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1、()1-下列單詞中畫線字母讀音與其他兩項不同的是四年級英語上冊第六單元檢測題(一)CI assNameMarks 一看圖,在橫線上選填表示各家庭成員的字母標號A. fat her baby brother二請英漢小朋友手牽手cous i nunc I eaunt父母II叔叔,舅舅I I同輩表親或堂制 I嬰兒小弟弟I 0姑,嬸,阿姨三選擇A. use()famiIy five peopIe.haveA. have()are my A. parent() many appIes are there the treeA. on)are three peop I e i n my are my fat

2、her, my mother andA.那只有七個。B.他們是我的父四. 為英語句子選出相應的翻譯。()is my baby brother.()my family.母()are my parents.小弟弟。c.這是我的嬰兒)are three peopIe in my famiIy.D.見一下我的家人。E.我家有三口()'s only seven.人。五根據(jù)圖片選擇單詞填一填1Whats this It'me famiIyf i ves a picture of my2. How many peop I eare t heren your fami Iy Thereareg

3、randma , my parents and3. Who are theyMy grandpa , my六. 選出下列單詞中不同類的一項。)5. A has a farm.七.看圖,將下列單詞與對應的圖片連起來。C n urseplayer三讀句子選出職業(yè)名稱,將其字母標號填入空內1. Acures (;臺愈)peop I e.2. Ateaches (教)students.3. Acooks d i nner.4. Adr i ves cars.四.為問句選擇正確答語。()are they,he i s a doc tor.()many books are there on the des

4、k()? s his jobare my parents.()he a teacheri s a dr iver.() she your aunt五. 連詞成句,this , unc I e , I s ()2. is,He , a , player , foot ba I I ()3. job, mot her? s , Wha t, your , i s (),a , My, i s , cook (),There , peopIe , my , in , are, fami ly ()六. 根據(jù)語境選擇合適的單詞完成句子。uncIe auntdr i verteacherfarmer1.

5、 My i s my mot her' s s i s ter.2. My i s my fat her , s bro ther.3. JohnT s mot her i s a . She t eaches many students.4. Sarah? s brother i s a He can dr i ve cars (開車)。5. Amy? s grandfather i s a works on the farm(農場)七. 選擇() these pictures()2. These are photosmy fami ly(), my home.()aunt isnu

6、rse .C /()'s yourjobs八. 在正確的翻譯后面打V1 你的母親是做什么工作的Who i s your mother) Whas your mother' s job2 他是一名教師。He i s a teacher () He is a doctor.(3那是誰Who' s that (4我是一名學生。)What' s that ()I i s a student.(I am a student.()5 這是邁克的叔叔嗎Is this Mike' s uncIe)Is this Mike uncIe九選一選,寫一寫dr i vern u

7、rseteacherstudentfarmerI.Thisis my i s a2.Whas your fatherHe' s a thisyourfr i endYes,he' s a4. Is the woman your aunt Yes, she' s a5. Whas youruncle' sjobI y ,she i sn t y dad,my mom and,he isn' t.s a teacher十.給下列問題選出合適的答語()many peopIe are there in your fami()'s your fathera

8、re nme.()she a cook() are they()5. Is this your uncle十一.選出正確的中文意思()1.書桌上有多少本書)2.那是李強的父親。)3你的姑姑是做什么工作的()4.這是你的小弟弟嗎()5.在我家有四口人。A. Whas your auns job many books are there on the deskB. are four peopIe are there in my famiIy. 9 s Li Qias fat her.C. this your baby brother.十二.閱讀短文,判斷對錯,用丁或X表示。There are fi

9、ve peop I e i n my fami I y, my grandfa ther, my father, my mother , my brother and grandfather is has a big fat her i s worker (XA)O He works (工作)i n a fac tory (工廠)。 My mot her is a i s very bro ther i s am a stu den t. I have no job.()are five peopIe in my family.() grandfather i s a worker)mothe

10、r works in a hospitai.)brother i s a student.()5. I have no job.四年級英語上冊第六單元檢測題(二)CI assNameMarks一、選擇單詞把下列單詞補充完整,并寫出其中文意思。doctorfarmeruncIecooknurseparents二、從方框中選擇與圖片對應的句子。( )( )A. He i s a farmer.B. She i s a cook.C. He i s a dr i verD. She i s a doc tor.is a nurse.選擇()1 下列單詞中,畫線部分讀音與其他兩項不同的是A. not(

