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1、相似結(jié)構(gòu)100題練習1. (1)ls this schoolyou visited the other day(2) ls this schoolyou visited your uncle theother day(3) Is this the schoolyou visited the other day(4) Is this the schoolyou visited your un cle theother dayA. the one B. whereC. whe nD. that2. (1) It is a store,sells scie nee book.(2) It is th

2、e very storesells books are sold.(3) lt is the storescie nee books are sold.(4) It is in the storescie nee books are sold.A. who B. which C. that D. where_ we spent we worked3. (1)I will never forget the days together in the coun try.(2)I will never forget the days _ together in the coun try.A. on w

3、hich B. where C. that D. whe n4. (1) Here is such s difficult textnone of us canun dersta nd.(2)Here is such a difficult textnone of us canun dersta nd.A. as B. which C. that D. where5. (1) Fi nally they arrived at a farmhouse,roofwell above the others.(2)F in ally they arrived at a farmhouse,roofwa

4、s well above the others.A. what B. which C. whose D. its6. (1)is known to all that paper was firstmade in Chi na.(2)is known to all, paper was first made inChi na.A. That7. (1)free.(2)free.A. Un tilB. Which C. As D. Ithe was badly ill thathe was badlyB. Not untilthe en emy set himill did the enemy s

5、et himC. It was until D. Itwas not un til8. (1)he has done it is surpris ing.(2)he has done is surpris ing.A. What B. That C. Whether D. /9. (1)from the hill, the park seems beautiful.(2)from the hill, youll find the park beautiful.(3)from the hill, and youll find the parkbeautiful.A. SeeB. See nC.

6、See ing D. to be see n10. Thereno bus, we had to walk home.(2)As thereno bus, we had to walk home.A. was B. were C. being D. be11. (1)It is kindyou to do so.(2)It is easyyou to do so.A. to B. for C. of D. with12. (1)No one but Iasked to help rebuild thetower.(2) Not you but Iasked to help rebuild th

7、etower.(3) Not only you but Iasked to help rebuildthe tower.A. am B. is C. are D. were13. (1)Tom and Jack are good at music, butofthem is good at art.(2) Tom and Jack are good at music, andofthem is good at art.(3) Tom and Jack are good at music, andofthem are good at art.A. neither B. either C. bot

8、h C. two14. (1) I have nothing to do buthis advice.(2)1 have nothing to choose buthis advice.A. follow followedB. followingC. to followD.15. (1) -are you going to do with the letter-1m going to have it bur ned.(2)-are you going to deal with the letter-1m going to have it bur ned.A. Whether B. Why C.

9、 What D. How16. He spe nthours tha n she on maths.(2)He spe nttime tha n she on mathA. many more B. much more C. many D. much17. (1)This book is worth.(2) This book is worthy.(3) This book is worthy of.A. being dipped into B. to be dipped into C. dipp ing into D. dipped into18. (1)1five yua n on the

10、 book.(2) 1five yua n for the book.(3) The bookme five yua n.A. paid B. spe nt C. took D. cost19. (1)Newt on was famousa great scie ntist.(2)Newt on was famoushis great discoveries.A. for B. in C. as D. because of20. (1)-m tiredtaking a trai n.-Y oud better take a rest.(2)-Im tiredtak ing a train.-Y

11、oud better take a bus.A. from B. by C. for D. of21. (1) Lets have a short rest,ont(2)Let us have a short rest,A. will you B. will we C. shall we D. d you22. (1)this road, you will get there.(2)this road, and you will get there.D.heheA. Follow B. To follow C. FollowingFollowed23. (1)We have decided t

12、o accept the proposal thathis new theory.(2)We have decided to accept the proposal thatA. offer B. offers C. offered D. would offer24. (1)Two years n ative village.(2)Two years _,he had to return to,and he had to return to hishisn ative village.D. laterA. passed B. past C. after25. (1)The English te

13、acher and class teacher frie ndly to us.(2)The En glish teacher and the class teacherfrie ndly to us.A. / B. be C. is D. are26. (1), and he cant tell true friends fromfalse on es.(2), he cant tell true friends from falseon es.A. For he is a child B. He is a child C. A child as he is D. Child as he i

14、s27. (1)He is one of the pers ons whoin vited.(2)He is the on ly one of the pers ons whoin vited.A. has bee nB. have bee n C. had bee nD. is being28. (1)He isyoung a boy that he cant dresshimself.(2)He isa young boy that he cant dresshimself.A. such B. so C. very D. too29. (1)Do me the favoron the r

