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1、高考英語單項選擇:暑假自測題32及答案解析第一節(jié) 單項填空 (-信息來自china daily)從a、b、c、d四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項。1. do you think guangzhou evergrande will beat south korean k-league champions jeonbuk hyundai motors at the coming match?_. there are a lot of famous stars in guangzhou team.a. of course not b. it depends c. dont mention

2、it d. by no means2. despite all the hype and glory, jeremy lin, who is _nba's first american-born player of chinese descent , is known as_ humble and sometimes shy guy.a. the ;不填 b. a ;the c. a ; 不填 d. the; a3. the two economic reports were delivered by our president at the board last monday and

3、 _was very instructivea. either b. all c. none d. neither4. such behavior is not_ international trade rules, nor does it obey american law,"a. in line with b. in terms of c. in favor of d. in view of5. china will _government functions and balance the relationship between government and the mark

4、et。a. transform b. transfer c. transport d. translate6. experiments of this kind in china before the cultural revolution in chinaa. have conducted b. have been conducted c. had conducted d. had been conducted7. before attending the npc held in beijing as a deputy ,he had made a lot of investigations

5、 about this issue, turned out to be a wise decisionathat bwhich cwhen dwhere8. the director couldnt figure out _ made his assistant spend so much time in doing the survey.a. what it was that b. why it was thatc. how that was d. what was it9. it is no_ the attacks on the dollar have been led by count

6、ries that are politically opposed to the us.a. coincidence b. chance c. purpose d. account10. i _ to donate a large sum of money to you sooner but i didnt know that your nonprofit hospital was in trouble.a. had come b. was coming c. would come d. would have come11. he said that he would go to the ce

7、ntral and western region _ he graduated from zhejiang university.a. usually b. frequently c. immediately d. constantly12. the tourists from australia _have hurried to the airport-the flight was called off because of the heavy fog.a. mustnt b. couldnt c. neednt d. wouldnt13. without honest analysis t

8、hey are not _to improve the present situation.a. likely b. possible c. probable d. maybe14.how do you find the wedding dress that my mother has chosen for you ?_, really. i am more than happy.a. nothing worse b. just in the bedroomc. sorry, so-so d. much to my taste15. the factory produced a large a

9、mount of furniture last year, so far 65 percent of which _ exported to some european countries.a. has been b. are c. was d. were16. to our surprise, _ to the rich, even though many people devote all their lives to work, they cant afford to own a house.acompared bcomparing ccompares dbeing compared17

10、. mary _ her job as an agent in a travel agency in september and moved to canada in search of new opportunities there.a. exposedb. resignedc. appointedd. required18. china should help migrant workers' gain equal _ to public services and welfare benefits in cities by establishing a mechanism to s

11、hare the cost.a. access b. passage c. way d. approach19. hundreds of drunken left-wings threw stone, bricks and bottles at the police and attempted to escape_ but faileda. having been punished b. to have been punished c. to be punished d. being punished20.messages that abuse or threaten others, and

12、have commercial or advertising content or links may be_ when you submit some comments on the internet.a. motivated b. initiated c. removed d. deserved參考答案單項選擇120、ddaaa dbaad ccada ab a dc*結(jié)束11the officer gave orders that anyone _ a gun should be reported to the police station.a. saw take b. seen tak

13、ing c. seeing take d. seen taken【答案】b 【解析】試題分析:考查過去分詞做定語結(jié)構(gòu)。此題考查的是固定結(jié)構(gòu):see sb doing sth看見某人做某事;本句中的anyone與see構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系故使用過去分詞,seen taking a gun是修飾名詞anyone,句意:官員下令然后一個被看見拿著槍的人都應(yīng)該向警察報告。故b正確??键c:考查分詞做定語點評:考查分詞做定語。當(dāng)分詞做定語的時候,如果構(gòu)成分詞的動詞與名詞構(gòu)成主動關(guān)系,就使用現(xiàn)在分詞做定語;當(dāng)二者構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,使用過去分詞做定語。單獨的一個分詞做定語要放在名詞的前面,分詞短語做定語要放在分詞的后面。