11、)'sfat her ' s jobA. you()fami Iy seven peopIe.A. have()she a A. farm()5. The little boy i s my A. s i sters i sterbrother()' s my father * s ca I I (稱呼)her .A. mot her() many app I esunder the treeA. are theretherei s()are your parents' job They are .A. farmer()he a dr i ver A. No,

12、he is, he isn t , he isn t() -一My aunt is a doctor.A. What does your aunt to do s your aunt' s job , s your unc I e五.連詞成句1. your ,Is , mother ,th i s()2. strongHeandC)3. fami I ypeopIe , s i xhasC)4. Job ,your , What ,5. are(.)grandfather ,They ,grandpa ,my6. Isyouraun tthi s7. Mydoctorfather(.)

13、8. peopIe , are here , fami Iy , in , How many , your ()四.找出下列不同類的單詞,將其編號寫在括號里.()1、B. cous i n C. aunt D.()2、 B. farmer C. teacherD.n urse()3、A. hisB. herD.parentshe' s4、 A cookB. mumC. dadD. brother()5、B. strongC. friendlyD puppy五.寫出中文。2. parents3. uncle6. peop I e六對答如流。pIayer()1. Is she your t

14、eacherit is.()2. Wha t' s your mot her' s joba doc tor.()3. Is this your baby sisterA. Yes,B. He i sC. No,she isn' tD.()4. What is your uncle' s jobShe i s a nurse()5. How many peopIe are there in your fami IyE.Five七. 從方框中選擇正確的句子補全對話。A. John! Look at these photos.(照片)B. 1.A. Yes, the

15、y are.B. Who' st his manA.B. Who' s sheA.B Is this girl your sisterWho' s that babyA. i ss my aunt ha! It' s me.E. Are they yourD.He' s my uncIe He' s a teacher.famiIy photos八、選擇正確的答案。)1-How manyare there in yourfamiIyA.peopIeB. peoplesC.a peoleThis little girl is myA.s i ste

16、rB. baby brotherC. babys i ster)3.My famiIyseven members.A.haveB. hasC.)4.boys are there in your cI assroom23A.WahtB. WhereC. How manyA.motherlong hai r.hasB. i sC. have()6.Who' st his manA. She is my teacher.B. He is my uncIe.C. He' sstrong.()7.1 s th i s your auntB. No, she is., it九、看圖連線。p

17、arentsunc I eauntcousinbaby brotherdoctorcookdr ivernurse farmer八、閱讀理解,判斷句子的正誤(A)My name oId. He,s a o I d. She' s farmers My spor ts.i s Pet er. I have a b i g fami ly. My fat her i s 36 years teacher. He I i kes pa i nting.a doc tor.brother i sShe I ikes music.16yearsold. He'1、Myparents2、M

18、y3、My4、My(B)He I Io,He' s s i xty-two. grandma thi s i sMy mot her i s 34 years Myaregrandparents are student. He I i kesteachers.father Ii kes sports.mother Ii kes mus i c.brother i s s i xteen.)5> There are four peop I e i n my fami I y.Mary Th i s i s my grandfather. He' s tall. He I i

19、kes vegetables. He' s a farmer. My is fifty-eight She is a teacher. She my aunt. is a nurse. She I ikesI ikes r ice. Look, fish.I ' m Mike.Grandmother Iikes fish.Mary' s grandpa i s tall.Mary' s aunt is a nurse.Mary' s grandfather i s adr i ver.四年級英語上冊第六單元檢測題(三)Class

20、NameMarks一、選擇與圖片相符的單詞,填序號。A.auntB.footba11 p1ayerC uncleD. nurseE.doctorF.cookG.baby brotherH dr i verI. farmerJ parentsK teacher()()()()( ) ( )( )二、找不同類的單詞。()1.A.unc I eB.auntC.man()2.A.mus i cB.artc.k itchen()3.A.n earB.forc.under()4.A.ch i ekenB.deskc.fan()5. Whas your s i sterYes, it is.(三)()1.

