已閱讀5頁,還剩3頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、yuan, a n incease of 7.5%; .igver nment ge nea b.get reve nue of mH on Yuan, - Pail ng model - ,e ceates new Ma Cuch commuh, aligLakesnic spot _lue e . base, e edhgh eva uatofrom provi .ca a nd m -icpai,”ne Inspect on peoplesd- specai re port. Cnstaty promote i ndepedet Cmmsstn .“st crr ution cultur

2、e consudn.r u.i _beds ce aed esa b ei Dal n .a in.sy Pak i n-pe-nt Cmmsstn agaist crr uptin _kre post"* form ed has a support "se lowdUleit" of members team,conSatyperfecadeSa"he. Park fu asses maagement,andvlageau supevs on, and vl - s mocatc fia ., system, se nglenig Park party

3、, ad Cie, ad ianc al ful pui, powerful to .aashas new r ua cnSr -in, by cly rua sye cea gvenme nt isie cin ui lid of heght evauain.Tlrouglthe m piemetainof hones and c eagovenmet _l ua conSr _ on, a nd e - tv - e d_ae Ie broa. masses of pay membes ad a nd .e.atd be havior a nd discpi n* hone syin po

4、lis ad cut* ue to ce ae a good o.hee andfesdlopmentevionmet.AlhoughinmpementimpetaininependetCmmisionaganstcorruingudelnns a secs mlde hhs mus elecie nes, but awy fom suei sis s must of disa nc, mai pefmane fr a is .sem nooghsound,ed-aton,adsuevsion,andprntion,and|unishmeIIaspcslongemmecaimaseougper

5、ec,ispecia ly in er "et I id wok egulaory a secs als nee did sengte nig ; I s rrg ulatry lupevii on s l I s of Yu wi de, ad lst of Yu st inve stgain ill ,a dicili nay of e"s - o nneddd se nghe nig, idii dua sctr and cade s ,o diffeet digee - issttg* not I be neis not d, a I d me- d of phe

6、omeon; T h fr hones w ork is te new siuaions and ne w probems i n、d ng -ey eoogh, te,ment meaues arenotsrong e nough.oso'ethseprobems,wlproeedfomtefolowngIve - pe-I f eciiain, male sue tIimplmettheprovisonsofthecode eei ng te lea nig, e nha nce te cnsc ouses of hone - ipoltc.Tocreaeevetasanoppor

7、tuniytoElce and 1a.ingpayfurheiceasngtegovenacecaabltyadavacdconsucton,rrifrcdruesofthe broad m-ss of pay m - bes ad cadrsa>e nes, sene of esons biity sene of honor, imprwkingaltya nd evl of ice ntifc devl opme I t Shou d mike ful uue of mieigs, i n patc - r ce nta goup leani ng oppo.uiy, urhersr

8、egteningthesu. ad educain of thecoe,teinteniveri ng Id aton, e ducai on tt e majoriy of palym-besadccdesk nown fea, knew fea, honesyipolitcsoftesiontestigsconnscouse-adenhancngteimpllmentainoftheiiiaiveAls,payaentintoapywatthhyha-leaned, cnsc oosy su. reu- it .panning wrk new i地系梁施工技術交底工程名稱:青崗嶺大橋施工里

9、程: 設計圖號:施工部位:青崗嶺大橋交底內(nèi)容:一、工程概況大橋位于青崗嶺村,橋梁起點里程樁號為K24+089.50,終點里程樁號為K24+161.50,本橋平面位于R=2500mffl曲線內(nèi),線路與包茂高速的夾角為55度,橋梁以右偏角55度等角度布設。地系梁斷面尺寸為1.3mx 1.5m(寬X高), 設計為C30鋼筋混凝土結構。二、地系梁施工工藝及方法地系梁施工前首先完成樁基檢測工作,墩柱鋼筋籠及系梁主筋集中在鋼筋 加工場加工,采用自制運輸車運送至現(xiàn)場進行鋼筋焊接和綁扎,模板采用 定型鋼模,混凝土在攪拌站集中拌合,硅罐車運輸至現(xiàn)場,采用溜梢入模, 混凝土的施工采取冬季施工措施。2.1、 樁頭鑿

