



1、Unit 6 單元測試題Written test part (共 95 分) )V.單項選擇( (每小題 1 分,共 15 分) )從 A、B、C、D 四個選項中選擇可以填入空白處的最佳答案。()21. What does_ engineer s son do? Do you know?Yes. He is also_ engin eer.A. the; theB. the; anC. an; anD. an; the()22. I m reading a book Mo Yan. I like his book very much.A. byB. forC. toD. at()23. _ a

2、re you going to start your new pla n?Next September.A. WhenB. HowC. WhyD. Where()24. I want to be a(n)_ . I like to work in the hospital.A. actorB. doctorC. pilotD. artist()25. Next month we are free. We_ the farm.A. are going to visitB. are visit ing C. visit D. visited()26. I wrote some articles.

3、Can you help me_them to magaz in es?C.sendD. readA. sayB. buy()27. The little girl is only six years old, but she_able to play the violin well.A. isB. wasn tC. wasD. isn t()28. Although she is very tired, she keeps on_ the pia no.A. to practice B. practices C. practiceD. practici ng()29. His look is

4、 differe nt from ours. Is he _ ?Yes. He is from London.A. outgo ing B. han dsomeC. successfulD. foreig n()30. The boy is too young_ to school.A. to goB. goingC. goesD. to going()31. _ the address before you forget it.A. Write dow nB. Listen to C. Learn from D. Put up()32. We ll try our best_ good gr

5、ades in the test.A. getB. getsC. to getD. gett ing()33. How are you going to be a sin ger?A. I m going to be a reporterB. I m going to do that next weekC. I m going to work in BeijingD. I m going to take singing lessons()34. Where is Peter going?A. He is at homeB. He is doing his homeworkC. He is go

6、ing to AmericaD. He is going fish ing()35. My New Year s resolution is to study computer scienee.A. Sounds good!B. What about you?C. I m sorry to hear that.D. Sure, I d love to.弋.完形填空( (每小題 1 分,共 10 分) )先通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從A、B、C、D 四個選項中選擇可以填入空白處的最佳答案。易讀度The New Year is always a time for celebrati on 慶

7、祝).People celebrate the NewYear 36 parties and special dinn ers. The New Year is also a great timeto 37 resolutions. A New Year s resolution is a promise that you make to yourself on the 38 day of theyear. It is a new beg inning.Next year I am going to 39 a long vacati on. I grandpare nts in New Yor

8、k. And I am going to study harder atschool. Inot 40 at some of my subjects scie nee, math and history. I 41 myself to do better n ext term. I amgoing to save 節(jié)省)a lot of 42 and buy a new bike. And I am going to try 43 new. It is going to be a greatand exciting year. I know I llb(busy and happy n ext

9、 year.44 are your New Year s resoluti ons? Are you going to keep them? I th ink youshould try to do that. Say to 45 ,happe n.I can do that!You should believe that they will( )36. A. withB. forC. ofD. to( )37. A. discussB. improveC. makeD. share( )38. A. fourthB. thirdC.secondD. first( )39. A. takeB.

10、 payC. describeD. miss( )40. A. kindB.goodC. fineD. well( )41. A. helpB. teachC. promiseD. enjoy( )42. A. moneyB. timeC. foodD. paper( )43. A. anyoneB. some oneC. anythingD. somethi ng( )44. A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. When( )45. A. himselfB. myselfC. yourselfD. herselfVD 情景交際(每小題 1 分,共 5 分)m going to v

11、isit my根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)倪x項補(bǔ)全對話,其中有兩項多余A: Hi, Zhao Hui! What are you doing?B: Hi, Peter! I m reading a book.A: (46)_B: It s about computers.A: Isn t it boring?B: No. I like computers very much. (47)_A: Really? (48)_B: I m going to read many books on computers. And Iscie nee at a uni versity.A: Great!B

12、: What about you? (49)_A: I like play ing basketball. So I want to be a basketball player.B: How are you going to do that?A: (50)_B: Yeah. It s the best way to become a good basketball player.A. I want to be a computer programmer whe n I grow up.B. What do you want to be?C. I m going to practice bas

13、ketball every day.m going to study computerD. What do you do?E. What s it about?F. How are you going to become a computer programmer?G. Where are you going to work?Vffl閱讀理解(每小題 2 分,共 20 分)A 易讀度Dear Ginny,Our family will go camping in two weeks. We will stay at the campground (度假 營地)by the riverfor a

14、 week and it close to your house. Can you stay with us for a few days? We have eno ugh room in ourtent but you ll have to bring your ownsleeping bag. I ll be so excited if you can come! I hope your parents say OK.We can cook food and swim in the river. Maybe my dad will take us to the lake to go fis

15、h in g. I mnot very good at fish ing, but it s fun to try.Please call me after you read this letter. You won t have eno ugh time to send aletter back before we leave. I hope you can come!Yours,RachelGi nn y we nt to the mailbox to get the mail. She saw a letter for her. It was from her frie nd Rache

