1、.Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic1 May I invite you to our food festival?Section ASection A needs 1 period.The main activities are 1a and 2. .Aims and demands 1. Learn some new words and phrases:try ones best, imagine, soup, cheese, biscuit, pancake 2. Learn object clauses:I imagine (that) a lot of people
2、will come to the food festival.Do you think (that) the children need to make tea?I think they need to cook soup.3. Talk about plans to raise money.4. Offering helpWhat do you think you can do to help the people there?.Teaching aids幻燈片/彩色粉筆. Teaching procedureStep 1 Review (時間: 6分鐘)復習并導入1a。1. (師生問答,討
3、論如何幫助別人。) T: If someone is in trouble, what will you do? If someone needs money, what will you do? (教師引導學生用下面的句式回答這些問題。) Ss: I think I will .2. (在黑板上呈現丹尼爾的圖片,向學生介紹他的基本情況。)T:Look at the picture on the blackboard. Can you tell me something about him?(學生說出一些他們知道的情況。)T:Is he from China?Ss:No, he isnt. H
4、e is from Step 2 Presentation (時間: 8分鐘)呈現1a。1. (教師將Nigeria寫到黑板上,然后幫助學生完成這個句子。)T: He is from Nigeria and he was born in a poor village. He took part in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He won the gold medal. He is an Olympic wrestling champion.(將畫線部分寫在黑板上,并讓學生跟讀。讓學生了解Nigeria和wrestling。)Nigeria an Olymp
5、ic wrestling champion villageT:He is a very kind man. He wants to help the poor in Nigeria. He wants to build a new school for the children. But he doesnt have enough money. How can we help him to raise money?(讓學生說出自己的觀點,預習過的學生可能會說出舉辦一次美食節(jié)。)Ss:Shall we have a food festival for him?(板書have a food fes
6、tival。)T:Good idea. Lets organize a food festival for him and try our best to make it successful.(板書并解釋organize和try ones best。)(板書并讓學生理解organize;掌握try ones best。)have a food festival 舉辦一次美食節(jié)organize v. 組織try ones best 盡最大努力(過渡到下一步。)2. (將課文中的插圖呈現出來,然后放1a錄音,并讓學生回答問題。要求理解poster。)T: Kangkang, Micheal, J
7、ane and Maria also want to help him. What will they do? Please listen to the tape and answer the questions.(播放1a錄音。)(運用師生問答形式引出關鍵詞句。)T:What will Jane do? S1:Think about how to organize a food festival.T:What will Maria do?S2:Turn to her teachers.T:What will Kangkang do?S3:Try to get in touch with Da
8、niel and get more information about him.T:What will Michael do?S4:Make a poster.(板書關鍵詞句并講解。)turn to get in touch withmake a poster3. (讓學生讀對話提出疑難問題,教師在學生討論時給予幫助。)T: Read the conversation by yourselves and find out some difficulties and then discuss in pairs.(教師板書1a的重點句子,觀察分析賓語從句的結構和含義。)(板書)I know he
9、wants to build a new school for his poor village in Nigeria.I think money must be a problem for him.I think we can have it on our school playground on Sunday.4. (根據1a內容,師生問答,進一步鞏固強化1a。)T:Please tell me something about Daniel.S5:He is a Canadian athlete. But he was born in Nigeria.S6:He is an Olympic
10、 wrestling champion. He is so kind.S7:He wants to build a new school for his poor village in Nigeria.T:Good. How do the students want to help him?Ss:They want to have a food festival.S8:Kangkang says he will S9:Maria says she will S10:Michael says he will S11:Jane says she will T:Great! I think they
11、 will make the food festival successful.Step 3 Consolidation (時間: 9分鐘)鞏固1a,完成1b。1. (教師播放1a錄音,學生跟讀,注意重音和語調。)T: Follow 1a and pay attention to the stress and intonation.2. (將學生分成四組分角色朗讀對話。然后連線,完成1b。)T: Read the conversation in roles and then finish 1b.3. (四人一組練習對話,并表演對話。學生可用黑板/幻燈片上提供的關鍵詞。)T: Practice
