yǔ)從句unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms

13、 are.【重難點(diǎn)】wh-特別疑問(wèn)詞引導(dǎo)的賓語(yǔ)從句unit 4 i used to be afraid of the dark.【重難點(diǎn)】(1)used to do 的用法(2)be used to do sth,be used to doing sth, used to do sth. 區(qū)分unit 5 what are the shirts makde of.【重難點(diǎn)】一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)unit 6 when was it invented.【重難點(diǎn)】一般過(guò)去時(shí)的被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothe.s【重難點(diǎn)】情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 should 的被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)unit 8 it must belong to carla.【重難點(diǎn)】情態(tài)動(dòng)詞表示估計(jì)unit 9 i like music that i can dance to.【重難點(diǎn)】定語(yǔ)從句unit 10 you're supposed to shake hands.【重難點(diǎn)】(1) be supposed to do sth.句型(2) be expected to do sth.句型精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載(3) it is+adj.+to do sth. 句型unit 11 sad movies make


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