



1、毛毛蟲怎樣才能到達(dá)大海另一頭Will a caterpillar ever be able to reach the other side of the sea? ”毛毛蟲怎樣才能到達(dá)大海另一頭?”Yes, if metamorphosis turns it into a butterfly . ”變成蝴蝶飛過去?!盉ut from the mome nt the iron bird Ian ded in the roari ng no ise of Loga n Airport with its wingsproudlyspread , my wings withered quietly i

2、n thisunfamiliarcoun try.然而,當(dāng)我乘坐的那只鐵鳥驕傲地展著雙翼,在轟鳴聲中降落在洛根機場時,我的翅膀卻在這陌生的國家悄然萎縮了。I thin k. .I don'k no w. .I just want to say. My voice trailed off into theclamor of the granddining hall of Deerfield Academy, my face paralyzed from smili ng, no body liste ning.我覺得我不知道我只想說在"Deerfield Academy 華麗的

3、食堂的喧囂聲中,我的聲音被淹沒了;我的臉因強笑而僵硬。沒人在聽。Time is up ! "Soft as it was, the firm voice of my English teacher exploded inmy head. Myha nds trembli ng, sweaty and cold fin gers could hardly hold the pen in positi on, un der which laya nunfini shedin essay about the sig ni fica nee ofa passage from James Jo

4、yce ' Ulysses.時間到了!”英語老師輕聲卻不容置疑地說道。我的腦子嗡地一響,濕冷的手指險些握不住筆。筆下是一篇尚未完成的作文,題目是尤利西斯的段落分析。Bewildered and frustrated, I found myself able to raise my head, like most ofthe Asia nstude nts, only in math class.在迷惑與沮喪之中,我如同許多亞裔學(xué)生一樣,只能在數(shù)學(xué)課時尋找安慰。Helen, what is your name in Chinese?" Rosie, a girl with pi

5、nk cheeks, askedme one mornin gas I dropped my back pack onto the seat next to her.Helen,你的中文名字是什么?"坐在我旁邊有著粉色臉頰的Rosie在我放下書包時問道。Gao Yuxin ”,1 pronouncedclearly in standard Chinese,slightly startled by thespontaneityof the question . Why ?""Gao Yuxin." 我用清晰的中文回答,對問題感到有些意外。怎么了 ?”Jus

6、t interested. Can you write it there?" She pointed at the board.好奇而已。你能寫在這里嗎?”她指了指白板。I prin ted my n ame in Chin ese characters高雨莘"in the center of the board.The class fell into silenee . I turned and faced thequestio ningeyes, which remin ded me of an America n idiom I had lear ned in En

7、glish class in China:It's all Dutch to me課堂陷入安靜。我轉(zhuǎn)過身,面對著詢問的眼神,想起了一個我在中國時學(xué)過的英文習(xí)語:"It ' all Dutch tome."Yuxi n (雨莘)is my first n ame. Yu (雨)meansto rain ' or to give rain ' and n ' meansmany 'To give rain to the many'sta nds for my pare nts'hope that I can nou

8、rish and.a nd bring joy tothe many people around me“雨莘'是我的名字,雨'勺意思是 下雨或使下雨'為許多人帶來雨一為我周圍的人帶來快樂和幫助。莘'勺意思是許多'我父母希望我能Mild laughter, even one or two whistles rose from the 安靜中響起幾聲輕笑和口哨聲。Wow ! ” Cool ! ”silenee . Wow . ” Co6l ! ”But I am new . ” murmured,I think I n eed your help more

9、tha n you n eed mineess in the air and the. intimidatedby the still n 'eyes.amuseme ntin my classmates不過我是新來的,”我小聲說,在教室的一片寂靜中和同學(xué)饒有興趣的眼神下感到有些緊張。比起你們,我可能更需要幫助.”So, what are the four little dots in the character那么,雨字中間的四個點是什么意思?”Rosie問道。rbin ' ?Rosie asked.They are rain drops是雨點?!盬hat if I put

10、eight dots in it 如果我點八個點呢?Hmm.Big rain, then.” answered, suppressing the laugh jumping into my throat.那就是大雨的意思,”我回答道,抑制住喉嚨中想笑的沖動。Really! That 'funny ! ”真的?太逗了。 ”Just kidding ! "escaped my lips.開玩笑的,”脫口而出。A slight trace of puzzlement clouded Rosie'face.一絲困惑劃過Rosie的臉龐。Hahahaha ! "No

11、Ion ger could I restrain the laughter. Three sec onds later the whole classjoi ned in.哈哈哈! ”我忍不住大笑起來。幾秒鐘后整個課堂跟著笑起來。Now, Rosie, redde ned withembarrassme nt, in deed resembled a peony in fullbloom.Rosie的臉因?qū)擂味兊猛t,如同一朵盛開的牡丹。For the first time since my arrival to the school, I laughed with suchaba ndon

12、and my oldease, as Gran dma said, with which fish swims in water. The Deerfi eld river, not the YangtzeRiver, but the same fish.那是我來到這所學(xué)校后第一次笑得如此自在。如同我奶奶說的:如魚得水。由長江來到Deerfield 河,還是同一條魚。Hele n Keller, after whom I n amed myself in En glisha privilege reserved for most Asia nstude nts coming Westmirac

13、ulously man aged tocom mun icatewith the world andnourishedthe many" despite her loss of vision and hearing. From the moment she learned her fi rst word water "by feeli ng the flow of the coldstream running from a tap across her fin gers,shehad taken her first step into the human river.我和其他來西方留學(xué)的亞洲學(xué)生一樣,有幸能夠為自己選擇英文名。我的英文名來自于海 倫凱勒(Helen Keller)。盡管她又聾又瞎,卻仍能與世界交流,奇跡般地為他人帶來幫助。 她用手指去感覺自來水管中流出的冷水,學(xué)會了她的第一個單詞一一水”。從那一刻起,她踏進(jìn)了人類的長河。More than a century later, a


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