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1、設(shè)備驗(yàn)收流程及設(shè)備檢驗(yàn)規(guī)格書以下為設(shè)備驗(yàn)收流程 , 僅供參考 :1.0 Machine qualification activities description設(shè)備驗(yàn)收執(zhí)行過程描述Afterreceivingmachines, itwillspend 1week to verifymachine functionand reliability before send it to user. Below describes in details how to verify machine step by step until machine delivery to site according

2、to the flowchart.收到設(shè)備后,需要1 周時(shí)間驗(yàn)證設(shè)備的功能和可靠性。以下定義設(shè)備檢驗(yàn)步驟。Qualification Flowchart檢查驗(yàn)收流程圖 :1.1 Verification Preparation檢驗(yàn)準(zhǔn)備It is required to prepare the following items before starting verifying machine: 檢驗(yàn)前需準(zhǔn)備以下事項(xiàng)1) Machine 設(shè)備2) Machine drawings 設(shè)備圖紙3)Machine verification specification & checklist設(shè)備檢

3、查規(guī)格和清單4)Machine labeling and machine control number設(shè)備標(biāo)識(shí)及客戶資產(chǎn)編號(hào)5) DUT樣品6)Test Station if required測試站7)Measurement if required檢查工具或設(shè)備1.2General Information Completed設(shè)備信息的填寫Atthis beginning, Pls. fillin thegeneral information of machine, suchas machine number, description, revision, control number, ser

4、ialnumber, equipment ID number, verified by, verify date and so on. Below is for referenced: 開始請?zhí)顚懺O(shè)備信息如編號(hào) , 描述 , 版本等等 , 以下可供參考1.2Documents Verifying文件檢查This sectionis to check ifthe machine willbe verifiedby using correctrelative documents, software, test station, DUT etc; So it need tocomplete the

5、following items, see below for reference:這里主要檢查和確認(rèn)是否用最新且正確的圖紙 , 規(guī)格 , 軟件 , 測試位 , 樣品等來檢驗(yàn)設(shè)備 , 請參考如下 :1.2Mechanical/Pneumatic Verifying機(jī)械和氣動(dòng)部分的檢查This section is mainly to verify mechanical and/or pneumatic portion ofmachines. If result for each itemis accepted, concession or rejected, Pls. complete the

6、comment/resultcolumn with “OK”,“UAI” or“NG” and signed the name in checked bycolumn.If it is UAI or NG, it is better to add some comments on thecolumn and also annotate the comment on machine labeling for tracking.If itisgood, just complete with“OK” and no need to annotate on machinelabeling. Below

7、items are step by step:這里主要是機(jī)械和氣動(dòng)部分的檢查 . 對每個(gè)檢查項(xiàng) , 結(jié)果主要有三種 : 接受 , 讓步接受 , 拒絕 . 如果是讓步接受或拒絕 , 請?jiān)诮Y(jié)果欄里填上“ UAI”或“ NG”,也可加些備注,同時(shí)必須備注在設(shè)備標(biāo)識(shí)上以便跟進(jìn) . 如果是接受 , 請?jiān)诮Y(jié)果欄里填上“ OK”即可 . 下面是檢查的具體項(xiàng)目:1) Verify raw materials for manufacturing parts are correct at documented type, Common &ESD Material檢查機(jī)械加工件的原材料是否正確 ( 非 ES

8、D材料 ) 檢查要求防靜電的零件材料是否正確 (ESD 材料 )2) Verify surface treatment for manufacturing part is correct atdocumented type and no any scratch/damage/broken on surface and no any sharp edge or burrs.檢查機(jī)械加工件表面 ( 顏色 , 處理工藝是否正確 ,外觀有否擦傷痕跡 / 銳邊 / 尖角等 )3) Verify all parts are manufactured according to correct drawing

9、,especially critical dimension must be verified in spec and enclosed when delivery.確保機(jī)械零件按圖加工,要求提供符合要求的關(guān)鍵尺寸表4) Verify manufacturing parts are assembled in proper fashion and no missing檢查機(jī)械加工部件的裝配是否正確及完整 , 有沒有裝反 , 裝錯(cuò)或遺漏5) Verifyallfasteningparts(screw,washer, nut,bolt,spacer,are assembled correctly a

10、nd no missing and securely at documentedtorque檢查緊固件 ( 螺絲螺母卡簧等 ) 是否安裝正確 , 完整及可靠circlip)6) Verifycriticalcomponents(cylinder,bearings,linear,etc)isassembledcorrectly & cant be alternative unless specified.檢查關(guān)鍵標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件 ( 氣缸 ,軸承軸套 , 導(dǎo)軌等 ) 是否安裝正確 ,不可替代除非特別指示7) Verify all pneumatic parts are no pressure le

11、ak, adjusted in correct position, proper function and at documented pressure value, speed, and travel smoothly without sticking or binding檢查氣動(dòng)元件在指定氣壓下是否漏氣 , 安裝正確 , 工作正常 , 動(dòng)作順暢 , 速度異常等現(xiàn)象 , 并備注實(shí)際氣壓值 .8) Use DUT to verify all guide parts are fit for alignment用樣品檢查定位件的對位是否準(zhǔn)確9) Verify all rubber parts ha