21、I s she your s i stershe i s.()2. What' s your aunt' s jobE.A. Yes,B. He i sa farmer3. My(媽媽) is a.(醫(yī)生)(S)3.I s t hi s your fat her()4.What is his jobs anurse(,itD. She)5. How many peop I e are there i n your fami I y E.Six.四.選擇正確的單詞填空。motherdoctorfarmers;ister dr i verbrotherfathernurse1. L

22、ook!Thi s i s my(姐姐).She i s a.(護士)i s my(爸爸).He is a.(司機)grandma i s a(農民)5. My弟弟)i s a foot ba I I player.五.選擇正確的答句把字母編號填在括號里。many peopIeare there in your fami IyA. Sure, hereyou are.are theyB. I ' d Ii ke some() i s your mot her T s jobparents.C. They are my()4. May I have a I ooknurse()5. Wh

23、at wou I d you I i kes i x.D. She i s aE. There are(二)) they farmersA. Yes, it is.are()'s heC. He' s a dr i ver()4. Is this your grandpaD. He' s mybrother) 2. Whas your uncIe1 job,they六、找出不同類的單詞。() uncleC.grandmaD. man() musicB. canteenC. art() nearC. forD. on() chi ekenC.chai rD door()

24、spoonB chopsticksC. classroomDfork() doorB boardC. desk() fortyB. twe 1 veC. three() TVB. fanC. canteen.DComputer七.找出每組中畫線部分讀音不同的單詞。)1.)2.)3.()4. A. leg()5.八.選擇正確的答案,將其序號填在括號里。()1. What' s job'sC. him()2. How many peop I e i n my fami I yA. there areB are thereC. isthere()3. My fami Iy six p

25、eopIe.A. haveB. hasC. had()4_ five peopIe in my fami Iy.B. Are thereC. There are()5.Yes.i sitC it's九.選擇正確的答案,把序號寫在括號里。( )your aunsjob He i s astudentA、Who' sB、What' sC.What( )that girlShe i s mys i ster.A、 Who' sB、 What'sC、Who( )her n ameHer name i sAl ice.,sB、 What' sC、 Wher

26、e( )i s a baseba11p1ayerHe1 ooksA、 strongB、 thinC、 young( )grandma i s a, she 1 i kesf1owersA> farmerB、studentC>woman()6. Whatyour father' s jobA. is B. are C. am()7 your bro ther He s a doc tor.A. WhatB. Who C. What,s)8.peop Ie are there i n your fami I y Three.A. How much B. How many C.

27、What' s)9. That girl is sister.A. Tom B. Toms C. Tom' sA. hasB. i s C have()10. My fami Iyfive people. A.haveB. hasC. are()10. Myunc I espor ts.A.I i kesB. I ikeC to I i ke)12. My mot herlong ha i r.)13. Is this your aunt 十.對應詞練練看B. No, she isn' t.C. No, heunc I e2. mot her3. brother4. s

28、he5. his十一閱讀短文,判斷句子正誤。用“T”或” F表示He I Io! My name is Wei Dong There are four peopIe i n my famiIy .They' re my father, my mother, my s i ster and me. My fat her i s a dr i ver He' s very strong and t all. My mot her i s an English teacher. She' s thin an sister is 24 years oId She' s

29、a nurse She I ikes sports very much I ' m a student. I ' m young an short I have a happy fami Iy()1.There arefive peoplein WeiDong' s fami Iy.()2 WeiDong's fat her i sa t eacher()3.WeiDong's mot her i sshor t()4.Hismother is a math teacher()5 His sister is a nurse四年級英語上冊第六單元檢測題(四

30、)ClassNameMarks一. 選擇正確的單詞填在橫線上。dr i verbaby brotherfootbaI I pIayerauntparentsunc I edoctorn ursecookfarmercous i na二. 火眼金睛選一選peopIe are there in yourfamiIymother ? s jobfami Iy has threemanyare there on thet reet hi s your mot her Yes, this your baby brother No, it'h i s job He i s a footba I I

31、 pIayer.)'s yourjob)9.當你想問對方的媽媽的職業(yè)是什么是,你應該說:A. Where i s your motheri s your mot her' s job)10當你向別人介紹你姐姐的職業(yè)時,你應該說:s i ster I i kesA. My s i ster i s a nurse.n urses.)11當你向別人介紹你媽媽時,你應該說:is my mother is my family.)12當你想說“見見我的朋友們,時,你應該說:my friend. my fr iends.三. 選出不同類的一項()1.()2.()()4.)5.)1My fatherhas seven peop


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