



1、萬圣節(jié)英語優(yōu)秀作文帶翻譯HaIIOWeen Helloween is Qn autumn holiday that AmeriCanS Celebrate every year. It means "holy evening end iting before AIl Saints Dey. HOWeVer; it is not really a ChUrCh holiday, it is a holiday for ChiIClren mainly.EVery autumr When the VegetableS are ready to eat, ChiIdren PiCk Iar

2、ge Orange PUmPkinS Then they CUt faces in the PUmPkinS and PUt a bur ning CandIe in Side .It IOOkS as if there Were a PerSOn IOOking OUt Ofthe PUmPkin! TheSe IightS are CaIled jack-oJenterns, WhiCh means "Jack Ofthe Iantern”.The Chilclren also PUt On Strange masks and frightening COStUmeS every

3、 HaIIOWeen. SOme ChilClren Paint their faces to IOOk Iike monSterS Then they Carry boxes Or bags from house to house EVery time theyNOt Only children, but most grown-ups also IOVe HaIlOWeen end HaIIOWeen PartieS because On this day,they can disguise themselves as PerSOnages Or ghost as their imagina

4、tions WiIl Iead them. ThiS bring them the SatiSfaCtiOn Of being young萬圣節(jié)前夕萬圣節(jié)前夕是美國人年年都會(huì)慶祝的秋季節(jié)日。它的意思是神圣的夜 晚,在每年的10月31日,也就是萬圣節(jié)前夜。但實(shí)際上這不是一個(gè)真正的宗 教節(jié)日,而主要是孩子們的節(jié)FL每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的時(shí)候,孩子們就會(huì)挑出大個(gè)兒的橙色南瓜。 然后在南瓜上刻上一張臉,把一根點(diǎn)燃的蠟燭放在里面??雌饋砭秃孟裼腥嗽?向南瓜外而張望。這些燈就叫做zIack-O-Iantems",意思也就是"杰克的燈。每年萬圣節(jié)前夕孩子們還戴上奇怪的面具,穿上嚇人的

5、服裝。有些孩子把 臉?biāo)⒊晒治铩H缓笏麄兡弥凶踊虼影ぜ野舸T。每來到一個(gè)新房子他們 就說:“不款待就搗亂!給錢還是吃的!大人們就會(huì)把用來招待的錢或糖放在他們 的袋子里了。不僅孩子,許多成年人也喜歡萬圣節(jié)前夕和萬圣節(jié)前夕晚會(huì)。因?yàn)檫@一天 他們可以根據(jù)自己的想象把自己裝扮成名流或幽靈。這會(huì)帶給他們年輕的快 感。HaIIOWeen is a holiday CeIebrated On OCtOber 31. By traditiOrb HaIlOWeen begins after SUn set.萬圣節(jié)前夜是在10月31日慶祝的一個(gè)節(jié)日,根據(jù)傳統(tǒng),萬圣節(jié)前夜的慶 ?;顒?dòng)從太陽落山開始。LOng

6、ago, PeOPle believed that WitCheS gathered together and ghosts roamed the WOrld On HaIlOWeen.在很久以前,人們相信在萬圣節(jié)前夜女巫會(huì)聚集在一起,鬼魂在四處游 蕩。TOdayz most PeOPIe no IOnger believe in ghosts and WitCheS BUt these SUPernatural beings are StiIl a Part Of HaIlOWeen.現(xiàn)在,大多數(shù)人們不再相信有鬼魂和女巫的存在了,但是他們?nèi)匀话堰@些 作為萬圣節(jié)前夜的一部分。The COIOr

7、S black and Orange are also a Part Of HaIlOWeen. BIaCk is a SymbOl for night and Orange is the COlOr Of PUmPkinS黑色和橙色仍然是萬圣節(jié)前夜的一部分,黑色是夜晚的象征,而橙色代表 著南瓜。Ajack-o,-lantern is a hollowed-out PUmPkin With a face CarVed On One Side Can dies are USUaIIy PlaCed in side, giving the face a SPOOky glow.南瓜燈是用雕刻成臉型

8、,中間挖空,再插上蠟燭的南瓜做成的,帶來一個(gè) 毛骨悚然的灼熱而孔。DreSSing UP in COStUmeS is One Ofthe most POPUIar HaIlOWeen customs, especially among ChiIelren.盛裝是最受歡迎的萬圣節(jié)風(fēng)俗之一,尤其是受孩子們的歡迎。ACCOrding to traditiOrb PeOPle WOUId ClreSS UP in COStUmeS (Wear SPeCialCIOthing, masks Or disguises) to frighten the SPiritS away按照傳統(tǒng)習(xí)俗,人們會(huì)盛裝(穿

