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1、外文翻譯中文譯文:懸臂縱軸式掘進機的總體設(shè)計總體設(shè)計是機械產(chǎn)品設(shè)計過程中的重要內(nèi)容和主要環(huán)節(jié),它是在方案設(shè)計之后緊接著進行的設(shè)計工作。懸臂縱軸式掘進機(以下簡稱掘進機)的總體設(shè)計對整機性能的優(yōu)劣起著決定性的作用,并決定了各總成、系統(tǒng)、各部件之間的協(xié)調(diào)性,統(tǒng)一性和匹配關(guān)系,從而獲得總體的高端 性能和較好的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟效益。 掘進機的總體設(shè)計,主要包括以下內(nèi)容: 1)據(jù)設(shè)計任務書選擇機型及各部件結(jié)構(gòu)型式 2)定整機的主要技術(shù)性能參數(shù),包括尺寸參數(shù)、重量參數(shù)、運動參數(shù)和技術(shù)經(jīng)濟指標 3)按照總體設(shè)計的性能要求,確定整機系統(tǒng)的組成 及它們之間的匹配性以及各個部件的主要技術(shù)參數(shù) 4)進行必要的總體計算,并繪

2、制傳動、液壓、電控系統(tǒng)圖等。 1選定該機型和各個部件及其結(jié)構(gòu)型式、驅(qū)動方式、并進行總體的合理布置該項內(nèi)容在確定前,首先應滿足設(shè)計任務書的內(nèi)容,特別是用戶提出的主要要求經(jīng)過調(diào)研,雙方反復交換意見,達到既能滿足用戶(或上級)條件,又能較好的符合本企業(yè)產(chǎn)品發(fā)展的總體規(guī)劃。 1)機型的選定 根據(jù)掘進機的用途,是用于煤礦井下巷道的掘進還是用于其他行業(yè)的工程作業(yè),掘進機的工作條件是用于截割煤巷還是半煤巖巷,煤巖的單向抗壓強度(或普氏系數(shù)f值)及巖石的磨蝕系數(shù)。同時應對照行標MT1381995懸臂式掘進機的型式與參數(shù),按其截割煤巖的最大單向抗壓強度,選定機型的類別。 2)各部件結(jié)構(gòu)型式、驅(qū)動方式的確定 掘進

3、機一般由截割機構(gòu)、裝運機構(gòu)、行走機構(gòu)、液壓系統(tǒng)、電控系統(tǒng)及輔助裝置(如除塵裝置、安全裝置、遙控 監(jiān)測裝置)等組成。 a截割機構(gòu)。截割機構(gòu)的驅(qū)動方式由交流電動機驅(qū)動,在傳動系統(tǒng)中一般設(shè)齒形聯(lián)軸節(jié),不設(shè)機械式過載保護裝置,經(jīng)兩級行星減速器帶動主軸前端的截割頭。部分斷面掘進機的工作機構(gòu)有截鏈式、圓盤銑削式和懸臂截割式等。因懸臂截割式掘進機機體靈活、體積較小,可截出各種形狀和斷面的巷道,并能實現(xiàn)選擇性截割,而且截割效果好,掘進速度較高;所以,現(xiàn)在主要采用懸臂截割式,并已成為當前掘進機工作機構(gòu)的一種基本型式。按截割頭的布置方式,分為縱軸和橫軸式兩種??v軸式截割頭的優(yōu)點是:傳動方便、結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,能截出任意形

4、狀的斷面,易于獲得較為平整的斷面,有利于采用內(nèi)伸縮懸臂,可挖柱窩或水溝。截割頭的形狀有圓柱形、圓錐形和圓錐加圓柱形,由于后兩種截割頭利于鉆進,并使截割表面較平整,故使用較多。這種工作機構(gòu)的缺點是:由于縱軸式截割頭在橫向擺動截割時的反作用力不通過機器中心,與懸臂形成的力矩使掘進機產(chǎn)生較大的振動,故穩(wěn)定性較差。因此,在煤巷掘進時,需加大機身重量或裝設(shè)輔助支撐裝置。目前,這種掘進機在部分斷面掘進機中使用較多。b裝運機構(gòu)。它一般由裝載機構(gòu)和中間輸送機組成。它們可采用分別驅(qū)動或集中聯(lián)動方式,既可用交流電動機驅(qū)動,也可用液壓馬達驅(qū)動。 耙爪式是利用一對交替動作的耙爪來不斷地耙取物料并裝入轉(zhuǎn)載運輸機構(gòu)。這種



