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1、真誠為您提供優(yōu)質(zhì)參考資料,若有不當(dāng)之處,請指正?!颈局v教育信息】一. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:一輪復(fù)習(xí) 八年級上Units 58教學(xué)過程I. 重點(diǎn)短語Unit Five1. study for a test 為考試而學(xué)習(xí) 2. have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課3. go to the doctor 去看醫(yī)生4. Id love to. 我愿意。5. another time 下一次6. Thanks for asking. Thanks a lot for the invitation. 謝謝邀請。7. the day after tomorrow 后天 8. keep quiet 保持安靜

2、 9. the whole day 整天10. come over to 過來Unit Six1. in some ways 在某些方面2. look the same 看起來一樣 3. look different 看起來不同 4. enjoy going to the parties 喜歡參加晚會5. more than 多于;超過6. in common 共用;共有7. asas 同一樣8. be good at 擅長;在方面做得好9. the same as 與一樣10. make me laugh 使我大笑11. most of 大多數(shù)12. be good with childre

3、n 善待孩子們13. enjoy telling jokes 喜歡講笑話14. teacher wanted 招聘老師Unit Seven1. turn on 打開 2. cut up 切碎3. o 把倒進(jìn)4. peel the bananas 剝?nèi)ハ憬镀?. how many/much 多少6. one teaspoon of 一茶匙7. a cup of 一杯8. mix up 混合在一起9. a slice of bread 一片面包10. puton 把放在上11. addto 把加到上12. on the top 在頂部Unit Eight1. school trip

4、郊游2. hang out閑逛3. take photos照相【走近中考】Whos the little baby in the photo, Susan? Its me. This photo ten years ago.A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken 4. what else 別的什么【走近中考】Believe yourself. Youre better than . Youre the best. Wish you success! A. anyone else B. someone else C. else anyone 5. af

5、ter that在那之后6. at the end of the day在一天結(jié)束時7. sleep late睡懶覺8. go for a drive開車兜風(fēng)9. take a class上課10. on my next day off在我的下一個休息日11. a busy day off一個繁忙的休息日12. all day整天13. putout把拿出來14. in the yard在院子里15. have a yard sale舉行一次庭院出售16. in my opinion據(jù)我看來17. See you soon. 很快又會見面。18. in the future將來19. come

6、 back from從回來20. be with sb. 與在一起II. 重要句型:We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me.both 表示“兩者都”,all表示“(三者或三者以上)都”。例如:There are shops on both sides of the street. 街道兩邊都有商店。There are five children in the room. They are all Mr Greens children.房子里有5個孩子,他們都是格林先生的孩子。注意它在句子中的位置。一般在行為

7、動詞之前,be動詞之后。例如:They both like playing basketball. 他們倆都喜歡打籃球。The two students are both from Class 5. 這兩個學(xué)生都是5班的。We Chinese. So you and I have black eyes and black hair.A. are all B. all are C. both are D. are bothHe cant stop talking. stop doing sth. 意為“停止做某事”,指停下正在做的事;stop to do sth. 意為“停下來去做某事”,指去做

8、另一件事。例如:They stopped singing. 他們停止了唱歌。We should stop to have a rest. 我們應(yīng)該停下來休息。The baby stopped crying. 那個孩子停止了哭泣。Class is over. The students stop .A. study B. studying C. to study D. will study【走近中考】Stop so much noise! My father is sleeping. A. to make B. making C. to hear D. hearing Turn on the bl

9、ender. turn on 意為“開,旋開(電燈、煤氣、自來水、無線電等)”,其反義詞組是turn off“關(guān)(水源、煤氣、電燈等)”。例如:Please turn on the light. 請把電燈打開。Please turn off the TV when you leave the room. 離開房間時請關(guān)掉電視?!皠釉~副詞”構(gòu)成的短語動詞的賓語如果是代詞,只能放在動詞和副詞之間,如turn it on不能說成turn on it,但如果賓語是名詞,既可以放在動詞和副詞之間,也可以放在副詞的后面。The baby is sleeping, please the radio.A. t

10、urn on B. turn to C. turn down D. turn upCan you the radio? We cant hear clearly.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down【走近中考】 those lights, please. Dont use so much energy. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn off D. Turn on Please the light when you leave the room. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn

11、off Please the lights before you leave the classroom. A. turn right B. turn left C. turn on D. turn off I need some help.need 作為實(shí)義動詞,意思是“需要”,后面可以接名詞、代詞或動詞不定式。例如:He needs another pen. 他還需要一支鋼筆。He needs to go there early. 他需要早些到達(dá)那里。need 還可以作情態(tài)動詞,在句中沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,后面跟動詞原形,一般只用于否定句和疑問句中。例如:You neednt worry a