9、戴一些特殊的服飾,面具或者裝飾)來嚇跑鬼 魂。POPUlar HaIIOWeen COStUmeS inClUde VamPireS (CreatUreS that drink blood), ghosts (SPiritS Of the dead) end Were WOlVeS (PeOPIe that turn into WOlVeS When the moon is full).流行的萬圣節(jié)服裝包JS VamPires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的靈魂)和 WereWOlves(每當(dāng)月圓時(shí)就變成狼形的人)。TriCk Or Treating is a modern Helloween

10、 CUStOm Where ChiIdren go from house to house dressed in COStUmez asking for treats Iike candy Or toys欺騙或攻擊是現(xiàn)代萬圣節(jié)的風(fēng)俗。孩子們穿著特殊的衣服走街串巷,討取糖果和玩具之類的賞 賜。If they dont get any treats, they might PIay a trick (mischief Or Prank) On theOWnerS Ofthe house如果他們得不到任何的賞賜,就可能會(huì)對屋主大搞惡作劇或者胡鬧了。The traditiOn Of the JaCk

11、o Lantern南瓜燈的傳統(tǒng)來自于一個(gè)民間傳說。一個(gè)名叫Jack的人戲弄了惡魔,之后 就不得不提著一盞燈在地球上流浪。The JaCk o Lantern is made by PlaCing a CandIe inside a hollowed-out PUmPkin,WhiCh is CarVed to IOOk Iike a face南瓜燈是用雕刻成臉型,中間挖空,再插上蠟燭的南瓜做成的。There are many Other SUPerStitiOnS associated With HaIlOWeen. A SUPerStitiOn is an irrational idea,

12、Iike believing that the number 13 is UnIUCkyl和萬圣節(jié)有關(guān)的迷信還有很多。迷信是一種不合常理的想法,比如認(rèn)為13 是不吉利的數(shù)字!HaIlOWeen is also associated With SUPernatUral CreatUreS Iike ghosts end vampires.萬圣節(jié)還和一些諸如鬼魂和吸血鬼之類的超自然的生物有關(guān)。TheSe CreatUreS are not Part Ofthe natural WOrld這些生物不是自然界的一部分。They dont really exist. Or do they?他們實(shí)際上是不

13、存在的或許他們其實(shí)真的存在?WitCheS are POPUIar HaIlOWeen CharaCterS that are thought to have magical POWerS.女巫是萬圣節(jié)很受歡迎的人物,人們認(rèn)為她們具有強(qiáng)大的魔力。They USUaIly Wear POinted hats and fly around On broomsticks他們通常戴著尖頂?shù)拿弊?,騎在掃把上飛來飛去。Bacl OmenS are also Part Of HaIlOWeen CeIebrations.惡兆也是萬圣節(jié)慶祝活動(dòng) 的一部分。A bad Omen is SOmething tha

14、t is believed to bring bad luck, Iike black cats, SPiderS Or bats人們相信惡兆會(huì)帶給壞運(yùn)氣,黑貓、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是惡兆。HaIlOWee nHaIlOWeen is an autumn holiday that AmeriCanS CeIebrate every year It means "holy evening and itEVery autumn, When the VegetabIeS are ready to eat, Children PiCk Iarge Orange PUmPkinS Then the

15、y CUt faces in the PUmPkinS and PUt a burning can die inside It IOOkS as if there Were a PerSOn IOOking OUt Ofthe PUmPkin! TheSe IightS are CaIIed jack-oJenterns, WhiCh means "Jack Ofthe Ianternl,The ChiIclren also PUt On Strange masks end frightening COStUmeS every HaIlOWeen. SOme Children Pai

16、nt their faces to IOOk Iike monSterS Then they Carry boxes Or bags from house to house EVery time theyNOt Only ChiIdrenz but most grown-ups also IOVe HaIlOWeen end HaIIOWeen PartieS because On this day,they Can disguise themselves as PerSOnageS Or ghost as their imaginations WiIl Iead them. ThiS bring them the SatiSfaCtiOn Of being young.萬圣節(jié)前夕萬圣節(jié)前夕是美國人年年都會(huì)慶祝的秋季節(jié)日。它的意思是"神圣的夜 晚,在每年的10月32日,也就是萬圣節(jié)前夜。但實(shí)際上這不是一個(gè)真正的宗 教節(jié)日,而主要是孩子們的節(jié)日。每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的時(shí)候,孩子們就會(huì)挑出大個(gè)兒的橙色南瓜。


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