7、走機構(gòu)一般采用履帶型式,履帶式行走機構(gòu)適用于底板不平或松軟的條件,不需修路鋪軌。具有牽引能力大,機動性能好、工作可靠、調(diào)動靈活和對底板適應性好等優(yōu)點。但其結(jié)構(gòu)復雜、零部件磨損較嚴重。目前部分斷面掘進機通常采用履帶式行走機構(gòu)。兩條履帶分別由各自的動力來驅(qū)動,可實現(xiàn)原地轉(zhuǎn)向。履帶的驅(qū)動動力有電動機和液壓馬達兩種,電動機驅(qū)動一般只設(shè)置一種行走速度,液壓馬達驅(qū)動可采用低速大扭矩馬達直接帶動履帶鏈輪,或采用中速液壓馬達減速器帶動履帶鏈輪的傳動方式,它可實現(xiàn)無極調(diào)速。 履帶結(jié)構(gòu)型式有滑動和滾動兩種,當機器調(diào)動速度10m/min的中、輕型掘進機,宜采用滑動結(jié)構(gòu)型式;當機器的調(diào)動速度>10m/min的重

8、型、特重型掘進機,應采用滾動結(jié)構(gòu)型式。 d液壓系統(tǒng)。液壓系統(tǒng)多采用開式系統(tǒng)多路閥集中控制(直接操縱或遙控操縱)方式。以往國內(nèi)外多采用齒輪泵,近年來掘進機液壓系統(tǒng)采用柱塞泵有增多的趨勢。 e電控系統(tǒng)。電控系統(tǒng)包括動力部分、控制部分和檢測部分。電控系統(tǒng)必須按照煤礦井下防爆要求設(shè)計、制造、檢驗,必須符合 GB3836-2000標準中的有關(guān)規(guī)定和要求。為了提高掘進機在作業(yè)時的安全性,操作的靈活性 以及機械傳動部分的故障診斷及監(jiān)控功能,從實用角度考慮,裝設(shè)必要的離機遙控裝置、測控壓力、溫度、液位及關(guān)鍵部位的故障診斷裝置。3)總體布置總體布置的內(nèi)容包括以下幾個方面:(1)確定各部件在整機說的位置,并對外形

9、尺寸提出要求;(2)確定各部件、部件與整機之間的連接方式;(3)估算整機重量,并對各部件的重量提出要求;(4)布置各操縱機構(gòu)、司機座位等;(5)審核個運動部件的運動空間,排除可能發(fā)生的運動干涉。4) 具體要求在掘進機總體布置時,需注意以下問題:(1)工作機構(gòu)減速器減速器的進、出軸盡量同軸線;(2)懸臂和鏟板的尺寸關(guān)系相適應,既有利于裝載,又要避免截割頭截割鏟板;(3)懸臂的水平和垂直擺動中心的位置可以重合,也可以不重合。從增加機器的穩(wěn)定性看,擺動這些都高度應盡量降低。在保證懸臂不與其他機構(gòu)干涉的條件下,擺動中心的位置應盡量靠后,但必須保證中心在機器的縱向?qū)ΨQ平面內(nèi);(4)當各主要部件設(shè)計出來之






15、速大扭矩馬達傳動。因此具有獨特的優(yōu)點。行走機構(gòu)的調(diào)速方式有兩種,一種是采用變量泵。另一種是采用分流或并流的調(diào)速方案,如MRH-S50-13型機,即在機器快速調(diào)動時,停止向裝載馬達供油,僅向行走馬達供油,使掘進機有兩種行走速度。2確定整機主要技術(shù)參數(shù) 掘進機整機主要技術(shù)參數(shù)包括尺寸參數(shù) (長×寬×高)、重量參數(shù)、運動參數(shù)和動力參數(shù)。 1)尺寸參數(shù)整機長度、寬度的大小直接與其轉(zhuǎn)彎半徑有關(guān),推薦輕型機長度75m,中型機長度85m,重型機l0m,對應的寬度分別為1.6m,2.5m,3m。 整機的高度直接關(guān)系到它的動、靜態(tài)穩(wěn)定性,適應范圍和通過性的好壞,因此越低越好。當今中外機型發(fā)展