15、adio.(2)Do me a favoron the radio.on the radio.(3)Do me the favor-,A. turnB. to turnC. turningturni ng30. (1)1 have a doubt _(2)I have no doubthe will succeed.he will succeed.A. if B. whether C. that D. howthe tailor tomorrow.D. by31. (1)Ill drop in(2)Ill drop inthe tailors tomorrow.A. / B. at C. on

16、 D. with32. (1)1 thi nk allI n eed is nothi ng but time.(2)I thi nkI n eed is no thi ng but time.A. what B. which C. that D. all what33. (1)-Would you mind in here.the window Its hot-No, please.(2)-Would you mind in here.the window Its hot-Id like to.A. your closingB. your openingC.clos ing D. my op

17、e ning34. (1)They came(2)They camecar.a car.myA. by B. on C. in D. withyou were gett ing on wellyou were gett ing on with35. (1)1 did nt know with your work.(2)1 did nt know your work.A. how B. which C. that D. becausehe36. He walked across the bridge carefully because was afraidinto the water.(2)He

18、 wan ted very much to have a swim, but he was afraidinto the water.A. to jump B. to fall C. of jumpi ngD. offalli ng37. (1)1 used toa walk after supper.(2)1 ve got used toa walk after supper.A. take B. tak ingC. be tak ing D. beingtak ingpen.38. (1)Write it(2) Write ita pen.(3) Write ita pen and blu

19、e ink.A. by B. through C. in D. with39. (1)They turned.(2)They tur ned out.40.Her pare ntsA. thief B. a thief C. the thief D. thievesher to take some exercise butwithout result.(2)Her pare nts without result.her tak ing some exercise butA. suggested persuade41. (1)(2)(3)A. HowB. persuaded C. triedD.

20、 man aged to suggest_ will you be back_ do you come back_ have you bee n backoftenB. How long C. How soontoD.How far42. (1)Theyoung mana lotof moneyme.(2)The young manmea lot ofB. robbed, of C. stole, ofmon ey.A. robbed, fromD. stole, from43. (1)There were on ly 12 pers ons in the bus, baby.(2)There

21、 were only 12 persons in the bus, a babyA. to in cludeB. i ncludi ngC. i ncludedD.in clude44. (1) She is a good woma n,her beauty.(2)She is a good woma n,some shortcom ings.(3)She is a good woma n, she is sometimesD.lack of patie nee.A. except for B. except that C. but besides45. (1)books of his are

22、 on scie nee.(2)his books are on scie nee.A. Two doze n B. Two doze ns C. Two doze nof D. Two doze ns of46. (1)Mon day morni ng he wrote an article ongrammar.(2) Mon day morni ng he had writte n anarticle on grammar.A. By B. On C. At D. /47. (1)Our class is Mr. Wang, our Englishteacher.(2)Mr. Wang,

23、our En glish teacher, isourclass.A. in charge B. in the charge C. in the charge of D. in charge of48. (1)He was very busyhis frie nd.(2)He was too busyhis frie nd.A. receive B. to receive C. receivingD.with receiv ing49. I feel likesometh ing differe nt.(2)1 would likesomethi ng differe nt.A. do B.

24、to do C. doing D. being doing50. (1)We have fount a hotel. Sleep for us isquesti on toni ght.(2)We have nt found a hotel. Sleep for us isquesti on toni ght.A. out B. out of C. out of a D. out of the51. (1)the road round to the right, you ll find his house.A. Follow B. Followi ngC. To follow D. Follo

25、wed(2)the road round to the right, the bli nd man asked a boy to guide him.A. Follow B. Followi ngC. To follow D. Followed52. (1)Is this the factoryyou visited last year?A. that B . where C. the one D. the one that(2)Is this factoryyou visited last year?A. that B . where C. which D. the one that53.

26、(1)The great day we had looked forward toat last.A .come B . came C. coming D. had come(2) They are look ing forward tothe city aga in.A. visit B. visit ing C. to visit D. visited(3) They looked forwardclearly what had happe ned.A. to see B. see ingC. saw D. see n54 . (1)She is the only one of the g

27、irls well in the class.A. who sing B. that sings C. that sing D. sings(2)She is one of the girls well in the class.A. who sings B. that sings C. that sing D. sings55. (1)He has the same pen _ you lost .So dont suspect(懷疑)he has stole n yours.A. that B. which C. as D. like(2)I have the same ideayou.A

28、. that B. which C. as D. like56. (1)The country life he was used togreatly since 1992.A. cha ngeB. has cha nged C. cha ngingD. have cha nged(2) She has bee n used toin the city.A. live B. livi ngC. be livi ngD. lived(3) The young man used toin the river when he was a child.A. swimmi ng B. swimmed C.