12、bout his study. 你不必為他的學(xué)習(xí)擔(dān)心。Need he come here at once? 他需要馬上到這里來嗎?相關(guān)鏈接:在回答以need引導(dǎo)的疑問句時,其肯定回答要用must;在以must為首引導(dǎo)的疑問句中,其否定回答要用neednt。例如:Need I go there tomorrow? “明天我需要去那里嗎?”Yes, you must. “是的,需要?!盡ust he go there tomorrow? “明天他非得去那里嗎?”No, he neednt. “不,他不必?!盰ou need warm clothes, or youll catch a cold.A

13、. wear B. wears C. to wear D. wearingNeed we go now? . Its dark already.A. Yes, you need B. Yes, you must C. No, you mustnt D. No, you neednt 【走近中考】Must I get up early tomorrow?No, . A. you mustnt B. I dont think you have to C. you cant D. you need Must I finish the work today?No, you . You finish i

14、t tomorrow. A. mustnt; must B. neednt; may C. cant; may Must I return the magazine to you right now, Sandy?No, you . You may keep it until next Wednesday. A. neednt B. cant C. must D. may Did you have fun camping?have fun doing sth. 意為“做是有趣的”,與have a good time, enjoy oneself同義。句中fun是不可數(shù)名詞,意為“樂趣,興致”。

15、fun前可以用no, much, a lot of 等修飾。例如:The child is having a lot of fun playing computer games. 這孩子玩電腦游戲玩得正開心?!咀呓锌肌縒e went to the beach and had great fun in the water. A. to play B. playing C. played III. 交際用語:Jenny, can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure, Id love to. Can you? 意為“你能嗎?”是客氣地請求

16、某人做某事的句子。接受邀請常用I would (Id) love to 或者Thanks a lot或者Certainly. 來應(yīng)答。如有事不能接受邀請,則說:Im sorry, but I cant 這種句式中,用could 比can 語氣委婉,顯得有禮貌,而用can則比較隨便。例如:Can you come to my home for dinner? 你能來我家吃晚飯嗎?Im sorry, I cant. 很抱歉,我不能來。Can you go shopping with me? 你能和我一起去購物嗎?Sure, Id love to. 當(dāng)然可以,我很樂意。Thanks for aski

17、ng. Thanks for asking 相當(dāng)于Thank you for asking。后接名詞或動名詞形式,表示“因?yàn)槎兄x”。例如:Thanks for helping me. 謝謝你幫助我。Thanks for your advice. 謝謝你給我的勸告。Thank you for me for dinner.A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. invitedIV. 重要語法:形容詞和副詞的比較級形容詞和副詞的比較級用于兩者(人或事物)之間的比較,突出其中一個所比較的人或事物。比較級常見的句型有:1. A is比較級than B. 意為:A 比

18、B要更。例如:He is older than you. 他比你大。Mary is happier than Tom. 瑪麗比湯姆更高興?!咀呓锌肌縄 think real cards are than e-cards. A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest Our family has bought a car so we can travel than before. A. most easily B. less easily C. easily D. more easily 2. Which / Who is 比較級,A or B? 意為:A

19、 和B 哪一個 / 誰更?例如:Which is bigger, the moon or the earth? 月亮和地球,哪個更大?Who is taller, you or he? 你和他,誰的個子高?【走近中考】Who runs , Tom or Jim? A. fast B. faster C. fastest 3. 有時因?yàn)楸槐容^的對象不需要說出來,句中就會省略“than被比較的對象”,這時要根據(jù)上下文的暗示來判斷形容詞的級別。例如: The woman has a son and a daughter. The son is younger. (younger 后省略了than t

20、he daughter ) 那個女人有一兒一女,兒子要小一些。 Are you feeling better now? (句末省略了than before ) 你現(xiàn)在感覺好些了嗎?【走近中考】What delicious cakes!They would taste with butter. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse After the education reform in Shandong Province, the pupils have time to relax and homework to do. A. less; more B. mor

21、e; less C. fewer; more D. much; many Lets go to the new restaurant on 24th Street for dinner tonight.We can cook it at home. Its . A. expensive B. more expensive C. less expensive D. the most expensive If there are people driving, there will be air pollution. Yes, the air will be fresher. A. less; l

22、ess B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 4. asas與一樣,表示兩個人或事物在某一方面程度相同時,用“as形容詞或副詞原形as”的句型,其中第一個as是副詞,修飾后面的形容詞或副詞,而第二個as是連詞,連接比較狀語從句,從句中與主句相同的部分往往省略。如:His drawing is as good as mine. 他的繪畫和我的一樣好。Frank runs as fast as Sam. Frank與Sam跑得一樣快?!咀⒁狻縜sas的否定句是not asas或not so as表示某人或某物在某一方面不及其他人或物。Liu Y