16、趨勢是矮機型,中、重型機高度 1.62m,特輕型、輕型機的高度 1.41.6m。掘進機可掘巷道斷面的最大、最小高度和寬度應滿足設(shè)計任務書的要求。臥底深度 250400mm,離地間隙C=B/13+84(mm),B為兩履帶中心距)。中間輸送機龍門口過料高度最好為 400mm,履帶接地長度L與其中心距B之比應為L/B1.6。 2)重量參數(shù) 整機自重是掘進機的個重要參數(shù),機重太輕,工作穩(wěn)定性下降,擺動截割時會發(fā)生擺尾現(xiàn)象、截割效率下降,截齒磨耗率增加;機重太重時,機動性差,轉(zhuǎn)向靈活性下降。般它的自重可按w=(t)估算,式中N為截割機構(gòu)功率,kW;V為截割頭平均截割速度,m/s;也可參照現(xiàn)有掘進機用類比

17、法來確定,機重(t)與截割功率(kW)之比為02504。對于一般煤、巖底板,許用值<p>0.14MPa;對于水軟化的泥質(zhì)頁巖底板,<p>005MPa。 3)運動參數(shù) 截割機構(gòu)的運動參數(shù):截割頭的平均截割速度V:對煤巖的單向抗壓強度40MPa,V=33.5m/s;60MPa,V=225m/s,>60MPaV=l2m/s。但最終切割速度由切割技術(shù)來確定。 4)動力參數(shù) 掘進機驅(qū)動的動力源都采用交流電動機。截割機構(gòu)功率大小。實際上一般采用類比法,再結(jié)合掘進機一些個性因素及經(jīng)驗來確定。 掘進機在作業(yè)過程中,縱軸式和橫軸式部需要足夠的掏槽推進力和擺動(水平方向和垂直方向)力

18、。 根據(jù)俄羅斯(原蘇聯(lián))在實驗室的試驗結(jié)果得知,截割煤巖的普氏硬度 f=46(相當于 0 C=4060MPa),研磨系數(shù) F=57mgmm2。截割時的擺動力 (牽引力)Pv=(1134)P,P=MRcp,式中P為截割頭上的平均截割力;Rcp為截割頭平均半徑;M為截割頭上的額定扭矩。掏槽時的進給力(軸向推力)R;(1.82.5)Pv,此力不得大于履帶對底板打滑時的極限牽引力。 5)技術(shù)經(jīng)濟指標 Q=(m3/min),式中sx為截割頭的縱向橫截面積,m2:Vn為截割頭的截割擺動速度,m/min。 掘進機的設(shè)計壽命,在國際上先進的產(chǎn)品可達 35年,在此期間它無需升井大修,國內(nèi)產(chǎn)品一般為12年。 3.

19、按照總體設(shè)計的要求。確定各主要部件參數(shù)及其相互之間的連接關(guān)系 1)截割機構(gòu)技術(shù)參數(shù)的確定及其連接關(guān)系 (1)截割機構(gòu)技術(shù)參數(shù)的確定截割頭上的截齒排列一般為雙頭或三頭螺旋線布置方式。截割頭轉(zhuǎn)速 n=2065rmin,截齒尖的平均截割速度 V=1525ms,截割擺動速度 Vn=0.8l0ms。截線距離 t=2050mm,(切煤時取大值,切巖時取小值)。平均單刀力應達到:f4級煤巖 F2500N,f6級煤巖 F5000N,f8級煤巖 F12000N,截齒安裝角最佳為45°48°。 (2)截割機構(gòu)的連接 截割機構(gòu)懸臂安裝在叉形架前端,叉形架固定在回轉(zhuǎn)臺上,回轉(zhuǎn)臺固定在機架上。根據(jù)截

20、割機構(gòu)在作業(yè)過程中的作用力和力矩,應用 MT475-1996懸臂式掘進機回轉(zhuǎn)支承型式、基本參數(shù)和技術(shù)要求選定回轉(zhuǎn)支承的結(jié)構(gòu)型式,通過計算確定回轉(zhuǎn)支承規(guī)格尺寸。如用戶對懸臂不要求有伸縮結(jié)構(gòu),一般不推薦采用。 2)裝運機構(gòu)參數(shù)的確定(1)裝載機構(gòu) 裝載機構(gòu)與中間輸送機采用聯(lián)動方式或單動方式,裝載機構(gòu)耙爪的轉(zhuǎn)速一般為 2548rmin。星輪的轉(zhuǎn)速可略高一些。采用液壓馬達直接驅(qū)動時,最大輸出扭矩應為計算額定扭矩值的 15倍。鏟煤板的傾斜角一般為 21°25°,它的寬度應比履帶外寬大0.61.2m,下降最低位置不應小于臥底深度上升最大高度應達到 350400mm。 (2)中間輸送機