29、 swim D. swam57. (1)You can n ever imagi ne what great trouble(2)1 have hadthe patie nt who Received a serious wound.A. treat B. to treatC. treati ngD. treated58. (1)This is the last timeI shall give you a less on.(2)This is the sec ond timethey have bee n here.A. whe nB. that C. which D. in which59

30、. (1)The weather tur ned out to be very good,was more tha n we could expect.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. as(2)The weather tur ned out to be very good,we hoped.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. as60. (1)Mary was late for school,is ofte n the case.A. that B. which C. as D. it(2)Mary was late for school,made her te

31、acher an gry.A. that B. which C. as D. it61. (1)Tom failed in the exam,we expected.A. that B. which C. asD. it(2)Tom failed in the exam,we had not expected.A. that B. which C. asD. it62. (1), China bel ongs to the develop ing coun tries.(2) is that China bel ongs to the develop ing coun tries.(3) Ch

32、ina bel ongs to the develop ing coun tries.A. It is well known that B. As is known to us allC. as we all knowD. Which we all know63. (1) It is in this househe was born.(2) It is the househe was born.A .that B. which C. where D. in which64. (A) (1) He left the placehe lived for many years.A .that B .

33、whichC. there D. in which(B) (2) The visitor asked the guide to take his picturesta nds the famous tower.A. that B. where C. which D. there65. (1) He is such a good teacherall of us love and respect.(2) He is such a good teacher _ we all like him.A. that B. which C. as D. it68. (1)The stude nts will

34、 graduate from the uni versity n ext summer,they will have studiedhere for 4 years.(2)The students will graduate from the university next summer. they will have studiedhere for 4 years.A. by the n B. by that time C. by whe n D . By which time69. (1)Here is sucha difficulttext noneofuscanun dersta nd

35、.(2)Here is sucha difficulttext noneofuscanun dersta ndit.A as B which C that D where70. (1)The book, the coveris broke n, is n ot mine.(2)The bookcover is broke n is not mi ne.A. of it B. for C. whose D. of which71. (1) She wants to buy the same bikeI lostlast week.I lostI sat last(2) I saw her dri

36、ving the same car _ last week, so I told a policema n about it.3) I wants to buy the same carweek.A. that B. as C. which D. where72. 1) They dont knowwith the problem.2) They want to knowit.3) They dont knowthe problem.A. what to do B. how to do C. how to deal withD. what to deal73. 1)hard, and you

37、will pass the exam.2)hard, you will pass the exam.the radio for you.the radio the wholeA. Work B. Worki ng C. To work D. Worked74. 1) Ill have himtomorrow.2) II have him _ morni ng.3) Ill have the radio.to4) I have a radiotoday.A. repair B. repairingC. repaired Dat the n ews.repair75. 1) Betty looke

38、dA. sad B. sadly C. sad nessD. sadde n76. 1) Chi na is larger tha ncountry in Africa.2) Chi na is larger tha ncountry in Asia.A. any other B. any C. all D. the other77. 1) Thereno bus, we walked home.2) Thereno bus and we walked home.A. are B. was C. being D. be78. 1) Bills pale face suggests that h

39、einpoor health.2) Bill suggested that hepraised.A. be B. is C. were C. would be79. 1) She did nt come back her motherwent to bed.2) She wont come backher mother asksher to.A. unl ess B. if C. un til D. whe n80. 1)in the film, we decided to see it aga in.2)by the film, we decided to see it aga in.A.

