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1、2022年河南省漯河市第九中學(xué)高三英語模擬試題含解析一、 選擇題1. raising _ retirement age step by step is in _ line with chinas labor market realities and should be prioritized.a. the; /b. /; thec. /; /d. the; the參考答案:a2.      to attend the course he is not interested in, brown always prefers   

2、0;   at home to do what he likes.    a. to go; to stay             b. to going; to stay         c. to going; staying         d. to

3、 go; staying參考答案:c3. only on this       will we be dressed in our traditional clothesaoccasion           btimes                    

4、;   ccircumstances                    dsituation參考答案:a4. _ his homework in time, he had to stay up late into the night.       a. finishing      &

5、#160;          b. having finished c. to finish           d. to have finished  參考答案:c略5. - would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?- if you make _ most of the equipment, there

6、 will be _ rise in production.a. 不填; 不填                 b. the; a                           

7、60;           c. 不填; a                         d. the; 不填參考答案:b6. some business owners are keen on public welfare. this is  &

8、#160;     local services have been funded.a. whetherb. whatc. whered. how參考答案:d【詳解】考查表語從句。句意:一些企業(yè)主熱衷于公益事業(yè),這就是地方服務(wù)的資金來源。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)并結(jié)合句意可知,此處為表語從句,從句中缺少方式狀語,故d項正確。7. a great deal of hotel business comes from people travelling not just for holidays but by people travelling _ their busin

9、ess activitiesain harmony with   bin conflict withcby order of        dby virtue of參考答案:d試題解析:考查介詞短語。a與協(xié)調(diào);與一致;b和沖突;c根據(jù)命令;d由于。句意:很多旅館生意不僅僅是來自于度假的人,也有因為商業(yè)活動來旅游的人。故選d.8. after five days climbing in  the mountain, they reached  _they thought was the

10、 place they d been dreaming of    athat       bwhere                cwhich  dwhat  w參考答案:d考查賓語從句的連接詞。此處reach是及物動詞,其后是賓語從句,what在賓語從句中作主語。9. i'm sure andrew will come out first i

11、n this gymnastic competition.i think so. he _ for it for months.ais preparing             bwas preparingchad been preparing  dhas been preparing參考答案:d句意:我肯定安德魯會在體操比賽中獲得冠軍。我也這樣認(rèn)為。他已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備了幾個月了。prepare的動作從過去某一時間開始一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,故用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時,選d項。10. “not f

12、ar away,” the man says, “       you that you will find a little supermarket around where you can wash your hands.”a. i promiseb. do i promisec. i have promisedd. have i promised參考答案:a11. he gained his _by printing _of famous writers.  a. wealths ; works   b .w

13、ealth; works  c. wealths; work  d. wealth ; work參考答案:b12.  in the office, we are required to sit still, keep our eyes on our own work,      to anyone.         a. instead of speaking       &#

14、160;              b. rather than speak       c. but would not speak                     d. and not to spe

15、ak參考答案:d 13. -how about _ christmas evening party? -i should say it was _ success. a. a; a        b. the; a        c. a; 不填       d. the; 不填 參考答案:b14. it is not until recently _ the scientists have fo

16、und proof of there being water on mars. a. when                       b. that                   

17、;       c. how                         d. what 參考答案:b15. it is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite _ to perform skillfully you

18、rself.     a. another                         b. other                     

19、c. the other                   d. others參考答案:a16. we are told that the siberian woolly mammoth stood _ a man and weighed as much as 10 elephants.a. twice height of         

20、60;   b. twice the height of  c. as twice high as            d. twice as higher as參考答案:b略17. tom,can i give you a hand with the dishes? _.ano,thanks          byes,my pleasurecno,ne

21、ver mind      dyes,i do參考答案:a18.  it is generally believed that a successful olympic games _relies on well-prepared it   services.a. onlyb. narrowly   c. largely d. simply參考答案:c19. only by doing things that your soul is eager to do _ life something f