21、中間輸送機的鏈條可采用單鏈或雙鏈結(jié)構(gòu)形式的圓環(huán)鏈,鏈速不應超過 0.92m/s,鏈條采用美國萬向套筒滾子鏈單鏈時,鏈速不應超過 2.5m/s,一般取 1.62m為了滿足卸載高度的變化要求,機尾應設(shè)多級升降液壓缸實現(xiàn)升降,升起時的最小高度應為受料斗高度加300mm左右。如機尾需要左右擺動時,必須采用一條美國萬向套筒滾子鏈,在轉(zhuǎn)向位置的一側(cè)設(shè)置單作用液壓缸實現(xiàn)機尾左右擺動 45°,以擴大卸載的寬度。 3)行走履帶技術(shù)參數(shù)的確定和連接關(guān)系 a.行走履帶的驅(qū)動型式和傳動方式有兩種,總體設(shè)計和總體布置時確定其中一種。 (1)電動機驅(qū)動一大傳動比減速器(i250)帶動主動鏈輪。 一般只能確定一種

22、行走速度 57.5mmin。 (2)速大扭矩液壓馬達一直接驅(qū)動主動鏈輪或中高速馬達一減速箱一帶動主動鏈輪能實現(xiàn)快速調(diào)動和慢速作業(yè)的需要,行走速度為010m/min的無級調(diào)速。 b.履帶傳動的連接關(guān)系 結(jié)構(gòu)型式有滑動和滾動兩種 ,滑動式結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,內(nèi)阻較大,對特輕型、輕型、中型掘進機推薦采用滑動結(jié)構(gòu)式。滾動式運行阻力較小,履帶架底部與履帶鏈相接觸磨損小。重型和特重型掘進機推薦采用這種結(jié)構(gòu)型式。履帶架底部裝設(shè)的支重輪,每個承載力應不小于機重50,間距一般為履帶板節(jié)距的 1.5倍。 4) 液壓系統(tǒng)技術(shù)參數(shù)的確定 液壓系統(tǒng)的技術(shù)參數(shù)的確定應在液壓設(shè)計計算后定。系統(tǒng)的額定工作壓力不宜高于 2025MPa。

23、在系統(tǒng)有液壓馬達傳動動力時應設(shè)置冷卻器,系統(tǒng)中選用串聯(lián)輪泵時,額定壓力宣在 20MPa以下。選用泵和馬達的安裕度應為1.5左右。系統(tǒng)中每個回路的溢流閥調(diào)定壓力為其額定壓力的 1.82.2倍為宜。 5)電控系統(tǒng)主要技術(shù)參數(shù)的確定 電控系統(tǒng)的供電電壓應按掘進機機型大小來確定壓等級,特輕型、輕型機應選660V,中、重型機 型應選660V/1140V。動力部分回路中的電器元件應滿足供電電的波動范圍70115的要求。 6)其他輔助系統(tǒng) 1)外噴霧系統(tǒng),噴嘴設(shè)置在截割機構(gòu)懸臂的前端水壓為1.5 MPa。 內(nèi)噴霧系統(tǒng)的噴嘴裝置設(shè)在截割頭截齒座的后面內(nèi)噴霧系統(tǒng)的壓力不低于 4MPa。對截割巖石的情況下應適當提

24、高水壓和水量。 2)內(nèi)外噴霧系統(tǒng)總水量不得超過掘進機實際生能力的 68,否則造成工作面煤泥積水現(xiàn)象。4進行必要的總體計算及系統(tǒng)圖等在掘進機總體設(shè)計和總體布置完成之后,整機的各個系統(tǒng)和主要部件的主要結(jié)構(gòu)、技術(shù)參數(shù)己基本確定,對整機應進行必要的總體計算及系統(tǒng)圖等。 1)掘進機截割機構(gòu)動靜態(tài)穩(wěn)定性的計算。 2)各部件傳動系統(tǒng)和液壓電控系統(tǒng)的功率計算。 3)液壓系統(tǒng)熱平衡的計算。 4)繪制傳動、液壓、電控系統(tǒng)圖。 5)繪制截割巷道斷面圖。 5. 結(jié)語掘進機的總體設(shè)計是掘進機設(shè)計工程中技術(shù)設(shè)計的個組成部分。它的設(shè)計關(guān)鍵是總體性能參數(shù)的合理選擇,各個系統(tǒng)和總成的優(yōu)化設(shè)計水平,特別是截割機構(gòu)的切割技術(shù)顯得尤