12、rdness, colour and check if it fittings/align with DUT and mark hardness value.檢查硅膠件的硬度 , 顏色及與樣品的配合是否過緊過松或偏位 . 并備注硬度值10) All moving parts are verified unobstructed throughout their entirecourse of travel檢查所有移動(dòng)零部件是否移動(dòng)順暢11) Verify fittingly/smoothly operation of loading and unloading of DUT檢查設(shè)備放置樣品及取出

13、樣品是否順暢 , 便利 , 無干涉無阻礙等12) Verify machine will be secure and safety during operating檢查設(shè)備在使用過程中是否可靠 , 安全 , 不可有夾傷或損傷操作人員的危險(xiǎn)和隱患1.2Electrical Verifying電子部分的檢查This section is mainly to verify electrical portion of machines. Theguideline is the same as above. Below items are step by step:這里主要是電子部分的檢查 .要求同上

14、.下面是檢查的具體項(xiàng)目:1) VerifyWIREis properlysecured,layoutis reasonable,strainrelievedwith correct length and measure connection by manual elect measuring檢查連線的長度 ,是否在設(shè)備使用中有干涉,布線是否合理 ,人工檢測連線正確性2)Verify PCBA is populated correctly and check I/O value manually according to schematic/diagram檢查電路板是否按圖和 BOM加工 , 電

15、子零件是否貼裝正確 , 人工檢測輸入輸出電壓電流是否正常2) Verify NEEDLE and PCB beds against drawing and connection well in specified compression of needles檢查探針連線是否按圖正確連接,和 PCB的針位是否通電4)Verify CABLES are function by manual electrical measuring and/or when connected with testing equipment, and also verify length of cable, verif

16、y value & soldering of resistors, capacitors, diodes when they are solderwith shrink tubes and with connectors.人工檢查或連接到設(shè)備上以確認(rèn)電纜的連接是否連通 , 電纜的長度是否正確 , 電纜和零件焊接時(shí)是否有短接虛焊 , 是否有熱塑管保護(hù)5) Verify that ALL CONNECTIONis proper contacted per schematic or wiring diagram before power on最終通電前,檢查所有連接是否按電路圖正確連接6)

17、Verify Critical Component cant be alternated unless specify關(guān)鍵電子件不可替代除非特別指示7) Verify function of LED通電檢查 LED指示燈的功能是否正常8) Verify function of SENSORS and if assembled correct檢查感應(yīng)器功能及安裝位置是否正確9) Verify BATTERY CONNECTOR/CONTACT is assembled correctly and measure electrical battery pin by manual electrica

18、l measure檢查電源連接器 / 連接件是否安裝正確 , 人工檢查是否通電10) Verify SYSTEM CONNECTOR is assembled correctly and function when connected with station檢查系統(tǒng)連接器是否安裝正確 , 是否與測試位連接正常11) Verify ANTENNA is assembled correctly and function檢查天線是否安裝正確 ,功能是否正常12) Verify MICROPHONE is assembled correctly & function檢查麥克風(fēng)是否安裝正確 ,

19、 功能正常13) Verify SPEAKERis assembled correctly and its function by using signal generator equipment檢查揚(yáng)聲器是否安裝正確,用信號(hào)發(fā)生器檢查其功能是否正常14) Verify RF CONNECTOR is assembled correctly and its function when engage and compression檢查高頻連接器是否安裝正確,在接合及壓縮時(shí)其功能是否正常15) Verify RF INTERFACE BOXES shielding function檢查屏蔽箱的功能

20、16) Verify EARCOUPLERis assembled correctly and in correct position atdocumented specified檢查耳機(jī)藕合器是否安裝準(zhǔn)確,位置是否正確 ,功能是否正常7.2Function and GR&R Verifying設(shè)備功能和可靠性檢查This section is mainly to verify function and GR&R of machines. The guideline is the same as above. Below items are step by step:這里主要是

21、設(shè)備功能和可靠性的檢查.要求同上 .下面是檢查的具體項(xiàng)目:1) Verify base machine function with test software用測試程序檢查通用設(shè)備部分是否功能正常2) Verify application machine function with DUT& test software用樣品和程序檢查應(yīng)用設(shè)備的功能3) Verify final machine (including base machine, application machine, DUT, Test software) have been functionally tested a

22、nd pass tests用樣品和程序檢查整個(gè)設(shè)備的功能是否通過測試4) Run GR&R test and verify all results are passed (Dev<=0.2,3DUT, 3Operators, 10times/DUT, Total 90times)檢查設(shè)備的重復(fù)性和可靠性 (3 個(gè)操作員分別用 3 個(gè)樣品進(jìn)行測試 , 每樣測 10 次 , 共 90 次, 偏離不可大于 0.2)7.3Buy Off and Signature設(shè)備最終驗(yàn)收和簽名This step describesbuying offand sign of machine ifiti

23、s verified.qualification result should be: Pass, UAI, Rejected and Scrapped. Theresult will be identified on machine labeling for each machine. When amachines is verifiedpass, itis requiredto sign a <<machine verificationThespecification &checklist>> finally and documented and delivery with machines. Below is reference:這里規(guī)定如何最終驗(yàn)收設(shè)備, 每個(gè)設(shè)備檢查的結(jié)果由設(shè)備檢查規(guī)格書來判定。 每個(gè)設(shè)備附帶一份該設(shè)備檢查規(guī)格書并備案。 送交設(shè)備時(shí),一份最終簽署的設(shè)備檢查規(guī)格書和設(shè)備一同送出。1.8 Delivery to Site設(shè)備驗(yàn)收后交送Once machines are buy-off and documented


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