14、12do you think shopping online will_ _take the place of shopping in stores?a. especially b. frequently c. merely d. finally【答案】d【解析】試題分析:考查副詞:a. especially尤其是,b. frequently經(jīng)常地c. merely僅僅d. finally最終,句意;你認(rèn)為網(wǎng)上購物最終會取代商店購物嗎?選d??键c:考查副詞點評:副詞要記住各個副詞的詞義,在做題時要注意上下文的邏輯關(guān)系。13he slowed the bleeding by pressure t

15、o the wounds until the ambulance arrived.a. assessing b .approving c. applying d. appointing【答案】c【解析】試題分析:動詞辨析。a評估;b贊成,支持;c運用;申請;涂;敷藥;d任命。句意:通過壓著傷口,他慢慢地止住了血直到救護車到來。根據(jù)句意說明c正確。考點:考查動詞辨析點評:動詞的詞義辨析要放在上下文中進行,要注意一詞多義的現(xiàn)象。c項是考查重點。除了申請,還有涂;敷藥的意思。14foreign ministers of the two countries hold regular meetings,

16、 they can exchange views on international issues of both concern.a .what b. where c. which d. why【答案】b【解析】試題分析:考查定語從句:先行詞是regular meetings,定語從句中缺少地點狀語,句意:兩國的外交大使經(jīng)常開會交換雙方關(guān)心的國際事務(wù)的觀點。選b??键c:考查定語從句點評:關(guān)系代詞在句中作主語,賓語,表語或者定語;關(guān)系副詞在句中做狀語。所以要分析句子中缺什么成分來確定使用何種關(guān)系詞。whose在定語從句中放在名詞前面做定語。15it is said that sandstorms

17、 will become more _ as a result of global warming.a. frequent b. normal c. formal d. rare【答案】a【解析】試題分析:考查形容詞:a. frequent頻繁的 b. normal正常的c. formal正式的d. rare罕見的,句意:據(jù)說,因為全球氣候變暖沙塵暴會變得更頻繁。選a??键c:考查形容詞點評:我們在平時學(xué)習(xí)的時候,要加強詞匯記憶,同時也要掌握其用法和區(qū)別。16how did she lose so much weight as expected? eating less, she jogged

18、for several miles every day.a. in spite of b. in addition to c. instead of d. thanks to 【答案】b【解析】試題分析:考查介詞短語:a. in spite of雖然 b. in addition to此外c. instead of相反的d. thanks to 多虧了,句意:-她怎么象預(yù)期一樣減了那么多肥?-除了少吃,她每天慢跑幾英里。選b??键c:介詞短語辨析點評:此題考查了介詞的短語辨析,在平時要加強識記,此題的4個項考查都很多。17mary broke up with me!you_ have forgo

19、tten about the valentine's dayashouldn't bcouldn't c. needn't dmustn't【答案】a【解析】試題分析:考查情態(tài)動詞的完成式用法:shouldnt have done本不該做而做了,couldnt have done過去不可能做了,neednt have done本不必做而做了,must如果接完成式要用肯定,句意:-瑪麗和我分手了。-你不該忘記情人節(jié)。選a。考點:考查情態(tài)動詞的完成式點評:情態(tài)動詞的完成式有兩種用法:一種是對過去情況的推測,一種是對過去的虛擬,做題時要結(jié)合上下文來判斷。還要注

20、意情態(tài)動詞的語氣。18the hall for international conferences is of great importance. i see, and we are sure to complete it on time.a. built b. to be built c. having been built d. building 【答案】b【解析】試題分析:句子主干為:the hall is of great importance。be of great importance be very important,主語the hall 后為非謂語動詞短語作后置定語。因the hall 與動詞build 之間為被動關(guān)系,首先排除 b,從答句中的.we are sure to complete it on time 可知該大廳還沒有完工,因此排除表示“被動完成的a、c 兩項,而選表示“未


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