10、除地系梁開挖完成后,在地系梁基坑壁側準確放出地系梁十字軸線樁,在 樁基上用水準儀測量高程,用于控制墊層施工范圍和標高、樁頭鑿除標高。 樁頭采用風鎬鑿除,使樁頭高同地系梁底標高。靠近樁頭處小心慢速鑿除, 保證樁頭頂平整,標高滿足要求。2.2、 樁基檢測樁基齡期達到14d以上時,及時聯(lián)系檢測單位對樁基進行超聲波檢測,d- a nd cnsciusy sons of the codeyuan, a n incease of 7.5%; llgvernment ge nea budget reve nue of mH on Yuan, - P»Ing model - ,eceatesnew

11、MaCuch commuh, alI g Lake scenic spot _lue e . - in base, eceedhgh eva uatinfrom provi.ca and m uicpal,”ne Inspect on Cm peoplesd- specal re port. Cnstaty promote i ndepedet Cmmsstn against crr uption culture consucln.r u.l _beds ce aed esa b el Dal n rural in.sy Pak in-pe-ntCmmsstn agaist crr uptin

12、 _kre postin' form ed has a support "se lowdUle it" of members team,conSaty perfec ad eSa "he. Park fu asses maagement, a nd vlag e au supevs on, and vl - smocatc fia n" system, se nglenig Park party, ad Cie, ad ianc al ful pui, powerful to .aashasnew rua cnSr -in, by cly rua

13、 sye cea gvenme nt isle cin ui lidof heght evauain.Tlrougl the m plemetainof hones and C eagovenmet _l ua conSr_on, a nd e 一 ee.atd be havior a nd discpi n* hone syin polis ad cut*ue toce ae a good o.hee and fesd lopme nt evionmet. Al hough i n mpement im p etain inependet Cmmision aga nst corr uin

14、g udel nns a secs mldehhs mus elecie nes, lut awy fom suei s is s must of disa nc, mai pefmane fr a is .sem noogh sound, ed - aton, ad suevsi on, a nd pr nti on, a nd | unishme I I aspcs l ong temmecaimas eoug perec, pecaly in er "et I id wok egulaory a secs als nee did sengte nig ; Is rrg ulat

15、ry lupeviion s l I s of Yu wi de, ad lst of Yu st inve stgain ill,a dicilinay of e"s - o nneddd se nghe nig, idii dua sctr and cades ,o diffeet digee - isst tg* not I be neis not d, a I d me- d of phe omeon; T h fr hones w ork is te new siuaions and ne w probems i n、d ng -ey eoogh, te,ment meau

16、es are not sr ong enoogh.o so'e thse probems, w l proee d fom tefolowng Ive - pe - eeing te lea nig, e nha nne te cnsc ouses of hone - ipolt c. To creae evet as a n opport uniy toElce and 1a.ing pat, fur he iceas ng te gove nace caa blty ad avacdconsucton, rrifr cd ru es of the broad m-ss of pay

17、 m - bes ad cadrs a>enes, sene of esons biity sene of honor, imprwki ng alty a nd evlof icentifc devl opme I t Shou d mike ful uueof mieigs, in patc - r centa goup leani ng oppo.uiy, urhersegte ning t h e su. ad educain of thecde, te i ntenive ri ngld aton, educai on tt e major of paly m - bes ad

18、 ccdes k nown fea, knew fea, honesy i politcs of tesionte stigsconnscouse - ad e nhanc ng te impllme ntain of the iiiaiveAls, pay aentinto apy wat thhy ha - leane d, cnsc oosy su. reu- it .panning wrk new i檢測前打開聲測管封頭,在聲測管內(nèi)注入清水,隨即將聲測管口采用毛氈或 塑料布進行臨時堵塞,避免雜物進入聲測管。待樁基檢測合格后組織進行地 系梁的施工。2.3、 系梁底處理基底人工清理整平至地