23、ing isnt as/so smart as Liu Yang.Pedro doesnt jump as/so high as Paul.【走近中考】Is English than history?No, English isnt so as history. A. easier; more difficult B. difficult; more difficult C. more difficult; easier D. more difficult; difficult The dish is delicious!Well, at least its the one I cooked

24、yesterday. A. as good as B. worse than C. as well as D. as bad as 使用比較級時還應(yīng)注意以下情況:(1)比較應(yīng)在同類事物之間進(jìn)行誤:Your English is worse than me.正:Your English is worse than mine. 為了避免重復(fù)累贅,比較狀語從句中常有某些成分被省略,但作為“比較的對象”的成分不能省掉,否則會造成不合邏輯的比較。誤句中把me和your English這兩個不屬同類的東西相比較,顯然不合邏輯,改成正句中的mine (= my English) 便屬同類比較了。再如:誤:T

25、he students of Class One study harder than Class Two. 正:The students of Class One study harder than those of Class Two.誤:In winter, the weather of Beijing is colder than Shanghai.正:In winter, the weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai.【走近中考】The machine made in China are cheaper than made

26、 in Japan. A. ones B. that C. those D. it (2)比較要符合邏輯誤:Shanghai is larger than any city in China. 正:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.正:Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China.當(dāng)比較的人或物超過兩個時,我們使用 “any other 單數(shù)名詞”或“the other 復(fù)數(shù)名詞”的結(jié)構(gòu)。誤句中的“any city(任何一個城市)”包括了Shanghai,上海不能比它本身還大。再

27、如:正:Zhang Hua is taller than any other boy in his class.正:Zhang Hua is taller than anyone else in his class.但如果比較中的二者不屬同一群體,則不能用other。如:The teacher is taller than any student in the class.【走近中考】Peter jumps than any other boy in our school. Im sure he will be the winner in the high jump. A. higher B.

28、 longer C. faster D. farther Why was Mrs. Smith angry with Jack?Because he worked than the others. A. more carefully B. worse C. better D. more clearly (3)比較級前的修飾語誤:My brother is very older than I.正:My brother is much older than I.very, too, so, quite, rather, nice等詞修飾原級,不可與比較級連用。比較級前的修飾語可以表示比較的程度,常

29、見的有:even, a little, a bit, much, a lot, far等。例如:This book is far more interesting than that one. 這本書比那本書有趣得多。 This text is a bit easier. 這篇課文稍容易一點(diǎn)。The little girl feels even worse. 小女孩感覺更不舒服了。【走近中考】Jack, how are you feeling today?Much . I think I can go to school tomorrow. A. better B. worse C. brig

30、hter D. weaker. How are you today, Bob?Im even now. I dont think the medicine is good for me. A. better B. worse C. happier D. unluckier What bad weather!Yes. The radio says it will be even later on. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst (4)比較級前加the誤:He is taller of the two.正:He is the taller of the two

31、.英語形容詞的比較是對兩種性質(zhì)相同的人或事物的比較。如“A比B高?!保⒄Z中有兩種翻譯方法,一是把A、B都說出來:A is taller than B. ;另一種是只說出其中一個人:A is the taller of the two. 因此在“主語謂語the 比較級of the two復(fù)數(shù)名詞”的句型中,比較級前的the不能省去。再如:The boy is the cleverer of the two. 這個男孩是兩人中較聰明的一個。(5)比較級的其他用法“比較級and比較級”表示“越來越”。例如:After the operation, she felt better and bette

32、r. 手術(shù)后,她感覺越來越好了。We hope our country will become more and more beautiful. 我們希望我們的國家變得越來越美麗。“The 比較級, the 比較級” 表示“越,就越”。例如: The more we get together, the happier well be. 我們越在一起,我們就越快樂?!咀呓锌肌縍emember this, children. careful you are, mistakes you will make. A. The more; the fewer B. The more; the few C

33、. The more; the less The more you read, you will get. A. the less B. the most C. the more D. much more you study, grades you will get. A. The hard; the good B. The harder; the better C. Harder; better 【典型例題】1. Which girl is (athletic), Julia or Tina?2. The weather today is much (good).3. The poor ma

34、n feels even (bad) than before.4. He is too tired to walk any (far).5. Ruby is (thin) and (funny) than me.6. Tom is pretty (healthy), but his brother Sam is (healthy) than him.7. It rained yesterday as (heavy) as it does today.8. He is (old) of us two.9. Our life is getting and (good).10. This story

35、 is far (interesting ) than that one. 參考答案:1. more athletic 2. better 3. worse 4. farther 5. thinner, funnier 6. healthy, healthier 7. heavily 8. the older 9. better, better 10. more interesting How many bananas do we need?How much yogurt do we need?how many 和how much 都表示“多少”,但是how many用來詢問可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量,后

36、面要接可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式;how much用來詢問不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量,其后要接不可數(shù)名詞,另外,how much還可詢問價格。例如:How many cows are there on the hill? 在山上有多少只奶牛?How much water do you need? 你們需要多少水?How much is the jacket? 這件夾克多少錢?【走近中考】How many do you want every week? A. milk B. water C. apples milk do you want?Three bottles, please. A. How much B.