25、為重要。 本文所述掘進機的總體設(shè)計仍然是以傳統(tǒng)設(shè)計為基礎(chǔ),在動力學、運動學、受力計算等方面應廣泛應用現(xiàn)代設(shè)計方法,如概念設(shè)計、三維設(shè)計運動學、動力學仿真技術(shù)、有限元設(shè)計、優(yōu)化設(shè)計等。同時,應廣泛學習國際上這方面的新設(shè)計方法為我所用,提高我們的設(shè)計水平,積累我們的設(shè)計經(jīng)驗,搞出安全、可靠、性能優(yōu)良的高端產(chǎn)品。英文翻譯:The vertical Boom-type Roadheader design1 IntroductionMechanical design is in the process of product design and an important part of the main

26、 links, it is followed in programme design after the design work. The vertical Boom-type roadheader (the roadheader) to the overall design of the merits of complete machine play a decisive role, and the decision of the assembly, the system, coordination between the various components of the unity an

27、d match, to obtain the high-end performance and overall better economic efficiency technology.Roadheader design, including the following:1)According to design project description choice type and various cellular construction pattern2) Decides the complete machine the main technical performance param

28、eter, Including size parameter, heavy parameter, the parameter of movement and the technical economy refer parameter,3) According to system design performance requirement, definite complete machine system composition and between them match as well as each part main technical senate parameter,4) The

29、necessary whole, and the mapping of transmission, hydraulic, electronic control systems, and other plans.2 the selected models and various components and structural type, drive, and the overall layout of the reasonableIn determining the content, first task should be designed to meet the contents, es

30、pecially the users of the main demands of the investigation, the two sides exchanged views repeatedly, to satisfy both users (or superior) conditions, can better meet the product development of the overall plan.2.1 the selected modelsAccording to roadheader use, for the coal mine tunnel boring or us

31、ed for other sectors of the works, roadheader working conditions for cutting coal roadway or semi-Coal Lane, the compressive strength of coal and rock one-way (or the value of platts coefficient f) and the rock abrasion factor. At the same time the control line should be superscript MT138 1995 "

32、;cantilevered Roadheader types and parameters", according to cutting coal and rock the biggest one-way compressive strength, the type of selected models.2.2 the structure of the various components, the way the driver identifiedRoadheader by cutting general agencies, shipping agencies, walking,

33、hydraulic system, electronic control systems and auxiliary devices (such as dust removal devices, security devices, remote monitoring devices) and other components.1) Cutting agencies. Cutting the drive from AC motor-driven, in the transmission system located in the general profile coupling with no

34、mechanical overload protection device, the two planets reducer driven spindle front of the cutting head.Some sections of the working bodies boring machine has cut chain, disc-milling and cutting-such as cantilever. Cantilever due to the cutting-boring machine body flexible, relatively small, can cut

35、 a variety of shapes and sections of the roadway, and to achieve selective cutting, but cutting good effect, a higher rate of boring, so now used mainly cantilever Cutting-and has become boring machine working body of a basic pattern.By cutting head of the layout, is divided into horizontal and vert

36、ical axis of the two. The line-cutting head of the advantages are: Transmission convenient, compact and can be cut to any shape of the profile, easy access to the formation of a cross-section and is conducive to expansion in the use of cantilever, or ditch digging, in Waterloo. Cutting head the shap

37、e of a cylindrical, cone and the cone and cylindrical, as the latter two cutting head to drilling, and the cutting surface than the formation, use it more. This is the work of the shortcomings: As the longitudinal axis of cutting head in the horizontal swing at the cutting reaction force is not pass

38、ed machine centres, with cantilevered form of torque to boring machine have a greater vibration, stability is poor. Therefore, the coal roadway excavation, the need to increase the body weight or support the installation of auxiliary equipment. At present, such a boring machine in some sections of t

39、he use of more boring machine.2) Shipment of bodies. It generally from the middle loading and conveyor components. They were driven or focus may be linked, either by AC motor drive, can also be used hydraulic motor drive.Trailing claw-is to use a turn moves the rake claws to continue to rake materia

40、ls and in a reprint from transport operators. This structure is simple, reliable, small form factor, loading good effect, the application is widespread. However, such institutions loading width restricted (because boring machine running track when agencies generally do not arouse). To expand the loa