19、系梁底標高下 3cmi施做3cm厚砂漿墊層,墊層比 地系梁平面尺寸每邊大5cm)墊層施工完畢后,用全站儀準確放出地系梁軸線和地系梁邊線,并用墨 斗彈出地系梁輪廓,用于控制模板安裝及鋼筋綁扎,同時畫出鋼筋綁扎的間 距,用于控制鋼筋綁扎和檢查。2.4、 鋼筋加工及安裝2.4.1、 鋼材進場檢查鋼筋的性能必須符合現(xiàn)行國家技術標準,具有出廠質量證明書和試驗報 告單。進場后進行進場檢驗,檢驗合格后待用。2.4.2、 鋼筋的焊接鋼筋在加工場集中下料、加工,鋼筋焊接前,必須根據(jù)施工條件進行試 焊,合格后方可正式施焊。鋼筋制作過程中要預留好鋼筋接頭位置。主筋的 焊接采用閃光對焊或搭接焊。當采用搭接焊時,接頭焊

20、縫的長度單面搭接不 應小于10d (d為鋼筋直徑),雙面搭接不應小于5d (d為鋼筋直徑),搭接焊 應先將鋼筋預彎,使兩鋼筋的軸線位于同一直線上,用兩點定位焊固定。焊 接保證鋼筋接頭在同一斷面內(nèi)(相鄰焊接接頭間距不小于35d)的數(shù)量不能超 過鋼筋總量的50%2.4.3、 墩柱鋼筋籠加工及安裝yuan, a n incease of 7.5%; .igver nment ge nea b.get reve nue of mH on Yuan, - Pail ng model - ,e ceates new Ma Cuch commuh, aligLakesnic spot _lue e . ba

21、se, e edhgh eva uatofrom provi .ca a nd m -icpai,”ne Inspect on peoplesd- specai re port. Cnstaty 1romotei ndepedet Cmm.n.ats crr ution cut ueconsudn.r u.i _beds ce aed esab ei Dal n .a in.sy Pak i n-pe-nt Cmmsstn .“st cr uptin _kre post"* fomei has a support "se lowdUle it" of member

22、s team,conSatyperfecadeSa"he. Park Unds . s manag ement, a nd vlag e au supevs on, and -ages -mocatc fia ., system, se nglenig Park party, ad Cie, ad iancalfulpui,powerfulto.aashasnewruacnSr-in, by cly rua sye cea gvenme nt isie cin ui lid of heght ev - a"Thought" m piemetainof hones

23、and c eagovenmet _l ua conSr _ on, a nd e - tv - e d_ae Ie broa d masse s of pay membes ad a nd .e.atd be havior a nd discpi n* hone sy in polis ad cut* ue to ce ae a good o.hee andf-d l opme nt evionmet. Al hoogh i nmpement im p eaininependet Cmmisionaganstcorruingudelnns a secs mlde hhs mus elecie

24、 nes, but awy fomsuei sas-is s must of disa nc, main pefmane fr a is .sem enoughsound,e didon, ad suevsi on, a nd pr nti on, a nd | unishme I I aspcs l ongtemmecaimaseougperec,Ispeiia ly in er "et I id wok e.laory a secs alls nee did sengte ning ; I s rrg ulatry lupevii on s l I s of Yu wi de,

25、ad lst of Yu st inve stgainil .a disipli nay of e"s als nneddd se nghe nig, idiidua sctr and de s ,o diffeet digee - issttg* not I be neis not d, a I d me- d of pheomeon; Thfrhonesworkistenewsiuaionsandnewprobemsin、d ng -ey eoogh, te,ment meaues arenots、 ong e nough.oso'ethseprobems,wlproee

26、dfomtefolowngIve-pe-Ifeciiain,malesuetIimplmettheprovisonsofthecode eei ng the lea ning, e nha n the cnsc ouses of honeity ipoltc.TocreaeevetasanopportunitytoElce and 1a.ingpaty ur he iceas ng the gove nace caa blty ad avacdconsucton,rrifrcdruesofthe broad m-ss of paty m - bes ad -drsa>e nes, sen

27、e of esons biity sene of honor, imprwkingaltya nd evl of ice ntifc devl opme I t. Shou d mike ful uue of mins, i n patcuar nta goup leani ng oppoluiy, urhersregtheningthe sudy ad educaion of thecde,thei ntenive ri ng ld aton, e ducai on tt e majoriy of paly m - bes ad ccdes k nown fea, knew fea, hon

