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1、The Sound of Music (音樂之聲)劇情簡介:瑪麗亞是個活潑好動的修女,修女院的院長覺得她這樣的性格不適合僧侶生活,就讓她去上校家作看護?,旣悂喌竭_上校家,發(fā)現(xiàn)他是一個有七個孩子的鰥夫,長期的海軍生活和喪妻的悲痛使他對待孩子像管教士兵一樣嚴格。上校要求瑪麗亞也像他一樣嚴格,但是瑪麗亞沒有聽從,而是用她天生的溫柔和善良贏得了孩子們的友好。趁上校不在的時候,她帶孩子們出去游玩,還教他們唱歌。孩子們原有的拘禁和憂郁漸漸地被音樂和笑聲代替了。上?;丶液?,看到孩子們瘋玩很生氣,和瑪利亞大吵一架,并讓她離開。但他聽到孩子們的歌聲后很受感染,有點后悔趕瑪利亞走,但愛面子的他說不出口。最后在孩子

2、們的懇求下,他終于妥協(xié)了。孩子們很開心,所有的人一起唱起了動聽的歌。第一幕:Maria: (sing) I have confidence to myself.( 唱得氣喘吁吁,敲門 )我對我自己很有信心(Max開門)Hello! I m the new governess, Captain.你好,上校,我是新來的看護。Max: And I m the butler.(我不是上校),我是管家。Maria: Oh, well, How do you do(邊說邊很粗魯?shù)睾?Max握手)噢,好吧,你好。Max: You will wait here, please. I will call the

3、 Captain. (下 )請在這兒等一下, 我去叫上校。( Maria 四處打量時, Captain 上。)Captain : Why do you stare at me that way你為什么用那樣的眼光看著我?Maria: You don t like a captain.你看起來不像個上校。Captain : I m afraid you don t look like a governess! Well, madam 你恐怕也不太像個看護!恩,小姐Maria: Maria.我叫瑪利亞Captain : Ok, Maria. You are the twelfth governes

4、s to look after my children since their mother died. I think you will better than the last governess, she stayed only two hours.好吧,瑪利亞,你是孩子的母親去世后的第十二位看護。我想你會比前一個看護要強,因為她只待了兩小時。Maria: What s wrong with the children, sir先生,孩子們怎么了?Captain : Nothing is wrong with the children, only the governesses.OK! M

5、aria. As you know I m a captain. I hope you will be strict to the children as I do.孩子很好,只是看護不行。好吧,瑪利亞,你知道,我是個上校,我希望你 對孩子像我一樣嚴格。Maria: Yes, sir.是的,先生。Captain : This is the signal.這是給他們的訊號。( 吹哨,孩子們列隊出來。并在哨聲的示意下整齊的站成一排)Captain : Everybody! This is your new governess, Maria. Now give your name at the si

6、gnal.孩子們,這是你們的新看護,瑪利亞?,F(xiàn)在聽到哨聲后報出你們的名字。(每吹一聲哨子,孩子們依次上前報出自己的名字。)大女兒 : Lisa.大兒子:Nick.二兒子:Bill.三兒子:Harry.二女兒:Kelly.小兒子:Kurt小女兒:上前一步,但沒說話。Captain : Emily. (代小女兒回答 )( 向 Maria ) Now let s see how well you use the Whistle.現(xiàn)在讓我們看看你會不會用哨子發(fā)命令。(把哨子遞給瑪利亞)Maria: I don t need a whistle, Captain. I will use their na

7、mes, such lovely names.我不需要哨子,上校。我要用他們的名字,這些名字太可愛了。Captain : This is a large house, and I don t want to have any shouting.我家房子太大,我不想聽到你大呼小叫的。Maria: But sir, whistle is for animals, not for children!但是上校,哨子是針對動物的,而不是孩子!Captain : (權(quán)威受到挑戰(zhàn),很生氣,轉(zhuǎn)身離開) Up to you!你隨便?。–aptain 一走,孩子們就很放松)Maria: At ease. 稍息。W

8、ell, now there are just us, would you please tell me your names again, and how old you are現(xiàn)在只剩我們了,可不可以再給我說一下你們的名字,還有年紀。Lisa: I m Lisa. I m 16 years old, and I don t need a governess !我叫麗莎,我16 歲了,我不需要看護!Maria: I m glad you told me, Lisa. We will just be good friends.很高興你能告訴我,麗莎。我們將會成為好朋友的。Nick : I m