41、ding width, will shovel the entire harrow board, together with the claw agencies in the level of swing, or design dual rake claws, to expand the scope of loading. Institutions than the rake-wheel-claw simple, high intensity, reliable, but with less bulk materials.Loading agency programme is not only

42、 the installation of the claw-rake-wheel can also be installed, the two can be used interchangeably. Usually, the choice rake claw-loaded, but considering loading width of the problem, may choose to double rake claws, can also be designed to rake claw-round interchangeable with the loading mechanism

43、. Some sections boring machine use of scraper chain conveyor agencies. Transportation agencies are generally undertaken by the tail to the nose tilted upward direction of the layout. Transportation agencies can be the driver, is about to motor or hydraulic motor and reducer layout in the scraper con

44、veyor and around the side of the fuselage, the body in the driver loading at the same time, indirectly, to transport bodies to take the initiative to the tail shaft driven scraper Transportation agencies. This drive system components in small, relatively simple bodies, but loading and transportation

45、 agencies involved in the two campaigns, mutual influence. As the location less space layout more difficult. Transmission organizations to adopt an independent driver, is about to motor or hydraulic motor layout away from the machine side, driven by slow delivery agencies. This mode of transmission

46、drive layout simple, and filling the campaign Hubuyingxiang. However, due to transmission and more dynamic components, the point of failure has increased. At present, the two transportation agencies are used, as appropriate, the design should be identified. General loading and institutions often use

47、 the same drive.Loading agencies can use motor-driven, can also be used hydraulic motor drive. However, in consideration of the working environment and wet with mud, optional hydraulic motor drive for good.3) Run institutions. Walking agencies tracked the general pattern, crawler-run institutions ap

48、ply to the floor is uneven or soft conditions, no road track laying. Traction with large capacity, good mobility, reliability, flexibility and mobility on the floor adaptability of the advantages of good. But its complex structure, components and wear more serious. At present cross-section of the bo

49、ring machine is usually used crawler-run institutions.Walking agencies tracked the general pattern, the two tracked separately by the respective power to drive, to achieve in situ. Caterpillar is the driving force of two motors and hydraulic motors, motor driver is generally set up a walking speed,

50、hydraulic motor-driven large low-speed torque motor can be driven directly tracked sprocket, or used in the hydraulic motor speed Reducer led the drive sprocket track, it can achieve Promise governor.Tracked structure of a sliding and rolling two, when the speed machine to mobilize 10 m / min in the

51、 light Roadheader, should adopt the structure of sliding when the mobilization of speed machines> 10 m / min of heavy, severe Roadheader should be used Rolling structural type.4) The hydraulic system. Hydraulic systems use of open-way valve system more centralized control (direct or remote contro

52、l manipulation) way. Domestic and foreign use of the past, gear pumps, hydraulic system in recent years Roadheader used piston pump have increased the trend.5) Electronic control system. Electronic control systems, including some power, control and inspection of the part. Electronic control system m

53、ust be in accordance with the requirements of coal mine explosion-proof design, manufacture, testing, GB3836-2000 must meet the standards of the relevant provisions and requirements. In order to improve operations at the Roadheader in the security, operational flexibility and mechanical transmission

54、 part of the fault diagnosis and monitoring functions, from the practical point of view, the installation of the necessary machines from a remote control device, monitoring pressure, temperature, level and key parts the fault diagnosis device.2.3 LayoutGeneral layout of the contents include the foll

55、owing: 1) Identify the components in complete machine said the location, shape and size of the request; 2) To identify the parts, components and the connections between complete machine; 3) estimates complete machine weight and the weight of all components requested; 4) layout of the manipulation of

56、 institutions, the driver's seat; 5) examination of moving parts of the movement space, rule out the possibility of interference in the campaign. 2.4 specific requirements Boring machine in the general layout, the need to pay attention to the following questions: 1) institutions into the reducer

57、 reducer, as far as possible to coax axis; 2) cantilever and spade-suited to the size of relations, not only conducive to loading, to avoid cutting the first shovel cutting board; 3) the level of cantilever and vertical position can swing the center coincidence, can not overlap. From the increased s

58、tability of the machine, these are highly swing should be reduced. In the cantilever is not guaranteed to interfere with other agencies under the conditions of swing centres are located should try to rely on, but must ensure that the machines in the centre plane of vertical symmetry; 4) When all the major components designed after. Checking should be carried out, does not meet requirements to be adjusted just so that the focus in track and less than the former center Shaopian L / 6 (L grounding for the track length). In addition, the center of gravity p


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