



1、人教版新起點(diǎn)六年級英語下冊期末模擬試卷學(xué)校 :姓名: 班級: 考號:1 找出不同類的單詞。_) 1. A singB artistCnurse_) 2. A teacherB motherCgrandpa_) 3. A shortB tallCtalk_) 4. A sandwichB waterCbread_) 5. A coldB hotC good2 Where is the public library? ()A It s on Apple Street B It s big C Turn right3 What does Amy look like? () .A She s a te

2、acher B She is kind C She has yellow hair4 What does your mother do? ()A She is a nurse B She is cooking C She s fine5 Sarah wants some milk and an egg for.()A breakfast B healthy C class6 in summer in Beijing? () It s sunny and hot.A How is the weather like B How is C What s the weather like7 連詞成句。

3、1. like, why, you, spring, do ( ?)2. policeman, is, my, a, father ( .)3. going, how long, you, are, there, to, stay ( ?)4. eat, not, do, much, too, food, junk ( .)5. favourite, what, your, is, teacher ? ?)8 .按要求完成句子。1. Miss Li showed me around the school.(變?yōu)榉穸ň洌?. I should eat more fruit and vegetab

4、les.(變?yōu)榘阋蓡柧洌?. Ann was born on January 1st.(對劃線部分提問)4. Winter is long and cold.(英譯漢)5. Ted likes playing basketball.(對劃線部分提問)9 .補(bǔ)全對話。A: Hi, Mike. 1.B: It ,s a photo of my family.A: 2.B: He is my father.A: 3.B: He ' s a taxi driver. A. Who ' s that girl?B. 5.She is good at drawing.A . What do

5、es he do?B . She is my sister.C. He always goes to work at 6:00am.D. What' s this?E. Who ' s that man?閱讀理解。The summer vacation is coming. My name is Alex. I m going to Beijing with my family.We will go there by plane. We are going to row a boat in Weiming Lake. We will visit the Great Wall.

6、And we want to go to Wangfujing and eat the Beijing Duck there. Yaoyao is my best friend. She is going to Qingdao this summer vacation. She wants to swim in the sea. Andshe is going to eat some seafood there.10. Where will Alexs family go this summer vacation?()A . To BeijingB. To SichuanC. To Qingd

7、ao11. How will Alex go there?()A . By train B . By plane C. By sea12. . What will Alex eat in Beijing?()A . Beijing Duck B . Hamburger C. Ice cream13. Who is Alex ' s best friend?()A . Oliver B. Yaoyao C. Lanlan14. What is Yaoyao going to do this summer vacation?()A . Swim in the sea. B . Watch

8、TV. C. Row a boat.15. 寫作。請根據(jù)以下提示,介紹你白叔叔 Andy的 外貌,性格特征,職業(yè),愛好和空閑時間的活動。提示:姓名外貌性格特征職業(yè)愛好業(yè)余活動Andytall, blue eyeskinddoctorplay chessread books要求:1 .語句通順,意思連貫;2 .書寫規(guī)范;3 .不少于6句話。試卷第3頁,總4頁試卷第 4 頁,總 4 頁參考答案1 1. A2. A3. C4. B5. C2 A3 C4 A5 A6 C7 1. Why do you like spring?2. My father is a policeman.3. How long

9、 are you going to staythere?4. Do not/Don t eat too much junk food.5. What is your favourite teacher?8 1. Mi ss Li didn t show me around the school.2. Should I eat more fruit and vegetables?3. When was Ann born?4. 冬季是漫長且寒冷的。 5. What does Ted like?/ What s Ted s hobby?9 1. D2. E3. A4. C5. B10 A11 B12 A13 B14 A15 范文:My uncle Andy is a


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