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1、1. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?A. Language is a systemB. Language is symbolicC. Animals also have languageD. Language is arbitrary2. Which of the following features is NOT one of the design features of language?A. Symbolic B. Duality C. Productive D. Arbitrary3. What

2、 is the most important function of language?A. Interpersonal B. PhaticC. Informative D. Metalingual4. Who put forward the distinction between Langue and Parole?A. Saussure B. ChomskyC. Halliday D. Anonymous5. According to Chomsky, which is the ideal user's internalized knowledge of his language?

3、A. competence B. paroleC. performance D. langue6. The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it?" is .A. informative B. phaticC. directive D. performative7. Articulatory phonetics mainly studies .A. the physical properties of the sounds produced in speechB. the perception of sound

4、sC. the combination of soundsD. the production of sounds8. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in .A. the place of articulationB. the obstruction of airstreamC. the position of the tongueD. the shape of the lips9. Which is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of

5、 speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription?A. Phonetics B. PhonologyC. Semantics D. Pragmatics10. Which studies the sound systems in a certain language?A. Phonetics B. PhonologyC. Semantics D. Pragmatics11. Minimal pairs are used to.A. find the distin

6、ctive features of a languageB. find the phonemes of a languageC. compare two wordsD. find the allophones of language12. Usually, suprasegmental features include _ ,length and pitch.A. phoneme B. speech soundsC. syllables D. stress13. Which is an indispensable part of a syllable?A. Coda B. Onset C. S

7、tem D. Peak三、判斷analyst collects samples of the language as it is used, not according to some views of how it should be used. This is called the prescriptive approach.Ftranscription is normally used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds.F臺州學(xué)院考試題1. Articulatory Phonetics studies the phys

8、ical properties of speech sounds.2. English is a typical intonation language.3. Phones in complementary distribution should be assigned to the same phoneme.4. Linguistic c is a native speaker ' s linguistic knowledge of his language.1. The relationship between the sound and the meaning of a word

9、 is a.2. P refers to the realization of langue in actual use.3. Linguistics is generally defined as the s study of language.1. Which of the following branch of linguistics takes the inner structure of word as its main object of study?A. Phonetics. B. Semantics.C. Morphology. D. Sociolinguistics.3. W

10、hich of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop?A. w. B. m.C. b. D. p.6. What phonetic feature distinguishes the p inplease and the p in speak?B. Aspiration C. Roundness D. Nasality11. Conventionally a is put in slashes.A. allophone B. phone C. phoneme D. morpheme13. Language is tool of communica

11、tion. The symbol“highway closed " serves.A. an expressive function B. an informative functionC. a performative function D. a persuasive function14. Which of the following groups of words is a minimal pair?A. but/pub B. wet/which C. cool/curl D. fail/find16. What are the dual structures of langu

12、age?A. Sounds and letters.B. Sounds and meaning.C. Letters and meaning.D. Sounds and symbols.19. Which of the following is one of the core branches of linguistics?A. Phonology.B. Psycho-linguistics.C. Sociolinguistics.D. Anthropology.IV. Translate the following linguistic terms: (10 points, 1 point

13、each)A. From English to Chinese B. From Chinese to English1. acoustic phonetics6. J1用言吾言孥2. closed class words4. distinctive featuresVI. Answer the following questions briefly. (20 points)1. Define phoneme (4 points)2. Explain complementary distribution with an example.(5 points)3. What are the four

14、 criteria for classifying English vowels. (4 points)問答答案 1. A contrastive phonological segment whose phonetic realizations are predictable byrules. (4 points)(or: A phoneme is a phonological unit; it is a unit that is of distinctivevalue.)2. The situation in which phones never occu門n the same phonet

15、ic environment.(4 points ).p and p h never occu門n the same position.(1 point )3. the position of the tongue in the mouth(1 point), the openness of the mouth(1 point), theshape of the lips(1 point), and the length of the vowels. (1 point)Chapter 1 Introductions to LinguisticsI.Choose the best answer.

16、 (20%)1. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used forhuman A. contactB communicationC. relationD. Community2. Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. typewriterC. crashD. Bang3. The function of the sentence“Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.isA. interrogativeB. d

17、irectiveC informativeD. Performative4. In Chinese whensomeonebreaks a bowl or a plate the host or the peoplepresent are likely to say “碎碎(歲歲)平安” as a meansof controllingthe forceswhich they believes feel might affect their lives. Which functions does it perform?A. InterpersonalB. EmotiveC Performati

18、veD. Recreational5.Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome the barriers caused by time and place , due to this feature of language, speakers of a language are free to talk about anything in any situation?A. TransferabilityB. DualityC. DisplacementD. Arbitrarine

19、ss6. Study the following dialogue. What function does it play according to the functions of language? A nice day, isn t it? Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.A. EmotiveB. PhaticC. PerformativeD. Interpersonal7. refers to the actual realization of the ideal languageuser s knowledge of the rules of h

20、is language in utterances.A. Performance B. CompetenceC. LangueD. Parole8. When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for somethingor at someone that exists hear and now. It couldn t be sorrowful for some lostlove or lost bone. This indicates the design feature of .A. cultural transmissionB. pr