12、the conversation in groups of four and try to act it out without books and you can use the key words on the blackboard.a Canadian athletebuild a new school fora problem for him have a food festival turn to make a posterget in touch with get more informationorganize the food festivalStep 4 Practice (
13、時間: 13分鐘)練習本課1c和2。1. (讓學生討論問題,教學新單詞。然后小組進行A問B,B問C的鏈式問答活動,練習賓語從句Do you think ?及其肯定、否定回答。完成2。)T:We know the children want to organize a food festival. I want to cook some food for the food festival. Now I have some pictures of food. Please look at them. (出示圖片,教學新單詞:soup, cheese, biscuit, pancake。并讓學生掌
14、握這些單詞。)T:Just now I prepared some food for the food festival. Do you think the children need them? Now please use the phrases in the box to ask and answer the questions in 2 one by one.For example:S1:Do you think (that) the children need to write a song?S2:Yes, I think so./ No, I dont think so. I th
15、ink they need to make a poster. Do you think (that) the children need to .?S3:(初步探究陳述句的賓語從句的連接詞和語序。)2. T: The children prepared so much for the food festival. Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?(板書imagine并解釋意思,幫助學生回答: I imagine)imagine v. 想象I imagine T:What will the food festival be
16、 like? Can you imagine it?S4:I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.(板書)I imagine(that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.(教師帶學生朗讀黑板上的重點句,解釋賓語從句的用法。完成1c。)(給學生一些提示,例如: What about the food? 等。)S5:I imagine that the food festival will be interesting.S6:I imagine T:
17、Well done! / You did a good job!(學生兩兩對話,教師鼓勵發(fā)言好的學生做示范。)T:Now please ask and answer in pairs.S7:Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?S8:I imagine that it will Step 5 Project (時間: 9分鐘)完成本課活動3。1. (教師出示圖片,讓學生分組討論,完成3。)T:We know that Daniel is a kind man, and the four children will have a
18、food festival to raise money for him. Now more and more people around us love to help others. Do you love to help others? Ss:Yes, we do. T:You are so kind. (出示一張汶川地震的圖片) Look at this picture. The Wenchuan earthquake happened four years ago. But the people in the disaster areas still need help. What
19、can you do to help them? (小組討論并記錄。) T:Please discuss in groups. Then fill out the form. S1: What do you think you can do to help the people there? S2: I think I can give them some books. S3: I think I can make telephone calls to them to make them happier. S4: NameActivity (每組選一名代表匯報本組討論情況。) G1:×
20、;× thinks he will G2: T:Well done! Please write a passage according to your discussion in groups.2. Homework: (1) Remember the new words and phrases in 1a . (2) Preview Section B.Unit7 Topic1 Section A說課稿 一說教材1教材簡析。 本課是仁愛版八年級英語Unit7 Topic1 May I invite you to our food festival? Section A, 本話題由K
21、angkang和Jane以談論Daniel Igali想在家鄉(xiāng)建立一所小學開始,為幫助他們決定舉辦一個“國際美食節(jié)”。圍繞“美食節(jié)”,他們做了大量的準備:通過網絡了解Daniel的情況,打邀請電話,寫邀請函并制作海報等。該部分語法重點是賓語從句。2教學重點。 (1)指導學生掌握和熟練運用那些難以理解的詞、句型和句子,如:I know (that )he wants to build a new school for his poor village in Nigera.I believe(that) well raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.May
22、I invite you to our food festival? (2)指導學生口頭熟練表達建議話題展開的對話內容語。(3)由that 引導的賓語從句是該部分語法的重點。 3教學難點。 學生根據實際情境需要真正開口講英語。 4教學目標。 (1)技能目標。學生能聽懂本對話錄音,能聽懂師生之間就本對話內容而展開的問答,會和別人展開對話,了解和傳遞信息;能就本課語言難點造句,而且無語法錯誤;能就類似話題,創(chuàng)造性地自編對話。 (2)知識目標。學生要牢記所有新學單詞,要記住新學短語、句型、難句及本對話各句的英語表達,為實現自如講英語奠定基礎。 (3)情感目標。滲透對學生的情感教育:關心他人,互相幫助
