1、高考英語總復習測試題-1第一局部:聽力共兩節(jié),每題2分,總分值20分第一節(jié)共5小題。聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一小題,從題中所給的a、b、c三個選項中選出最正確選項。每段對話僅一遍。聽第一段對話,答復第1題。1what did the girl advise the boy to do?ashe advised him to speak more english.bshe advised him to do more reading.cshe advised him to listen to bbc english.聽第二段對話,答復第2題。2whats the girl going to
2、do?ashe is going to speak more slowly.bshe is going to speak more clearly.cshe is going to write more clearly.聽第三段對話,答復第3題。3why did the girls uncle leave the factory?abecause the owner is bad to the workers.bbecause he wanted to get more money.cbecause he found a better job.聽第四段對話,答復第4題。4why are the
3、 students tired of mr.zhou?ahe doesnt work hardbhe speaks too much in classches often late for class聽第五段對話,答復第5題。5whose watch has the man repaired?amr klarkesbmrs.klarkescbettys第二節(jié)共5小題。聽下面2段對話或獨白。每段對話后有幾個小題,從題中所給的a、b、c三個選項中選出最正確選項。每段對話讀兩遍。聽第六段對話,答復第68題。6what happened to arms father?ahe died in the f
4、irebhe was badly hurtche was ill and needed to be looked after7where was amys father when the accident happened?ain tennessebin kentuckycin florida8when did the accident happen?ayesterday eveningbat two in the morningcat four in the morning聽第七段對話,答復第910題。9where was the woman badly hurt?ain the stree
5、t.bnear her housecin her house10how many people were there in the womans family?afourbthreectwo第二局部:英語知識運用第一節(jié):單項選擇共30題;每題1分,總分值30分11the slave owners in the south grew rich the work of slaves not the work their own.ain,ofbon,oncwith,indon,of12when the civil war and how long it ?adid ,break out,did la
6、stbdid,break out,was ,lastedcwas,broken out,was,lasteddwas,broken out,did ,last13lincoln fought bravely slavery the slaves.afor,againstbagainst, forcwith,withdwith,for14do you think its a good idea? .ai dont carebim not to agree with youcim afraid i dont think sodim glad i dont agree15nick is lookin
7、g for another job because he feels that nothing he does his boss.aserves bsatisfiescpromisesdsupports16he looks a teacher,but in fact he is a senior student in our school.alike,no more thanblike,not more thancas,no more thandas,not more than17this work a lot of time and energy.acalls atbcalls inccal
8、ls ondcalls for18they enjoyed the days they the farm last week.aspent onbcost oncstayed indtook in19those who the plan tried to explain to those who did not it.aagainst,agreebwas for,agree tocwere against,agree withdwere for,agree to20it is a question of idiom rather than of grammar.athatbwhichcwhat
9、done21all but dick the walls in the house yellow.awant,paintedbwants,paintedcwant,to paintdwants,to paint22what kind of car has your father bought?ford.its white one over there.a/;abthe;aca;thed/;/23how happy it was for the old man his son again!ato be seenbto seecseeingdto seeing24 ?“no. do as you
10、like.acould you go to my birthday party this evening?bi want to have a drink here.ccan i go now?dwould you mind my closing the window?25 do you find hardest in computer?awhat bwhencwheredwhich26 is important hard for the people.athat,to studybit,to studycit,studyingdthat,studying27although she has d
11、one much more hes paid as much .athan ever,than everbthan ago,as evercthan ever ,as everdthan before,as always28you need a lot of .so from now on you should .apractice,practise writingbpractise,practise to writecpractises,practice to writedpractices, practice writing29most people think not easy to m
12、aster a foreign language.athisbthatcitdyou30your tie your shirt.adoesnt go withbisnt matchcdoesnt go todisnt matck with31this made to join up with his parents again.afor denver impossiblebdenver impossiblecimpossible for denverdit impossible for denver32do you happen to have twenty yuan with you? ?a
13、how muchbhow do you knowcwhat fordwhen will you pay me back33the hunter tried to the tiger,but he it.ashoot,missedbshoot at,shootcshoot at,misseddshoot,shot34today is sunday.we are free what we like.ato doingbto docto be doneddoing35my mother is always dreaming of buying a house .aof her ownbon his
14、owncto herselfdof hers36her glasses, she was a blind man,fell to the ground and broke.awith whichbwithout whichcthough whichdwhich37we cant forget those who the well when we drink water it.ahad dug, frombdig, throughcdug,fromdare digging,through38there ane many books on radio, this is one example.af
15、rom whichbof whichcwhichdinto which39thousands and thousands of black people in america ,so they fought for freedom and their rights.awere beaten to deathbhad been beaten to deathchad beaten to diedhave been beaten to death40during her stay in that village, she did everything for the farmers there.a