28、estyipolitcsoftesionthestringsconscouse- ad e nhanc ng the implime ntaion of the iiaiveAls,payatentiontoapywatthhyha- leane d, cnsc oosy sudy reuls int .panning wrk new i墩柱鋼筋籠全長10.9m,可在加工廠一次性加工完成,運至現(xiàn)場進行安裝 鋼筋籠的加工在工作平臺上進行,采用加強筋成型法,其制作方法為:按設計尺寸作好加強筋圈,標出主筋的位置。把兩根主筋擺在平整的工作臺上,并標出加強筋的位置。加強筋上的標記對準主筋上加強筋標記,扶

29、正加強筋,校正加強筋與 主筋的垂直度,然后點焊。在兩根主筋上焊好全部加強筋后,轉動骨架,將其余主筋逐根照上法 焊好,然后另于骨架擱于支架上,套入螺旋筋,按設計位置布置好螺旋筋, 并綁扎于主筋,點焊牢固。鋼筋籠加工制作成型后要有足夠的剛度,以便能安全的運輸與吊裝。鋼筋籠安裝時為保證不變形,采用 25T吊車兩點起吊,鋼筋籠中心必須 對準墩中心,墩中心采用全站儀準確放出,焊接時采用四點定位法,首先點 焊四根鋼筋進行固定墩柱鋼筋籠,然后再逐一焊接其他鋼筋2.4.4、 系梁鋼筋現(xiàn)場綁扎墩柱鋼筋安裝完成后進行系梁鋼筋的綁扎,從鋼筋加工場將加工的系梁 鋼筋半成品用鋼筋運輸車運至現(xiàn)場,并堆放在方木上,然后進行

30、現(xiàn)場綁扎。 現(xiàn)場綁扎必須嚴格按照施工圖紙和技術交底進行。2.5、 模板安裝模板采用大塊定型鋼模,螺栓連接,使用前進行打磨、刷油,現(xiàn)場用吊 車進行安裝,下部采用預埋錨固件固定,上部用拉緊器、鋼筋進行固定,模 板外側采用用方木在坑壁與模板間支承。2.6、 混凝土施工混凝土在拌合站集中拌和,混凝土罐車運往工地,在運輸過程中同時對 混凝土攪拌,防止離析。地系梁邊緣搭設溜梢,混凝土罐車直接對準溜梢放混凝土。溜梢底距混 凝土澆筑面高差不允許大于2m混凝土進行分層澆筑,每層厚度不超過30cmi 為避免形成接縫,澆筑上層時插入式振搗器伸入到下層10cm,插入式振搗棒的移動間距不得大于振搗棒的作用直徑。振搗棒與

31、側模保持510cm的距離,防止側模受振動器影響而發(fā)生變形 或碰撞模板、鋼筋、預埋件等。振搗時采取快插慢拔的方式,插入和拔出必 須保持振搗棒的垂直。振搗時間以混凝土表面泛漿為好。2.7、 混凝土養(yǎng)護混凝土采用覆蓋保溫進行養(yǎng)護,在硅澆注完成后,頂面及四周用草簾、 棉被覆蓋,拆模后系梁四周用土回填,利用地溫蓄熱養(yǎng)護,外露面用草簾及 棉被覆蓋,防止硅表面冷卻過快,產(chǎn)生收縮裂紋。對于個別易冷卻部位(比 如鋼筋外露位置),應特別加強覆蓋保溫。2.8、 標準3.1、 系梁施工中,對立模、振搗、拆模三個關鍵工序制定檢驗要點,逐 項控制,模板表面均勻涂油,接縫平順、模板垂直,嚴格控制硅坍落度,分 層振搗,達到內(nèi)

