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1、第1頁/共39頁第一頁,共40頁。第2頁/共39頁第二頁,共40頁。When you were a child , did you love your parents? How about now? And why?第3頁/共39頁第三頁,共40頁。How much do you really love your parents?Now, lets make a survey.Rules!1time limit (3 minutes) 2in English3tell the truth第4頁/共39頁第四頁,共40頁。 Questionnaire:1.Do you think your pa

2、rents understand you? A. yes B. A little C. Dont know2. Do you often quarrel with you parents? A. Rarely(很少) B. Sometimes C . often 3. Do you & your parents often talk to each other or have fun together? A . often B . sometimes C. rarely4. Do you & your parents have common interests or hobbi

3、es? A. Yes B. some C. no第5頁/共39頁第五頁,共40頁。5. Do they always force you to do things you dont like to do? A. never B.sometimes C.Yes, very often6. Do they ask for your opinions over some family issues? A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes C. Never7. If you have some problems or feel upset, will you choose t

4、o talk to your parents? A. Yes, I do B.sometimes C. No, I dont8. What do you think of the relationship between you and your parents?A. Very close B. Not so close C. distant第6頁/共39頁第六頁,共40頁。Congraduations!You&your parents get on well with each other.A.B.Just so so . You need to talk to your paren

5、ts more.C.Sorry , you must find every chance to communicate with your parents.第7頁/共39頁第七頁,共40頁。第8頁/共39頁第八頁,共40頁。Pains of Exams第9頁/共39頁第九頁,共40頁。Pains of Private第10頁/共39頁第十頁,共40頁。Pains of Friends第11頁/共39頁第十一頁,共40頁。Pains of Parents第12頁/共39頁第十二頁,共40頁。Do you have similar pains?Can you describe an experie

6、nce with your parents that was not pleasant?第13頁/共39頁第十三頁,共40頁。Pop musicHip hopStreet danceThings I like while my parents hate:Pop starsActivities my parents like me to do while I hate.To listen to old songsGeneration gapComputer gamesChatting on lineComic booksTo study all the timeTo attend classes

7、 in holidays第14頁/共39頁第十四頁,共40頁。A generation gap describes a vast difference in cultural norms(標準(biozhn) between a younger generation and their elders. The generation gap occurs when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and be

8、havior. What is generation gap? 第15頁/共39頁第十五頁,共40頁。Especially as one gets older, she or he isnt always understood by the elders, because of what she or he does, says or wears. So she or he will often have trouble or pains during their growth.What is generation gap? 第16頁/共39頁第十六頁,共40頁。第17頁/共39頁第十七頁,共

9、40頁。What kind of parents are the lovely ones in your eyes?第18頁/共39頁第十八頁,共40頁。lovely parents in my eyeskindhumorouslovingstrict open-mindedconsideratefairpatientlearnedhelpfulmodestforgiving/tolerant第19頁/共39頁第十九頁,共40頁。1. modest mdist adj.謙虛的;端莊的2. considerate knsidrit adj. 考慮周到的;體諒的3. forgivingfgv ad

10、j.寬容的;仁慈(rnc)的4. tolerant tlrnt adj.公平的;寬容的 第20頁/共39頁第二十頁,共40頁。第21頁/共39頁第二十一頁,共40頁。If parents and children want to get on well with each other, they shouldparentschildrenloveunderstandrespecthelplearn from each other第22頁/共39頁第二十二頁,共40頁。聽媽媽聽媽媽(m m)的話的話 詞:周杰倫曲:周杰倫小朋友 你是否有很多問號 為什么 別人在那看漫畫我卻在學畫畫 對著鋼琴說話

11、別人在玩游戲我卻靠在墻壁背我的 ABC 我說我要一臺大大的飛機但卻得到(d do)一臺舊舊錄音機為什么要聽媽媽的話 長大后你就會開始懂得這段話 哼 長大后我開始明白 為什么我 跑得比別人快,飛得比別人高 將來大家看的都是我畫的漫畫 大家唱的都是我寫的歌 媽媽的辛苦不讓你看見 溫暖的食譜在她心里面 有空就得多握握她的手 手把手牽著一起夢游 聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她 美麗的白發(fā) 幸福中發(fā)芽 天使的魔法 溫暖中慈祥第23頁/共39頁第二十三頁,共40頁。1. Have you ever seen the film Growing pains?2. Do you know som

12、e of its main characters?3. What does the film mainly talk about?Look at the following pictures.第24頁/共39頁第二十四頁,共40頁。第25頁/共39頁第二十五頁,共40頁。第26頁/共39頁第二十六頁,共40頁。Main charactersMike Seaver Ben Seaver Carol Seaver Jason Seaver Maggie Seaver Chrissy Seaver 第27頁/共39頁第二十七頁,共40頁。Growing pains第28頁/共39頁第二十八頁,共40

13、頁。6. What are usually the problems with parents?第29頁/共39頁第二十九頁,共40頁。interfereexpect too muchinfluencemake decisions for childrenforce children to do sth.question childrenProblems第30頁/共39頁第三十頁,共40頁。What?Who?When?Teenagers/Kids.When kids are between the ages of 3 and 5 or 8 and 12.The troubles and dif

14、ficulties that teenagers meet when they grow up.How? Talk to friends/parents/teachers. Write to magazines. See doctors.第31頁/共39頁第三十一頁,共40頁。1. Do your parents try to force you to do things you dont like?2. When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to?3. Can you de

15、scribe an experience with your parents that was not pleasant?第32頁/共39頁第三十二頁,共40頁。Further Discussions1. What kind of behaviors of yours will make your parents feel unhappy? List as many as you can.2. What would you do if your behavior upsets your parents? 3. Do you think there is a generation gap bet

16、ween you and your parents? Does the generation gap really exist? How do you overcome the gap?第33頁/共39頁第三十三頁,共40頁。Good parents in my eyes:kind, loving, humorous, strict, open-minded, fair, understanding, patient, learned, helpful, forgiving第34頁/共39頁第三十四頁,共40頁。第35頁/共39頁第三十五頁,共40頁。If parents and children want to get on well with each other, they shouldparentschildrenloveunderstandrespecthelplearn from each other第36頁/共39頁第三十六頁,共40頁。1. If the generation gap really exists, how do you overcome the gap?2. Write a note or two to your parents from your d


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