37、 How many C. What There are three bags of milk on the table. (對劃線部分提問) milk are there on the table? 知識鏈接:英語中表示不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量時,常用“數(shù)詞量詞of不可數(shù)名詞”來表示,需要注意的是“量詞”可以有復(fù)數(shù)形式。例如:a slice / piece of bread 一片面包 two slices / pieces of bread 兩片面包 a glass of yogurt一杯酸奶 three glasses of yogurt 三杯酸奶【走近中考】Id like and an apple

38、. A. three breads B. three slices of breads C. three slices of bread D. three slices bread 【模擬試題】(答題時間:70分鐘)I. 單項(xiàng)選擇1. Thanks a lot for me your house.A. invite; for B. inviting; to C. inviting; for D. invitation; for2. Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday? . Ill have a dinner with my grandparen

39、ts.A. Sure B. OK C. Sorry D. It doesnt matter3. Can you stay here longer? . I have to be back home tomorrow.A. Yes, I cant B. Im afraid not C. Id love to D. No, thank you4. The poor lady had to go out for food a cold morning.A. in B. at C. on D. during5. I am quiet. My sister is me. A. the same as B

40、. same as C. different with D. different6. some ways, he looks like his brother.A. On B. Of C. In D. At7. All the pupils enjoy computer games.A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays8. Now Emma works than before.A. more carefully B. more careful C. much carefully D. much careful9. My T-shirt is much o

41、lder than .A. hers B. her C. she D. shes10. Its good for your health to have every day.A. two glass of milk B. two glass of milks C. two glasses of milk D. two glasses of milks11.How is he getting on with his spoken English?Great. Now he can speak English his English teacher.A. as good as B. as bett

42、er as C. as many as D. as well as12. Her parents friendly to us.A. are both B. both are C. is both D. both is13. ? It was really awful. It rained and rained all day long, so I had to stay at home. A. When was your day off B. What was your day off C. Where was your day off D. How was your day off14.

43、We waited hours for a taxi. We gave up and walked home.A. at the beginning B. in the end C. at first D. at least15. Did you go anywhere ?No, I didnt go to any places.A. else; other B. other; else C. else; else D. other; other16. Excuse me. Is there a flight to Shanghai?Just a minute, please. I have

44、to my computer.A. check B. open C. keep D. collect17. Could you the music? I cant hear it clearly.Sure.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down18. slices of bread do you need?A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How heavy19. All the children like Mr White very much because he often makes the

45、m .A. laughed B. laugh C. laughing D. to laugh20. Of the two toys, the child chose .A. the one most expensive B. the least expensiveC. the less expensive D. most expensiveII. 完形填空I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zoo. When you are _21_, you can go there with your family. _22_ the zoo, th

46、ere are many animals: elephants, deer, _23_, rabbits and other animals. Elephants are the _24_ animals on land. I _ 25_ there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to _26_at it. Yu Xuan wants to go with me. She says, “_27_we go there together?” “Sure!” I say. “We can _28_ a good time there. But l

47、ets _29_ there at half past four. I have _30_ homework to do.” 21. A. busy B. free C. young D. clean 22. A. In B. On C. For D. Near 23. A. monkeys B. monkey C. two monkey D. one monkeys 24. A. youngest B. smallest C. biggest D. tallest 25. A. listen B. listen to C. hear of D. hear 26. A. looks B. ha

48、ve a look C. see D. have a see 27. A. Can B. Could C. Shall D. Would 28. A. get B. have C. be D. has 29. A. goes B. go C. to go D. going 30. A. few B. little C. much D. many III. 閱讀理解AToms CalendarMondayMorning: schoolAfternoon: soccer practiceEvening: do homeworkThursdayMorning: schoolAfternoon: ba

49、bysittingEvening: help my parentsTuesdayMorning: schoolAfternoon: visit Uncle LiEvening: study for the testFridayMorning: schoolEvening: Susans partyWednesdayMorning: schoolEvening: do homeworkSaturdaySunday31. How many days does Tom have to go to school in a week? A. Seven. B. Five. C. Six.32. When

50、 does Tom go to Susans party? A. On Tuesday. B. On Sunday. C. On Friday.33. What is Tom doing on Thursday afternoon? A. Visiting Uncle Li. B. Babysitting. C. Helping his parents.34. Does Tom study for the test on Friday? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.35. What does Tom do over the weekend? A. Go to school. B. Soccer practice. C. He can do anything he wants to do. BLong long ago, an o


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