23、。使學生會簡單給別人建議,從而體會幫助別人的快樂。 (4)學習策略目標。改變傳統(tǒng)的死記硬背,積極主動地投入到語言的實踐中去,包括聽、說、讀、寫的實踐。在實踐中提高語言的綜合使用能力,加深對基礎知識的掌握和記憶。 對本課我主要采取了如下幾種教法: 1聽錄音。 聽音是英語學習的重要方法,也是課堂教學的重要步驟。在聽中可以感知,可以模仿。 2重點解釋,個別操練。 在每一堂教學中,學生總會遇到一些難以理解的詞、句型、短語、句子或某一語法現象。如本課出現的形容詞比較級的用法等都需要教師個別解釋甚至創(chuàng)設語言情境進行操練和舉例,以掃除自由交際過程中的“攔路虎”,為語言的進一步學習奠定基礎。 3指導學生展開情
24、景對話。 教師可以和任何一個學生對話。開始時和學習好的可多說幾句,和學習差的可以少說幾句,要想辦法使人人開口,使人人都有成功感。通過對話逐步達到對教材內容的全部操練。在對話時可不受課文內容和順序的限制,師生完全可以根據當時的實際思路創(chuàng)造性地交流,這種教法是實現語言知識向語言能力轉變的必經之路。師生對話時,其他學生靜聽。 4學生獨立操作。 首先要求學生根據師生示范獨立對話,隨后叫幾組分別站起來表演。這是深化課堂教學的重要舉措。 5教師可設計填空或翻譯練習,以檢查學生對本對話的掌握情況。在整個教學活動中,我還采用了投影儀、圖片、實物等,對順利開展教學活動起到了很好的輔助作用。 三、說學法 我所采用
25、的教法有助于學生掌握如下學法: 1養(yǎng)成聽的習慣。 學生要經常聽錄音,聽教師講英語,聽同學們講英語,這對學好英語大有好處。 2科學儲備大量知識。 學生不掌握豐富的知識就不可能進行很好的語言交流。所以學生必須了解語言規(guī)律,掌握豐富的詞匯,熟知語法規(guī)則,會熟練表達由各個話題而展開的交際內容。要學會在實踐中學,在應用中學,這樣學來的知識記憶深刻、靈活度大。 3及時鞏固,反復記憶。 凡教師在課堂上所講到的語言難點,學生應及時整理,再次認識并積極使用。對前面已學過的課文,學生要有安排地經常復習,否則常常是學了新的,忘了舊的。 4積極操練,重在口頭。 在課堂上,學生要積極參與教師設計的每個教學活動,要大膽開
26、口,創(chuàng)造性地說自己想說的話。課后和其他同學及時進行英語交流。只有這樣,才能將書本知識變成自己的知識和語言能力;也只有這樣,才能實現脫口說英語的目的。 四、說教學程序 Step 1 Review。師生問答,討論如何幫助別人。 T: If someone is in trouble, what will you do? If someone needs money, what will you do?出示圖片,介紹丹尼爾的基本情況。T:Is he from China?S:No, he isnt. He is from Step 2 Presentation1:將生詞寫在黑板上,并讓學生跟讀。讓學
27、生了解Nigeria和wrestling。 Nigeria an Olympic wrestling champion village 設計意圖:為學習新課鋪墊。鍛煉學生說的膽量和能力。2:將課文中的插圖呈現出來,引導學生說出He is a very kind man. He wants to help the poor in Nigeria. He wants to build a new school for the children. But he doesnt have enough money. How can we help him to raise money?讓學生說出自己的觀
28、點,預習過的學生可能會說出舉辦一次美食節(jié)。板書have a food festival。板書并解釋organize和try ones best設計意圖:通過用展示多媒體和圖片,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,輕松掌握新單詞,順利帶入新課。3:放1a錄音,并讓學生回答問題。T:What will Jane do? S:Think about how to organize a food festival.T:What will Maria do?S:Turn to her teachers.T:What will Kangkang do?S:Try to get in touch with Daniel a
29、nd get more information about him.T:What will Michael do?S:Make a poster.4:讓學生讀對話提出疑難問題,教師在學生討論時給予幫助。設計意圖:訓練學生聽力和理解課文的能力,同時鍛煉自身的自主學習能力。Step 3 Consolidation1.教師播放1a錄音,學生跟讀,注意重音和語調,然后老師再繼續(xù)領讀。2.將學生分組分角色朗讀對話。然后連線,完成1b。3. 小組練習對話,并表演對話。學生可用黑板/幻燈片上提供的關鍵詞。設計意圖:讓學生閱讀對話完成短文的填空,進一步讓他們鞏固對課文的理解。培養(yǎng)閱讀篩選信息的能力。Step
30、4 Practice1:出示圖片,教學新單詞:soup, cheese, biscuit, pancake。并讓學生掌握這些單詞。2:放錄音聽1a,讓學生聽并跟讀,然后找出重要句型練習賓語從句Do you think ?及其肯定、否定回答。S:Do you think (that) the children need to write a song?S:Yes, I think so./ No, I dont think so. I think they need to make a poster. Do you think (that) the children need to .?教師解釋
31、賓語從句的連接詞、語序及其用法。在期間應該給學生一定的時間考慮,教師也可以適當的給一點提示。例如: What about the food? S:I imagine that the food festival will be interesting.S:I imagine T:Well done! / You did a good job!設計意圖:我想知道學生是否真正了解整個對話的內容,并掌握了這節(jié)課的知識。此外,我將把學生們找到的重點句型呈現在幻燈片上,以便他們能夠更簡單地記憶。3:學生兩兩對話,討論美食節(jié)的盛況。教師鼓勵發(fā)言好的學生做示范,完成1c。設計意圖:培養(yǎng)學生語感和給予他們開口
32、說英語的機會。Step 5 Project1.教師出示幻燈片片,讓學生分組討論,為美食節(jié)獻計獻策,完成3。2.小組討論汶川地震后What can you do to help them?設計意圖:在鍛煉學生語言表達能力的同時又培養(yǎng)了學生樂于助人的品質。3:利用幻燈片出事部分習題,師生共同完成。4:引導學生回顧本節(jié)課所學的知識點,盡量讓學生通過回憶相互交流來回答。5:布置家庭作業(yè)。設計意圖:讓學生交流本節(jié)課所學的知識,教師除了板書所呈現的重點難點內容外,又以習題的形式進行當堂操練,進一步鞏固對本課內容的理解和運用。下面是贈送的保安部制度范本,不需要的可以編輯刪除!謝謝!保安部工作制度 一、認真貫徹黨的路線、方針政策和國家的法津法規(guī),按照#年度目標的要求,做好#的安全保衛(wèi)工作,保護全體人員和公私財物的安全,保持#正常的經營秩序和工作秩 序。二、做好消防安全工作,認真貫徹“預防為主”的方針,教育提高全體人員的消防意識和防火知識,配備、配齊#各個樓層的消防器材,管好用好各種電器設備,確保#各通道暢 通,嚴防各種災害事故
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