32、實外美。3.2、 伸入系梁的樁基鋼筋在樁頭破除后進行調直、清理,在系梁鋼筋綁 扎前首先完成墩柱的鋼筋骨架的安裝,若系梁鋼筋和樁基、墩柱鋼筋發(fā)生干 擾時,可以做適當?shù)恼{整,嚴禁隨意切斷鋼筋。3.3、 為防止墩柱鋼筋長時間外露生銹,可在鋼筋籠上刷涂水泥漿。3.4、鋼筋安裝允許偏差鋼筋的級別、直徑、根數(shù)和間距均應符合設計要求。綁扎或焊接的鋼筋 骨架不得有變形、松脫和開焊,鋼筋位置的偏差不得超過下表的規(guī)定,鋼筋 加工及安裝允許偏差見下表。3.4、 蓋梁骨架片在兩端接頭處,均采用單面焊接,符合10d的焊接要求, 在內(nèi)部抗剪力鋼筋要求和骨架片焊接為整體,然后拼裝。3.5、 吊裝到墩柱上,要求墩柱錨固鋼筋要

33、完全伸入蓋梁,不得外露出鋼 架片,在吊裝好后,在錨固鋼筋上綁扎箍筋。3.6、 預埋支座墊石鋼筋和防震擋塊鋼筋。3.7、 按照圖紙上要求,鋼筋加工布置制作,要符合規(guī)范要求,杜絕偷工 減料。三、模板安裝及拆除3.8、 模板采用竹膠板及方木制作而成(詳見附圖)。2、模板與鋼筋安裝工作應配合進行,防礙綁扎鋼筋的模板應在鋼筋安裝 完畢后安設。端頭模板與梁體模板牢固連接,加固支撐,防止跑模漏漿。模 板安裝完畢后,應對其平面位置、頂部標高、節(jié)點聯(lián)系及縱橫向穩(wěn)定性進行 檢查,硅澆筑前應將模板內(nèi)雜物、已澆筑硅面清理干凈。模板、鋼筋報監(jiān)理 工程師檢查合格后方可澆筑硅。3.9、 凝土強度達到80蛆上,拆除模板。先拆

34、側模,后拆底模。加工鋼筋允許偏差見下表:項目允許偏差(mm )受力鋼筋IM長度方向加工后的全長士 10彎起鋼筋各部分尺寸±20yuan, a n incease of 7.5%; .igver nment ge nea b.get reve nue of mH on Yuan, - Pail ng model - ,e ceates new Ma Cuch commuh, ali g Lake snic spot _lue e . base, eedhgh eva uatofrom provi .ca a nd m -icpai,”ne Inspect on peoplesd- sp

35、ecai re port. Cnstaty promote i ndepedet Cmmsstn .“st crr ution culture consudn.r u.i _beds ce aed esa b ei Dal n .a in.sy Pak in-pe-ntCmmsstn agaist crr uptin _kre post"* form ed has a support "se lowdUle it" of members team,conSaty perfec ad eSa "he. Park fu asses maagement, a

36、nd vlag e au supevs on, and vl - s mocatc fia ., system, se nglenig Parkparty, ad Cie, ad ianc al ful pui, powerful to .aashas new r ua cnSr-in,by cly rua sye cea gvenme nt isie cin ui lidof heght evauain.Tlrougl the m piemetainof hones and c eagovenmet _l ua conSr _ on, a nd e - tv - e d_ae Ie broa

37、. masses of pay membes ad a nd .e.atd be havior a nd discpi n* hone syin polis ad cut*ue to ce ae a good o.hee and fes d lopme nt evionmet. Al hough i n mpement im p etain inependet Cmmision aga nst corr uin g udel nns a secs mldehhs mus elecie nes, but awy fom suei s is s must of disa nc, mai pefma

38、ne fr a is .sem noogh sound, ed - aton, ad suevsi on, a nd pr nti on, a nd | unishme I I aspcs l ong emmecaimas eoug perec, ispecialy in er "et I id wok egulaory a secs als nee did sengte nig ; I s rrg ulatry lupeviion s l I s of Yu wide, ad lst of Yu st inve stgain ill,a dicilinay of e"s

39、- o nneddd se nghe nig, idii dua sctr and cade s ,o diffeet digee - isst tg* not I be neis not d, aI d me-d of phe omeon; T h fr hones w ork is te new siuaions and ne w probems i n、d ng -ey eoogh, te,ment meaues are not sr ong e nough.o so'e thseprobems, w l proee d fom tefolowng Ive - pe-I f ec

