



1、12個(gè)常見的英語俗語,意思真是你想的那樣么?those of us who grew up with english as our first language have been exposed to idioms and idiomatic expressions for most of our lives. they may have confused us a little when we were childre n, but explanation and constant exposure not only in creased our understanding of them

2、, but likely drew them into our own vernacular. if you're in the process of learning the english ianguage, you may come across some of these and not be entirely sure what they mean. here's a list of 12 that you're likely to come across fairly often:對(duì)于將英語作為母語的人而言,在成長(zhǎng)過程中接觸過太多的習(xí)語和俚語。年幼的我們當(dāng)吋

3、可 能會(huì)有些困惑,但由于聽到過解釋并不斷地接觸那些習(xí)語,這非但提升了我們的理解,甚至 還讓我們將其轉(zhuǎn)變成了自己的俗語。如果你正處于學(xué)英語的過程中,你可能就會(huì)碰到其中的 一些,卻吃不透它的意思。以下的12個(gè)就是你經(jīng)常會(huì)看到的:1 a chip on your shoulder你肩上的一片募片(耿耿于懷)no, this doesn't mean that you've dropped part of your snack. to have a chip on one's shoulder implies that the person is carrying around

4、 some grudge or bad feelings about something that happened in the past.like having walked through the wreckage of a building, and ended up with a chip of that building stuck to them for years afterward不,這并不是指你零食掉了一片。一個(gè)人肩上有片黑片暗指那個(gè)人對(duì)過去發(fā)生的事情還懷著 怨恨或者不良情緒。就像從一處建筑殘骸旁走過,而多年后身上仍有那時(shí)留下的灰一樣。2. bite off more th

5、an you can chew一口吃成大胖子like taking a huge bite of a sandwich that will fill your mouth up so much that you can't move your jaw, this idiom implies that you've taken on more than you can handle successfully. an example would be agreeing to build ten websites in a week when normally you can onl

6、y handle five這就好似你咬了一大口三明治,嘴巴被塞得滿滿的,以至于下巴也動(dòng)彈不得,這個(gè)習(xí)語暗指 你所接收的東西超出了你的掌控。舉個(gè)例子,你在一周內(nèi)建立了十個(gè)網(wǎng)站,事實(shí)上你只能管 理其屮的五個(gè)。3. you can't take it with you赤條條地走you can't take anything with you when you die, so don't bother hoarding your stuff. live now, because all your stuff is going to be around long after yo

7、u're gone.當(dāng)你死后你無法帶走任何東西,所以不要對(duì)你的身外之物戀戀不舍了?;钤诋?dāng)下,因?yàn)槟愕?一切身家在你走后很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間里都會(huì)安然無恙。4. everything but the kitchen sink除了水槽外的一切(無所不包;一應(yīng)俱全)this implies that n early everythi ng has bee n packed/take n/removed. for in stance, if some one said: "the thieves stole everythi ng but the kitche n sin k!" it

8、 mean t that they took everything they could carry; it's damned hard to remove a sink and carry it around.這句是暗指所有的東西都被打包/帶走/移動(dòng)了。比如,若有人說:“小偷除了水槽,其他都偷 走了! ”意思就是說他們把能偷的都偷了;但要搬走水槽就難如登天了。5. "over my dead body"“除非我死了”(想都別想)whe n the only way you'll allow something to happe n is if you

9、9;re no ion ger alive to stop it.你唯一能允許此事發(fā)生的情況就是你己與世長(zhǎng)辭了。6. tie the knot喜結(jié)良緣get married. this is left over from the old tradition of handfasting, wherein the hands of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently.就是

10、指結(jié)婚。這是流傳下來的ih式傳統(tǒng)婚約,行禮時(shí)新娘和新郎的手會(huì)被一條絲帶綁在一起, 這象征著彼此將永遠(yuǎn)生活在一起。7. don't judge a book by its cover不要從書的封面來評(píng)斷(不要以貌取人)things aren't always what they appear to be at first glance, so it's a good idea to give somethi ng a cha nee, even if its outward appears nee isn't immediately attractive.萬事并非

11、總是如第一眼看到的那樣,所以不妨給某些事物一次機(jī)會(huì),即使其表面不夠抓人眼 球。8. when pigs fly當(dāng)豬會(huì)飛的時(shí)候this means ”never*. pigs aren't about to sprout wings and take flight anytime soon, so if some one says to their kid that they can get a forehead tattoo when pigs fly, it's not gonna happe n.這是暗指“永無可能”。因?yàn)樨i是不會(huì)長(zhǎng)出翅膀飛上天的,所以有人會(huì)這樣對(duì)小孩說,當(dāng)

12、豬會(huì) 飛了就可以紋頭紋,意思就是不可能。9. a leopard can*t change his spots豹子改變不了它的斑點(diǎn)(江山易改,本性難移)basically: you are who you are. just like a leopard can't concentrate really hard and change the pattern on its skin, people can't change who they really are at heart.基本就是說:你就是你。正如豹子無論怎么折騰也改變不了它皮膚上的圖案一樣,人們也無 法改變其本性。1

13、0. wear your heart on your sleeve把心放在袖管上(表緩感情)to freely show and express all of your emotions, as though your heart were on the outside of your body.盡情地表達(dá)出你所有的情感,想象成你的心是在身體外面一樣。11. bite your tongue!咬住你的舌頭?。ò察o)stick your tongue between your teeth (gently), and then try to speak. you can't say a word, can you? to bite one's tongue means to stay quiet: literally to hold the tongue still so it can't make a sound. this goes along with:把你的舌頭放在雙齒之間(輕輕地),然后試著講話。你一個(gè)字也說不岀來,是吧?讓某人 咬住牙齒就是指“保持安靜”:字面意思就是咬住舌頭,不讓它發(fā)出聲音。這有點(diǎn)像:12. put a sock in it閉上你的烏鴉嘴the idea be


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