16、l.Rachel and Ginny were n eighbors before, but Rachel and her family moved away two years ago.Rachel and her family will be camping close to Ginny s house.Ginny can t wait to talk to her parents. She hopes her parents can let her go camping. She wantsto see Rachel again. She wants to swim with Rache

17、l. Ginny sfavorite camping activity is having campfires (篝火 ). She also likes to sleep in a tent.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。( )51. How long will Rachel s family stay at the campground?A. For five days.B. For seven days.C. For ten days.D. For fourteen days.( )52. What did Rachel ask Ginny to do after Ginny read th

18、e letter?A. To call her.B. To e-mail her.C. To send her a letter.D. To send her a photo.( )53. Rachel and Ginny are _.A. cousins B. friends C. neighbors D. classmates( )54. What does Ginny like best when camping?A. Cooking food.B. Sleeping in a tent.C. Having campfires.D. Swimming in the river.( )55

19、. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Rachel is good at fishing.B. Ginny got Rachel s letter from her mother.C. The campground is close to Ginny s house.D. Ginny has to bring her own tent to go camping with Rachel.B 易讀度Everyone in my family loves music. My older sister, Lennon

20、, and I hardly ever watch TV or playcomputer games. Our parents always ask us to play music. Now we can play the piano, the guitar andthe drums.Sometimes, just for fun, we d choose a song, and then Lennon and I would makeit our own. We d sing it for our parents. One night, they let us up 上傳 d)(a vid

21、eo (錄像帶 ) of us singingto an online video site. Two days later, we flew to New York to sing on TV! Then we acted and sang ona new TV show. We felt so lucky.Lennon and I are good sisters and friends, and we don t fight. We like to dosomething together, such as singing or acting. And acting is really

22、fun for us because the character Iplay is more like Lennon and the character she plays is more like me.Lennon and I never get nervous 緊( 張的) when we sing, but I get a little nervous when I act.Lennon says,“You have to really believe in yourself.” And I always try my best.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容簡要回答下列問題56. How ofte n

23、 do Lennon and her sister watch TV?57. For whom do Lennon and her sister sing sometimes?58. Where did they fly to sing on TV?59. Do Lennon and her sister fight?60. Who gets a little nervous when acting, Lennon or her sister?IX詞匯運(yùn)用(每小題 1 分,共 10 分)A) 根據(jù)句意及所給漢語提示,寫出句中所缺單詞。61. Dave s father and uncle ar

24、e both_飛行員).62. We should work hard and_ 改善)our lives.63. They are_討論)where to go this weeke nd.64. Tom is in terested in_醫(yī)學(xué)).65. What s the_關(guān)系)between the man and the woman?B) 根據(jù)句意,用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。66. No one helped them, so they had to do it_ (them).67. My _(hobby) are singing and swimming.68. Don

25、t aasbkout my _(person) problems.69. Alex _ (promise) to come to my birthday party yesterday.70. My cousin is going to go to a _ (cook) school.X.完成句子( (每小題 2 分,共 10 分) )根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每空詞數(shù)不限。71. 他是一名作家,對此我很確信。He is a writer. I _ it.72. 有些決定與自我提高有關(guān)。Some resolutions _ self-improvement.73. 她不同意我的觀點(diǎn)。She d

26、idn t _ my idea.74. 今年年初,他家搬到了北京。_ this year, his family moved to Beijing.75. 確保不讓任何人發(fā)覺這件事。no one finds out about this.幻.綜合填空( (每小題 1 分,共 10 分) )閱讀短文,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~并用其適當(dāng)形式填空, 使短文通順、意思完整, 每詞限用一次,其中有兩個詞是多余的。great, careful, are, want, before, no thi ng, sit, after, differe nt, some one, how, choo|seWhen I

27、got home, I felt so tired. I put my schoolbag on the desk and(76) _ on my bed. Tomorrow was Multicultural Day at school, and I had(77) _ to share! All of the other kids were bringing games, doing dan ces, andsinging songs from other coun tries. I (78)_to do someth ing creative, but Ididn t know what

28、 to do.I tur ned on 打開)the TV. A program was on. Many coun tries of the world(79)_ hav ing a parade 游行).People from differe nt coun tries were hav ingtheir flags in their han ds. Right the n, I got an idea. It was the (80)_ idea ever!I found some pen cils and paper. I (81)_10 coun tries from my worl

29、d map.I drew their flags and (82)_ put them into my schoolbag.The n ext day whe n my teacher asked me to share, I got very n ervous. I took outmy flags and told them (83)_ people from differe nt coun tries look differe nt. Ialso told how they do many (84)_ things and they re still people with feelings(感情),just like us.Everybody was clapp ing (鼓掌)whe n I was back to my desk.(85)_ we all shared, my teacher told me,“ You did a very good job! The classlear ned a lot from you.劉.書面表達(dá)(15 分)新的一年快到了,喬(Joe) 家人的新年計劃是什么呢?請根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容提 示,寫一篇 80 詞左右的英語短文,對他們各自的新年計劃進(jìn)行介紹。父親找一


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