9、Nick. I m 14, I am impossible!我叫尼克,我14 了,我會讓你受不了的!Maria: Really Who told you that, Nick真的嗎?誰告訴你的,尼克?Nick: The last governess.上一個看護。Bill : I m Bill , I m 13 years old, I m incorrigible !我叫比爾,我13 歲了,我是個不可救藥的人!Maria: What is“ incorrigible”I think it means you won t be treated like a boy.什么是“不可救藥”?我想它的意

10、思是你將不會被當做一個小男孩來對待。Harry : I am Kurt.我是庫爾特。Maria: You didn t tell me how old you are, Harry.你沒告訴我你的年齡,哈利。Kurt : I m Kurt, he is Harry, he s 11 years old, and I m 7. You are smart.我才是庫爾特,他是哈利,他11 歲了,我 7 歲,你還挺聰明的嘛!Kelly : (很親密地靠近) I m Kelly, I m going to be 9 years old . And Ilike pink.我是凱莉,我馬上就9 歲了,我喜

11、歡粉色。Maria: Pink is my favorite color too.粉色也是我最喜歡的顏色。(小女兒 Emily 假裝生氣,叉腰、跺腳。)Maria: Yes , you are Emily.對,你是艾米莉。( Emily 點頭,并伸出一把手。 )Maria: And you are 5 years old你五歲了是吧?( Emily 再次點頭 )Maria: My , you are really a lady.天哪,你可真是個小淑女?。。‥mily 開心地笑了 )Maria: Now I have to tell you a secret, I ve never been a

12、 governess.現(xiàn)在呢,我要告訴你們一個秘密,我從來沒作過看護。Harry: (帶著譏諷)You mean you don t know anything about being agoverness你的意思是說你一點都不知道怎么做個看護?Maria : (聳肩)Yes, nothing.是啊,一點也不知道。Lisa: Well, let us teach you. The best way to start is to tell fatherto mind his own Business.好吧,那就讓我們來教你吧。首先告訴我爸讓他別多管閑事。Nick: You must be nev

13、er come to dinner on time.吃飯時一定不能準時。Bill: Never eat your soup quietly.喝湯的時候一定要弄出響聲。( 孩子們邊說邊圍攻Maria, Maria 被推到在地, 頭發(fā)也弄亂了 )Nick: Let s go!我們走吧!Emily: Don t believe a word they say, Maria.千萬別相信他們的話,瑪利亞。Maria : Oh, why not為什么呢?Emily: Because I like you.因為我喜歡你。(孩子們轉(zhuǎn)身走的時候, Maria 把手伸進兜里,突然大叫一聲,扔出一只蜘蛛,喊聲驚動了

14、 Captain ,他從另一邊出來)Captain : (皺著眉)What s the matter with you小姐,你怎么了?( 聽見父親的聲音,孩子們很害怕,不約而同的停下腳步偷看,等著Maria 告狀后挨打 )Maria : (理了理頭發(fā),把蜘蛛偷偷藏起來) Nothing , nothing is wrong.沒事,沒事,一切都很正常,呵呵。Captain 轉(zhuǎn)身下。孩子們松了口氣,下。之后 Maria 也下。第二幕(雷電交加的晚上, Maria 在做禱告)Maria : Dear father , now I know why you set me here, and I pra

15、y thiswill be a happy family 親愛的主啊,現(xiàn)在我知道你為什么把我派到這里了,我祈禱這個家庭能夠充滿歡聲笑語( 突然一個炸雷, Emily 抱著頭跑出來,抱住了 Maria)Maria : Emily , are you scared艾米莉,你害怕是不?(Emily 點頭 )Maria : Don t worry, you just stay here with me.Where are the others別害怕,和我一起待在這兒吧。其他人呢?Emily: They are asleep, they are not scared.他們在睡覺,他們不害怕。(Emily

16、 話音未落,又一個炸雷, Lisa 和 Kelly 一起出來,猶豫了一下)Maria : All right , come here. 別不好意思,來我這兒吧。(Lisa 和 Kelly 跑到 Maria 跟前 )Maria : Well , we will wait for the boys.呵呵,讓我們一起等男孩子們吧。Lisa: You won t see them, boys are brave.你不會看到他們的,他們可是很勇敢的啊。( 話音未落,又一個炸雷,四個男孩都跑出來)Maria : You are not scared, are you你們不害怕是吧?Nick: Oh, no