22、ull of beautiful memories.a. could you make  b. you can make    c. can you make   d. you will make參考答案:c二、 書面表達(dá)20. 假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三學(xué)生李華,請根據(jù)以下四幅圖先后順序,介紹在“國畫之旅”活動中,向國畫藝術(shù)家學(xué)習(xí)國畫的過程,并以“a day with an artist of traditional chinese painting”為題,給??坝⒄Z角”寫一篇英文稿件。注意:詞數(shù)不少于60提示詞: 國畫traditio

23、nal chinese painting荷花lotus_參考答案:last friday, our class invited a well-known artist to teach us how to draw a lotus in chinese painting.as soon as the artist came into the classroom, he was given warm welcome which made him so happy. all of us wore big smiles. first, he showed us some skills of draw

24、ing a lotus. we watched him carefully around him. then each of us made an attempt to do it by ourselves under the careful instruction of him. finally, because of my excellent performance, i was awarded “outstanding young artist”. looking at the award, i felt very excited.through this experience, we

25、are all amazed at chinese painting and proud of being chinese. we hope we can have more activities of this kind in the future!試題分析:這是一篇看圖寫作,一共四幅圖。做題時:1. 認(rèn)真讀圖,可知四幅圖講述的是你目前的學(xué)習(xí)和生活情況以及畢業(yè)后的打算,2. 初步構(gòu)思,考慮用詞、短語、句型和時態(tài)。3. 連詞成句,然后再連句成文。盡可能地充分利用所學(xué)的短語或句型來表述具體的內(nèi)容。4. 反復(fù)審核,修改錯誤。5. 注意所給的漢語提示。一般說來,看圖寫話中的漢語提示往往給定了有關(guān)的時

26、間、地點(diǎn)、人物等相關(guān)的信息,還有參考詞匯都是有用信息。在把握了文章的中心后,應(yīng)在內(nèi)心構(gòu)思一個基本的框架,并考慮使用恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~語、短語和句型,以充分地表達(dá)文章的內(nèi)容。這是體現(xiàn)自身能力的重要一環(huán)。然后再將各圖的單個句子串連起來。串連時,要注意使用適當(dāng)?shù)倪B接詞語或過渡性語句,不至于讓讀者覺得文章中出現(xiàn)跳躍現(xiàn)象,更使上下文更為緊湊、自然【亮點(diǎn)說明】范文中運(yùn)用一些常見的短語made an attempt to do嘗試做某事;because of因為;looking at the award, i felt very excited.這個句子運(yùn)用到非謂語動詞的用法;we hope we can have

27、more activities of this kind in the future!這個句子運(yùn)用到賓語從句;三、 閱讀理解21. after spending the first five years of his life in san diego,adam driver's family packet up and moved to a small town in indiana,where adam enjoyed a ly routine adolescencethen the horrific events of september 11th made adam's

28、 life become anything but routinejust a few months following the events,driver decided to join the united states marine corpshe considered 9/11as being one of the reasons for joining the army,with his desire to leave indiana providing the resthe once said,"i'm grateful for having grown up i

29、n indiana,but i needed to go out and the marine corps was a nice,stable option"after serving for two and a half years,and just two months before he was sent to iraq,driver injured his sternum in a biking accidentafter he was healed,he injured it again during military training,which resulted in

30、an honorable medical dischargeafter leaving the military,driver decided to try his hand at actingat first he studied close to home at the university of indianapolis,but after just a year,he transferred to julliard in new york cityhe lived in a tiny apartment in hoboken,new jersey apartment while stu

31、dying drama at a prestigious performing arts conservatory(音樂學(xué)院)following his graduation in 2009,driver immediately began appearing in plays,including 2010's mrswarren's professionadam's first major television experience was a guest spot on law & order,and was soon followed by a s

32、mall role in the awardwinning film you don't know jack,which was driver's first experience working with home box officethen after landing his starmaking role on girls,driver was cast in a handful of feature films,including 2011's jedgar and 2012's gayby,not waving but drowning and frances hahe'll appear next year in the coen brother's inside llewyn davis and steven spielberg's lincoln25according to the passage one important reason why adam driver joined the army was that   ahis father was an army officerbhe wanted to become richche thought ind


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