21、oductivityC. displacementd. duality9. answers such questions as how we as infants acquire our firstlanguage.linguisticsC. SociolinguisticsD. Applied linguistics10. deals with language application to other fields, particularlyeducation.A. Linguistic theoryB. Practical linguisticsC. Applied linguistic

22、sD. Comparative linguistics11. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%)11. Language is a means of verbal communication. Therefore, thecommunication way used by the deaf-mute is not language.F13. Speaking is the quickest and most efficient way of the humancommunication systems

23、.14. Language is written because writing is the primary medium forall languages. F15. We were all born with the ability to acquire language, whichmeans the details of any language system can be genetically transmitted.F16. Only human beings are able to communicate. F17. F. de Saussure, who made the

24、distinction between langue andparole in the early 20th century, was a French linguist.F18. A study of the features of the English used in Shakespeare stime is an example of the diachronic 歷時 study of language. F19. Speech and writing cameinto being at muchthe sametime in human20. All the languages i

25、n the world today have both spoken and writtenforms. FIII.Fill in the blanks. (10%)21. Language, broadly speaking, is a means of _verbalcommunication.22. In any language words can be used in new ways to meannew thingsand can be combined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules. This feature

26、 is usually termed _ creativity_ .23. Language has many functions. We can use language to talk aboutitself. This function is .24. Theory that primitive man made involuntary vocal noises whileperforming heavy work has been called the _ yo-he-ho theory.25. Linguistics is the _ systematic study of lang

27、uage.26. Modern linguistics is in the sense that the linguisttries to discover what language is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe.27. One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy ofover writing.28. The description of a language as it changes through time is astudy.

28、29. Saussure put forward two important concepts. refersto the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.30. Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure s langue andChomsky s .IV.Explain the following terms,using examples. (20%)31. Design feature32. Displacement33. Compet

29、ence34. Synchronic linguisticsV.Answer the following questions. (20%)35. Why do people take duality as one of the important designfeatures of human language? Can you tell us what language will be if it has no such design feature?(南開大學(xué),2004)35.Duality makes our language productive. A large number of

30、different units can be formed out of a small number of elements - for instance, tens of thousands of words out of a small set of sounds, around 48 in the case of the English language. And out of the huge number of words, there can be astronomical number of possible sentences and phrases, which in tu

31、rn can combine to form unlimited numberof texts. Most animal communication systems do not have this design feature of human language.If language has no such design feature, then it will be like animal communicational system which will be highly limited. It cannot produce a very large number of sound

32、 combinations, . words, which are distinct in meaning.Chapter 2 Speech Sounds1. Choose the best answer. (20%)2. Pitch variation is known as when its patterns are imposed on sentences.A. intonation B. toneC. pronunciationD. voice3. Conventionally a is put in slashes (/ /).B. phoneA. allophoneC. phone

33、meD. morpheme4. An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are of thep phoneme.A. analoguesB. tagmemesC. morphemesD. allophones5. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred toas .A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula6. A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called .A.

34、minimal pairsB. allomorphsC. phonesD. allophones7. Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds?A. Acoustic phoneticsB. Articulatory phoneticsC. Auditory phoneticsD. None of the above8. Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation?A. nB. mC. b D. p

35、9. Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. i:B. u C. eD. i 10. What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?B. VoicedA. VoicelessC. Glottal stopD. Consonant11. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%)11. Sup

36、rasegmental phonology refers to the study of phonological properties of units larger than the segment-phoneme, such as syllable, word and sentence.12. The air stream provided by the lungs has to undergo a number of modification to acquire the quality of a speech sound.14. p is a voiced bilabial stop

37、.15. Acoustic phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.16. All syllables must have a nucleus but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda.pure vowels or monophthongs are pronounced, no vowel glides take place.18. According to the length or tenseness of the pronunciation, vowe

38、ls can be divided into tense vs. lax or long vs. short.III.Fill in the blanks. (20%)21.Consonant sounds can be either or , whileall vowel sounds are .23.The qualities of vowels depend upon the position of theand the lips.25. Consonants differ from vowels in that the latter are producedwithout .26. I

39、n phonological analysis the words fail / veil aredistinguishable simply because of the two phonemes /f/ - /v/. This is an example for illustrating .27. In English there are a number of , which are produced by moving from one vowel position to another through intervening positions.28. refers to the p

40、henomenonof sounds continually showthe influence of their neighbors.29. is the smallest linguistic unit.IV.Explain the following terms, using examples. (20%)31. Sound assimilation32. Suprasegmental feature33. Complementary distribution34. Distinctive featuresV.Answer the following questions. (20%)35

41、. What is acoustic phonetics? (中國人民大學(xué), 2003)36. What are the differences between voiced sounds and voiceless sounds in termsof articulation? (南開大學(xué),2004)VI.Analyze the following situation. (20%)37. Write the symbol that corresponds to each of the followingphonetic descriptions; then give an English word that contains this sound. Example: voiced alveolar stop d dog. (青島海洋大學(xué),1999)(1) voiceless bilabial unaspirated stop(2) low front vowel(3) lateral liquid(4) velar nasal(5) voiced interdental fricative32. Suprasegmental feature: The phonetic features that occur ab


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