16、as possible as she couldbas good as possiblecas many as coulddas well as possible第二節(jié):完形填空共20小題,每題1.5分,總分值30分閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從所給的a、b、c、d四個選項中,選出最正確選項。41 the summer you should be 42 more careful than 43 of the food 44 prepare.food spoils 45 in the hot weather than in cold 46 .when you are 47 ,buy froze
17、n and refrigerated food last.dont make long stops on the way 48 ,because frozen 49 could become soft and warm.using insulated隔熱bags 50 keep food cold 51 you can get home.milk and milk products should be refrigerated immediately.when camping露營or 52 a picnic,or at any time 53 refrigeration 54 availabl
18、e 可得到的, 55 special dry food.dont leave food in a 56 hings 57 meat,chicken eggs and salad色拉should 58 in a cooler冰箱.above all, 59 a food doesnt seem to be nomal 60 appearance,discard丟棄it immediately.dont taste it.41aduringbatcwhendit42aevenbevercbutdnow43ausuallybusualcbeforedtime44aonebhectheydyou45a
19、fasterbquickcquicklydfast46awindbweathercraindstorm47ashopbshoppedcshopingdshopping48ahomebat homecto homedfrom home49astopbshopcbagsdfood50ahelpbto helpchelpsdhelping51aafterbwhencuntildthough52ahavingbhavecto havedhad53awhichbwhatcwheredwhen54aisntbiscaredarent55ausebusedcusingdto use56acoolbcoldc
20、hotdhotter57aas ifblikeclikesdliked58akeepbkeptckeepingdbe kept59aifbbecausecsincedafter60ainbatcfromdbehind第三局部:閱讀理解:共15小題,每題2分,總分值30分閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的a、b、c、d四個選項中,選出最正確選項。amen sometimes say:“we are better and cleverer than women.women never inventd things.we do.it is true that men have invented a lot
21、of useful things: the alphabet, machines, rockets, and guns, too.but scientists and archeologists考古學家now agree that women invented one very important thing.it had changed the history.they invented agriculture.before the invention of agriculture men were hunters.they went out every day.sometimes they
22、 killed animals-sometimes animals killed them.life was difficult and dangerous.women had to go out every day,too.they collected roots,fruit, and grass.then,one day,more than 10,000 years ago,a woman dropped some grass seeds.she dropped them near her home in the middle east.they grew-and the first wh
23、eat was born.the idea grew,too.women liked baby animals,dogs,cows,sheep and goats.that idea grew,too.then their husbands did not have to go huntings for meat.they stayed at home.they built villages and cities. men began civilization-after women invented agriculture.61sometimes men think that .athey
24、have rights as equal as women in inventionsbwomen have changed the historycthey have more abilities than womendwomen are not so bright as they are62before agriculture was invented,life was diffcult and dangerous because .asometimes animals killed menbwomen had to go hunting with their husbandscmen h
25、ad to fight against anaimlsdonly men went out for food every day63when the first wheat appeared,which of the following sentences shows womans ideas had grown?athey dropped some grass seedsbthey didnt go out to get food any longercthey began to grow plants.dthey stayed at home and looked after their
26、children animals.64men began civilization after women invented agriculture because .athey had to build villages and citiesbthey didnt have to help women with cropscthey raised animals at homedthey didnt have to go hunting for food all their time65which one do you believe according to the passage?awo
27、men are better and cleverer than men.bwomen invented many useful things like men.cwomen played a very important part in agriculturedwomen were great in civilization.b因此animals and man need plants in order to live.this is why we find that there are so many plants around us.if you look carefully at th
28、e plants around you,you will find that there are two kinds of plants:flowering plants and non-flowering plants.flowering plants can make seeds.the seeds are protected保護by the fruits.some fruits have one seed,some have two,three or four,and some have many seeds.but a few fruits have no seeds at all.a
29、n example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit.most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds.they grow from spores孢子.spores are very,very small.some spores are so small and light that they can float漂浮in the air.we may say that spores are quite the same as seeds.when these spores fall on w
30、et and shady places,they usually grow into new plants.66the main idea of the first paragraph段is that .aplants are important for lifebplants can not grow without aircthere are many plants around usdwe can not live without water67the best title of the passage is .aplantsbliving thingscflowering plants
