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1、Specialized English for Water and Wastewater Engineering給排水專業(yè)英語 主講主講(zhjing)教師:李康教師:李康第一頁,共8頁。Lesson 4 Stormwater Collection and Sewer Design雨水收集(shuj)和管道設(shè)計第二頁,共8頁。4.1 Words and expressions ReviewDomestic wastewater 生活污水生活污水Drainage system 排水系統(tǒng)排水系統(tǒng)Combined sewers 合流制合流制 Separate sewers 分流制分流制Untreat

2、ed water 未處理水未處理水Finished water 出水出水Organic pollutant 有機有機(yuj)污染物污染物Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)生化需氧量生化需氧量第三頁,共8頁。4.2 New words and expressionsHydraulic load 水力負(fù)荷水力負(fù)荷Organic load 有機負(fù)荷有機負(fù)荷 head loss 水頭水頭(shutu)損失損失 microorganisms 微生物微生物Hardness 硬度硬度total suspended solids (TSS) 總懸浮固體總懸浮固體 sediment

3、ation basins 沉淀池沉淀池Anaerobic 厭氧的厭氧的Aerobic 需氧的,好氧的需氧的,好氧的chemical oxygen demand (COD)生化需氧量生化需氧量第四頁,共8頁。4.2 New words and expressionsself-purification 自然凈化自然凈化open-channel 明渠明渠hydrograph 水位水位(shuwi)圖,水位圖,水位(shuwi)曲線曲線intensity-duration-frequency curves 強度強度-持續(xù)時間持續(xù)時間-頻率曲線頻率曲線 retention basins 貯水池貯水池mo

4、isture 水分,濕度水分,濕度第五頁,共8頁。4.3 Important sentences(第三段) Design objectives Design objectives are generally established during the planning process. Traditionally, such objectives dealt only with runoff quantity and specified the desired levels of protection against flooding by specifying return periods

5、 of design rainfall events. The minor drainage , which includes underground sewers and small open channels and provides local convenience and prevention of water ponding , is typically designed for short return periods, from 1 to 10 years. The major drainage system conveys flood flows through urban

6、areas and includes large sewers , the natural drainage system, swales, streets and other overland routes. This system is generally designed for return periods from 50 to 100 years.明確(mngqu),指定積水(j shu)重現(xiàn)(zhn xin)期第六頁,共8頁。4.3 Important sentences1. (第六段) Rainfall data are used in urban runoff calculat

7、ions in various forms, depending on the design approach and computational procedure used. The most common forms include intensity-duration-frequency curves, synthetic design storms, historical design storms, and actual or synthetic long-term rainfall records. Although the literature on rainfall data

8、 for storm sewer design is rather extensive the issues of uncertainties in rainfall inputs and their impact on calculated runoff flow have not been fully resolved. Uncertainties include errors in point measurements, and impacts of temporal and spatial distributions on estimates of catchment rainfall

9、. Other uncertainties are introduced in the analysis of observed data by using various assumptions which may or may not be valid. It should be noted , however, that the impact of rainfall data uncertainties on calculated runoff flows is somewhat reduced by the fact that the catchment functions as a

10、filter which dampens out some perturbations (real or spurious) in rainfall inputs.擾動(rodng)廣闊(gungku)的,廣大的減弱(jinru)假的第七頁,共8頁。4.4 Quiz一、專業(yè)詞匯一、專業(yè)詞匯(chu)翻譯(每個翻譯(每個1分)分)1、貯水池、貯水池 2、自然凈化、自然凈化 3、水頭、水頭損失損失 4、沉淀池、沉淀池 5、水位圖、水位圖 6、坡度線、坡度線 7、反硝化作用、反硝化作用 8、強度、強度-持續(xù)時間持續(xù)時間-頻率曲線頻率曲線9、gutter 10、dampen out 11、anaerobic 12、aerobic二、短句翻譯(每題二、短句翻譯(每題4分)分)1、The function of a drainage system in a building is to remove safely and quickly sanitary sew


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