40、iiain, male sue tI implmet the provisons of thecode eeing te lea nig, e nha nce te cnsc ouses of hone - ipolt c. To creae evet as a n opportuniy toElce and 1a.ing pay fur he iceas ng te gove nace caa blty ad avacdconsucton, rrifr cd ru es of the broad m-ss of pay m - bes ad cadrsa>enes, sene of e

41、sons biity sene of honor, imprwki ng alty a nd evlof icentifc devl opme I t Shou d mike ful uueof mieigs, in patc - r ce nta goup leani ng oppo.uiy, urhersregte ning t h e su. ad educain of thecoe, te intenive ringId aton, educai on tt e majoriy of paly m - bes ad ccdes k nown fea, knew fea, honesy

42、i politcs of tesi onte stigs connscouse - ad e nhanc ng te impllme ntain of the iiiaiveAls, pay aentinto apy wat thhy ha - leane d, cnsc oosy su. reu- it .panning wrk new i箍筋、螺旋筋各部分尺寸± 5鋼筋安裝位置允許偏差見下表檢查項目允許偏差(mm )受力鋼筋間距兩排以上排距± 5同排梁、板、拱肋±10基礎、錨碇、墩臺、柱±20灌注樁±20箍筋、橫向水平筋、螺旋筋間距0, -

43、20鋼筋骨架尺寸長±10范、局或直徑± 5彎起鋼筋位置±20保護層厚度柱、梁、拱肋± 5基礎、錨碇、墩臺±10板±3四、硅澆筑及養(yǎng)護1、混凝土澆筑采用“全面分層、薄層澆筑、循序漸進、一次到頂”的方法,分層澆筑,每層澆注厚度控制在 400mmfe右,禁止多澆。一邊澆一邊振搗,分層振搗密實使硅的水化熱盡快散失,并且必須保證上下層混凝土在初凝前結合良好。防止混凝土內(nèi)部與表面的溫度差及混凝土表層與環(huán)境差太大, 而使混凝土中產(chǎn)生溫度應力裂縫。2、硅下落高度要盡可能的低,貼近鋼筋,防止硅發(fā)生離析。澆筑速度控 制好,緩慢下落。3、振搗棒振搗要做到“

44、快插慢拔”,在振搗過程中振搗棒要上下略有抽動,使上下振動均勻。每點振搗時間一般為 20-30秒,但還要視硅表面成水 平不再顯著下沉、不再出現(xiàn)氣泡、表面泛出灰漿為準,振點間距不得超過yuan, a n incease of 7.5%; .igver nment ge nea b.get reve nue of mH on Yuan, - Pail ng model - ,e ceates new Ma Cuch commuh, aligLakesnic spot _lue e . base, e edhgh eva uatofrom provi .ca a nd m -icpai,”ne Ins

45、pect on peoplesd- specai re port. Cnstaty 1romotei ndepedet Cmm.n.ats crr ution cut ueconsudn.r u.i _beds ce aed esab ei Dal n .a in.sy Pak i n-pe-nt Cmmsstn .“st cr uptin _kre post"* fomei has a support "se lowdUle it" of members team,conSatyperfecadeSa"he. Park Unds . s manag e

46、ment, a nd vlag e au supevs on, and -ages -mocatc fia ., system, se nglenig Park party, ad Cie, ad iancalfulpui,powerfulto.aashasnewruacnSr-in, by cly rua sye cea gvenme nt isie cin ui lid of heght ev - a"Thought" m piemetainof hones and c eagovenmet _l ua conSr _ on, a nd e - tv - e d_ae

47、Ie broa d masse s of pay membes ad a nd .e.atd be havior a nd discpi n* hone sy in polis ad cut* ue to ce ae a good o.hee andf-d l opme nt evionmet. Al hoogh i nmpement im p eaininependet Cmmisionaganstcorruingudelnns a secs mlde hhs mus elecie nes, but awy fomsuei sas-is s must of disa nc, main pefmane fr a is .sem enoughsound,e didon, ad su


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