31、dman and plants68which of the following is not true?aplants can be divided into two main types:flowering plants and non-flowering plantsball fruits have seeds in them.cseeds are protected by the fruits.dsome plants grow from spores.69the word“non-floweringin this passage means .a開花的b有花的c多花的d不開花的70in
32、“shadyplaces there is .aa lot of sunshineba lot of watercno waterdlittle sunshinecolympia,a beautiful small town in south of greece,is well known all over the world for its first holding the olympic games as long ago as 776 b.c.at first,the games were said to be national,and then it became internati
33、onal.those except women who took part in the first olympic games only had a 200-yard race.as the time went on,the events became more and more.the games were held once every four years.this custom lasted for about 1,170 years,but stopped with the rulers of rome in 394 a.d.in order to renew the spirit
34、 and thought shown in the ancient greek olympic games,a frenchman,cowbertin managed to start the games again.so the modern olympic games were held in 1896 to promote the international understanding through players.nine nations took part in the games,but this time they were held not in olympia,but in
35、 athens,greece.since then the olympics have grown steadily with more and more nations and sportsmen and sportswomen taking part in.nowadays,the games are held in different countries in turn.but because of the world wars the games were not held in 1916 nor in the year 1940 and 1944,they had been regu
36、larly held ever since then.71the olympic games were named after .athe country of greeceba frenchman called cowbertincthe name of the capital city of greece athensda small beautiful town of olympia72the city of olympia has a history of .a776 yearsbabout 2,000 yearsc1,996 yearsdmore than 2,770 years73
37、which one of the following statements is true according to the passage?aolympia held the games at least two times.bthe first olympic games were held in 394 a.d.conly sportsmen could take part in the first games.dthe first world war broke out in the year 1944.74the games were opened again in modern a
38、ge in order to .agive players a good chance to get the medalsbincrease friendship among players from different countriescmake much more money for every countrydsettle the difference in politics among the different nations75the passage does not tell us,but we know that the chinese people have been tr
39、ying to ask for holding olympic games in .a25th;1996b26th; 1996c27th; d28th; 第四局部:單詞拼寫共10小題,每題1分,總分值10分根據(jù)所給的第一字母或中文拼寫單詞.1.now the slaves were set free.that means they have got their f .2.political leaders are active in p .3.the american c war broke out in 1860.4.albert lincoln brought s to and end.5
40、.madam curie is c as the greatest woman scientist in the world.6.they havent got a 多余room for us in their house.7.george bush is the 總統(tǒng)of the united states.8.liu hulan died a heroic 死.9.the house belongs to you by 法律. 老實,he can be trusted.第五局部:短文改錯共10小題,每題1分,總分值10分此題要求改正所給短文中的錯誤。對標有題號的每一行作出判斷:如無錯誤,在
41、該行右邊橫線上畫一個勾;如有錯誤每一行只有一個錯誤,那么按以下情況改正:該行多一個詞:把多余的詞用斜線劃掉,在該行右邊橫線上寫出該詞,并也用斜線劃掉。該行缺一個詞:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號,在該行右邊橫線上寫出該加的詞。該行錯一個詞:在錯的詞下面劃一橫線,在該行右邊橫線上寫出改正后的詞。注意:原行沒有錯的不要改。one day when it was time for the supper,1. turners were sitting at the table and waiting 2. for their daughter come back.the parents 3. are worr
42、ied.at last she came back and told 4. them that had happened.when she was seeing 5. a football match,a thief picked up 6. her pocket and ran away.what could she do? 7. she had to ask a police on duty for help 8. and got back for her money.when hearing 9. this,the mother asked her daughter not go out
43、 10. alone,but she said“april fool.第六局部:完成句子共20個空格,每空1分,總分值20分根據(jù)所給的中文意思完成以下句子,每空一詞1很幸運的是,他物理考試及格了。 him, he the physics examination.2我做了能做的一切來幫助這個窮孩子。i did help the poor boy.3這是我自己的房子。this is house .4當我到達那里時,他們正在地里摘棉花。they cotton the field when i arrived there.5他不得不在業(yè)余時間里自學英語。he had to learn english
44、his spare time.6到目前為止我的英語仍然很差,但我繼續(xù)跟著播送學習。 my english remains weak,but i will keep on it the radio.高一英語參考答案及評分標準unit 13 abraham lincoln聽力材料:第一節(jié):聽下面對話,選出最正確選項。(text1) m:i find it difficult to learn english.w:why not listen to bbc english? itll help you improve your listening.(text2) m:you speak too fast. i find it difficult to follow you.w:yes? ok. let me speak more slowly.(text3) m:i hear your uncle has left the factory.w:so he has. the owner makes the workers work fourteen hours but pay
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