40、I nterested B. I nteresti ng C. Bei ng in terestedD. To in terest81. 1) Would you please do mefavour2) Would you please do mefavour tobuy some stampsA. a B. an C. theD./82. 1) The girlin a red coat is Lily.2) The girla red coat is Lily.A. dressingB. dressed C. wearing D.wears83. 1) His Japa nese is

41、so poor that he cant make himself2) His Japa nese is so poor that he cant make othershim.A. to un dersta ndB. un derstoodC. un dersta ndD. un dersta nding84. 1)at his desk, he was deep in thought.2)himself at his desk, he was deep inthought.A. SeatB. SittingC.Hav ingseatedD.Seat ing85. 1) certa in.w

42、e shall go fora pic nictomorrowis2)un certa in.well go fora picnictomorrowisA. That B. If C. Whether D. What86. 1) South of the villagea lake two yearsago.2) Hehis hand on my head.A. lie B. lay C. laid D. la in87. 1) Our teacher en tered the classroom,.2) Our teacher en tered the classroom, withA. a

43、 book in hand B. book in hand C. a bookin his hand D. book in his hand88. 1) Petergett ing up early now.2) Peterget up early.A. is used to B. was used to C. used toD. uses to89. 1) Well do whatever we canher withher maths.2) We said we couldher with her maths.A. helpi ngB. to help C. help D. helped9

44、0. 1) Five years later he tur nedengin eer.2) Five years later he becameengin eer.A. an B. a C. / D. the91. 1) Who is the greatest poettoday2) He is one of the bestpoets.A. livi ngB. alive C. to live D. lived92. 1)heari ng the n ews, he rushed out.2) They were overjoyedthe n ews of hissafe return.A.

45、 On B. At C. on D. at93. 1)He isa fool as to believe that.2)He isfoolish as to believe that.A. so B. as C. such D.that94.1) It was eight oclockhe left here.2) It is at eight oclockhe will leave here.3) It is eight hourshe left here.4) It will be eight hourswe meet aga in.A. whe nB. that C. before D.

46、 since95. 1) She will never forget the date wespe nt together.2) She will n ever forget the dateshe wasborn.A. that B. on which C. whe n D. both B and C96. 1) Was it o n Oct. 1st, 1949the PRC wasfoun ded2) Was it Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC wasfoun dedA. in which B. on that C. that D. whe n97. 1) We woul

47、d rather diegive in.2) We preferred to diegive in.A. whe nB. to C. tha n D. rather tha n98. 1) It was not until his father died hecame home.2) It is not longhis father died.3) It was not longhis father died.4) It was not longhe was bor n that hisfather died.A. before B. after C. since D. that99. 1)

48、Is this the schoolthey built last year?2) Is this schoolthey built last year?3) Is this schoolthey lived last year?4) Is this the schoolthey lived in lastyear?5) Is this the schoolthey lived last year?A. the one B. which C. where D. on which100. 1) He sent us many books, none ofisliked by all.2) He

49、sent us many books, but none ofisliked by all.3) He sent us many books, of which isliked by all.A. them B. that C. which D. noneKey: 1 ABDB 2. BCDC 3. CD 4. AC 5. DC 6. DC 7 DB 8 BA 9 BCA 10 CA11 CB 12 BAA 13 ABC 14 AC 15 CD 16 AB 17 CBA18 BAD 19 CA 20 AD21 CA 22 Ca 23 AC 24 DA 25 CD 26 BD 27 BA 28B

50、A 29 BDA 30 BC31 CB 32 CA 33 DB 34 AC 35 CA 36 DA 37 AB 38CDD 39 AD 40 CA41 CAB 42 DB 43 BC 44 DAB 45 AC 46 BA 47 CD48 CB 49 CB 50 BD101. 1)is known to us all is that thesunrises in the east.2)is known to us all that the sun rises inthe east.3)is known to us all, the sun rises in theeast.A. WhichB.

51、ItC. As D. What94. 1)isnoneed for us to discuss thequesti on aga in.2)isnogood our discussingthequesti on aga in.A. ItB. ThereC. Here95. 1) He wasgood a teacher that everystude nt loved him.good a teacher as our class2)He was teacher.A. so B. such C. ashe96. 1)After a long walk, the old man isnt tir

52、ed.2)Though he has bee n work ing since morning, isnttired.A. a bit B. a lot C. a littlehe retur ned97. 1)It is about ten dayshome.he left home2)It was ten days agoA. before B. that C. since98. 1)Work hard, _2)Work hard,A. and B. or_ you will succeed._ you will fail.C. else or99. 1)There is your bik

53、e, is nt2)There is a bike, is ntA. one B. it C. there100. 1)The bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.2)A bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.A. it B. one C. that62. Mother told me to clean the room, and I didMy parents had left for Beijing. I knew aboutA. so B. this C. it63. Lei Feng wasready to help others.To a dilige nt stude nt, En glish isdifficu


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