17、! We just want to be sure you are not scared哦,是啊。我們只是想來確定你不會害怕,哈哈( 又一個炸雷,男孩們都抱頭縮在Maria 身邊,然后大家都笑了 )Kelly: Why does it do that為什么會有打雷閃電呢?Maria : Well, the lightning talks to the thunder, and the thunder answers. Ok, now let s go and I will tell you the story. 嗯,是閃電和雷公說話,然會雷公回答。好吧,現(xiàn)在我就給你們講個故事吧。Childre

18、n : Oh, yeah (開心地跟著 Maria 下)第三幕Captain: Maria Maria 瑪利亞瑪利亞Maria: Yes, sir怎么了,先生?Captain : I m leaving for a week. You should be strict to thechildren, and remember, discipline is the most important.我要離開一周,你要對孩子們嚴加管教。記住,紀律是第一位的。Maria: Yes, sir!好的,先生。(Captain 下 )Maria: Oh, yeah Boys and girls, come ou

19、t! Children! Today we will goout to play. Are you ready哦耶孩子們,都出來吧!今天我們出去玩。準備好了嗎?Children : Yes, we are ready. Let s go!是的,我們好了,走吧?。∕ax 出)Max No, you can' t, captain will be angry 不!你不能帶他們出去,上校知道了會生氣的Children: Oh, Please, Max, don ' t tell my father Maybe we can go together 哦,麥克斯!求求你了,千萬別告訴我爸

20、也許咱可以一起去玩(Max 拒絕,看著他們離去的背影,搖搖頭,嘆口氣,下)第四幕(Maria 帶著孩子們高興地玩著,跳著, 然后坐下來)Maria : Kids, do you like songs Now let s sing.孩子們,你們喜歡唱歌嗎?讓我們一起唱歌吧!Boys: Father doesn tlike us to sing.爸爸不喜歡我們唱歌!Maria: Maybe we can change his mind.也許我們可以改變他的想法。Girls : But we don t know any songs, can you teach us但是我們不會唱啊你可以教我們嗎?

21、Maria : Of course! OK! Let s begin.When you read you begin with.當然可以!好吧,我們開始吧。當你學(xué)讀書的時候是從什么開始的呢?Emily : (sing) A-B-CMaria: (sing)When you sing you begin with do-re-mi(同樣的道理)唱歌是從do-re-mi 開始的。Children: (sing) Do-re-miMaria: (sing) Do-re-miChildren: (sing) Do-re-miMaria: (sing)Doe, a deer, a female deer

22、Ray, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myselfFar, a long, long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow SewTea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)Maria and children:(大女兒作小鹿狀)Doe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call mys

23、elfFar, a long, long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow SewTea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to .(大兒子做太陽落山狀)(二兒子作自我介紹狀)(三兒子作跑步狀)(二女兒作穿針狀)(四兒子站到二女兒后面)(小女兒吃面包、喝水)(瑪麗亞帶著孩子們一起做動作)Do, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far

24、, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow SewTea, a drink with jam and breadMaria:(sings) That will bring us back to DoDo-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do!(正在瑪麗亞帶著孩子們瘋玩的時候, Captain 出)Children: Father ! (開心地跑過去)Captain : (皺著眉頭,吹哨) Straight line!站成一排?。?孩子們很快地站成一排) Go inside

25、 , right now!進去!迅速!( 孩子們很快地跑進去, Maria 也準備走 )Captain : Maria , you will stay here!Tell me, what has happened!瑪利亞,你留下!告訴我,怎么回事?Maria: As you see, we are playing, and they had a very happy time.你都看到了啊, 我們在玩,并且孩子們玩的可開心了。Captain : I said you should be strict to them.我說過,你得對他們嚴格要求!Maria: But they don t li

26、ke that.但他們不喜歡那樣。Captain : They don t complain.但是他們從沒抱怨過!Maria: They dare not, they love you too much and fare you那是因為他們不敢!你知道嗎,他們很愛你,但也害怕一Captain : Don t discuss my children, and.別和我討論我的孩子,以及Maria: You ' ve got to hear, you are never at home 你要聽!你從來都不在家Captain : I don t want to hear more from you about my children我不想聽到你跟我說孩子Maria: I know you don ' t, but you ' ve got to Ok, take Lisa for example, she is not a child and you won


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